My $21,379 Dream Table Build

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if I do this wrong now I'm out a lot of money it so a little over 2 years ago I got this ridiculous slab from Goby Walnut that I was using for Matt best's conference table with that I got this $10,000 mapa barel cookie as well and it's been sitting on the floor in my shop since then the crack in the center has gotten much worse and so has my sadness about not having this in my house the dream has been to build a dining table for me to use for once so after sleeping on it for no less than 700 plus days we're finally ready to build this cable so let's go check out the cookie so longtime viewers you've probably noticed this thing sitting on the floor over here for a while yeah she's big we've got a measurement across at 77 in roughly 66 in the opposite direction right around 4 in thick he which is ridiculous and like I said it was very expensive I'm not really positive how I want to build a table out of it but what I do know is that it's not going to be round and that I need to address that crack so let me hop on the computer and show you what I'm thinking for the design so because this slab is so expensive I don't want to it up so I'm going to lay it out and sketch up with an overhead shot cut it into parts and chunks give myself some options for what this tabletop could look like and then I'll go out to the real world slab and pick my cut lines the problem is with a slab this expensive I've only got one shot to lay this table out and I don't want to screw that up I'm going to mess with it a little bit give myself a couple options and then we'll go to the slab itself and just start cutting the parts all right so check check this out I got three different layouts that I came up with one and two here are both 7t tables the bottom one I just made an eight just to kind of see what it feels like but this is literally just this table with this part flipped over back over to here I think the consensus is with this B layout and so that b layout is actually going to be pretty rad so that would be one piece so that's piece here and then this piece is this guy if we go over there over on this side weird is like how the photo turned out cuz it turned this H that's so much bigger than it something's wrong I think my scaling tool might not have worked there like way more space inside yeah p is supposed to be this guy yes I don't hate it I just think I did something wrong I definitely want more wood than epoxy relatively speaking we probably could go to the 8ft table cuz we have the room like in the room bump it out of foot we'll build a mold an 8ft mold and then if we want we can always add a piece inside like I did on that one if it's too big okay let's build a mold and then we'll get the cutting the sucker up all right kiddos after a little bit more deliberation on the computer we've settled on this for our design we're at 42x 72 which is the same size is the mold Sam built yesterday now all I got to do is outline where our cuts are going to be on this slab and then rough those cuts I like to do that first to make it a little bit more manageable to then go to clean up that way I'm not humping this gigantic slab around to clean the edges I could take the smaller pieces and clean those individually so far if you look the figure on this is is incredible so it might make sense to is to like bring the mold over so I can lay these in after I cut them even though the drawing's good I think that would help get these first two cuts I've got the Excalibur 10in blade on the jigsaw reason is so I can get into here and stop the cut and then come from the other side a circular saw I would have to go past it potentially losing some material and this is just way easier to maneuver so I'm going to make this cut first I am absolutely puckered cuz this is it I said it at the beginning of this video how difficult this is to work with well if I do this wrong now I'm out a lot of money okay I lied I don't know I thought that was a brand new blade we're going to have to do it with two different saws my other saw is a metal blade in it so we're getting the huge today dude what the is going on but everything hates me today mother of God oh look how cool this freaking Edge grain is look at this look at that look at damn so some pry wood damn that's actually crazy it's awesome be an athlete all right I mean you did see reaction time right just saying don't have it anymore but still got it listen stop staring at that we already gave it away it's getting shipped out now you're going to have to be subscribed if you're going to want to try to win something here all right so hit that button can't win that one but you can win the next one maybe if you're good we don't really know what we're going to get left over and so we're going to design the base around it cuz I kind of want to try to incorporate some of the wood in [Music] there this is like the only Edge that some of it's already come off look how freaking cool that looks already oh yeah oh yeah boom baby it's perfect this is going to be the greatest thing I've ever made can feel it in my loins now for the fun part masking up and cleaning this sucker off to the other side in an attempt to not make a mess and it also just started raining I'm going to take as much bark off as I can by hand and then we'll come back and I will use the medium Blaster to blast the edges clean hopefully it stops raining by the time I get to that part this is Kil dried it stopped raining