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this is forty thousand dollars in cash and this is the front door of a scammer's house now this cash is fake but the scammer is expecting real cash forty thousand dollars from a victim of a phone scam to be delivered to his front door in a package full of cash but the scammer doesn't know that he's been set up we are gonna pose as The Courier go to the scammer's house and use the visible fake cash to lure him into our trap and confront him face to face now what happened when we actually got there will blow your mind a lot of [ __ ] money everybody's a suspect I can't [ __ ] Grant you with his money inside you're working on what emergency what the [ __ ] he's coming to get the package no [ __ ] way am I moving this camera is not getting paid today [ __ ] [Applause] before we go and catch this scammer red-handed on camera I'm going to show you the entire investigation that led up to it so you can know just how much of a piece of [ __ ] we're dealing with it's gonna make your blood boil now why is this scammer expecting 40 000 in cash and who the hell would fall for this unfortunately a lot of people the FTC reports almost 6 billion dollars was stolen from Americans in 2021 alone which is up 70 from the previous year the scammer we're chasing today runs something called the refund scam heavily targeting the elderly this scam is particularly vile here's how it works the victim receives a fake email pretending to be from a mainstream company such as Amazon or PayPal it states that the victim was charged for some kind of purchase or Auto renewal and it instructs the victim to call back on the phone number provided in order to dispute the charge and claim their refund once the victim calls the number they're connected to a scammer from a call center based in India can it just be next to your computer mom so I will help you to get canceled I will provide you a cancellation form next the scammer tells the victim they have to install a remote connection software into their computer so they can connect to the secure server to process their refund www dot so DC over there download now but what's really happening is the scammer is gaining complete access and control over the victim's computer okay now the mouse is moving yeah I'm working on your computer just give me a moment ma'am then by using some technical smoke and mirrors they convinced the victim that they've been over refunded by a huge margin for example instead of getting a 400 refund they're made to believe they were given a forty thousand dollar refund it sounds crazy but these scammers are professional manipulators and they have a lot of tactics to make this believable how much amount you were supposed to get back from us mom 150 dollars well yeah 149.95 well it looks like it's asking me to type my full name absolutely correct it means you are connected right now with the Chase Bank live server make sure give a dollar a sign over there and then your refund which is 200 okay okay I want you to check everything the informations which you have given over there oh wait a minute it says 20 now this is twenty thousand dollars so it might take two hundred but it says twenty thousand oh my God you are not supposed to put that much of money over there like twenty thousand dollars no and I'm pretty sure I think 200 300 that's what's confusing me maybe you have pressed the zero much longer that's the reason I'm gonna be in a very big trouble you know that Mom if you will receive that money in your account I'm gonna be in a very bad trouble sometimes they'll alter the HTML of the victim's Bank web page in order to show a refund even though it's not really there well I can see already online transfer from Chase Bank live server wire transfer for twenty thousand dollars oh my goodness oh Jesus mom mama's gonna be in a very big trouble and other times they'll even go as far as to make a real bank transfer between two of the victims bank accounts so that a real deposit will actually show remember most of the victims of this scam are older and not tech savvy and through pressure and manipulation they make the victim believe it was their fault I told you to put 200 and not twenty thousand Mom this is a very huge mistake which you have done over there and must return this money to the company immediately or else face criminal charges you have to give me that money back which you have received now once the scammers have a victim on the hook this far oftentimes they'll bring in a high pressure closer to come in all right good morning the call has been transferred right now to the finance team you were speaking with Sean Higgins how are you doing today and pressure the victim to send that money immediately how far is your bank branch takes about 20 minutes to drive they'll usually pitch for some kind of wire transfer but in many cases they instruct the victim to withdraw the cash from their our bank pack it in a box and mail it you can just simply go to the bank and withdraw the cash don't make any this Blank Space just duct tape it from the every corner okay I will give you one address of my finance department all right a UPS Store do you know any UPS Store nearby Yuma now you might be wondering if the victim is in the United States but the scammer is in India there's no way a package of cash would make it over the border and you're right and that's where a money mule comes in a money mule is a third party that works in conjunction with the scammer to get the money from place a to place B in the case of the refund scam you have somebody here in the United States that's working in conjunction with the Indian scam call center somebody here that has an address that can receive packages they'll receive the money locally here in the states they'll take a commission and then deposit and transfer the remainder of the stolen money to the Head honcho's bank account in India now this is the cool part this is where scam baiters come in we pretend to be innocent victims and we allow the scammers to take us down their list of to Do's listen first of all