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Asmon gotta check out this video, its just crazy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VyKost 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2023 🗫︎ replies
this is a box with half a million dollars in cash and this is the voice of the evil scammer who's expecting it listen to me listen we're about to intercept a package with 500 000 in it from this scammer and confront him while doing it the scammer is waiting in this parking lot in Palm Springs California for a courier delivery of this package with half a million dollars in it now what the scammer doesn't know is that this cache is fake and so is The Courier The Courier Is Us and the scammer has walked right into our trap of being exposed to the entire world get ready for the largest and most dangerous scam package interception we've ever done here at Trilogy media [Applause] this video is insane so make sure you watch the end because you're not going to want to miss any of the suspense the confrontations the undercover action the FBI raids plural and so much more that you won't believe actually happens right here in this video this is an extremely complex scam that involves many players and I'm going to expose every detail of it to you right now and this all leads to a cash delivery confrontation with half a million dollars in a box in the back of this white van and a CVS parking lot in Palm Springs California but how did we get to this point buckle up this gamer calls himself John Peterson and he's running a Publisher's Clearinghouse scam or PCH scam now if you're like I was and you're wondering what the hell does that mean I'm gonna explain everything to you right now Publishers Clearinghouse the real Publishers Clearinghouse started way back in the 50s as a marketing company for magazine subscriptions its strategy was to replace door-to-door magazine sales by operating as a single vendor offering multiple magazine subscriptions by mail in the late 60s they introduced sweepstakes in order to increase sales of subscriptions which involved prize-based games and large cash winnings to random subscribers you might remember the old school giant checks that they would deliver to people's houses and surprise them now a PCH scammer of course is somebody pretending to be from Publishers Clearinghouse pretending to give you a large cash prize but not before demanding a payment from the victim first not unlike the refund scams from India they contact their victims in bulk by sending out thousands of robocall voicemails and or scam emails with the prize info and a contact phone number for the victim to call back and claim their prize right here in this example you can see they identify as Publishers Clearinghouse they say you've won 18.5 million dollars blah blah blah and instruct you to Simply contact the payout Bank to receive your prize from there the scammers will make you pay some kind of fee before they can deliver you your prize winnings usually a one percent tax or a delivery fee or whatever nonsense they come up with how however unlike the refund scams in India the PCH scammers work primarily out of Jamaica and unlike refund scammers who work in call centers in large groups with a hierarchy the PCH scammers tend to work in very small isolated groups as a victim you're likely to talk to the same scammer from start to finish unlike the refund scam where you'd be transferred to a manager or a closer now because of this scam baiting PCH scammers requires a much heavier amount of social engineering refund scammer dialers or openers are very script based whereas PCH scammers really take the time to get to know the victim personally so they can set up the most effective steel PCH scammers also use elderly victims as money mules a lot and it's extremely common for them to re-meule people over and over again sometimes for years at a time now by money mule I mean somebody here in the United States that can receive money from another victim on behalf of the scammer usually cash or a check take a commission and then forward the rest or deposit it directly to the scammer these PCH scammers are very good at Social Engineering and keeping people on the hook for long periods of time in order to do their dirty work this is how they can get an elderly person to be a money mule time and time again without them even realizing what they're doing they're allowed to keep a small percentage of the money that's moved as their prize winnings at the promise that more will come later it creates this kind of Carousel of scam and deception that just keeps spinning and spinning easy to avoid for most but really damn difficult to escape from If You're vulnerable enough to be sucked in and nobody knows more about that than modern pulse scambaits and chappie Gray from scam Pond yes Mr Clark yes is this the publisher squaring out yes sir this is this is the Americans cash Awards company that is hooked up with the Publishers Clearing out they taught us everything we know about PCH scammers and they've talked to in and saved more mules and victims of this scam than anybody I've ever seen by stringing along these PCH scammers for days at a time and using social engineering right back at them Ray and chappie are able to identify multiple money mules and victims to help them and or report them to the proper authorities and thanks to them we were able to join the fun in exposing this [ __ ] sandwich calling himself John Peterson our victim in this bait is named Rey play by well Rey at modern Paul scambaits on YouTube do you remember being a subscription of the Publishers Clearing out over the previous years congratulations to you sir yes indeed that's how your name was randomly selected Ray called this scammer John Peterson after he allegedly won 18.5 million dollars and a brand new Mercedes-Benz from Publishers Clearinghouse okay so what's going on the wheel has been spent and your name was selected as our third place lucky recipient winner I can't believe this brand new 2023 Lawrence Mercedes-Benz cool but of course Rey has to pay the taxes first before he can receive his delivery and how much are the taxes half a million dollars actually no only fifteen hundred dollars your one percent of government taxes just only fifteen hundred dollars sir which begs the question how the hell did we get to half a million dollars you'll see get yourself um three three money pack Green Dot money pack scratch card so the scammer wants three Green Dot money pack cards worth five hundred dollars each a paltry sum considering our inevitable half a million dollar package but this is all