so I'm going to go and load up this medium Blaster is what it's called and blast these edges this is fine Walnut this cleans them up really nice and then I can go like pretty much straight to flattening saves me a ton of time this is one of those things that I've learned over the years that kind of got me over the hump to like how the hell am I going to build this table I was talking the beginning of the video like I didn't know about this when I bought it and I wouldn't have I'd have been days just to clean those edges and this will save me pretty much 2 days worth of work a little rubber gasket that you need inside of this sprayer head just fell out oh there it is biggest pain in the butt with this thing gets clogged you you got to fix it over it's so cheap looking nice though it is we almost done no I don't want to talk about [Music] it all right we're going to seal all of these to make sure no bubbles get out should be fun and I love this part because when I seal these I actually get like a sneak preview of the color that these will actually look like once they get finished on them I'm going to basically dilute some total booat high performance with some acetone and get that on all these edges and pretty much anywhere where bubbles can escape in the curing process after it starts to go that way I don't have to worry about any issues with bubbles ooh sorry guys I was filming this part on sticks and it's a little bit blurry forgive me obviously I'm not good at this so if you're asking yourself John where didd you learn all this I don't know but I've been doing this for a long time and I recently put everything I've learned about building tables like this into a course for you guys you'll learn how to build tables just like the one I'm building here basic River tables Live Edge glass tables and everything I know we're calling it my Live Edge and epoxy table master class rolls off the tongue and what's great for you if you're watching this right now is that in this video I've hidden QR codes with random discounts so you can go back and if you see a QR code take a photo of it it'll give you a discount to the entire course there's discounts from 2550 all the way up to 100 bucks hidden throughout the video and they all have limited availability on those codes so check them out if you want to become a master or just take your project to the next level without all the headaches support what we're doing here and get better while you're doing it why not all right let's put this on the the wood watch how ridiculously satisfying this is dude this wood is so pretty the reason we thin it is see how it sucks it up that should lock in all the BS inside of it and it's important you don't leave any fibers because this is going to be how it's going into the [Music] mold and so for the poor we're going two tone if you were curious why I sealed all those slabs and I did that the way I did it's because we are going to pour a base layer of black and then a clear layer on top of it this I think is going to look really cool and show off all those Burly edges as well as like match my house what we'll be able to do because of that is do two pores instead of just one huge one should eliminate a little bit of the thickness in the in the second pore which which should help us as well she big golly this Wood's freaking cool man next we're going to calculate the resin and recently if you're not aware we created an epoxy River calculator to make this nice and easy so all I'm going to do is take the calculator you need your length 90 in the depth now total we're trying to pour 3 and 1/2 in but for this pour we only want to pour like 3/4 of an inch so 75 actually we'll do 1 and divide it by half and then I can just multiply it to get the the overall depth the next thing you're going to do and especially like on something like this I'm just going to start taking measurements right we're looking at eight gallons yay so we're going to mix up nine because I've got a bunch of voids over there I want to get some stuff underneath we're going to do a deep pour so 9 gallons for a 1in thick pour should get us what we want yeah we'll just get three buckets and we'll mix up three kits we're doing an onx black I'm going to kind of look at the first one to judge what we're going to make the next two out of no more math let's mix gu my only last concern with this is this thin pore of thick set not drying properly we're going to find out that's how thick we want it final but it hasn't gone into any of these voids I'm not going to pour it on top to get in there you sure about that why don't you want to pour in top on top maybe you can get some like smaller cups and dump it into it yeah we could do that you're right cuz it'll seep Out Underneath I learned that in the jamalak master class you did an idiot who wrote it though he don't remember [Music] anything I'm stoked it's been a few days three four four days and our bottom layer is nice and hard stay hard as well as if you look at it I think it looks Super Rad I didn't go in and add any Swirls and just kind of look at this you get a little look get a little look see it got some of the natural pigment movement but it like goes around the slab a little bit and has like some cool natural aspects to it instead of like the unnatural swirls that you'll sometimes see I'm going to scuff this up with this red Scotch bright here just to kind of get the surface to get some good connection with our clear layer that's going to go on top then we're going to get into