it wastes their time so they can't spend that time scamming real victims don't make any jokes now okay it also raises awareness in videos like this so more people can learn the red flags to look for and thirdly for us at Trilogy media it identifies the scammer money mules and their addresses so we can show up in person confront them and shame them publicly for stealing from our elderly and plaguing our society now there is absolutely no way we could do this alone which is why we are eternally grateful for the support of our Squad and companies like surf shark that sponsor videos like this one we use surfshark's VPN here at Trilogy media so that we can browse the internet securely and keep our IP address and location private no matter how many devices you have in your family one single subscription with surfshark will connect all of them to the internet securely with their VPN and with the ability to change your virtual location anytime you want you can unlock tons of content online that would otherwise be geo-restricted to you browse the internet more securely by getting surfsharkvpn today there's a link to surfshark in the description of this video and that link is personalized to Trilogy so that they know Trilogy sent you so by clicking that and getting surf shark not only are you supporting our Channel but you're going to get a massive discount especially right now through the holidays up until December 31st they're offering 85 off the price of surfshark plus three months for free on top of that but you got to use our Link in the description below and promo code Trilogy click the link below get surfshark and secure your online life as soon as possible now we're about to head over to the scammer's house and deliver our bait package but massive credit where credit is due the scammer we're hunting today was discovered and baited by our friends Ray and chappie from the YouTube channel modern Paul scambaits and their organization scam Pond now I'm somewhat tech savvy but I am nowhere near the Mastery of Ray and chappie when it comes to technical domination and I have no idea when these two sleep because they scambate seemingly 24 7. they make videos live streams they hack call center computers expose mules and they do a tremendous amount of work interacting with scam victims by stopping scams before their completion and helping victims after they've been scammed they really are changing lives and we are honored to be working with them on this operation and many more to come in the future so make sure you go subscribe to Modern Paul scambaits on YouTube and watch his version of this video which is dropping on the same day somebody that I knew since childhood and was like a second Aunt kind of to me she wound up getting early onset dementia in her 70s when she was in an assisted living home her husband had passed away her daughter had passed away and she was living on fixed income I went to visit her one day and bring her her favorite flower and when I got to her room she had taken her life 20 minutes before I got there and as we called the police and they were going through her attacks her phone she had been scammed out of everything she had and she told the scammer that she had early onset dementia and so she was easily confused she had confided in him he told her that if she told any of us that we would lock her up for being crazy and she felt she had no way out and that's pretty much why I do it it's it's in honor of her Ray and Champion are pretending to be a victim named Jennifer Clark who just happens to have a very large inheritance Jennifer Clark also recently experienced a life-threatening injury but that didn't stop the scammers from demanding forty thousand dollars in cash from her they initially wanted an international wire transfer but with some social engineering Ray and chappie told the scammer that a cash delivery would be the only option I have a safe with 50 okay 50 at least 50 000 in there and I could easily take you know 39 500 from it and then put it in a shoe box or something you know what I'm saying send a picture of the cast Okay so that um I can send it to my finance manager I'm gonna go ahead and round the cash up and my brother should be here we'll take a pic okay okay mom take your time what's extra infuriating about this scam bait is that early on in the scambate modern Paul's character Jennifer was only told to send 19 800 for the overpayment but later on in the scam Bay Jennifer told the scammer that she had recently experienced a car accident and had been in a coma and did not remember what she had to do the scammer took this opportunity to increase the payout that was demanded from Jennifer and told her she needed to now send almost forty thousand dollars in a package immediately make sure you check out modern Paul's channel for a much more extended version of this gambate and hear all the ins and outs that the scammer uses to take advantage of Jennifer Rey has just sent a dummy package through UPS overnight deliver which allows us to give a tracking number to the scammer so they can see a package coming and they will fully believe they're about to receive a big payday but instead of cash they're gonna meet us face to face let's go okay it's one of these right here 's duplexia one on the right one on the left we're on the street Jennifer Clark from Utah is the victim well we can put an envelope Jennifer I'm going to yeah chappie made the first uh connection as Jennifer we explained that she was in a car accident and in a coma Alex said she still owed them 39.5 tried to get us to wire the money you saw me mining [ __ ] uh we blocked everything until they said we could ship cash today get us put money in a book and in a box they said no signature you're gonna do a signing yeah I think because the hallway that little entryway is so narrow if you walk in to the door I'm going to be just around the corner so he can't see me so I can hear you yeah and as soon as like you're at that point then I will round the corner and walk up yes of course okay so um whole Morris [ __ ] you pole what chapter