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we've set a trap at this house in Long Beach California to catch money mule scammers that steal money from old people this man thinks he's going to an old man's house to pick up twenty three thousand dollars in cash stolen from a Microsoft virus pop-up scam but the cash is fake the old man is really me and instead of a Payday he's about to receive a very ugly wake-up call my family mode go put him in the jail today's scammer calls himself Andrew Andrew is a cashmule for tech support scammers meaning he's responsible for collecting stolen money from a scam victim and then forwarding that money back to the scam bosses in India for a percentage this particular tech support scam is a virus pop-up scam where you get these phony virus alerts on your computer after clicking on some bad link urging you to call in for tech support to get your computer unlocked this scam operates mainly from India where a scammer in a call center will use fear tactics to charge you for tech support that you didn't need and in many cases will blackmail vulnerable victims for large amounts of money by convincing them that illegal things were found on their computer will get the victim to pay in gift cards wire transfers or in many cases Cold Hard Cash our undercover informant agent 69 has infiltrated many of these groups online where scammers communicate and where cash mules are hired he himself is pretending to be a scam boss seeking a cash mule in Long Beach California to pick up twenty three thousand dollars from an old man named Chris hammer the mission here is threefold we first want to confront this cash mule and expose him in order to remove him from the cash mule circuit when scam bosses lose resources they lose money it's also one less person to steal money from your grandmother second we want to gain as much Intel as possible about how this cash mule was hired even though the boss in this case is our agent 69 there are still tons of ranks of guilty scammers in between boss and mules Gamers will create as many degrees of separation as possible from themselves to the victims in order to keep things untraceable back to them it's not uncommon for an Indian scam group to use a Chinese Mafia group to facilitate the fraud scambaders see this every week scammers will give them a bank account to wire money to that's in Bangkok his name is Wang Daddy sad so let's say agent 69 is hiring [ __ ] number one for a cash pickup well in most cases [ __ ] number one isn't going to himself show up to a specific address in this case Long Beach California there could be [ __ ] two three and four working under him all using their own individual networks of mules to get somebody there face to face in Long Beach California and third and probably most importantly is to arm the public with knowledge about not just how these scams operate but how common they are it's happening all around us all the time and most people don't even realize this is the weirdest ever happened to us but you're gonna witness as we witnessed too good this is too good right now all right hello pretty lady what are you doing here I got some cash for you over here so if you're the mule and you're there it's funny you just took off agent 69 said like okay uh cashmere on his way he's gonna pick up this package he gonna say that he's fat ax right you're gonna show up get money from the victim pretend to be FedEx and Microsoft uh support Microsoft pop-up what time is it okay should get Connor on a call should just have Connor on a constant call right now okay I had a car drive by pretty slow okay stand by everybody the car is driving um very slow is it approaching our house by it looked like they were pointing at something but now they're turning left down there yeah keep an eye on this car and see if any people or activities from this car approaching okay it also looks like there is a white car behind me the headlights are on they're just parked like two cars back okay did they Park just recently yeah okay yeah the headlights are still on no one's gotten out of the car remember they're maybe um I hope that's our cash meals and they're trying to figure out which house and stuff like that all right keep an eye on this car okay um agent 69 is back okay agent 69 is giving us live updates um via text because agent 69 is pretending to be the boss who is coordinating with the cash Mule the cash mule that knows damn well what he's doing picking up stolen cash on behalf of a Microsoft scam at this old man's house we are ready to go and agent 69 has just told us that the cash meal is almost there Andrew is the guy name he's there okay so he's here he's here yeah he said hold on make sure Connor knows that we have no idea who's gonna show up or what's gonna happen Connor yeah yeah so they think that cashmere is here his name is Andrew yeah probably the only thing we know for certain is that this cash memo is not getting a payday today and that would be true every day if everyone simply used guardio our one and only exclusive security partner here at Trilogy media who Supply the best real-time internet browsing protection that you can possibly find it's like having an invisible bodyguard for your browser that's looking out for you 24 7 as you browse the web any link you click any any website you visit any file you download is scanned by guardio in real time and blocked immediately if there's anything malicious preventing a scam is a thousand times easier than undoing a scam malware is being spread in new ways every single day that continue to baffle even the top cyber security experts in the world but guardio is up to date about every single new threat that arises online catching new vulnerabilities every single day even before Facebook and Google do every single threat that comes from the internet starts in your browser the browser is the doorway for scammers and hackers why in the world would you not have security there if you lock your front door at night you should have guardio in your browser you can try it seven days completely free and get a massive discount by using our link which is Trilogy get a free browser scan right now to see what vulnerabilities might be in your Chrome browser as we speak use Trilogy it's also linked in the description below for you to get that discount and if you have an extra moment come join our brand new Facebook group that we just created in partnership with guardio it's called looks fishy and is a group dedicated to scam awareness and sharing tips and stories to increase public knowledge our emails are inundated every single week with people sharing their scam stories and their scam tips and it's truly heartbreaking because in most cases we can't do anything but now as a team we can all put these stories and tips to use come say hi the link to the Facebook group is in the description below I'll see you there a white car okay another way car do imagine if that will be the same [ __ ] with the same plates number oh my God is it Honda Civil War oh my God if it's the same guy can you imagine that oh my God I'm gonna choke him gotta check the license plate I'm gonna choke that [ __ ] another car just pulled off fast another car just pulled up right in front of me right in front Okay Okay uh Ash rock and roll huh good luck rock and roll dude he's a carpool it's gone oh is the white car still there white car is still there with it with a blink black car still here okay um guys the mule is near the big door he's saying what is big door big door no I'm looking at the door there's no no one's there there is no one no one applying the front door you don't see anybody on the side door any activities from back door nothing on the side door nothing on our neighbor's house okay like lights are on I can't really tell if somebody's in there but like no one's gotten out so that's gonna be him yeah so there's definitely no uh not even like a person walking around anywhere okay he said okay wait we're saying it's a gated Society no you saw a gator Community down there he's at the other end of the road the incentivized the end of the Road all right somebody's pulling up we're turning around okay is it a different car or the same white car yeah it's a different car it's a great car