some of the real miserable work degassing 18 more gallons of resin in order to pour another 2 in into this all that being said and if you want me to actually go through like all of these details in a detailed manner just grab the master class it's way easier that way this crap so we're we're doing the final cleaning and we're trying to get things out and then I'm like what is that I thought it was like a speck of dust what's that brother it's a fly stuck in the resin and I would not typically do this but because it's for me I think I'm going to dig it out with a knife and just hope that the next layer of epoxy hides the the issue try not to like go across it and scratch it be delicate be gentle things I not good that it'll disappear all right because these are already clamped down I don't really anticipate much floating so we're ready to pour we've got 15 gallons of resin D gas ready to rock and roll let me let me just follow procedure here okay we're ready to pour we' got 15 gallons of clear resin Degas there's no coming back now people we pour this next layer she's going to live so there we go it's looking freaking red I don't know what it is but just when you get that Burly Edge under the surface looks [Music] amazing going to do this fill in some holes I'm worried every single hole is going to crack now that the top is drying let's get working on this base design oh ain't light this is the leftover that we were planning to use that I kind of mentioned before I wanted to use roughly about a 30 in x 10 1/2 in piece I think I have an idea of what I want to do so I'm kind of going to go back to like what I know best which is going to be like simp simplistic metal bases we could use the burl wood would just be a subtle interior part here that this would be the wood it would be inserted as like just a veneered face it wouldn't be a solid chunk that's sort of like my vision for this and then we'll uh we'll get the welding I'm pretty pumped to weld this sucker cuz we just got a new toy and this thing is sick and here she is kids our brand new 5x10 Welding Table I am so excited for this actually going to start sleeping on it but before I do that we going to weld up a table base Sam already got the parts cut and he got those cleaned up for me so we're going to get a little bit of a jig and fixture setup going here with some of the blocks and stuff that fireball provides so I can get everything tacked together and make more or less my own tube steel so then I can tack that whole thing together and you you guys will see pretty quickly kind of what I'm going for here we got Chris burning some stuff out on the plasma table for it I'll be cranking out my Lincoln 260 MIG welder should go pretty quick and with this new table should stay nice and flat should have no warping I'm pretty excited this looks like I think I'm just going to make it out of wood yeah let's go Mill some [Music] wood all right so we're getting ready to Domino these leg Parts together we have some weird angles here so I have like an 89 and 1 12 degree angle on the bottom here and then because they're joined like this we've got a different angle here that's actually too acute for the Domino John actually showed me this trick here where we get a smaller piece of that wood with the angle that um is on the joinery here and I put some blue tape and CA glued this on here that way I could use the 90° reference on the Domino instead of adjusting different angles back and forth not to mention this one would be too acute for The Dominoes we're going to use use this to Domino these parts together and uh hopefully have some legs here very soon yo you're about to witness something magnificent here you're about to witness two weird angles go two together look at that beautiful wow now what needs to happen is I need to get right to the very end and mess the last one up hopefully it doesn't happen might happen I might drop this motherucker off the off the roof and break it in half [Music] all righty it's been a week and a half I think and we are looking good we got Crystal Clarity get get in here bubble free bubble free it's exactly what we wanted so we're actually going to pull this out of the room the room is 59° right now we were keeping this sucker as cold as absolutely possible and thanks to Mr cool we were able to do so a little over a year ago we actually put this Mr Cool unit into this room specifically so I could control the temperature to do more pores exactly like this it's very important for us to have temperature control but I can't stress it enough how easy it was to put in the Mr Cool unit I have regular AC in this room it just doesn't cut it and this Mr Cool required zero HVAC professional help or hiring it was so easy to put in I was literally able to go on to their website and watch a video and know exactly how to install it and it has been a godsend the 12K 18K and 24K models are all energy STAR certified and the standard warant warranty is a 7-year compressor and 5-year Parts warranty which is amazing but it also has a heat pump so we can heat this room as well so get yourself a Mr Cool system today their duck list mini split systems are fantastic I've got a link down below for you guys if you're interested and you want to have a temperature controlled environment they're fantastic I can't say enough good things about them and they're just so easy to install that you'd be stupid to not try it check them out and now let's get thing out in the shop don't be heavy how heavy you need to take like