which got his package today right Susan dildovic she got her dildo today right if so Paul Maurice is next we have a [ __ ] dry as [ __ ] cookie dries there's some sense of humor and we have some cash okay pack that [ __ ] seal it and let's tear it open a little bit yeah that nervous pee should ask Paul if I can use his bathroom people are going to boss cookies but I need your bathroom bro foreign foreign foreign foreign why don't we go park right there and watch for a bit Yeah Yeah if I'm expecting 40 Grand I'll be watching like oh that's the thing it's when they were so adamant about no signature required it is probably because they were trying to you know Orchestra around his schedule or something who knows foreign good job guys [ __ ] all right okay that white car looks a little suspicious I know she was she was maybe I go she stopped she looked at you either she is we'll see we'll wait yeah go with those those trucks five three three five no she doesn't do for neighbor 40 Grand cash nobody home what the [ __ ] I know that's a lot of [ __ ] money it's like people yearly salary in one yeah check with uh okay she just went into five three two one she's unloading it's like some some supplies Costco and stuff you know what worries me is there's a message on this tracking that says if you prefer to pick up your package at an eligible facility select delivery options to make arrangements wow wow wow wow that's not good we don't need that I remember that package on Francisco with the kid when it's got redirected the one yeah yeah which I don't understand how that's allowed like how a person the receiver who's not the sender can you change that's that's another loophole in there in the system more [ __ ] money laundering yeah I would love to redirect who the [ __ ] are you I'm just you know I'm just criminal okay cool we're gonna redirect it yo jumpy it's me yeah it's our our International here hey and the one we've been dealing with yeah he's trying to be made and nobody's answering the door okay [Music] he said we had to make it signature required and we told them that we sent you the tracking okay saying um can't you just tell the guy to leave it on the porch and I told her I tell him no that you're not leaving 40 Grand on a freaking porch yeah exactly there's two ways we could do it uh if you can get him to agree to send somebody or like a phone number maybe a phone number that we can call pretending to be delivering or we could leave it on the porch and just watch and see what happens you know horrible that you guys are all the way out there and they're doing this this is this is all part of the journey this happens all the time and then maybe we can try to push them like hey it's signature required it's going to be another attempt but uh somebody have to somebody have to yeah say something like the the driver said he can loot back around and try again but there's got to be somebody there okay all right cool thanks I mean I'd love to think we could just put it by that tree and wait but it might not happen for six hours yeah yeah not that they would leave 40 Grand on the porch for six hours but who the [ __ ] knows did anyone see which building she came out yeah from the garage so the letters the Tesla just pulled out of it yeah yeah Tesla was yeah no we dropping like by the tree you know yeah no so I can see it to see if somebody will walk from inside to pick up or somebody come from outside yeah because the neighbor could come and grab it and we would never see it or if she's eyeing it you know she can grab it but she can't see you come from yeah for sure she looks like she's waiting for something dude she's just pacing around it'd be interesting if UPS would show up and then we know for sure if she's been looking for something it is very suspicious that she's just pacing her either I got eyes on her she's on the phone with her she's talking to somebody yes her lips keep moving yeah I'm zoomed in on her face you see that you see her she's talking she's watching us man she's watching us no [ __ ] way yes babies come on come on where are they I'll turn them on let's do it can I have those papers yeah that's Arch turn that on and go oh yeah no problem appreciate it you too Yeah Boy let's go wait until you're gonna go knock on the door yeah but I want to see if someone answers the door let's go around yeah and stay from the other side let's go let's go oh he just dropped it off okay can we can we talk to you for a second so we you see that package that you just drop it off so we send that package so it's we track down scammers and look for like money fraud and stuff so that's what that delivery was it's supposed to be signature required no no really okay we stand as a signature required and it's supposed to be 39 500 cash for week uh from um from a victim to a cashmere and that's how we try single like skin betting skin better our YouTube channel oh let's leave it there then and then we can you know okay because I thought it was signature required but anyway we made actually request signature required got it okay interesting okay got it okay okay I have an idea I have an idea wait for him what's that there was one this morning as well wow yeah this guy is receiving money from those overseas uh refund scams so he's a money mule so we're we have a YouTube channel we we're journalists we Trace them down so um we want to see who's gonna pick that you know I'm not going to do earlier nobody no nobody answered oh I delivered it this morning really is there any chance we can move it from where it is to the tree so we can see it there if you guys can do whatever you want with it thank you no hold on yeah no I'll move it yep and let's go in the car it's a cash no but leave it by the tree leave it by the tree it's a different friend it's a different package it's somebody else cash inside okay look at the way it's back yeah but also we can't take that that's a federal offense so leave it by the tree and we'll see who gets it it's another one there it is is there a return address on it so return address on it yeah can you take a picture