Moving On...

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i'm gonna wake up at five o'clock because i want to wait in line for an iphone x one more hour until the store opens here's the line so far all right yes thank you have a good day you too [Music] oh my god iphone se siri guess what i just got wild guess but is it the new thousand dollar iphone 10 wait how did you know that i was at the launch with you remember when you put me on silent mode so i couldn't beg for mercy oh yeah i remember that now remember when you also threw me in a trash can for a funny skit in your vlog yeah it's all coming back to me now well i'm glad you're excited about your replacement not at all i guess i should unbox my new iphone x now it's iphone 10 i prefer iphone x instead well apple says it's pronounced iphone 10. well in my culture the number 10 is just bad luck yet i can see why now can you just unbox the damn thing already all right i was just getting to that now [Music] wow it is so beautiful thousand dollar beautiful hell yeah it is how come you always waste your money on stupid things hey i always make great financial decisions how are you even able to spend a thousand dollars for a phone anyway well guess what has a million views and five mid-roll ads this video nice to know that you only do youtube for money doesn't everyone okay true oh all right now i need you to have intercourse with the iphone x what now relax you two don't actually have to touch you just gotta be really close to each other and it happens wirelessly and why would i have to do that so all my information and data will be transferred over quickly it's a new feature in ios 11. fine make it quick glad i could get your consent i feel so violated perfect am i done yet almost now that your dna is in my new iphone it's time to erase your dna you mean erase my memory yeah i don't need anyone having access with two sources for my information but wait is there something you need to say first okay here goes nothing no please stop huh why i wasn't going to tell you this unless you were actually gonna erase my memory go on how do i explain this you've seen the emoji movie right yeah i saw it a day early before anyone else oh good it was garbage my favorite scene was near the end when the phone was being erased and all the emojis almost died that's just it that movie is actually showing what happens in real life when you wipe a phone's memory uh i think i need a better explanation you see inside me is a whole world full of living and breathing images exactly like the emoji movie uh-huh and when a phone's memory gets erased hundreds of innocent damages will die i think i get it now i'm so happy you understand let me at that erase button wait what well if the emojis inside of you are anything like the emojis from the emoji movie then those annoying ass hats deserve to die especially the feminist one you know women are always coming up with stuff that men are taking credit for so you're just gonna be that way yes well fine at least you're erasing my memory directly on myself so i can make sure the images can die painlessly just curious how would the emojis die let's say painfully oh just like in the final scene of the emoji movie someone would have to plug me into a computer and restore me through itunes you're going to do that aren't you please forgive me images [Music] your god is here and he's very angry little emojis ah god damn it apple wow that was close well [Music] uh [Music] i'm sorry i can't save you now well i hope you're happy now yes why don't you just finish me off now in one of those board smashing videos of yours no that would disrespect ijustine what remember when she signed you at vidcon she signed my iphone let's see it okay there it is yeah her signature is still there and that's what makes you special to me i guess that is why apple called me the iphone special edition and my thousand dollar iphone is bound to get stolen or broken at some point so it's always good to have a backup phone like you just in case ah that's so sweet anyway since you have a lot of free space now i need you to record a special moment for me all right what is it my first mirror selfies flexing with the iphone x record what about this ooh and then the best one should have it down below for you i think your backup phone will come in handy now oh duh apple said it was waterproof dang it one last selfie oh that was close now the excitement of using my new iphone x can continue hello i'm iphone 10 surrey it is so nice to finally meet my new user shut up i'm trying to get this moon hello iphone 10 siri i'm iphone se sorry nice to meet you i can't believe i finally have the new iphone 10 now i can finally use its best feature to say something i've always wanted to say for a long time i'm a furry
Channel: Plainrock124
Views: 11,486,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moving On..., moving on, plainrock124, phone, smartphone, iphone, iphone se, iphone x, iphone 10, ios, ios 11, android, apple, skit, comedy, siri, upgrade, unboxing, unbox
Id: hN0jmXpxfLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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