all right hold on be parked can you hear the uh the parking noise right the break we want your kids I was like who's getting slaughtered outside okay he sent me these they're gated community to do to recognize anything like this okay I didn't get that close you know what hold on yes okay share two banana pants I'm gonna send you text message tell me if you recognize this the face uh send us um gated community now that doesn't I don't think I know that they never just parked the car and come up to the door and knock it's always either the scammer tells you that he's outside and you want he wants you to poke your head out or or the mule doesn't want to come up to the door he wants to he wants to see you first or or or he'll sit in his car for a long period of time so we have Connor watching the outside he can see what's going on but again with us not physically seeing what's going on outside all we can go on is what Conor is telling us in the moment okay yes what there's a guy in the white Mercedes he had a mask on mask on he just drove by the house yeah was it mask on yeah he turned around yeah he has a mask turned around like like when you rob a bank password yeah like rob a bang mask yeah but then he turned left um who drives the car with the mask like a ski mask if you're talking about the ski mask like a bandana or something not not like a ski mask the white car that had been sitting there with the headlights on that guy had it covering over his face yeah yeah and he turned left down the street so now I can't see him what's going on so uh that he's a guy in a white Mercedes driving and he has a mask on so he went over there at the end of the street and now agent 69 sent us base that's the Gated Community at the end so yeah yeah oh guys guys okay he's walking on the street yeah I'm ready he walked a little bit away from the house he's looking around he's walking away down the street agent 69 saying boss him bro don't let him go his name is Andrew he's coming back he's coming back okay okay don't talk okay I'm gonna put you on mute yeah no put yourself on the nude I mean so you can listen to me and keep us updated hey there's two of them three two people oh [ __ ] I know it's okay if so I will go through the side door I got you okay if we're gonna separate it I'm gonna run Chase one you guys get another one get the opposite of the get the opposite of guy let's [ __ ] rock and roll let's have some threesome yes yes no no no you you don't move banana buns anything else no I'm just I'm trying to hide from this guy in the white car he parked right in front of me so there is one right you're trying to say there is one driver and there's one passenger yeah one driver one passenger but they walked they walked down the street again so I don't know what they're doing the driver is just pulled over on the side of the road and I can't see the passenger right now but he's down the street somewhere yeah agent 69 saying be patient he's already around watching the environment it's too fast here banana pan see if you can get the plates number of the car of this white Mercedes in case if in case if driver gonna drive away and we're gonna deal with um only with the passenger so see if you can get the place number yeah all right okay the no they're pulling out okay um agent 69 saying yes it's two people they will pretend they didn't know but they do it regularly so it's bad guys okay all right all right I'm better guys bad boy bad boy what are you gonna do what are you gonna do come to Daddy I'm gonna show you bad boy yes okay she sent me this that's our house that is our house yeah yeah okay Connor they've been filming her house yeah they're not out front correct no they just sent me um agent 69 just sent me a video of front of our house yeah yeah okay so after it's been filming they've been filming yeah that guy still might be down towards the end of the street right now or his grandmother picked him up um for you guys okay they asking me to open the door and don't let him run he's telling to open the door hey agent 69 saying opened the door the front door why didn't they filming our house they've been [ __ ] snooping around so that's our [ __ ] house John how's him tell him the guy's old yeah okay okay the guy is old and Thor is a little hard well they're pulling it they're pulling in they're pulling it right now there's two guys that big Amazon they're thugs thugs yeah get ready get ready this could be dangerous guys stand by all right they're coming up thank you somebody came up to the door and I can't remember I don't think they knocked I think I could hear motion out in the front should you close the door okay me always telling you up on the door and come out and they always tell him to open the door hold on [ __ ] I don't think I should come on in yeah the doors open here come on in come on in doors open don't talk oh open the door open that you can open the door here you're welcome away I'm getting back to the car come on in there they're backing up I shouldn't go to the door go to the door go to the door go to the door fast foreign yeah hello I have 69 tell that the mules the guys at the door right now [Music] and by the time I got my head out in the front door and to look outside there was nobody there okay I'm sure it's here no do you see him he turned away with a car two of them no just one just one person I'm sure in the car where he's walking someone's coming back someone's coming back okay and as soon as he laughed agent 69 said like hey my guy is coming so the guy that I've been baiting on these uh private telegram groups cashmere criminal he's coming right now oh oh yeah how are you doing come on I left the door partially open and I returned to my seat as Mortimer and somebody came to the door again what's extra terrifying about all this though is that it wasn't the same person and I didn't know that I thought the guy had come up to the door maybe knocked or made some noise walked away and got skittish and then maybe saw the door open or saw me and then came back come to find out when we were later it was 2 different people from FedEx where are you doing I'm is this from the Microsoft yeah they're supposed to be cash for you Ryan can you help me help me out here oh is this for the Microsoft there are I'm from the FedEx oh you work for them oh yeah can I get a good show a glass of water or anything Logan water do you want no no thank you all right so how much are you supposed to put your hair 23 23. Mortimer drop the money and um he got KY gel on his hand and this guy freaking criminal picking up the cash putting everything together and yet again for those that are that are making the claim that these mules don't fully understand what they're doing and to be fair sometimes they don't but when they walk in like this guy and they identify themselves as being from FedEx as he did there's no mistaking that he knows exactly what he's doing is wrong it was uh my uh my stuff I'm supposed to have my Natasha uh stopping boy today um but I don't know when she's coming hey what's going on stop right there wait wait all right what's going on buddy what's happening over here with your mask that's always a very defining moment in these confrontations is the first five seconds when they see art in the camera crew is what are they gonna do and you can usually tell in those first five to ten seconds how the rest of this is going to play out put your mask down stand up have a seat what's happening what's going on huh we're gonna talk about 23 000 from an old man gotta be [ __ ] kidding me what happened sir you just got your phone you tell us what's going on what are you doing bud huh hold on for what for [ __ ] picking up money from victims three thousand dollars show me your FedEx ID don't we go don't give me a [ __ ] [ __ ] show me your FedEx you work for FedEx show me your FedEx employment information we're here this is a sting operation to catch money laundering and international show me your idea right now you work for FedEx or is that [ __ ] what is that FedEx ID not your phone down okay turn off your phone I am dumping it down sir wife tech support something was calling no you're not sales Port yeah guarantee guarantee sales payout that must be the television so what's that