of that address oh Patricia got it just just for our records I just we can call him dude we cannot make that happen this is Cash inside and you can save victim no I know but we need to see who we can't open it we got to see who takes it that's our guy [ __ ] up Dolly knows how much is in there oh my God knows you that's how we're going you think I think she can pick up I've been filming him since uh he got on the phone immediately when you guys started talking to me yesterday yeah I think that's dude okay let's go in the car yeah yeah I have an idea I can [ __ ] guarantee you he's the one who actually become the package at Yankees yeah yeah I think I'm gonna ready to run so this guy here you mean yeah yeah he showed up immediately when uh when it's okay well let's keep an eye on it wait for him to grab it dude that's cash I can see it it's it's it's somebody else's victim I know I know as badly as I wanna do something we can get the guy to open it in front of us and then we can call the police for real like with a real crime dude I think we spoke that guy okay guys we need to get in the car so you just don't look no no I'm gonna go around I'm gonna see like I'm gonna go lead I'm gonna see what his death [ __ ] face is going um I know I know you keep an eye on him from this side can I check the phone real quick glasses real quick I just want to make sure please he came from that place and I wanna yeah you're good yeah I want to go around the building okay [Applause] dude I I wasn't even filming you guys you were talking to the UPS guy that guy Drew my attention it was just oh yeah and he was well he was at that complex down there just watching up this way and then I watched him take out his phone wow and then he just started pacing walking all the way that's that's him foreign [Applause] Are you delivering something yeah I'm looking for some letters but maybe it's not in this city so I just contact my uh customer so what happened I thought you you guys confused something no yeah no I felt like because some are you picking up Are you delivering delivery so what what happened no I thought that you picking up because we're waiting for somebody who's supposed to get something so I thought you went and take one who gonna I thought you for pickup you're also looking for something yeah no no no no first time here is yeah yeah what you delivering huh what are you delivering for re uh have you is that like Chinese uh grocery yeah all right all right hey appreciate you man if even if we don't find the guy I have an idea no I already talked to this guy he did she's yeah she said she's a it's a furry Chinese food delivery from the grocery store so he was looking he was like I'm actually uh it's not here I don't want to miss this package there is money no I think um even if we don't find the guy we can call the cops yeah you want here yeah I need a number seven zero eight and your name Patricia hello yes hi is this Patricia hi Patricia my name is Ashton I work for a company called Trilogy media who hunts down online scams did you send cash in a box to an address in Newark California I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about okay well and I don't know if maybe you were told not to say anything but just so you know we are at this house because we follow these scammers these refund scammers you know they pretend to be PayPal and Amazon and we are outside the house because we ourselves sent a bait package so we can confront the scammer and I just saw them drop off a package with your name on it to the same house and I have a feeling that there's cash inside and we are here to try to help you we can help you get that cash back uh but you got to tell me what's going on because uh otherwise you're never going to see this again I I'm I'm sorry I I don't understand did you mail a package to to for computer services Paul Morris to a Paul Paul Morris could you could you give me your name again please Ashton a-s-h-t-o-n and the company is called Trilogy media we fight scammers online and confront them and if you did send a package you're being scammed hun and I know that they've probably told you not to say anything to anybody else that's because they're scamming you so I I know this is weird and confusing but if you sent a package you got to tell me because I can help you get whatever's inside of it back I bet you put a lot of money in there for a refund or some kind of computer support and tell me again the audio is is really very poor which is I'm hearing but it's crackling I'm sorry I'm sorry no worries I'll explain again as slowly so we hunt scammers online that's what we do we Chase scammers and confront them okay and there is a man named Paul Morris who is a scammer he's a money mule here in California and there is a package on his doorstep that came from you and I suspect that there's money inside of it does that sound familiar because it's got your name on it and it's wrapped up it looks like there's cash inside were you were you in contact with anyone from PayPal or Amazon in the last few days and what what is your last name again my last name is Bingham b-i-n-g-h-a-m did those Amazon people instruct you to send anything to somebody in California time no no so you haven't sent any packages in the last 24 hours get back to you please do you have a number or something that I can call you back on my other line is ringing sure you can call me back on this number but I I urge you to do it quickly because your money is sitting on the porch and I can do something about it but I need you to talk to me about it so call me back as soon as you can you're welcome bye-bye the scammers in her head yeah yep yep yep the [ __ ] that means she's gonna alert the scammer then yep oh she will yeah yep she's gonna say somebody said that the their the package is there should I just go park right in front of the garage yeah sure you know like and just in case there's no there's really no more hiding yeah package is already there if anyone grabs it they're guilty I don't think anyone's gonna come out of that house though right [ __ ] you grab