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hey guys so I know I said in my vintage mat collection series that I wanted all my Mac's to be found locally but I found this iBook clamshell on eBay for $45 so I couldn't pass up on it it's in pretty good condition as you can see but it has one small problem when I bought a charger for it and plugged it in it booted right up so then I wiped the hard drive reinstalled the OS and when I was setting it up the whole computer froze and when I tried to restart it it no longer booted to the desktop it went back to the screen with the flashing question mark and finder logo so yeah that was a bad sign so I tried to reinstall the LS again but when it went to the page to select what Drive I should install it on the hard drive didn't up here so this iBooks hard drive which was about nineteen years old it finally died and all of you guys probably know me as a guy who destroys technology but I wanted this model iBook for a long time so I'm not gonna destroy it I'm gonna be trying to fix it so let's try and replace this computer's hard drive [Music] early Watchers of this vlog channel remember what I did a series where I tried to fix stuff in my MacBook and back up crazy views for some reason so where am I gonna get the hard track to replace the dead one width I also bought this PowerBook g4 online for $15 and I am gonna destroy this one for a main Channel video so why not get it for parts for this iBook why was it $15 and I don't want to keep it well great hinge and this PowerBook g4 also does boot up but it also booted up to the flashing question marks logo screen but turns out it was just missing an OS so I installed an OS on it and it boots up fine now and that's how I do the hard drive was working so we're gonna take this hard drive and put it in this one it maybe take out the one gigabyte of RAM and the airport card and place it in this one too and before I take out its hard drive let's give it one final boot up you can also see the condition of it is really poor look at all this paint that's scraped off but it still works and boots the hard drive is kind of making funny noises hopefully this one won't die too and yeah again I have to hold the screen up or I'll still fall woah final shutdown before it's destroyed good night sweet prince this hard drive is probably gonna die too soon but I'm too cheap to buy brand new hard drive and I just wanted a video alright we're gonna go into our first time-lapse to disassemble this one I kind of bent the hard drives pins when I was removing that connector thing hopefully when I put on the new connector they'll just strain out oops all right I got off the RAM Airport card and hard drive with several bent pins that home won't affect it now if you've got to do this part of the video you're probably asking what's so hard about replacing the nibel clamshell hard drive well it's very complicated to replace a hard drive in one of these because you actually have to literally take that almost the entire computer apart just to get to the hard drive you saw how easy it was on this computer it took like 10 minutes well according to the I fix it died on the iBook clamshell hard drive replacement the difficulty is very difficult and time required is two hours now I'm not gonna follow the I fix a guide because reading words I'm looking at pictures doesn't do for me instead I'm gonna be following a step-by-step video by the 8-bit guide very awesome youtuber I downloaded the video and put it in Final Cut Pro and chopped it up I chopped up each step so if I need to view a step I know where exactly the step starts and ends alright I think it's time to get started two hours that I fix the guide says we're gonna see if it really takes me two hours cuz I have my iPad right here and a stopwatch so yeah we're just gonna put this on about doing a time-lapse and let's see if this tech the structured youtuber can fix something I already read up The Times ticking and I forgot to get coins help in the battery door you all right I'm more than halfway done got the screen off how hard what I say was it wasn't that hard especially with the video but I'm pretty sure reassembly is gonna be harder all right I got the hard drive out and yes I've had some pins on this one too oh well who cares took about 46 minutes not too bad just put the hard drive back in and I'm gonna start reassembling this computer okay deep breaths also that hard drive was only like three point two gigabytes this one's 30 gigabytes so that's a good upgrade I'm also gonna put in the RAM and the airport card after this is over Oh before i reassemble the iBook this is my system of soaring the screws I just taped them to this piece of paper then circle each group of screws in with a pen and I write down a quote from the video so I remember where they go so yeah this worked pretty well for me I don't lose any screws and they're all organized yeah you done to disassemble it it took me about 46 minutes and to reassemble it it took me one hour in two minutes so yeah that I fix a guy was pretty accurate if I was talking about both disassembly and reassembly and with some help from the a big guys video it was pretty easy it took a long time but it was still kind of easy I also put in the airport card and punch stick around because there was only one slot for one stick of RAM so yeah that was a 512 megabyte stick of RAM by the way I don't know what the total Ram is now because there's some Rams soldered in but there's still the question did my repair work did I up anything else inside of this iBook while trying to replace the hard drive let's find out I also gotta say the yo-yo charger is very cool alright I have an official copy of Mac OS 9 point 2 point 1 we're just gonna let this drive and power it on while booting from this heard the chime that's good a little happy Mac think everything's going well so far but the real question is will be able to read the new hard drive alright so to install the O's so we're gonna go to utilities drive setup will pop up yes yes there it is there it is as you can see the new hard drive is recognized as not mounted so we're just gonna go and initialize that initialize and let's install Mac OS 9 17 minutes this should take a while almost there Oh installation has finished we just turn off the computer first alright and now let's turn the laptop back on to see if it's truly successful bueng got the happy Mac and yes it's booting up got the jellyfish I think it's jellyfish wallpaper I think it's frozen oh never mind and this is where the last hard drive died I was setting the date it froze and then whenever started it that's when I saw the error no hard drive screen so yeah hopefully it doesn't break here - hey the airport card I put it is working does it see our Wi-Fi why yes it does suddenly gaming or whatever you Oh will it actually connect to our Wi-Fi connect to the internet now Internet Explorer alright if you see at the bottom looks like we have signal and I'm connected to my modern Wi-Fi network Oh can't go to let's try Google nope - who for this computer maybe I'll install a newer operating system to see if I can get it to show some web pages later on did the RAM I put in show I think the RAM I put and worked I'm not sure of this jargon alright thank you guys to watch it this tech repair video can't wait to take this iBook into a coffee shop and look like a hipster thank you guys for watching comment like and subscribe and I'll see you later bye [Music]
Channel: PlainrockVlogs
Views: 2,837,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibook, macbook, apple, mac, ibook clamshell, clamshell, ibook g3, g3, ibook g3 clamshell, laptop, computer, fix, repair, hard drive, plainrock124, tech, technology
Id: 2LxFbDgmlFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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