for telegram guaranteed tax Tech sales payout oh dude dude you can I explain something to you okay we can do this with police right now because we got him on standby or you can just have his conversation with us yes we have a conversation then please take your mask and have a seat okay sir can you please put your [ __ ] mask down you [ __ ] scammer piece of [ __ ] mask down I'm not a scammer yes you are yes you are you work for scammers and you got like [ __ ] money from all the people let's just talk about FedEx for a second is this the first thing you told me you work for FedEx and that's not true right that's what they told me no what do you work for fed access or no no then why did you tell me you were prophetics because the guy who was the guy what do you mean the guy what guy you do this every day just I work for whoever tells me I am the very poor guy I don't do this where do you live I live in Canada this guy claims that he doesn't even live in the United States he lives in Canada citizen of Canada came to Los Angeles for a wedding he going to Las Vegas to a bachelor party for a wedding and he literally passing by from our neighbors Canada to America and while he's on vacation robbing elderly person what are you doing in Los Angeles I came to visit so one of the friends of mine from India he called me up and I got a friend from India I don't know anything about these things women don't know anything about these things you knew you knew how much money was supposed to be in there you knew it was a Microsoft you knew it was Microsoft because I asked you about it I can show you I want to see all of it I I can show you that do you know what this is and what you're doing who your friend in India is he's a scammer you [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't buy it yes we're talking right now to India who I can actually send you this [ __ ] information this is steamhouse Operation and you've been doing this for a while you've been collecting this money so that thing to do I'm not doing anything you're sitting in the house you can't tell me you're not doing anything you're sitting in the house yes I understand that's it what brought you here it's my it's my biggest mistake that yeah she's got that round we expose scammers so whoever is in India that you're talking to is stealing money from old people using a fake pop-up scam you ever heard of that I'm going to you know just block him and not going to the person who called you the username is guaranteed money money sign Tech scam the number who just called you you know it's a scam and it's a guarantee money for you because you cash pick up mule sir I don't do that yes inside of the house forgive me forgive me you asking for forgiveness from a wrong person what where are you a citizen are you citizen here or in Canada so how'd you get in America so I came to visit here how did you get through tourist visa yeah okay so you're now not only are you violating your tours because by trying to make a living but you're also committing International wire fraud and money fraud by picking up cash from old listen to him stop talking for a second people like this are getting stolen from absolutely not people like this are getting stolen from every single [ __ ] day old men shut just be quiet this is your time to listen because that the next few minutes is gonna dramatically impact the rest of your life about whether we go to cops or what's going to happen right now listen what you're doing is illegal okay old grandpas in their homes by themselves are getting abused are getting visited by people like you claiming to be FedEx getting their life savings stolen right out from under them you just did you just did so they just he he's like who's who's with you by the way out there who else is with you who else is with you it's just one of my cousin so he's nobody pays your cousin he's in the car yeah hey Connor do you see that uh White Mercedes okay go ahead and come on in right Connor's not right okay so what we've been watching you through this whole time we know what you've been driving we know everything videos of the houses you walk by you walk by you took video of the house and you're sending it to your scammer or cousin in India we know what you're doing we've been watching you ever since you entered the ZIP code so don't say you don't you don't know what you're doing I've made a video I made a video I sent him but I let's see it send who which guy oh the house yeah okay so and who is that guy who sent you over here the Indian guy okay who's the Indian guy I know his name his name is Winnie Vinnie what's his real name so some guy you don't even know his name is giving you instructions from all around the other side of the globe to show up at old men's houses and steal cash out from under them how how does how is any of that believable not know that it was like this you just said that you know can you do me a favor a favor how much what is your cup from this sorry what how much told me I'm Gonna Give You 500 500 yeah and how many don't lie how many times have you done this so this is the don't just lie to me I'm talking right now I'm talking right now with India and they said that you've been constantly picking up your money that's how you do your living believe you name Andrew no yes what is it what is your ID hinder i-n-d-e-r Tinder show me your ID yeah what is you have my phone phones no phone over there but you're supposed to have your driver license anything what is sticking out from this pocket this one what is it yeah what do we have for this no it's just a lighter what is it that's not a lighter no the other thing no the other thing what is this and last one thing that's it this pocket you don't carry any idea at all no idea there is no way identification immigrant making illegal money and you have no identification it's like three red flags I'm telling you to be very Frank with you I am I have no idea that this was being done and I don't want to get into any problem or anything oh you already get into it yeah you already get into it this doesn't work though this isn't work this is this is robbery this is theft I don't want to do that you should have thought about that before T sales guarantee sales look at this look at this guaranteed sales payout what language do you speak with them it's not gonna work I don't speak with them in English if you want I love these guarantee sales uh that's how they put they put the name of the group guaranteed anymore where's Connor I don't know that's cool is he on the phone Connor get in here yeah come on maybe your cousin will uh help you so let me just let me just lay out the facts right now and we can take it from here all the things in fact okay well I'm gonna tell you some facts now okay we are Trilogy media we're an organization that exposes scammers we are not law enforcement we're not holding you here against your will but we are exposing and shaming and raising awareness about how these scams work we just I'm not done that's how this works we blast this out to millions of people all over the world so they know and they can protect their grandparents just like the ones you just tried to steal from okay so that's what we're doing here that's what we're here for we're obviously not holding you against your will we're not able to do that advertise the picture say again can you please ask him no absolutely not yeah you can do a closer up now you don't get to dictate requests right now we already got everything this is going to be blasted out to a lot of people everyone's going to know that you are associated with this scams okay what you can do right now is you can leave or you can give us some information that can actually back up what you're claiming you're claiming you had no idea you're claiming that this is all an accident so prove it to me and make it convincing otherwise I'm going to run with all this footage and I'm going to blast it out to the media into the world and they're all going to know that this guy is a scammer in Los Angeles so I am not the scammer let me let me show you my idea and everything let's see it yeah your phone's right there I am not lying to you if I'm gonna if I'm gonna see the minute you send a text or or tell them something in Hindi