that yeah but anyone that walks up at all right right yeah blue and yellow box look at this duct tape come out of this dude she's gotta [ __ ] fess up so make sure you tell her she's not in trouble [ __ ] you know how many times we were so close to to get another package sent to the same address Kim State remember he was like yeah there is another six area yeah I probably knows how much is in that box dude we need to call her back we need to call her back because she's getting right now brainwashed Again by by scammers oh let me text her a picture of it she said I did I did talk to Amazon she don't want to admit but she admitted already by saying this and this dude he was like oh yeah no I already dropped off one package this morning so they've been using this address wait that's the second yeah yeah that's his second time yeah so somebody already yes so that's what he says he said either they're home or someone came and grabbed it yep he said it's my second time coming this morning they're using this address they're getting a [ __ ] ton of money they're getting money hand over [ __ ] fist Patricia yeah hello Patricia is yes yes yes yes yeah very very sorry um that I uh hung up on you but but it is correct I was being scammed I was being threatened and there is money in that package if you can help me I would much appreciate it yes those the honey those scammers are they pretend to be Amazon and they tell you that you have to owe them a bunch of money back and then they make you send them large amounts of money may I ask how much how much is inside um but it was a large amount okay well here's here's where we're at right now this the package hasn't been collected by the scammer but we are literally sitting in front of his house and the package is on the ground if we take it I mean technically we're committing a federal offense so I'm not sure what to do right now I'm thinking maybe we call the police yeah so that they can maybe seize it and give it back to you but um we're we're here in front of the package we're not going to let it let anyone take it but okay Ashton I have your number yes all right please if you can stay there yeah and and um I'm going to try and call another number that I have that is connected to the police okay okay and then then I will call you back to confirm uh Patricia may I ask you how did you change your mind did you Google Ashton uh Bingham okay I think we should call the police we're gonna we'll go in a second but he wanted to know how much money I did not send him number two he said we don't know what to do the scammer has not come yet he said but um maybe we should call the police then he asked me just when you called did what made me change my mind well I'm not going to reveal you know that I checked with you make sure you just tell them that I did okay okay all right hold on okay hello Ashton yes yes it's Patricia back again um thank you so very very much for doing this God bless you um Patricia can I say something yes I hear you talking to the scammer that is the guy scamming you right now yes yes it is yes it is it is I we independent journalists we know exactly what he's doing you've been brainwashed right now on a phone by the other guy these are call centers in India Patricia they do this all the time and they steal millions of dollars from people that is not Amazon hun they are scamming you I promise you I can prove it to you but do not talk to that guy anymore he's going to steal everything you have yeah Ashton I you know um can you go can you Google us please can you Google our company is there I'm gonna call the police and I'm gonna I'm gonna ask them exactly that because if I take it I could be put in jail but I am doing my best to get it back to you but the guy on the phone with you is going to try to get it again he's gonna keep stealing from you I swear to God I can prove it to you the guy you're talking to is in India we live in California we do this every day and this guy is brainwashing you he tells you to not tell anybody he tells you that you over refunded and you have to pay the money back he says that there was a fraudulent charge it's a whole scam Patricia this is how it works and they're going to steal everything you have question he's not from India I know that yes he is I know yes he's from India I guarantee you he's from India you just literally I can get on a video chat with you later this week and show you everything uh how how far are you from internet do you have any access to Internet yes yes I'm on the computer right now go to work go to our website you'll see who we are okay you hang on yes yes I almost want to get out I don't want someone to scoop them up and run no nobody can run like we don't want to like scream on the whole neighborhood on the speaker no I am it's okay it's all right I'm gonna be faster than her okay put your website up here yes that's us that's me and art we are legit people two people talking to you so here's what's gonna happen Patricia if you I'm Gonna Let You Go and I'm gonna call the police I think that's the best way I'm going to get this money back to you okay I will call you back very soon I promise you okay okay okay for your own for your own protection whatever that guy on the phone tells you he's a liar and he's gonna keep stealing from you he's manipulating you tell her to check her on Amazon go to your own Amazon account and check there's no there was no charge it's all fake hun all of it is fake go to your own Amazon account go to and log in whatever he told you happened with the charge didn't happen it's not real it's all fake he's putting on it okay all right I'm gonna call the police I'll call you right back all right all right thank you thank you do you think we can get Patricia to face time with her ID and talk to the police officer and say look very possible it's very possible yes don't let this man take my package yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] what so on now I have a feeling that we spoke the guy well yeah I mean he's not going to roll up now with the cops around over here hi I need assistance