HUNTER In WotLK Classic: Was It Any Good Though?

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[Music] we started this journey in 2019 and with wrath of the lich king classic confirmed for 2022 it is time for another class retrospective series during vanilla we asked was it any good though in tbc we moved on to ask is it any better now and for wrath well it's no longer a question of asking if your class is good or not because every spec in the game is great at something so we're going to be looking at what is new to your class baseline the pve talent changes as well as raiding how well your class is expected to perform in raiding throughout the expansion pvp performance in the arena as well as taking a look at your tss and then through this hopefully we can give a proper answer to your class in wrath of the lich king classic just how broken is it now [Music] hunters are a class that's had an interesting journey so far throughout classic from being a strong starter back in vanilla as marksman then to one of the most consistently powerful single target classes in the game throughout tbc as beast's mastery for wrath of the lich king you already know things are about to change massively i feel as though it's another expansion trying to smooth out the hunter and just well make them a little less clunky they've always been a class that's had these extra bits to consider from ammo to having enough pet food attack range swing timers the list goes on though we have so much to cover so we better make a start on the hunter in wrath of the lich king i want to start with the overarching changes which will affect your general gameplay first things first you can get rid of your swing timer your auto attack swings and any casted abilities such as steady shot are now tracked separately meaning you cannot clip your autos anymore in fact if you actively try to clip your autos they will still fire off during a steady shot cast meaning less time looking at your swing bar more time focusing on your rotation and there is a rotation too other than just pressing steady shot you still do need to carry around ammo as a hunter however now they stack up to 1000 instead of 200. also the attack speed from your quiver or ammo pouch has just now been added baseline onto your auto attacks so they're more just flavor items where you can store loads of ammo oh and yes there's still a minimum range where you'll swap between melee and ranged attacks and you still do use banner next up pets pretty much everything gets changed here the pet loyalty stat has gone in the past this affected various things such as how fast pet happiness was gained and whether or not your pet would run away among other things this means pets can't run away anymore in wrath the pet training point system is also completely gone these points were gained from leveling up pets and were then spent to give your pet abilities that you was the hunter learned from your beast training spellbook in wrath instead your pet will now have a talent tree similar to the hunter pets now have three families these are broadly speaking ferocity these are the dps pets for pve tenacity these are tanky pets mainly for leveling and cunning which are utility pets mainly for pvp these pet families can't be rerolled so make sure you're picking the right one for the content that you're doing and as your pets level up they gain talent points just like the hunter does and then you can spend them on their respective trees here's an example of how the new pet talent tree to look for tenacity because i couldn't really figure out where else to fit it in the video talents include a charge effect that has a short route the previously guerrilla exclusive thunderstorm for some aoe threat last stand which well you probably know what that does a bunch more health a powerful new cooldown and roar of sacrifice making you immune to crits and intervene which works the same way as the warrior one other talents here either basically do more damage or take less damage in one way or another the nasty pets include gorillas turtles crocolis crabs and so on each different type of pet will also have a signature ability so they aren't just the same apart from their visuals examples of this are wolves having a powerful attack power buff in furious howl and krabs having pin which is a physical type root which is really good in pvp on top of this pets will level considerably faster in general be able to hold threats a lot better than previously and if you minor glyph bend pet you don't even need to carry food for them anymore there's also some pet talents that do this as well though overall vast quality of life changes more depth to pets through the new talent trees it makes more sense the way they're trained and just big improvements on the previous system let's delve into each spec and see what's new baseline then beast mastery first kill command has been reworked from a proc after a crit into a one minute cooldown that makes your pets the next few abilities do a bit more damage aspect to the viper now reduces damage caused by 50 but restores mana way faster now aspect of the beast for some reason gives you 10 melee attack power to you and your pet if you ever fancy being a melee hunter that is new to beast mastery is masters call hey it's hand of freedom but undispellable that's pretty good a solid bit of utility added for the hunter in all areas of content here get a tank out of a route to be able to kite in pvp just a really versatile new spell full stable pet does what it says on the tin call a pet from the stable on a five minute cooldown good for pet swapping when it's needed last major change for beast mastery is a new aspect aspect of the dragon hawk it's just aspect of the hawk and aspect of the monkey combined into one still it's a lot of stats for free marksman next then first up arcane shot doesn't dispel a magic effect anymore this has been moved to tranq shot hunter's mark now starts at maximum power instead of having to be built up via ranged attacks viper sting now does a percentage mana drain instead of a flat amount and it's more or less just being nerfed and this is an across-the-board change for