to tip them off then this is all over then then we're going to run with what we have and we are going to make the worst assumptions that we can about your intentions here yeah and police is still coming what what is wait where you going put it back go back what is your ID show me your Canadian ID Mr UPS guy okay we're back Quebec yeah okay I'm gonna show you show me tourist it's okay I'm gonna give you back don't worry about it and we got it on counter's got it please I mean I said I don't do anything you not innocent we're gonna let law enforcement figure that one out okay the courts will figure that out okay what we do is we collect information please don't do it why please don't so you're okay to walk into the house of 70 year old man get 23 000 get you how much is it like how much let me see how much do you need I mean 500 it is 500. there is a thousand for you how much 500 this is mine is supposed to be [ __ ] blood Money blood Money something that old men like him instead of him supposed to be old man wiping off the saving account checking account and give it to you so you will take 500 I'm gonna go back to Canada sir I am not doing that I have come here you came here to get money from elderly person you worked for scamming organization your criminal you're working for criminal and you're getting caught I I did not know that this is okay here we go check this out I'm gonna tell you just like this agent 69 yeah yeah so we're sitting right now with a Canadian citizen who came to pick up 23 000 right for pop-up scam and he was supposed to get paid 500 and he's claiming to be innocent and this is his first time and he didn't know what he's doing [Music] talk to him I'm good sir how are you right yeah yes sir I'm coming for you my question to you is that how do you know that uh this is the house let him finish let him finish [Music] for so I got a message from this guy that I know he has sent me a message with all the complete details like you need to pick up this much from this address oh it's all right I can do that so I I did not ask him here it's been just more or less than a week I have come here and I have come to uh you know visit California not for any other thing so you have these apples he speaks Hindi agent 69 . years foreign oh thank you but what he's saying agent 69 what he's saying someone yep [Music] um two hours [Music] meeting with this guy in two hours okay so you need to show him the cash right so we need to show him that you picked up the cash okay foreign number we're gonna exchange cell phone number and we're gonna wait until you're gonna meet with the main guy numbers [Music] foreign okay well here's how here's how we're going to prove it okay listen to these all right here's here's what I think we should do uh Andrew if you're telling the truth and you are willing to help us again this is all up to what you're willing to do but here's what we can do if you're willing if you can continue on tell your it's a deal yeah you're gonna tell your your boss or whatever that you got the money everything's fine don't tip him off and if you do we're gonna know about it and we're just gonna expose you okay but if you can take this to the end and you can keep in contact with us text us and we'll meet or have some way you can get him face to face and we'll confront him then we'll blur you we'll keep you out of this entirely and put all the blame on him yeah but we got to know who's in charge we got to know who's we need to find this guy above you who hired you okay so why don't you take his number [Music] [Music] huh [Music] okay all right sounds good all right I'm gonna yeah we're gonna keep you posted okay thank you bye Andrew uh can we get your phone number okay I'm gonna I'm gonna send you a text message you can pick up with this stuff I told him everything well we're gonna see about that we can see this through and catch the grill guy that's in charge and it's gonna be good for everybody he's gonna text you now keep him posted uh we'll give him the envelope and uh yeah and we're gonna follow them all this cash is fake so it doesn't matter what happens to this cash what about your cousin he lives here in America no sir he he is just 19 20 years old we came for a cousin's wedding in uh Moreno Valley which Valley Marina Valley okay and when you when you're going back to your side so we are going to have a flight on 15th evening on June 15th to Washington okay yeah so because they have a reception the wedding is already done and how did they find you through Facebook group uh yeah Facebook groups not telegram no no Facebook on Facebook I keep posting my pictures of all those things so this guy you know called me apparently said you know can you do this you know he gave me a little bit of things like uh you know what are you doing you're going to Las Vegas because I had plans to go to Las Vegas today in my cousin you know you know if it wasn't for us you would have committed an international crime that's what I because I'm new here I don't know the rules and regulations and I'm coming for the first time but you also have to use your head if some random person online tells you to go into old man's house and take their twenty three thousand dollars out of his house come on I mean you were told to pretend to be FedEx isn't that a reflex are you just that desperate for money or did you just not think no I just did not uh pay that show me the messages with this guy I think the sooner if we're going to do this plan the sooner he leaves and talks to his point of contact is the better I just want to say this yeah pick up the other the customer is named Chris Hammer instruction please confirm package from FedEx that's it package pickup 1pm Tuesday total month 23 Chris Hammer Vlad remember with Dominic how it took so long and that was the problem I think we should send him on his freedom go do his thing please text Vlad the time and place and be face to face with him and we'll be there just ignore if you see us just ignore us and we'll handle the rest all right all right if we can capture this guy that's really guilty you will be completely Anonymous in all of this all right sounds good who is Ace Jenkins is this your cousin sorry sounds good um can I get the number for that uh we we're gonna give you a number we'll text it to you we'll text it to you uh right now use his phone as your point of contact okay you might save your [ __ ] life and not go to prison if you're gonna deliver everything yes I will give you all the informations that I have it is just that I am not I was even not you know trying to do it but I just got into a little bit of uh what we greet that you know something hey you know that's the first time I've actually heard of money mule say that I was greedy and so at least you got that respect so see will help us see this through and this will be better for everybody all right you have a fake gold chain you have Apple watch and you end original yeah yeah original exactly that's what I'm saying I'm not that poor well exactly that's my point is you have a gold uh gold chain you have an Apple Watch and you have like very expensive iPhone why would you need that 500 yeah but I do not think of I got greedy that's what I'm telling you to be truth with you with you I'm not like what do you do for a living in Canada construction job okay all right I am living from India's and you know the study there and everything okay and then I we're gonna follow you out I'd like to see the car you're getting into and the plates number it's Kia yeah okay we're gonna record it let's go record it just uh a fun favor because I have my cousin and things are younger okay so if in case he gets to know that you know it's scary well he's old enough family and everything and it's gonna be shameful for me so please well we're gonna keep everything if you're gonna keep up with your word we're gonna blur you but if you're not if you're gonna betrayed us why why will I not because I don't want to get it I mean of course because you got busted that's that's why right now it's the only one way to save your ass it's actually to work with us all right let's go see let's see your car and uh we're gonna send you video and then you're gonna meet with this guy don't tell anything to my