part of the scammers vetting process you see since Rey is a brand new victim to this scammer the scammer wants to test how legit Ray is as a victim with a much simpler ask somebody ready to make the payment to get the price delivered to you sir now of course the scammers want the 1500 but what they're really looking for is a victim that will eventually give up a lot more and ultimately be manipulated into becoming a cash mule you're telling me that I need to make the payment before you can do the delivery that's correct you gotta get the the the money pack reload of your scratch card but um my God didn't I tell you about my probation raise on probation I told you I can't do that I'm on probation and restricted from purchasing gift cards or any kind of electronic currency and why is he on probation there are reasons back in 2016. I needed to make some money so I looked at Craigslist there was a job I had to go was watch a video and type out what was said my bank account was frozen my PayPal was frozen foreign manager Michael Washington doesn't seem to be too concerned with Reyes criminal dealings how far from the Walmart are the post office are you right now and he sends them to the store anyway how much money do you have with you right now um I ran my safe I've been saving money in my safe I can just take 50 1500 out of there array plants the seed early on of having a safe in his house and you could bet the scammer will try to capitalize on that later but for now with fifteen hundred dollars in cash Rey heads to the store I'm driving with you don't have the phone Amanda live with you all right just take your time remember tonight you're gonna be a wealthy person and you don't want anything to happen to you with all these [ __ ] you're not gonna open your business to anyone you're gonna try to keep This Confidential because you don't want no one trying to attract you or try to rob you okay bro I should be at the Walgreens in about three or four minutes you're gonna get those Green Dot MoneyPak cards three card five hundred dollars a piece put the phone in the pocket okay I'm going in now of course the real Ray is not going to give the scammer 1500 in money pack cards but in an effort to continue the dialogue and waste more of the scammer's time he continues to create obstacles for himself and inevitably the scammer he brings in chappie Gray to be the voice of our cashier whose system gets flagged by Rey's actions and has to call the authorities and the scammer buys all of this okay what denomination oh they need to be 500 a piece okay give a license uh yeah oh this is weird hold on let me try that again here take your debit card out um this is really odd um it says I have to call the authorities on you oh okay no no no give me my life hold on one minute sir hold on hold on hold on it's let me let me at least call my store manager and security over here no no no there's no need there's no need I'm on probation and I'm not supposed to buy these I was hoping that you guys wouldn't notice I'm supposed to call the police sir no no no no please I'm out of here crap crap crap crap dude yeah I hear it I heard I heard oh I gotta get out of here before they send some some damn cop on me oh [ __ ] oh boy hell no out of my way I gotta help on these cops [ __ ] suck get out of my way oh geez oh barely I got him they're in the dust those was the cops chasing you they were but no not anymore oh [ __ ] just when you thought it was over Rey gets raided and arrested by the FBI hold on hold on to summon at the door okay hold on I understand I'm going through the door but this scammer just wouldn't give up wow this guy's desperate enter Rey's wife Jennifer this is Jennifer Clark I'm calling on behalf of my husband Raymond also played by our real Ray with Raymond Clark now sitting in federal custody and the scammer continuing to call him his wife Jennifer Clark answers his phone and continues our story my husband Raymond was dealing with you guys where is Raymond right now Raymond's in a holding cell he was arrested yesterday by the FBI you're speaking to John Peterson I'm John Peterson oh hi guys where did he get his phone from where did you find his phone I found his phone under the rubble of his desk so where are you right now I'm in the I'm in Raymond's apartment at the present moment right now do you know is the the code for his safe but you see now that the scammer knows about Rey's safe he takes this opportunity to up the stakes go and try to see if you know the code for the safe do you drive yes I of course I drive okay my love my love okay don't worry yourself let me know how much cash do you seem to say he tells Jennifer he can offer an identity Protection Service for her husband in order to keep him hidden from the feds it's about his criminal record that's what I'm trying to say it's record it's your record but it's gonna cost them a whopping twenty thousand dollars take your time and count out twenty thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars and take up a hundred dollars to do the overnight man okay all she's gotta do is grab the cash out of the safe wrap it up nicely and pop it in the mail get yourself dressed I'm on the phone listen listen listen listen I'm listening take your time and drive it very very carefully on the road when you're moving out so I'm on the line when you reach at the parking lot at the FedEx you're gonna say hello that's when I'm gonna provide you the name and the address you're gonna have it overnight mail into okay okay great now it's important to remember every single time this scammer gives shipping instructions it's revealing the identity of another money mule and most of the time it's elderly people that have been caught up in this scheme and are already in for thousands of dollars this allows Rey and chappie to contact them separately in order to help them and to report any relevant information to the authorities okay on the line just say hello when you're at the FedEx okay okay I'm going in I'm gonna put you in my in my purse I'm gonna put you in my purse okay okay that's not a problem just don't let it get hung up I'm on the line but of course our cashier chappie has other plans give a license man yes I did it looks like you're you're flagged in my system why would I be flagged oh it looks like yeah it looks like that you've got an association with a felden who is this address you're sending it to it's an associate that's helping my husband with his identity yeah I gotta make a quick call I'm gonna step out back leave there leave right now you're gonna call the feds to see if probably they could come to see if