at 5335 Port sailwood Drive in Newark California I'm an independent journalist and I track down scammers and I have I'm sitting outside of a house right now that uh multiple packages full of cash have been delivered to this money mule and I have the victim on the phone all right thanks what was your name Ashton Bingham Newark could not have an emergency yes hi my name is Ashton I am an independent journalist tracking down scammers and I am parked in front of a house right now where multiple packages of mail fraud have been dropped off with tens of thousands of dollars in them I have the victim on the phone I'm trying to save her I'm trying to recover her funds but I can't take this package legally the scammer lives in this house and is waiting to get these boxes I really need someone to help there's forty thousand dollars in it that was stolen from this woman and I'm sitting out front here needing assistance what kind of car are you in I am in a Chevy Suburban Gray Trilogy media nope I'm right in front of it we didn't want that this package so we can contact you away from there I'm not taking my eyes off this package for this lady there's forty thousand dollars or maybe more so I need someone to just show up right now I can I have her phone number but I need someone to show up here so I can explain what's going on otherwise I mean this is this is a felony mail fraud sir sir we generally don't want to do it right in front of the target address is there a way you can move away from it a few houses down so we can speak with you I don't have any other place I can go that's within I shot of this house maybe I can stay here and you can go and talk to them and explain so I can keep I can explain it I mean sure if they want to pull around the corner I can go do it but I mean I just need someone to help me because if someone takes this package that's that's it we'll never forget you're gonna lose again we don't even know who you are so we're not going to let you take a package that we doesn't know belong to and they belong to that house we don't know so we need to make contact with you first is what I'm trying to do so then send somebody so I can tell them what's going on sir all I'm asking is if you can move away from the resin so we can sure fine I'll move away from the residents I'm at 5335 Port sailwood please send somebody right now wow so we immediately [ __ ] criminals yeah I'm not moving no [ __ ] way am I moving I have no legal requirement to move they can lick me hi Patricia comma cops are on the way period I will try to maybe FaceTime you so you can show them who you are and perhaps give me permission to release the package to them I'm gonna do my best here at the very least maybe they could just take it in as evidence yeah they take it I don't care I just don't want to leave on the doorstep here yep how are you doing officer thank you so much for coming well we have something juicy for you hey what's going on how you doing okay my name is Art this is my business partner Ashton and we um with Trilogy media so we company who actually Chase and tracked skimmers okay scammers yeah please explain what we're having on approach right now so uh the way the scam works you know those Indian call centers that say you know you got you gotta your PayPal accounts hacked and stuff the way that scam works is they target elderly people and then they convince them that they were over refunded and then they have to send money to an address to you know pay that it's all a big scam it's a way of getting tens of thousands of dollars so what we do is we scam bait get the addresses we send an empty package and then we confront the mule who's picking it up and try to expose their operation what today is different the brown box is ours but the one next to it is a real victim has 25 Grand in it and I have the victim on the phone and she knows she's been scammed and she's pleading get her money back but I can get it on FaceTime when UPS truck showed up he was like that's my second delivery so this address is using for money laundering right a guy named Paul Morris I have all the I have all of this information delivered to them it's either they either live here or they just pick them up here yeah showed up as soon UPS showed up uh Asian guy showed up with the package and he like saw us he got spooked and he immediately called somebody sometimes I'll send them to empty houses or airbnbs and then pick them up so but that that yellow box has 25 Grand full of cash that belongs to a old lady named Patricia that was scammed by an Indian call center and we are trying to help her but I don't want to commit a felony so please help me figure out Trilogy that's our company Trilogy media we're the one who actually for the news TV we have YouTube We educate people on on Dr Ross yeah when National Television we educate people how not to fall for scams and that's confrontations like this all the time it's kind of all part of our Channel yeah yeah and this is so what what's your game what's your like goal today okay here's what I would like I would like you tell me whatever extent this is possible but that box right there if I can get the lady's name is on the return address if I can get her on the phone with her ID and get her to consent that we can take the box oh that would be great 25 Grand cash yes even more she don't want to even say the uh right no she texted me it's confirmed okay yes so she was on the phone with this camera saying do not let these people pick up Nava scammer thinks the brown one has 40 000 in it because we sent it we tell them okay we'll send it to you and then we send an empty box and then when it shows up we confront I show up this is the first time we've ever had a real victims thing show up at the same time what can we do guys um can I just see here we go yeah sure we just don't want to that's what we parked the car we like didn't want to we didn't want to lose this package it helped me understand how did this happen how do we end up here okay so we were scam baiting okay we by the scammers gave us this address send 40K to Paul so