cousin no we're not gonna talk him but don't tell us what to do let's go go get in the car and we're gonna go I think he should take the envelope and a little bit of the cash right because he's got to have it in person yeah we're gonna make a video well if we're giving him the envelope we won't be able to make a video uh can you my hand is up so I I know we're gonna we're gonna do this as soon as we're gonna leave we're gonna show us up to the meeting he needs the envelope in his hands we need to save some though for later I wouldn't give him that much yeah the darker ones yeah yeah that's good put the hundreds on top and give that to him and we'll text you a little video of you know um whatever yeah yeah if you can make a video yeah I'm gonna send it yeah that's the one that you say yeah because he will ask me okay of course you can ask you yep send me a video so I'm gonna send him the video for this okay the same video that I sent him I will send you or I send you first if you say yes send him then I send him yeah you see that he's copied when you send the video you come to you he wants us to make the videos so we're gonna make it yeah right because I don't have an idea okay sounds good you can send them you can make a video with your phone just don't show him any of this maybe the backside is better trust us okay yeah all right we're gonna send you everything we'll send you the video all right the next 10 minutes so yeah keep that all right all right I'm sorry okay well shouldn't be sorry to me if we started all then no it's fine old grandmothers and grandfathers that are having their lives ripped apart over these cams you learn something every day these things does not happen that's not true they target everybody Canadians Australians I have never seen anything since happening no you haven't seen anything because they're all happening here in America and you're participating in this when when this old man opened the door what was going through your head honestly yeah I mean I had to go to Las Vegas so all I was that I you know take this and complete this and go there yeah I have to go because my cousin he is coming from India and I'm a big is my brother I have all the responsibilities for him he probably like let me make the 500 I'm gonna go to Las Vegas and I put everything on red no no like that I already have money so you said when I already had plans going so you had no problem with the fact that I was an old man giving you twenty three thousand what was going on in your head you did you know I just did I followed the instructions you know that he said you just have to tell them that it's on Fridays well the rest of the day will dictate uh yeah how true that is so I think you should proceed often to do the rest of this and go from there yeah well we'll find out we have his face so so we're like okay let's catch a boss this is money go take a picture send to your boss meet with him and we're gonna go and bust this guy your boss and we're gonna keep you know like your identity private right you want to help us you want to make it right you lied to us that you fat ax delivery and uh work with us oh you want to call him what is he where did you guys Park uh don't tell him anything no I'm not gonna talk him anything yeah we're just friends you have only one chance to get out from this mess we need that guy we need that guy who's above you that's it you can be set free but if it's not gonna happen it's a rental car okay which car is that the one that one here you do or I give you the picture of that no it's okay I don't need it come on I will text you with the instructions right double text you no I'm not gonna shake your hand sorry sir no I'm gonna shake your hand okay you can go ghost go and I'm gonna send you video right now so you can send that video to uh to your boss set a meeting and we're going to be there okay and tell us location where he wants to meet with you the place where I am staying he comes there we we available we available all day all night so we just need time just say like hey I have cash come pick it up that's it and we're going to be there waiting okay just give us the others okay and I'm gonna text you right now with the video okay you saw them right snooping around all right so I got the plates number everything is that them there Kia all the way over there on the left Kia let's go post thoughts um successful bust another mule off the streets same [ __ ] it'll be he's telling the truth or he's not it's like we're not we don't have a lie detector and we're not police so we're there's there's no conclusion that's going to be drawn right now in this moment the only thing we can benefit from this is seeing if he is able to get us to his higher up which turns out to be local again which is great so we'll see at the minimum he's got the [ __ ] scared out of him and probably won't do this again um and it was kind of funny part of me wants to believe him but that's just I guess I'm just too trusting into believing of people so we'll see what happens later dude this is crazy this is insane so is this guy we had no idea that this guy showed up wow nobody knew that I mean Connor I mean but we have we didn't know it was like split crowds that Connor was sitting over there keep going through the footage because I want to see like what I captured when he when the guy actually showed up at the door come to find out somebody pulled up parked in the driveway like a cocky ass came to the door suddenly became less cocky because he he left got in back in his car and he drives past this other [ __ ] which is the one that actually ended up coming to the door so to this day we don't know if they were working in conjunction with each other maybe one was a lookout yeah because I feel like this guy just came out of nowhere dude like they parked yeah to him yeah so like where did he come from though that's what I don't dude I wonder if the boss sent two different mules to the house yeah it's very possible I wonder if they know each other that's what I'm wondering if he knows that he's a one killer and the second one is cleaner the one if you did not do your job the second one the cleanup guy yeah it kills you and the mark for the original Mark is that what you're saying the door is locked out front I don't think so right now the door's wide open yeah the door was open and oh yeah because the uh because uh agent 69 told me to like leave the door open this is so strange so you left the door you left shows up wow yeah and we made eye contact right before he stepped in that's why I told him this guy yeah but so you never even saw the Asian food in the Mercedes I never saw anyone until this guy walked in the house dude this is so good yeah they've never had them before holy [ __ ] that could have been way more dangerous gee I was I personally I personally almost ready to go to the through the side door because when we go through the camera and if you're gonna start to um so I will caught him before he gonna enter the did you see the [ __ ] name on his phone saying guaranteed cashmere on that's so bold to have that as the contact name put grandma or something like he says I I have no idea who's this guy who said that uh Andrew Andrew he said I have no idea okay so well then that guy could still be lurking unless he called wind of what if he's once he saw everything just went down but he probably did but what the [ __ ] so call center is sending multiple multiple cashmere is still waiting for our answer about the gift cards so I what do we he said he's asking me to buy more orders from gas stations oh yeah with the money we just gave him is that what he's trying to do converting well can you say and then he wants to meet you after because if that's the case he can just pretend like he has money orders he doesn't need to go get anything get a money order for ten dollars and just I don't know now if the other mules saw any of this the boss will know yeah right which is maybe why he blocked agent 69 already oh so agent I just last time you were on the phone agent 69 I said record the call if the boss calls you and he's like he already blocked me oh yeah which could have been because Andrew was here for so long or the other mule saw everything that happened I think I think