they could catch her to see what you're doing do you have the envelope with the cash go home go go in your car and leave leave the arrive no drive and leave right there because that lady is someone like the same person that set up your husband last night they're following me there's two cars get out of my way by your friend I'm trying to lose these cats no I I just lost the cops I'm going back home yeah he has I didn't know Raymond was fashion and so much I quietly counted he's got over 400 000 in that safe okay don't say anything okay keep it to yourself don't take don't tell anyone that's the thing about it if it's not John Peterson don't speak with anyone okay okay oh someone's at the door oh my God there's black cars out the window thank you okay so with Jennifer and Ray now in federal custody one would think that the story can't get any more ridiculous but the scammer is still buying it and still calling back repeatedly trying to get access to that safe the safe that doesn't actually exist which is the funniest part in a third go-round of this lunacy we now have Rey's Pastor Dan at the house cleaning up the mess of the previous two FBI raids I'm a preacher they're just in time to receive yet another call from this scammer listen listen you're not speaking with the jackass here all right you're not talking to a donkey and even though he sounds kind of skeptical at the beginning his greed got the best of him as he makes a third attempt to get the contents of the safe mailed to him it's John Peterson I'm the agent to get him registered back over get a new identity he's gonna be moving from Utah because he cannot stay there anymore because they are watching him listen to me very carefully and I want you to listen carefully okay how far is that FedEx away from from you and this time it's not fifteen hundred dollars it's not twenty thousand dollars he wants the entire thing four hundred and seventy five thousand dollars in cash listen what I want you to do look for a box that that could put all of the cash you see in the safe it's supposed to be about four hundred thousand dollars to five hundred thousand dollars hold on hey calm down hey Hey listen listen stop talking stop talking do you see the gold watch and the Diamonds oh yeah and some gold bricks and watches and whatnot put all of the put all of them in the box he instructs the Reverend to pack up the contents of the safe and ship it to yet another money mule in fact everything everything you see in the safe you packed it in the Box tape it around head out to the to the FedEx right now please and thanks now here is where things started to get really interesting and where we as Trilogy media were able to start getting involved if the scammer has a money mule here in the United States expecting half a million dollars in cash it can't possibly be an unknowing money mule can it how would the scammer manipulate an unknowing mule to launder that much cash maybe it's not an unknowing mule at all maybe it's a full-on accomplice there's only one way to find out to confront them in person at the delivery Ray and chappie gave us a full breakdown of the events up until now and we brainstormed how we could best approach a confrontation with a cash delivery this large we had to stall the scammer and buy some time in order to plan and we had just the person for the job did you want to insure this uh no we're just sitting it open that wait a minute why do I feel like I've done this before sir this address has been flagged do you have a gentleman by the name Mr Clark sir you're wrapped up in the same amount of trouble they are let me tell you something right now oh no they've got you involved in something that's fraudulent every package that goes [Music] I need to call the authorities take up the box and go home don't go to Raymond's home go to a friend's house I go to Penny's house Hey listen stop telling people your business that you're doing something for someone give her the address that I gave to you and you make sure that you leave the phone with Finney and let Penny be on the road to go and deal with it right now but don't let Finney go to the same FedEx oh looks like you got someone at the door hold on I come and open the door what the hell okay so with Ray Jennifer Dan and Penny all now in federal custody it was time to send something for real and confront the recipient of 475 thousand dollars so we had Rey the original victim released from jail temporarily in order to prepare for his upcoming court date this gave us time to arrange a real delivery she didn't look too uh thrilled being holed up like that but she made it okay he was let out at 4 pm today Ray talks to the scammer yet again and agreed to send the entire 475 thousand dollars and the scammer gave him yet another address just outside of Palm Springs California addressed to a man named Daryl however while we prepared to mail an empty package it turns out that this address doesn't exist but from our research Daryl does exist in this ZIP code but the address was completely non-existent now given the dozens of panicked calls from the scammer that followed we were able to assume that this was a legitimate error on the scammer side something that we could use to our advantage Rey ignored all the calls from the scammer for the rest of the day enough time to make him sweat and long enough for all of us to concoct the new plan Rey finally connected back with the scammer the next day and used his own mistake against him he told the scammer that he already sent the package via a private Courier a man named Jeremy who happens to be an old childhood friend of Reyes and also works for a company called Utah Highland Courier now it's all [ __ ] but there's a reason Jeremy drove all the way to Palm Springs and attempted the delivery on Monday and the package was not deliverable because the address didn't exist did Jeremy called you back no he didn't he just gave me that information that we needed it's pretty specific and I realized really saying that if we could get a number for Jeremy he could meet up with Jeremy very very quickly tomorrow so Jeremy is now doing Rey a favor by holding on to the package until Wednesday at the end of his route from literally 11 a.m till noon Jeremy will be waiting for him and will be waiting outside in the parking lot of this CVS between 11AM and noon well that's not a problem I'm gonna send you Dario's number I'll uh pass the number along to him and he can call him tomorrow where the receiver Daryl can meet him to pick up the package giving us just enough time to rent a van become a fake Courier and drive to Palm Springs to meet