we did that so this person here is a person that scans people the recipient is whether or not they live in this building I don't know but it was sent to 5335. after being hold on and so we show up to confront who's gonna pick up the package but it's always empty because we don't actually send real cash yeah but when UPS came and dropped off our package he dropped off a second one and we could tell that they wrap it in duct tape because that's what they tell you to do so they won't see the cash in the scanners so and then we called the lady with her return address and she confirmed yes and I called her and I said did you send a package to Paul and she's like yes I'm like how much money is in it she's a 25 500. she was scammed so you get those Robo calls from India or whatever saying you know your PayPal account's hacked you need to call us back they remote connect to your computer and they convince you that you need to send money to fix your hacking or whatever it is so that's it's very kind of multi-step we're pretending to be victims so when we when the victim is inferior Services no I only talked to her for the first time five minutes ago we literally this is accident this is total accident first of all you're trying to I'm trying to help this lady yeah yeah and then also hers I don't care about ours I don't care it's a dummy box there's nothing in ours but the yellow and blue one has this lady old lady's money in it but he's nothing inside we send this one yes Patricia I can get her on FaceTime she can show her your ID full of cash and this is Patricia and her phone number so this is real money this is our dummy box when we're usually trying to see who is a cash mule that's the address when we knock on the door nobody answered the door but when you pay a truck showed up and we talk and we told him about the box he said that my second delivery today so all boxes are coming from the United States coming to this address wire fraud money fraud mail fraud all of it just five years guys investigation do you think that this is like a suspect address or just uh purely to be honest with you I think they're using empty unit because as soon as you pair showed up dude came to pick up the packages a UPS vehicle no just no it was just someone we suspected we can't confirm it was him or what was it he was walking yeah it's usually one of two things it's either an empty house or an Airbnb in which case or but if there is a tenant here then they're guilty of this I had some check rims for that name that's our problem solving all right if you don't send it back to her house criminals that cash mules it means yeah I can get on the phone she can she can authorize us to open it maybe and you can see that what I'm talking about you can be a witness what there is a money inside let me come let me FaceTime her and she can for me she's like show you right I know it's complicated but this is literally what we wrap our hands that's what look we're almost the scams have so many steps you know that they make it complicated on purpose yeah so then you can hi Patricia this is Ashton hi you're welcome I I'll have them tell you but this is your box right here and so we're trying to get it back for you uh cops are here no because we call her we we updated her and yeah because the scammers tell you not to say anything to him they've manipulated her to do this so what was the funds for why is she paying them so uh they typically what they do is they get in your computer and then they process a refund but they do too much it's just it's just all exactly it's a refund scam so so she was like did she cash a paycheck or something before I check no she went to the bank pull the cash out and send it in a box yeah they usually sometimes I've seen somewhere they the scammer sends her a check to her account sometimes it's another version of it yeah yeah do you so Patricia um can she send me text me a picture of ID yes will you I'm gonna give you the police officer's phone number and if you could text him your ID thank you Patricia it sounds like this place is a rental yeah I don't think that makes sense yep so they drop him off here yeah threatened to be a great that that's the story behind it you already know that I don't have to expand on that yeah but but yeah I'll send you a picture of my ID please yeah yes do you want can you check that you yeah I'll give you he'll give you the number right now do you have a pen who did they tell you to send the box to your cash Paul well I just want to hear yeah sorry yes they told me to send it to Paul Morris at the address where you are okay and what's in that box there's Cash In The Box okay and you're okay with me uh grabbing it or opening it if I need to okay all right let me see what we what the what we're gonna do okay he's asking Patricia what you want them to do do you want them to take it and send it back to you is that what we want here yes I think yeah I mean pray God that it would be so come back to me yes butisha can I ask you a question you after talking to us and knowing right now there is police involved we got your cash you're not talking to this camera anymore right you're not brainwashed right he did not tell to do that to are you are you you're promising that we didn't want to send that money back to you and you're gonna send him on a different address no no no no okay okay okay I just want to make sure that this money not gonna get yeah okay thank you thank you bye-bye yeah we I think she got spooked here because you guys didn't get any videos what the guy look like yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah he was like he came from this corner as soon as the UPS truck pulled over right bugs got dropped off and the UPS guard said oh UPS guy said oh that's my second already trip this morning so he did drop off um this morning right and boom he's coming with a big bag I been in this business access to give you everything yeah yeah absolutely okay yeah I mean I gotta pay your insurance it's everything Insurance Amazon PayPal everything your social security numbers at Jeopardy all that stuff