that scam boss sent two different mules okay he's calling me Andrew we stayed connected with him he was talking to um I think on WhatsApp and he talking to his boss sending pictures and then maybe 20 30 minutes later he replied to us and he said hey guys my boss wants that I will go to gas station to start going to uh Target Best Buy and start buying gift cards foreign okay so what's going on uh he's uh called been calling me you know to buy a money orders from different different stores for the okay for these twenty three thousand dollars for March but uh go ahead and buy 800 from our store from a gas station or some place and then from Walmart or other places but I don't have I've never bought it I don't know what it does so he wants you to buy a bunch of small money orders from different locations yeah and then what time are you supposed to meet him he said you do this and I will tell you what needs to be done next should we send a picture of a money order yeah but the problem is that's going to take him time if he's supposed to go to 69 different stores and get 69 different money yeah because you see the splitting the 23 000 between all the stars Best Buys gas stations so he's trying to spread that money so it will be untraceable when uh have you have you ever Andrew uh me met this guy in person no no no not at all Andrew is there any way that you feel like you could take more control of the situation and tell him that you have to be somewhere later and you just have to go give him the cash I told him that I have to go to Las Vegas so he said you just you know you buy it buy some of them today buy some of them tomorrow and uh now you can go you you can so he's trusting you that you're not gonna run away with these twenty three thousand dollars okay what if like our previous uh cashmere Dominic you say hey I don't feel comfortable with this just take this money and leave me alone maybe yeah yeah these cars Andrew if this is really your first time then there should be no reason why you can't tell him like this is sounding a little sketchy can I just give you the cash and go all right I want to be part of this I I can say that I can say that in whatever he says you know maybe threaten to return the money if he doesn't give you an option like say you have to go you have a family thing I don't feel comfortable with this I came for the wedding and right now there is old man giving me hanging um and did he tell you before that you had to do all these errands or he only told you this right now right now okay so then he can't expect you to be available for all of us yeah tell him you don't have time if you didn't know this ahead of time then that's what I told him well tell him again and and threaten to bring the money back you need to tell him what's up you're in control right now because you have the cash in your hand so I would tell him that you don't have time you don't feel comfortable with this and say if if you don't give me instructions I'm just going to give the money back to Chris and then if that happens come back the house and leave the envelope here and then we'll we'll take out we'll take care of the rest yeah that's true so um that the owner would not feel that he got you know steal the money well we don't bring that money back what we don't want uh Andrew is for your boss to think that you stole it so tell him meet me soon and I'll give you the cash or I'm going to return it yeah you know if if this really is your first time there should be no issue with that dictate uh dictate the rules so you're in control of the situation then come back to the house and return it yep just say like you know what if you don't want to pick up this money next one or two hours I'm going back to this old man house and I'm I'm gonna leave it on approach I don't want to be part of this let him let him be worry and stressed okay okay send that message right now and uh let us know what he replied to you it's very possible that whoever agent 69 was in direct contact with in this mule group for hire was coordinating something even more elaborate whatever guys worked under him had sent two separate people and we don't still don't really know why it's it's quite terrifying when you think about the fact that this could have been a real old person living alone text them tell them you're not cooperating it just wasn't our deal okay he texted me my brother is calling you on this number please answer this call he wants to speak to you once sure the younger yeah all of a sudden there is incoming phone call but then he kind of just went dark he he stopped texting us he wasn't willing to help I'm sure he called his brother or his family and panicked because then his brother called us we got a a glorious phone call from Canadian Jesus just roll the tape you'll understand yeah this is a lot speaking yes how are you none of your business what's up okay you keep testing him who are you entered introduce yourself are you are you that little [ __ ] who drove the car and brought that cashmere to my house are you that little [ __ ] so then we could fire you then I have so many benches calling me every day so identify yourself who are you which bench are you at this brother you understand okay so why didn't you say so so you are that little [ __ ] you drove the car okay Mr Andrew's brother what is your name no sir no no no sir no no no no this guy is an interesting guy he's still listening you he's still doing what you want with him to do with the other person he's sitting over here no he's not anything ever called he just kills this guy it used for five hundred dollars telling him to say a story and put all the things in the situation for no reason this guy even don't know what's happening wow well that's a beautiful fairy tale if I was born yesterday well where is my cash what is my what is my cash your brother told me that he's gonna deliver cash in 30 minutes it's been 45 minutes or whatever the diet is very innocent person innocent it's like going to a whorehouse instead like every single one of you are a virgin he's telling you everything true like this happened with me okay so if everything is true why did he come back and bring the cash that I give it to him I give him a cash right where is that money I answer your question it's a trap and there's been something wrong with you he was not knowing now he knows everything because all stories yeah because he got busted now that's why he's knowing because he got busted for international crimes he's a citizen or whatever he lives in Canada he came to America came to California to pick up cash from a victim from stolen money he's a cash mule you're innocent [ __ ] brother sure he's an innocent guy you if you want to go to the law enforcement you go I'm not going to stop you but I'm telling you you're just gonna put stomach institution that is innocent that's what I say your decision you're gonna take decisions we can't hear the decision but I'm telling you he's the wrong person he is the innocent guy that's all in the face and this face he was like hey uh I just want to let you know this guy has nothing to do with it this is number of the boss talk to the boss well already told the boss we don't want to be part of this [ __ ] off and we just want that you guys would not release these videos and anything um I was like who the [ __ ] are you who who who are you okay so you're innocent [ __ ] guy he's not coming back right so you're trying to say he's like uh he's not coming back he's scared good good so he's crying in your shoulder right now give him a diaper or something I don't know he's somewhere nearby here he's never me okay I can open the door I can come by myself but I need my cash back I spend 20 bucks on things on fake cash give me that money back American I can tell you if I had to send you your 35 dollars but think is that I'm telling you if you're really using your brain and trying to catch these people these people on the Indians no [ __ ] way Columbus I thought it was Italian it was Sicilian Mafia in Columbus ass I know that because we have an investigation in India right now you deep okay I know it's a ninja but there is people like your brother who are cashmules your brother said that he's a greedy [ __ ] he's going to Las Vegas you