face to face the recipient of half a million dollars in stolen cash I'm saying listen to me it's your money in the box if you let Jeremy messed up your money it's only your fault it's on your shoulder Daryl is a very important person to our organization tomorrow at 11 A.M Jeremy will be standing next to the front door of CVS store and he's gonna remain there until noon during that hour Daryl needs to go to the CVS and meet with him he will then take delivery of the 475 thousand dollars I have put into that box okay I understand with you I understand except we're not going to have any cash what we will have is cameras and questions we're on our way to Palm Springs right now and we have no idea what's gonna happen thank you [ __ ] crazy now already by watching this you can see how much time and effort these scammers put into their schemes they have this time because they do this full-time funded by all the money of the innocent people that fell victim these scammers are changing their tactics and upping their game every single day and there's just no way to always be one step ahead of them until now our security partner guardio is a browser extension that protects you 24 7 while you surf the web these scams are complex and multi-layered but more often than not they start with something really simplistic like a phishing email or a malicious pop-up a single wrong click of the mouse that could have been so avoidable if you had something like Guardia looking out for you all of these things are simply blocked by guardio in real time Azure online giving you peace of mind as you surf the web and perhaps more importantly as your family surfs the web our link Trilogy gets you 20 off after a seven day free trial and allows you to add up to five family members onto your subscription at no extra cost not to mention soon as you get the extension guardio is going to give you a free health report of your browser instantly to let you know what data leaks have occurred what harmful sites you may have visited unknowingly and much more I've had a Gmail address for a long time and I couldn't believe how many times it was leaked with my password online over the years without me even knowing cardio alerts you of anything suspicious and more importantly helps you to fix whatever issues are present they also just released some fascinating research on how Google ads are being used to spread malware Can you spot the difference neither can I they have over a million users and their reviews are solid go to Trilogy for a free trial and 20 off the already really low price get yourself and your family protected online right now you might like our videos but I know you don't want to see your mother on here as one of our scam victim subjects scams and malware are preventable Trilogy now let's roll into Palm Springs with our half a million dollars in cash see what the hell happens I have gray hair of Jesus so I'm gonna hear Ashton right yeah you're gonna hear you'll have access to all of us we're all going to be on channel three okay checking checking you guys hear me in years yes copy Eagle One Eagle One this is Dildo three dildo three can you hear me definitely good um yeah you guys are rolling everything should be good to go right go for a rolling back here yeah we're moving how far away are we uh eight minutes so make a right and straight [Music] straight two miles I'm trying to drop you off right before yeah try actually maybe do something like over here maybe that's in the in the park let's do a circle and then we can see and then your point where you're gonna Park so I can yeah mother gave me uh till the one to the one I'm looking for dildo too uh butt plug butt plug do you got bait alright boys good luck all right blood Vlog butt plug this is Dildo this is Dildo the dildo is out looking for the whole looking for Lending looking for the whole copy that dildo I hope you find a hole I think we have our guy here guys um he was looking at me trying to wave me down there's a guy trying to wave you down yeah so I think we have our guy it looks like an older gentleman okay we're rolling but I'm gonna Park away from him so I can go see him so stay down please I don't know if I can back into these spots guys I might just pull head in I see that you're looking for parking okay keep looking okay pulling head into this parking spot and I'm gonna go out and see our guy right now you ready I'm gonna leave the car on hey Daryl hey bud nice to meet you man how you doing thank you yes how's it going I know I was driving through and I saw you there I wasn't sure if they were my guy but I was like let me just find some parking and how you doing oh it's pretty good size yeah I mean it must be an important one because there's a lot of uh they had to make sure that this gets here so coming from a friend of yours or yeah all right um I got the package in the back here um I just need to check an ID as well because they were very strict about making sure that this package didn't get lost all right Daryl thank you very much sir okay wow you work nearby oh okay all right that's great um got a little confession to make when and where it was a long drive the box kind of bounced around a little bit there's got torn open and I see that there's a great deal amount of cash inside this box is that is that what you're expecting you guess yeah I mean because here's here's the predicament I'm in is according to the postmaster laws I'm not supposed to transport cash over state borders so I didn't see it till I got into California but I'm not supposed to say anything but like I don't want to cause a problem for you so it is definitely yours though right like it's your cash so it looks like it's a lot what'd you say are you expecting cash from someone are you supposed to like send it on to somebody okay all right uh well here's what we're gonna do I actually have another confession to make I'm actually not a courier I work with the media okay my name is Ashton and I work with the media and we're investigating scams International wire fraud money fraud mail fraud we're investigating scams it's a package here that you're expecting we have been tracking this package to try to figure out why there's half a million dollars of cash in it coming to you what well you just told me we're expecting cash now how much how you doing okay okay [Music] that's all from what though why would someone be sending you cash you know how illegal that is right you don't know how how legal is to expect half a million dollar Cash In The Box but you told me just now that you were expecting cash okay the guy you've been talking to so who's that guy