but he walks all the way over here and I I hold on he's yeah I got everything hey hun I was on the phone did the ID I mean did the driver's license come through I got the back side I think the front is still sending but uh it should be if you sent it it should be here any second I'm gonna get all your information then I'm gonna call you from the station and then I'll have you make a report at your local spot your local PD and then that way it all ties together okay okay um let me let me go back again uh clearly you're gonna call me from the station after you 've done yeah I'm sure you're right we'll be able to figure out yeah you need to make a report as well saying tell them what happened and then that we found your package and then I'll get figure out how to get it back to you okay show you so I'll be in touch with you yeah yeah it's uh officer Paquette I can spell it for you I can show his name badge if you want sure and uh it's badge number 121. and we're with uh Newark PD all right yeah so uh this is vacant that's what we thought it makes sense yeah that's why no one answered yep let me get her my the case number he's going to give you the case number real quick yes and I will text you a photo of my business card I will call you um when I get back maybe say like in within an hour or so is that okay yeah I'll call you from my department cell phone but I'll also send you a photo of my of my business card so you know it's me okay somebody's telling me okay great yeah and you can also call our dispatch if you if you have if you're hesitant or whatever Patricia we're um how much money should be in there uh 24 000 plus 24 000. okay okay all right we're gonna uh we'll call we'll call you later all right okay then thank you very very very much you're welcome no that's the least we can do the least we can do all right this is a victory okay bye -bye all right cool nice job guys like I said today we have a thank you for coming so fast thank you thank you very much appreciate it guys we're uh I guess doing what you're doing yeah yeah I mean somebody have to do it somebody's got to do it yeah hey don't forget to subscribe to truly would you please yeah yeah yeah when YouTube okay thanks gentlemen thank you guys so much yeah bye thank you wow [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah scammers not getting paid today [ __ ] hey Ashton is awesome to call back I'm with uh from your Google Glasses so we can uh see if we can get that vehicle into our system and track it down all right just give me a call or text me on this number thanks bye hey Patricia are you doing okay say afterwards absolutely and show obvious that's what you go through now yeah but the police officer you know followed through with you know his additional information and you know I'm thank God to you guys I mean I don't know what brought you to that spot at that time but man I've been 30 minutes later that package could have been gone and anyway yeah but the fact that you guys were there I don't know it was a gift yeah we were there since nine in the morning you've got a guardian angel uh a guardian angel for sure but we wanted to call you um and just now that we're back at the hotel and it's less crazy yeah um and explain who we are we just yeah if you um had any questions about the scam I I we know this scam very very well you know we we all think you're Savvy enough to understand when some but I think there's two things when it's cyber you can't you're not you don't have the human contact to know that somebody's being phony you know so it's more difficult to sort it out yeah but the other thing I think is um they know who to who to choose in relationship to the threats to your life yes yep holy cow you know I feel like I'm safe and all of a sudden you have to look over your shoulder all the time yeah that's just they're they're professional manipulators and they will use whatever they can to get under your skin people that get scammed sometimes feel shameful and feel guilty about it but there's nothing to feel ashamed of because these scammers are horrible manipulate horrible people and they're good manipulators so sharing with the world how you were tricked and you were duped will help other people from from falling for it you know you you are really right I do have a guardian angel yes two of you yeah well we're able we're able to do this because of our our our team and our Squad and everything our team was everything we jump into the room and I already know I already love you I want to give you a hug I know exactly yeah I know I know well it's neutral yeah seriously we Patricia we love you we'll be in touch soon um and uh if you if you ever need if you ever need anything we're here okay thank you we make our videos as captivating and entertaining as possible in the hopes that you will share it with someone the more awareness we can spread about the tactics that these scammers use the more we can chip away at their fraudulent Empire both Patricia and the scammers are going to be reading your comments below so don't forget to drop down after this video and leave some thoughts and lastly head over to if you want to see an extended and uncensored version of this video yes extended even longer than this YouTube video the trilogy plus version is over two hours long it's a movie alongside hundreds of hours of exclusive content not available anywhere else and you can try it seven days for free with the trilogy Plus app on the app store or Google Play store or simply by going to thanks again as always for watching get ready for some more huge videos dropping in the coming weeks hope you're having an amazing holiday season we love you and we'll catch you in the next one cheers foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 4,959,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scammer, scam, scams, scambaiter, scammer confronted, confronting scammers, scammers raging, syskey scammers, scambaiting, refund scam, cops called
Id: pV9O7cE9JvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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