want to take 500 from elderly American and put everything on the red and he said he was FedEx yeah and he said he's fat so he lied and lied and lied but he's innocent right okay come to the door and give my 30 it's already 40 bucks the price is going off 40 bucks you owe me for my fake cash bring me my cash back I need 40 bucks right now okay you know my name you can request someone belonging to a Teddy family to send you any help but guys want to come back because she now she know what's going on she was not knowing she is afraid he isn't afraid to go to prison because he's a traveler he's on tourist visa came to America you're right yes sir of course I know I'm right all this track he was not knowing that going to his thing he was thinking oh I'm gonna go and I'm gonna do this job and I'm getting paid yeah that's the nature of a sting yeah it wasn't buff listen to me stop stop like I wish you're gonna talk the same the way you do cunilingus non-stop non-stop non-stop stop talking like too fast okay just listen for a second listen for a second the only reason listen to me talk to one person I don't like reviews like that we have good reputation not for long not not for long remind me your name again Andrew who is Andrew because the the other place with Andrew and you angry too no the guys are angry the one who if you gave him the package whatever you right I'm talking to you what is your name unknown person I'm telling you my name is Jesus sir Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus so Jesus and Andrea Jesus wow what a [ __ ] day I got innocent [ __ ] and I got Jesus on the phone you're smart and everyone should tell me you're right uh looks like Jesus you live in America right yeah you live in America okay so imagine imagine you have you have a mom and dad you have grandmother grandfather okay so imagine one day uh innocent Andrea came to your grandmother or grandfather when your grandfather is alone and will take twenty three thousand dollars from saving a checking account and this Jesus passing from Canada so it's Canadian Jesus but he's passing by he's gonna go to Las Vegas in City he's gonna play a little bit Jesus and you're gonna leave so imagine that Jesus took twenty three thousand dollars from your uh grandfather and went back to Canada how would you feel would you call would you call that a baby Andrea innocent the guy I'm even ready to go to Canada with the money he had nothing to do yeah of course because you want to put everything on the red in Las Vegas he was he said he knowing only that he's lucky five hundred dollars the rest when he was turning into money orders different different places they told him go to Walmart only up 2500 not more than that hey I'll just write the status first I asked listen I'm just falling asleep a little bit I'll kind of kind of like a little bit tired I need a dick nap can I ask him a question I have my partner who can I talk to you have more patience what was your name what was your what was your name Jesus my name is Jesus Jesus okay and you're is is Andrew your older brother or your younger brother uh you've belong to me somewhere in the family it belongs to you isn't happen so he just called me and said bro this happened to me okay so you're not related to him you talk a lot okay okay all right okay I get it I understand I'm just I just have a few questions we can end this soon whatever but just please give me direct answers I don't need a whole novel every time okay so you're not related to him by Blood correct yes okay do you know him well though I know everything I know these people because these people my family okay okay all right I don't either I don't need more I don't need a novel okay so if you know him well answer me this and I'm not insulting with this question it's a genuine question is he stupid is he stupid yes he is stupid because okay so then why is the responsibility everyone else's problem except for his if he's the stupid one you you do sir what do you do but I'm telling you one thing because the first time the guy even don't know what's going well we've already done what we're gonna do it's not about that I'm just trying to understand why first of all he can't even confront us and you talk too much you talk you talk a lot you talk a lot you talk a lot you talk a lot this isn't some cheap karate lesson he [ __ ] took instructions from someone he's never met over social media to go to an old man's house lie and pretend to be FedEx take 23 000 in cash buy money orders and then hand it off to some [ __ ] Rando you expect me to believe that he just got misled you either have to be the dumbest [ __ ] idiot in the world to do that or he knows more than he's admitting and I have a I have a feeling it's the latter and I also have another question I'm not done I haven't I've not said Jesus to Jesus Christ Jesus what is money order do you live under a rock is he a z Turtle what everyone knows what a [ __ ] money order is business industry I'm telling you they told him to do it so he says how much money I'm going to get you the money order okay so he does know what a money order is if he asks how much money for a money order then he knows what a money order is so he's just following them yeah because buddy knew what a money order was he didn't have to Google it like he knows what it means he said he didn't know what a money order was so that just kind of just kind of disproved the whole point there that he was not knowing now they told him already because you know him now so we got money money order lessons and then he was just going to do the money or okay well my other question is how come our contact in India already knows that this was a sting setup because we certainly didn't tell them sir they are holding in both ways they have more questions here we don't know okay he put this guy in the situation and now he's blocking our call we're calling him say hey what you did but he don't want to talk to her okay well knowing what's going on well I I understand what you're saying but the the the problem is is that when you [ __ ] up even if you didn't know how badly you were about to [ __ ] up it's still your responsibility okay he should be lucky stop just stop talking for 30 seconds please he should be lucky that it was us and not a real victim that just had their life ruined and then would have filed charges for Grand Larceny against your brother and he'd spend the rest of his life in prison right now we're just investigating and exposing to the world who is responsible for this and right now the only one with palpable evidence that's involved with nefarious intentions intentions is your brother and now he can't even face us face to face it's not a good look for him so I'm telling you this and then it's not a thread it's not a thing I'm just informing you that everything that we do gets reported to the federal agents that we work with that's number one and number two we have we have a large following we have a media presence and this is what we do for a living is exposed to the world the perpetrators of this fraud and he's already been caught up in it because he's the one that showed up unfortunately for him so the footage is going to get published to the media Jesus the footage I'm almost done I'm almost done just I will tell you I will request you one thing because he's about to no yeah no if you decide to do something so that might well I'm not law enforcement so I can't charge him but the whole world will know I'm gonna expose the truth yeah I'm gonna expose the truth because he's uh he's not that of a person and who who are you again you're gonna tell me not to but who are you I'm a G sister oh okay but you don't pay me you don't pay my rent though right if you do that's okay because that's the thing we gave him a beautiful palpable way to prove to us that he's not foolish and not only has he not done that but he's also now ghosting us and he's called Upon Jesus to try to fight his battles for him so unless we can see him he called me well what an answer to prayer for for him well here's the deal I mean I said listen man if these people cooperating you they sell them all sorry they're gonna understand I told him already then he said no bro they've been mad you need to talk dad I call