mana drain fx volley's undergone huge changes it scales better it crits and it's had its cooldown removed it's genuinely really worth having on your bars now for aoe situations so you don't just press multi shot and then be sad as a hunter due to the marksmanship tree is an execute the creatively named kill shot usable when targets are 20 percent health or lower fire an instant powerful attack that deals a large amount of damage something new to press when targets are low health and gives the hunter an extra level of threat in pvp the survival tree though is the one which i would say has the most changes deterrence has been totally reworked from being a talented tbc to now being baseline and way stronger it gives a 100 parry chance 100 chance for ranged attacks to miss and all spells will be deflected it can be played around by smart opponents a rogue for example can shadow step and they'll always be behind you and then land a kidney shot and it won't remove any existing damage over time effects nevertheless it is a vital personal cooldown for the hunter perhaps no longer share a global call down between all types of them instead they're in three categories nature which is just snake trap fire which is immolation explosion and also black arrow which we'll look at later in the survival tree and frost which is frost strap surprisingly freezing trap and freezing arrow hey that's another new spell freezing arrow it's freezing trap but ranged so no need to run into melee after scattering in pvp and you can reliably cc in pve content nice change misdirections had its cooldown load to 30 seconds and now redirects all threat for four seconds honestly a big buff to one of the best spells in your entire kit as a hunter mongoose spike no longer requires you to dodge in order to proc it a minor one but i thought i'd mention it and finally probably my favorite world of warcraft ability of all time comes to life in real for the lich king disengage well i say this because this spell has been part of the hunter's toolkit since classic where it used to be a melee range threat reduction which was you know completely useless now in addition to that it launches the hunter backwards allowing you to reposition close gaps and just do all kinds of thing it does require you to be in combat and raph though which is the only downside so that's all a baseline change is done time to check out the talent trees let's start off with what you should expect to be playing as a hunter early on into the expansion survival the biggest change here is survival goes from being a bring one of them utility spec in tbc to now they are great in their own rights in wrath the biggest reason for this is the exposed weakness talent goes from applying a debuff on your target increasing the entire raid's damage against it to a buff on you instead at the top of the talent tree the tracking talents have been combined into one but make sure you're tracking the correct type of enemy in both pvp and pve if you're a bit of an insane gamer you could swap tracking when tabbing between different targets if they are different types this would work as all tracking abilities are on their own separate cooldown from everything else so there's a bit of min max to be done there i don't know how much content that's really relevant to but i thought i'd mention it trap mastery has received some updates to make it even better and now also affects black arrows duration as well survival instincts no not the druid one is also a new talent and makes you just take a bit less damage and do some more damage tnt is pretty similar just adds damage to your rotation lock and load is brand new and is a powerful proc from traps or black arrow removing the cooldown on your next two explosive shots you want to try and force proc this off of cooldown through traps where possible hunter vs wild apart from sounding like some kind of reality tv show gives you and your pet some scaling off stamina and resourcefulness now reduces the cooldown on black arrow in addition to the previous effects i've taken one point and exposed weakness here perhaps you do want two earlier on into the expansion but survival hunters do crit a lot noxious stings is new for pve just think of it as do three 3 more damage against the target who has serpent sting on them master tactician now puts even more crit in your rotation simple enough sniper training is a huge boost to a bunch of your abilities after having stood still for 6 seconds it's pretty easy to keep up on most encounters though as it's got a 15 second duration but you do want to make sure that you're keeping this buff active black arrow something i've already talked about a lot is a brand new ability applies the damage over time effect and a damage taken debuff on your target for just you it says shows that cooldown with traps but it only really shows a cooldown with fire traps keep that in mind hunting party gives three percent agility and is one of many many classes that can apply the replenishment effect which is just a mana restore for up to 10 players in your raid finally your end of tree talent is an ability that's defined the survival hunter for many years the spell that puts the boom in your rotation explosive shot it's a short cooldown ability hits multiple times can create and does fire damage and it's just really satisfying to fire off survival hunters might consider glyphs such as kill shot explosive shot and serpent sting however hunters have a second pve spec that you will see people playing the biggest difference is that marksman is expected to need a good chunk of armor penetration before it really starts taking over but let's have a look at this tree now focusing gives some crit and prevents knockback on steady shotcast careful aim has been moved way up the tree and now converts 100 of intellect into ranged attack power and now a huge change to hunter affecting both pve and especially pvp here is that aim shot has had its cast time completely removed and still applies a mortal strike type effect of course it does less damage but it's well worth the trade-off readiness has also been moved over from the survival tree to marksman and still