you've been talking to you what's his name Lamar Lamar yeah chappie are you on the line yeah she's choppy you can talk [Music] yeah all right so I am here with uh Daryl uh Daryl was expecting cash but claims that it wasn't this much he says he was talking to someone named Lamar do you know what Lamar but what's happening here is where you know it's okay to tell what's going on yeah please explain to him what's happening okay guys so so we are working with John Peter and Peter she very well may be Lamar to you told that you want to succeed some single prize as well as well hi um no but I've been getting a call from somebody else telling me I got a price coming or it's like what are you talking about who promised you money and how much did they promise you well then get down I want to know did you send any money personally to anybody you did it before can you speak a little bit louder please my voice all right it's okay I had throat surgery but you told me you were instructed to pass this package on to somebody else well not yet so he's waiting for me to accept the package okay I guess and then he's going to tell me where to sit okay so that's the definition of a money mule a scammer is using you as a money mule so he can steal money from other people so he had another victim send you half a million dollars and he tells you it's for something else but he's actually stealing money from people all over the country and he's using you to help him do it there is no prize money he's not giving you anything I found that out a couple years ago how much did you send initially uh [ __ ] I lost uh how much did you lose almost a thousand one thousand yeah so if you knew it was a scam a couple of years ago why are you still helping this guy well he moved here or he came here the border with this kid so have you ever met him no no it's a lie he's lying to you see he doesn't live in the states he's in Jamaica choppy should I play him the guy's voice let me play him the guy's voice and he can and he can hear it yeah the voice coaching the one that you talk to I have recordings of the same guy different name but I have recordings of when he's telling our victim to send you money his name is his name is uh or my name is Daniel they gave us this address which ended up not being correct but it's here and uh this is another one of our victims so listen to this is how it works um what am I getting what am I getting 18.5 million dollars that's the other guy yeah so you talk to both of them well the other guy um let me find this number but he calls from Jamaica yes and I won't uh today I just hung up on him okay I'm tired of it you know the [ __ ] what was your card how much percentage do they promise you oh what was your cause from this box not no come on nothing no wait don't lie nothing what seven percent no come on there is nothing to worry about how much do they open you I'm just picking up the box um what were we supposed to do with it and say I got two blocks how about you're gonna get on the phone and call him chappie do you want him to call you can call I I just want to make sure you know what you're getting into if you call him tell him you got the box got the money and what is the next Direction yeah can you do that should we we help people like no we're not blaming you we're not playing you what I'm telling you is that these professional scammers use people like you they lie to you to get you to receive money and then pass it on to them that's their whole their whole game okay so small guy yeah they put the flame on you troubles you're going to get in trouble in the U.S so you're not going to get prosecuted oh he's not going to get prosecuted yeah you're muelling money um one one question before he calls him do you want us to step in because I don't want him I don't want to get the instructions should we then come in later and tell them what's going on because yeah yeah they think you stole half a million dollars and they come after you right so that's why we'll have these guys step in and let them know you've been busted and when I say you've been murdered I'm referring to the scammer so here's what um before you call them let me ask you a couple of questions does he know your real address uh no good you're sure you've never given him your address it's very important for me helping you and making sure you're safe no he is not my address all right real address okay so I don't give that to people good choppy shop two choppy I will uh he can call and I think he should tell him he opened it and there's half a million in it and see what he says right yeah yeah find out what is the next step for you yeah we're not gonna we're gonna we're gonna stay quiet I'm not gonna say anything all right steps don't agree with him yeah we'll come in and you're going to give it back to him if he doesn't tell you what to do with it right now yeah say it's a lot of money say it's like looks like you know you cannot count but it looks like the the box full of cash it's supposed to be half a million and say like I don't want to be part of this full uh box full of uh cash and ask what is the next step all right we're going on a mute hold on one second one second okay did you give him your bank account information no no bank account nothing how did you send the money before you said you lost money before um Green Dot cards okay they call they tell you you win money yeah and send money to whoever and it's like wait a minute I've already sent money yeah that's the scam you gotta say more that's the skin right so after this after we call them Dustin I need to spend we need to spend some more time with you to get that info back from you because likely if you're not sending that money outside of the country you might be sending it to another Victim Because it's somewhat like a Ponzi scheme so we're gonna need to know where the other places are that you sent money so we can address that but for now well let's call him and put him on the spot everything before was like years ago are you the same person oh no me before um it I just don't understand how did they get in touch with you it is called so they called and said oh go pick up the box oh this that's Lamar Lamar yeah so you're supposed to call Lamar now okay if you can please call Lamar and tell him that you have it and there's a lot of cash see what the next step is for him because he knows how much is in here the box was opened and say that you can tell him you opened it you know and there's cash in it we're going to come in and take the fall for this for you but I just we want to hear what the next step is because we might be able to help someone