you because he he he's telling whatever you asking him he's exact same statement even you kill him he's not gonna change because the real person will tell the real story always whatever happened to him so he cannot support other people peoples because if something happened wrong with him he's gonna do the same things what you're doing to him okay because same story none of that none of that made any sense at all have any brother or anyone in a family like him just give him one chance so this person don't really needs to me so you're trying to pull on my heartstrings of innocent younger siblings when I'm the very one here trying to protect the elders that doesn't make any sense we're journalists okay all I have to go on is what I have captured on proof in front of my own eyes and right now all other than a bunch of blabel and Bulls spewing from lots of people's mouths is the fact that your brother showed up here and he lied about who he was he said he was FedEx and he knew damn well that he wasn't tell me to go to the pope and tell him that I'm Gumby's younger brother that doesn't mean I'm gonna do it use your head man you gotta use your head that's why I asked if he's stupid because he's either stupid or he's not telling us the whole truth I don't need to listen to you anger first of all I simply talk to you I'm doing you a favor [ __ ] I'm doing you a favor by even talking to you it's also strong words coming from someone who is anonymous right now where I am the one with the address where you could show up and actually do something I was pissing me off and I'm just I'm I'm over you I simply talk to you it's all right to be a part of my family my family is going to travel I've been gonna get him out go put him in the jail go ahead well you'll find out the bail when it's when it's posted I don't I don't I don't choose the bail so you don't have to yell at me I don't choose to bail the Bales usually the bail the bails usually set the Bales usually set like when you're arrested and it's picked by like a judge like I'm not a judge so it's not it's not the time he making it it depends on personal history if it's the criminal he's not he's just he committed a crime though you know do you own a criminal is do you ever Googled do you know what a criminal is if you ever Google the work right now do you know what the criminal means do you know what the word is I understand so but it's actually what is it what does it means if something happened by chance because this person is stupid and you don't know it's gonna happen if I if I if I if I enter a gas chamber and I let a fart off so strong that it actually kills somebody even though I didn't mean to or know that I had that kind of power I'd still be taking responsibility for that loss of life so your lack of knowledge has nothing to do with the crime itself I know she should not do that but he don't know it's not about trespassing it's about theft I know I'll do and fraud so I know whatever is there anything else you want to say other than you this that brother of Jesus help me already whatever you you believe it or no that's just right about believing I just go on what I have and I have the proof that he's gonna that's what comes next I was just giving your brother a chance to actually back up the statements he was making him because we're just we're just we're just it's not a threat we're just tell me we're laying our cards on the table you are a real person we are giving it a number you must not be married you're not a very good listener oh okay you've entered the the benchod for your Spear and I want you to come down like below the stratosphere I can't understand this guy okay I can't I don't speak noodle you gotta talk slower because I don't know what you're saying uh this is not a threat this is just laying our cards out on the table if you're really doing this for a thing do a proper thing go through the roots oh so you you know how to do stings oh [ __ ] we should collaborate where's your Channel well you're just telling me you're telling me how to do a sting properly I'm just curious where where your qualifications are do you have like a badge doing did you print out you could always print a badge off one of those plastic badges you know at least like you know I don't know I'm just wondering where your qualifications the person is very nice looking threatening is placing a time and place for violent action or retaliation we're not doing that we're laying our cards out on the table we're just saying hey we're here we're going to publish what we have we're just trying to give you a chance to back up your claims that he hasn't been able to do that if you decide it we should stop talking go ahead and do it I mean you you the one that called us oh my fifty dollars what a glorious testimony from Jesus wow so we talked to his brother and look like it's the same instead of this guy wanting to help us out anymore the brother was was being the official representative and you know we had fun with this conversation at this point there's not much else we can do we can't we can call the cops on him but nothing's going to happen he's not even here legally we've already tried the whole illegal immigrant route that doesn't work you you you're not even [ __ ] belong here you're all the way from Canada you on a week vacation and while you've been enjoying your vacation your wedding you can read by American citizens and then you're gonna go and have fun bachelor party in Las Vegas and then you're gonna go back to Canada I was like no not gonna work [ __ ] you and we're gonna release a footage of your relative as we've said we have to adapt these scammers are adapting they usually don't want to use the mail anymore they want to go right to a gift card or a wire transfer usually to an international bank account and uh once those options are no longer feasible then they'll hey I'll send an agent to your house and have them pick up the money again we try to catch a person above cashmule and this time you know he got his chicken legs he chickened it out at the end of the day you know we can bust we can confront but we can bring awareness that nowadays that scammers when they're gonna pretend to be Microsoft they can pretend to be a PayPal Norton whatever they send freaking criminals to your door lie to you in your face pretending to be a courier from FedEx UPS pick up cash from elderly person and go back and it's just it's just mind-blowing what happening every single day right in your face right in your neighborhood and again all we can do we cannot arrest but we definitely can bring this publicity and put this on internet there's nothing we can do other than what is in our control I say this every single time what is on our control is awareness and taking mules out of the circuit we have no power in prosecution or or putting handcuffs on these people or holding people against their will what we can do is scare the [ __ ] out of them from ever doing this again we can remove them from the circuit that's one less person that'll be going to your grandma or Grandpa's house to take cash from and get as much information as we possibly can despite the intense circumstances at hand thank you so much for watching when we blur scammers faces on this channel it's to protect the channel not the scammer you can watch the uncensored and extended version of this video over on our very own streaming platform Trilogy plus it's an ocean of original content from Trilogy media and friends and gives us a place to upload our content the way we want to make it you can get the app from the play store or app store or simply visit and promo code summer 50 still applies for six months at Half Price thanks again for watching and we'll catch you guys in the next one cheers foreign foreign foreign
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 594,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scammer, scam, scams, scambaiter, scammer confronted, confronting scammers, scammers raging, syskey scammers, scambaiting, immigrant scammer, canadian scammer, cash mule confronted, cash mule sting house, sting house, popup scam, microsoft scam
Id: 3eWM5kvvoTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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