has the same effect resetting all your cooldowns apart from best your wrath improved barrage has changed a little bit now stopping spell knockback on volleycast piercing shots is new making crits from aim shot steady shot and chimera shot apply a bleed for 30 of the damage done crucial aura has also changed and is now just 10 attack power for your raid and it won't start with similar effects such as the one from say a blood death knight or an enhancement shaman master marksman is a load more mana efficiency on some spells and a bunch more crit rapid recuperation gives you some more mana efficiency overall not really needed in raids probably a decent talent for when you're leveling though wild quiver is now giving you a chance to fire an extra shot for bonus damage mark for death gives loads of stats five percent more damage from shots and pet abilities against the marked target and more crit bonus finally your last talent for marksmanship is chimera shot which in wrath has a bunch of different effects depending on what your active sting is if you have serpent sting up it deals a bunch of extra damage viper sting it will restore mana to you and scorpid sting will disarm the target the vast majority of the time it's serpent sting that's being used here but a disarm can have nice uses in pve and is certainly very useful in pvp being only on a one minute cooldown marksman hunters consider glyphs such as serpent sting the duration scales with chimera shot deadly shot to increase its damage a little bit and hawk for some additional gains i'll also give a mention to the pet here so in pve content more or less the go to is the wolf the ferocity which is the pet family we want and its unique ability is furious hell which provides a large amount of attack power with a pretty good up time talent-wise the ones that stand out are calling the herd which is essentially just a flat three percent damage increase for you and your pet rabbit has a dps cooldown which is only for your pet and gives them a stacking buff it's pretty minor but you may as well macro it into something and finally call of the wild a five-minute cooldown which should definitely be macroed into your big cooldown rotation which is 10 attack power for 20 seconds pretty substantial this is one of the large reasons why you do want a ferocity pair so how do we think hunters are going to perform throughout the duration of the expansion in pve content then well if you've noticed for the pve part of the video i didn't even cover beast mastery as a talent tree as it has one of the most dramatic fall from graces from being considered a top-tier single target spec in tbc to quite literally unviable in wrath i was going to say a fight some incredibly short in naxxramas it might have seen some play but as of this video blizzard have actually confirmed they plan to buff knack's content so that's not happening i'll still talk about it in pvp it's great for levelling as it's always been but in raiding it gets easily outperformed by either survival or marksmen early on to wrath the lich king you should expect hunters to be playing survival as a strong single target specialization putting out competitive damage without tons of gear once we start hitting later raids trial of the crusader and onwards and armor penetration starts to become much more plentiful expect hunters to make a shift over to playing marksmanship there isn't really a super big selling point to playing one spec or the other beyond preference and which one is putting out bigger numbers at any given time playstyle wise we've already talked about how clipping autos is gone both specs are now more of a cooldown based priority system marksman is more similar to how beast mastery is at the moment having a lot more filler steady shot time for survival there's a very good argument to playing super close range and trap and melee weaving to either increase damage or just get your traps on cooldown as they have procs tied to them and they don't all share a global cooldown themselves anymore dps wise hunters are typically middle of the pack from beginning to end of the expansion certainly not last but you're gonna struggle to stay really high up in dps in equally geared and skilled environments if you picked a hunter because you like being at the top of the dps for tbc and that's all you care about it may not be the class for you anymore overall though it's a more in-depth playstyle there's that responsibility of misdirection and on top of that you get a class that's also very much involved in pvp so let's talk about that next there is legitimately an argument for playing any of the three hunter specializations in arena and not many of the pure dps classes can do that we're gonna start with beast mastery and the changes it's had because we haven't really looked at it yet at all really early wrath the lich king pvp is probably the place we are most likely to encounter beast mastery hunters when resilience is low enough their burst damage can be seriously scary most often alongside enhancement shamans and holy paladins as part of the notorious beast clave comp helen wise for beast mastery aspect mastery is new which just amps up the power of all your aspects by a moderate amount moving down the tree ferocious inspiration now increases the damage of all your raid members by 3 as well as a few of your spells by a little bit best your wrap has had its duration lowered to 10 seconds but this is offset by some later talents and can also be glyph to reduce its cooldown even more cat light reflexes despite not being taken here also reduces the cooldown on kill command by half when taken cobra strikes is a new talent gives some synergy between you and your pet when you crit longevity is also new lowering the cooldown of all your big abilities such as best giraffe and intimidation kindred spirits gives you a massive 20 damage buff to your pet and adds some movement speed as well for you and your active pair and finally at the bottom of the tree is the namesake of this entire tree beast mastery this gives you 4 extra talent points for your pet and gives you the skill to tame exotic beasts these are certain pets across azeroth