else also so all right choppy we're being quiet okay he's going now love you more speaker [ __ ] for some reason or another my phone keeps dropping me soon calls yes speakerphone by chance and then reset it okay in this in this um for some reason another in this parking lot bad service yes yeah it's a drop in the calls yeah you like while we're processing and you should only you'll be starting your phone you're realizing the whole situation that you became a cashmere unknown cashmere you're supposed to receive half a million dollar cash and give it to somebody else and this money coming from a victim here locally in a domestically in the United States and skimmer himself in Jamaica manipulating people like you isn't it mind-blowing situation people go to prison for that you understand that right not for me yes this is supposed to be in your 175 000 to be exactly in your possession half a million dollars they scam people like you every single day and we're trying to expose them it's dropping again it says there's no SIM card in your phone no there's a SIM card because I used it to call you huh oh that you were texting me yeah yeah you said that yes okay right now because we have the number we have the same number we're gonna call right now in front of us five one two right what's the number right yes the number that's been texting me is five one two yeah five one two I see five nine eight that's your number or Lamar's number Lamar's okay so Lamar's been texting me because look look at this text I got I said hi Daryl this is Jeremy pretending to be you he told me what vehicle you're driving I'm at work a few blocks away call me when you get there where are you now Lamar's pretending to be you this is the number 512. 598 okay Lamar is calling new number [Music] I got your Bronx yeah there's a lot of money in here there's a lot of money in there yeah okay drive away there I know there's a lot of money there over 400 000. um what do you want me to do with it huh what do you want me to do with it I'll drive away there where are you now yeah I don't want to deal with this hello Lamar Lamar hello yep just hung up he's afraid to talk to anybody else he wants you to drive away with it so that he can get it from you half a million told him again told you call him again but I would like to talk to him because I want him to understand that this is not your fault it's our fault that he's not getting his money thank you Lamar thank you talk to me hello Lamar are you still up there Lamar say something there's a lot of cash in this box Lamar I'm here with Daryl okay are you there can you hear me um let me call him on my phone it must be initial it must be initial um direction from Walmart to you you get the box and then what did he say anything he said there is money in it did he say how much he gonna give it to you nothing he said let's just go on the parking lot pick up the box this is it and why would you do that I'm really confused why somebody would do that yeah exactly why would you do that can you show us your text from can we see can we see a conversation chat between you and Lamar the only other choices is we have to go to the authorities what's up 425 scroll up what's your address 425 sunrise tomorrow morning yeah can I take a a picture of this so this is him telling you the address of CVS to come pick up four hundred thousand dollars but you're saying he didn't tell you how'd you guys get sick what's that how'd you is that him five one two again I think he's posted okay talk to him and yes all answers the carrier hello yes hello yeah hey is this Lamar this is The Courier yes this is Lamar here hey Lamar uh so I'm not a courier my real name is Ashton and I'm investigating uh Publishers Clearinghouse scams and I'm here to expose the fact that you've taken advantage of Daryl here and uh there's no money in this box this has all been a setup and uh we have other thing about you your identity your location uh Daryl's not going to be helping you anymore so stop taking advantage of people and go [ __ ] yourself we're gonna be reporting this all to the authorities here in the states as well as where you are in Jamaica currently you understand that that's okay that no one is not taking advantage of that as you are you're promising him money you're promising him people millions of dollars you told our victim here Ray Raymond Clark that he's a prize winner and he has to send 500 000 to Daryl over here in Palm Springs what the hell is that about uh what are you talking about uh probably you have a mistake no I have nothing a mistake your life is a mistake because you are trying to scam people and this is Trilogy media and we're coming after you you understand and where are you coming after me that's what I wanna oh we're gonna find you we're gonna find you in Jamaica whenever you're off It Starts Here by exposing your money mules that you've recruited the money meals of people that you're deceiving and lying to and manipulating and the next step is going to be working with the authorities in your local country because they're going to take you down for money fraud wire fraud and a whole rigmaram of charges that's going to come your way you understand leave Daryl alone leave Daryl alone you deal with me from now on you understand Trilogy media look us up you deal with us there's no money here and it ain't Daryl's fault this was all the setup and you're going to keep getting exposed over and over again so you better watch yourself you understand okay you just lost a half a million dollars [ __ ] hope you have a good day Sky scamming you what what you were trying to say [ __ ] don't I know you weren't expecting any of this today and I'm sorry to be the ones to bring you the news but be grateful that it's a media company and not the cops yeah because we're trying to help people they use people in the states locally here so that they don't have to come here and then they make people like you take the fall for it so you need to delete every single go ahead go ahead choppy [Music] because you're a little bit nervous I I completely understand that I work with victims that are in your position every single day I have had people take their life literally take their life because their livelihood was stolen my [ __ ] like Lamar okay his name is not Lamar by the way okay he's in Kingston Jamaica I know exactly where he is and I'm gonna question no matter what it takes I'm not going to sleep until this [ __ ] behind bars now you can be on our side and we can help you get away but there's some danger here so I want to make sure if you gave in your address because very often my victims