a couple deep breaths I like I did I just did some push-ups and ran wind sprints Center yourself feel that's not how I prepare for things 1 2 3 you good are you feeling okay um after that feel calm don't want be like that you're offending me I offend you by looking at you yeah be careful offing me what does that even mean so we're getting ready to flatten this guy we just pulled out of the mold it's been sitting here for a day just to make sure that it's nice and flat I'm going to move over to CNC flatten the bottom flip it over get the top down then we'll be good to go to the next step which I think is just sanding polishing and getting ready to attach to the base once John's done with that so we are flattened and super duper flat which is fantastic look at this thing this looks the best damn looking epoxy table off the CNC we've ever done I'm super excited to get it into the wine belt we're going to cut it to size first so I've got the big old tracks saww here we're going to rip this thing down Square it up and then we're going to actually breathe life into her with Sandy Cheeks I'm stoked she is ready for Sandy Cheeks where you hey we're we're it's slightly over 2 and 3/4 in so we're going to go back and forth slow as possible this is a really big heavy table so I don't want to fudge it up probably the heaviest we've run through here yet huh definitely a thickest girl I've seen thickest girl we've run through she'll be taking up pretty much the whole damn thing so we're going to get her running [Applause] it came out really nice the next thing that we're going to try to do here is a little surgery on some of these bark inclusions they didn't come out in the initial cleaning mostly because they were subsurface or just really small and they came out when we flatten so we'll remove them while trying to not damage like the rest of the slab and then we're going to get all of the voids that are left filled with resin and drying overnight so we can keep moving this forward fill her up son can't do it I can't not get a t even all right friends we're dry on the epoxy fills on this table so Sam and I are going to get started on sanding this down mostly Sam for the time being because I am going to take this cut off from all of that and I'm going to cut the veneer for the base that you see on the floor there that Sam put together for us I'm going to cut it a little bit big but mostly if you can see here I've got a spot notched out that's over sized and then I can resaw this my concern is the stability cuz this is a pretty Punky not Punky but it it's Burl so fingers crossed that this works I think it'll be a nice Accent on our Center piece there so as I'm cutting these veneers for like the interior inserts I was like man that kind of looks sick book Matched that looks amazing book Matched we making guitars Chris myself and Joe convened and we like the concept what we're going to do sorry was actually Sam Joe didn't have anything to do with any of this got him we're going to do some book Matched veneered panels instead of the original idea which is right here where I was just going to do a vertical single piece to make it a little bit more Airy this thing's so chunky that I think having some matching parts coming down isn't going to take away from the effect of it so plans changed slightly I'm going to cut more panels off of this chunk try to get four more of them if we can only get two I'm only going to do the fronts and outsides of of the panel but follow along this this should be pretty rra all right I got these as thin as I possibly can now it's time for the joinery these are very delicate so I'm pretty terrified I usually do this on the Joiner these two are a little bit more stable but you you could see they are looking awesome these ones have me concerned though they're pretty fragile we've already got some cracks jointing that is is not going to be easy so these are looking pretty good I'm having some issues cuz I'm not very good at this with trying to get these even tighter than they are what I'm thinking is like because the grain is coming this way I'm getting a little bit of Gap in the center so my thought here is I'm going to line these up and I think I can pull them together with the blue tape to get me that kind of perfect book match I don't have veneer tape and that'll give me a nice tight joint Chris came out looked at it he's like let's build some guitars I was like no or should we 60,000 likes I'll build a guitar yeah there we go 60,000 send it let's rip down some panels and get this thing in the veneer [Music] B now we should have like a platin on top of all these but I'm an idiot right I think you're right yeah there is wasn't there before Oh My Gosh um God I don't know what to do this has never happened before too much moisture on one side this was like like one of the good ones everything fing swelled and just went to do I don't know what to do I don't know what to do doing aing thing going to do a thing so this one was sitting too long before we clamped it and ended up like just absolutely going to so I I wet one side I reapplied glue tried to get moisture to get it to flatten back out should work I hope the next day so now we got to see if one these seated too if we glued these parts down to them get these all out of the bag first oh that's a good sign right there this piece of and melamine came right off the big worry we have is this guy Chris thinks it's stuck feels stuck I think I'm stuck that wasn't bad this is the one that I uh am going