that have special and more powerful abilities such as their devil saw core hounds chimeras rhinos all the new and unique to northrend spirit beast pvp wise it's all about applying that mortal strike effect with aim shot and trying to burst people out with best giraffe up whilst you're immune to everything after that it rapidly becomes a weaker version of either survival or marksman but most of the time you won't be seeing beast mastery in arena in fact you'd probably be happy to see beast mastery compared to the much more common spec marksman a quick look at the talents then again it's pretty similar to pve main differences are over in survival entrapment changes to be a guaranteed route for four seconds we always want scattershot as a hunter and survival tactics reduces the cooldown on disengage by a little where the hunter comes together in pvp for raph is having an unreal huge toolkit of utility and damage that's a shot freezing trap silencing shot a disarm through chimera shot mortal strike on aim shot masters call for a freedom effect and readiness to reset the cooldown on literally all of those pet-wise there is a few choices actually which is up to you however you always want a pet with raw of sacrifice meaning essentially it has to be cunning or tenacity this ability is a one minute cooldown that protects a friendly target making them immune to crits however 20 of all damage taken is also applied to your pair but being immune to crits is massive imagine that versus an elemental shaman or a frost mage it's a big deal raw of recovery is another cunning pet talent that restores thirty percent of your manner over nine seconds the most common pvp pets are either a crab which are tenacity that can root a target for four seconds a spider which can also root for four seconds from range but it's magic dispellable or a ravager that does a two second knock down clip wise for pvp hunters can opt into serpent sting for damage aim shot to lower its cooldown for a better uptime and disengage to get out of bad positions overall hunters are a flexible pick that offer a ton to a wide variety of comps it certainly still has a pretty high skill cap just as it did in tbc but i think it can be really rewarding to get good at and you don't have to spend every game pressing viper sting on cooldown as your wing condition that's pretty cool too i think with that said let's check out a few tier sets then for the hunter tier 7 the crypt stalker battle gear looks pretty damn good as per usual with the tier three recoilers set bonus wise though five percent more pet damage on the two set which is okay your pet's not doing a huge amount of damage anyway the faucet is 20 more attack speed when aspect to the viper is active tip don't go out of mana and you won't have to use aspect to the viper the force that here might as well just not exist tier 8 the scourge stalker battle gear from ulduar also looks great this time i'm a big fan of it the two sets 10 more damage on serpent sting which is actually okay since it's ignoring armor and it scales up with camaro's shot the 4 set is a 10 proc chance for 600 attack power for 15 seconds which is nothing to scoff at that's a pretty sizable proc tier 9 is windrunner's battle gear the 2 set gives serpent sting a chance to crit which should be a minor dps gain overall when it comes to damage the 4 set is like the previous tier but it doesn't seem quite as good your pet really isn't a huge dps contributor in rafter lich king as a non-bm hunter tier 10 the ankara blood hunters battle gear from icecrown citadel i like the appearance of this set it looks as though you've gone and chopped up a lord and then equipped it somehow the two set is pretty insane five percent is a low proc chance yes but 15 damage for you and your pet for 10 seconds that is a lot if it happens during your cooldowns the four set is so when serpent sting or wyvern sting do damage 5 chance for 20 attack power for 10 seconds it's another pretty low proc chance but with a huge effect overall i would prefer something more consistent than i got lucky and got 20 attack power and 15 damage but hey if it all lines up that's gonna be pretty cool so now we've had a look at the hunter in pve pvp their glyphs their tier set and everything else in between can we give an answer to hunter and wrath of the lich king just how broken is it now honestly i think they've had enormous improvements from tbc the one caveat is they are not going to be as consistently high on dps as they have currently been but you get a variety of specializations that are viable in pvp and pve loads of new utility in pvp i think they're just straight up buff now with way more cc and a reliable mortal strike effect they've got interesting pve rotations and somebody who is good at misdirecting is legit just a reason by itself to bring along a hunter i rate it that much and you get disengaged how can you not like disengage doing these class videos has had me checking out so much rather lich king information and the hunter is the first time i've done a class other than what i already plan to main a warlock that's had me thinking i might go ahead and play this one as an old that's my thought for this class in the expansion though let me know if you're planning on maining it or at least trying out the hunter yourself as always guys thank you all so much for watching and listening in and i shall see you on the next one very soon [Music] you
Channel: WillE
Views: 196,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wille, classic wow, wotlk, wotlk classic, wotlk release, wotlk tier list, wotlk dps tier list, wotlk pvp tier list, was it any good wotlk, marksman, beast mastery, survival, wotlk pve, wotlk pvp, dk, death knight, wotlk dps, paladin, mage, warlock, priest, druid, rogue, hunter, shaman, warrior, naxx25, ulduar, icc, dragonflight, best mmo, free mmo 2022, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2022, mmo 2022, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, riot mmo, ashes of creation, dungeons and dragons, gaming, pc
Id: 84k4O2zNAxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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