have given an address I need to know that because we need to talk to your local authorities to make sure you're safe also they use victims bank accounts all the time and what I need to say is they will turn you into long conversations to get information out of you sometimes to create a bank account in your name and what's happening so if you have a bank account that anybody has ever wired money to you've got to go to your bank and let them know that you have to change your bank account all your passwords because this is part of the money laundering process your bank account comes up I'm gonna submit it to the fact this happened before and it cost me well Cash Wise I sent a thousand but it cost me um um jeez well it cost me two big accounts and um why why why why are we doing it still what if it's for money are you short of money and you need some money at the time I did not know but you hear right now what do you mean not now you're still here I didn't say I knew about 400k what exactly he told you when you're walking he said he was expecting cash but he didn't know it was 400k until just now when I and then Lamar told him Oh I thought when you looked at his checks from Lamar no no he didn't says nothing okay about coming here so the only text from Lamar was the address of this shopping center so Lamar only thing that he told you that he's money in that box that's it no amount no quantity nothing just money and um I was under the understanding he'd already come to the states and he was in Texas so it's all part of their story it's not true so right got taken again yeah and you're supposed to do what meet with him and give him a box well did he say he was going to give you an address what are you gonna get out you do this for him if he didn't get it wasn't going to give you any money if you already knew that you used to be scam and you already changed your bank accounts because he knew you knew it was fraudulent scam activities why would you show up today here pick up the box for the person who betrayed you and took your money why would you do that freely he owes me about forty thousand dollars so you lost 40. you said you lost it he said get um cash your checks this is long long ago said cashier's check so basically um I'm looking for a way to get even so how did he get 40 000 from you put it in my bank account that's okay so he does have your bank account no he was saying it used to be the old one the old ones the one that he closed so he used to deposit money on your bank account and why does he owe you 40 Grand from those bank accounts why it cost me pretty good because I ended up having fall bankruptcy so he was promising you he'd pay that back to you Chuck how are you getting did you get that choppy he's not making sense to you hold on he gave you a certified check to get to your account exactly how do you how to wind up with you away with him owing you because I took money out of this off the certified checks and sent it to him and then and then attack was bad yep okay all right you think it's real and say send me x amount the jet goes bad and now you're screwed but after that happens once why on Earth would we do it again um I'm just I was kind of trying to get even so he was trying to get his money back because it's when he filed bankruptcy and when he took that money it cost him forty thousand dollars by picking up this box he was thinking he can gain 40 000 dollars back that he lost before but I didn't know there was that much money he didn't know that it was half a million dollars so they probably were going to give you the and he probably would have you walked away sorry sorry go ahead nope too quickly that your head is going to spin and Lamar is not no she's gonna call you a thousand times let me finish I'm just gonna call you a thousand times and tell you ridiculous stories that these guys are hackers and they're trying to steal the money there is no money there is no the other victim I know okay we didn't put money in the Box I hired Trilogy to come out and do this so she's still got a victim who was being victimized and you are going to be the person going down for that yep okay so as you've done this for other people so that means no right now you're a money launderer okay I'm just telling you all right so importantly now I work with so many people I get 30 bank accounts a day to investigate if I see your name your bank account your address on anything I am going to be at the Fed so quickly you understand what she's saying yeah let me clear that let me clear that you're literally having today a second birthday if it wasn't for our journalism work and amazing choppy that we have it will be fads FBI and other jurisdiction putting you in prison for money laundering in America and Jamal will find another guy he will do it with another person he not coming to Texas he's not coming to any different states he collecting this money through people like you are and he live luxury life in Jamaica if choppy she's she has eyes everywhere if she gonna see your bank account popping anywhere if you betrayed us right now and you're gonna do this again you're going to be in prison but on the other side of that to play anybody else to play the good side of this uh if you communicate with us we have a way to contact you without any of their involvement we can help you to sever any ties you might have with these guys whatever else they might have on you that you don't even realize information they're very good at what they do and chappie is the number one professional with dealing with this situation in the United States I haven't given him a chance informational okay and you change your bank account struggling to believe that as a precaution I'm gonna make the decision in my own mind that you did it on purpose nobody okay very good they'll ask you questions they'll get your mother's middle name for telling a ridiculous story that's stuff that I don't know I didn't really saying no but you're standing here again um and so I'm still struggling I made the decision to cause Trilogy versus calling the feds I worked I'm in arm with the feds every day all right so I'm still quite honestly on the fence here if you you continue to work with Trilogy what they do is they educate the world okay they are the best group at educating people about skin all right they are not just two guys in a band these guys have a millions of viewers we're the public journalism feet on every single thing that they put out okay and that that word gets up so if you work with them like I'm gonna work with them somebody we will help you we'll help you get hold because I was getting five