to have to cut the center seam on so we're going to get the rest of these out of clamps and then get them through the wide belt all right we're going to fix this crack here uh it's about the width of a saw blade so I should be able to cut and get on both sides without having any drop there if not I can um hopefully kiss it on the table saw bring it right back together and fix this Abomination I hate that I have to do this but sometimes you don't get to choose the best method we're going to go with a pocket hole here so we can keep the project moving because these need to go and finish for us to stay on schedule today pocket Master Pula do me the honor and St squeeze now if he blazes through these panels it's my fault guys I asked him to do it oh hell yeah he did grab the smallest DeWalt we have he loves cabinet grade there's no need for anything higher than 12 volts in this application G all right so we've got the panels all kind of sized up now I cut this a template I'm onon burgundy this is a leg fits side perfectly now I'm going to use that to trace out the size of each panel cut those carefully get those sanded get this sanded get everything prepped and ready for finish we're going to pre-finish everything and then we'll come back and assemble so I just wiped these down we're water pop them wipe them with mineral spirits we'll get them cleaned up they're looking so good this burel is amazing then I'm going to hop over there with Sam give him a hand getting the table polished cuz that's where the thing really comes to life we are finally ready for finish we're spraying everything because I do believe it's going to be the most durable option for the house that it's going in my house so we've got all of our panels ready to rock and roll I'm going to hit these with clear Sam's going to get all the base stuff shot with black and then we will bring in the big girl for the final spraying with that let us spray Sam and I are feeling ambitious on this project now we both feel like we have extensive experience spraying lacquer and some other lacquer based products but instead of doing what we know we're going to try something new a here we go again we've got this poon 2K acrylic product from ML Campbell not sponsored we're going to give that a shot because it hardens faster and supposedly allows for a little bit of a better Sheen in buffing than lacquer should be really durable and really strong why wouldn't we test it on this project first so we're going to flip this sucker over all of this could go cast tropically wrong in the final stage and there ain't nothing to do it but to send it so here we go let us [Music] spray everything's looking freaking sick to wrap these up I cleated one side and then the other side I'm I'm simply sliding in the the center so you can see here I got a cleat that's going to hold it in and then the other side I'm just going to drop the panel into it and we're going to use essentially like a press fit to to get everything in that's going to be the easiest way and then I can kind of replace the panels at some point if I want but I can do this without damaging the panels themselves is it the best way probably not that my friends is the dining table [Music] [Applause] leg all right I'm back just in time to save no Sam's doing a great job we are on to the final leg here's the concern though we've only got 3/4 7/8 1 inch of this black if you remember from the top side we have to put multiple threaded inserts into the resin over here which I would almost never try to do that's why we have all of these holes here we were hoping it could give us a landing spot on all wood but the design of the tabletop just didn't allow for that what we're going to do is potentially just put a more shallow insert into the resin these guys that should allow it to work but what we're going to try first is to not have to do that so we're just going to put it in the wood route the pocket see how it fits I don't know there's too much that can go wrong with the resin it could rip out it could tear out etc etc but we got to send it so that's what we're going to [Applause] [Music] do the Finish laid down pretty nice we're pretty happy with it for being a brand new finish to kind of finish this off we're going to wet sand the River from 500 up to 2,000 grit then buff and polish it to get it to like that crystal clear glass that we're looking for while trying to avoid the edge here on the wood because we want the wood to kind of stay satin on to polishing this should be it we taped it off a little bit so I can just polish the river hopefully this works cuz it did get pretty hazy after we got the finish on so instead of spraying let us actually pray I am not loving it still pretty hazy what's crazy is it was super clear before finish see [Music] we're done polishing now we're going to wipe her down and assemble and present you with that beautiful b-roll that you all love and complain we never give you enough of [Music] [Music] this sucker's heavy so we're not moving it after that b-roll because that's a wrap I think it turned out sick probably one of the best things I've ever made I don't know you let me know and then you let me know what are we going to build next
Channel: John Malecki
Views: 473,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Malecki, John Malecki Builds, Woodworking, How To, Epoxy, Epoxy Table, Epoxy River Table, Live Edge
Id: BrCBkdpSCkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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