calls a day yeah five different yeah and they're gonna keep calling you how about we get organization 42 times since you guys have been in that room since we've been talking to you wow 42 times yeah right now right now yeah right in the last 15 minutes yeah how about this Daryl I told my Victim to block him okay exchange the number how about we get the best contact number for you yup we can stay in touch we can help you we have resources that can help you um well I can give you our flyer to say give um this is us okay we're all over um uh we this is our company all of our links are there if you're comfortable giving us your number we can keep it and we can get in contact with you okay uh choppy do you want to take this number down okay let's wrap this up thank you for stop having an open ear uh operation yeah and uh we're here to help so let's stay in touch uh and I cannot stress enough block those people you need to block everything if you're gonna come talk to you today constantly no he's not different numbers so if he calls you I'm gonna know he calls you yeah hey my brother click up the phone because I'm watching him he doesn't call me brother all right well um listen you need to watch out for yourself and nobody will take care of you when people you don't know are promising you life-changing gifts well that's why the um that one number I took just showed you those it's okay no no sorry take your time guys uh some days you'll call me like like boom boom boom boom it's like you know why do you know why they're calling you so many times you're already on the list you are on there not a bad idea you were on their lists as someone that will do what they want so they're gonna keep doing it until you stop because they already tricked you once speaking about speaking of the devil yeah uh-huh completely different number answerless no no no hello okay listen to me Lamar I'm telling you one more time this is Trilogy media and this is Vlad and Dexter if you're gonna [ __ ] contact this person one more time I'm gonna do a lot of bad things to you even you domestically internationally and we know that you're in Jamaica you internationally leave this person alone there is no cash in the box and the FEDS right now getting trace of your stuff that you've been doing all these years you're caught it stops now stop calling this person you understand that can you hear me can you hear me yeah I can hear your shitty voice everything is okay just leave that alone go ahead chappie yeah go ahead choppy you see what he's trying to do everything is okay you see yep yep great and they're going to keep calling different numbers yeah 876 numbers Jamaica and I was when they call me I'll tell them when you open the weather like in Jamaica and it's wait a minute what are you talking about when you open pressure and you're gonna see our journalism the work that we've done on every single national network it's us educating people like you are pre-band or people already who are victim or cashmere knowing or knowing we've been doing this almost a decade you must trust us and you have to take care of yourself we can help you we can help you to prevent that happening to you again but you have to take a lead in this we cannot drive every single time to Palm Spring to send us yeah no some of them I've wound up putting them behind bars some of them we've helped out so I'm really hoping I don't see Lamar on the phone with you because I have all of his number three more than 30 seconds we're tracking all these numbers okay all right thank you thank you chopping yeah thank you choppy uh we'll lady yeah go ahead Debbie thank you and I'm absolutely you on your number as well and I will uh just to check on you making sure things restricted they're going to get restricted okay look at this another call [Music] hello hello hey what's up all right Lamar did you not did you not take directions do you not know how to listen maybe you're not married what the [ __ ] stop calling this guy we watch everything you do we know what you're doing we know when you wipe your ass we know when you fart stop you are so [ __ ] just cut it out and stop and cut your losses there's no money for you you're wasting your time please no he's standing he's listening he's standing you're not talking you're done talking to Daryl Daryl's done with you anything else you have to say before we expose the [ __ ] out of you what do you mean no you'll find out give us uh 10 days give us about 10 days you will find out your kids will find out you'll see through your kids your family hung up he's a little coward but do you see what he's doing he's waiting for us to leave so we can get you on if you want to get you back on a hook yeah because you're a supplier for him you'll change right do you need anything we're here for you okay I would recommend changing your phone number you need to notify all your family and just tell them that you have a new number I know it sucks but you have to do it otherwise you're going to get abused like this every single day all right all right I want to deal with these for the rest of the life good luck to you I'll just keep vlogging all right okay we're here if you need us all right yeah all right all right enjoy your day thank you have a good one um let's um let's get inside let's pull around somewhere else and uh reconvene thank you so much for watching for an extended version of this confrontation and the entire scam bait that led up to it visit Trilogy Plus on our app or at to stream exclusive content from Trilogy and friends that you can't find anywhere else don't forget to like And subscribe and Now's the Time the video the video is over you you have no excuse Trilogy just do it go what are you doing right now you don't have an appointment you just watch an hour-long YouTube video take 10 seconds go check your browser Health Trilogy I know you're thinking about it I know you're curious you know you got them data leaks go try it for free you've got nothing to lose just go do the to do the scan it takes 10 seconds you might be surprised what you find you'll be glad you did you've got nothing to lose unless you ignore me and then you have potentially everything to lose but you don't know that yet do you you will Trilogy just go just go just try it go go
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 502,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scammer, scam, scams, scambaiter, scammer confronted, confronting scammers, scammers raging, syskey scammers, scambaiting
Id: _qFSMGqr1t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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