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today on excellent leadership with Samedi ma where are the people's minds got stranded Jesus wasn't stranded he sought these differently when they saw problems he saw opportunities where they saw sicknesses and diseases he saw healing if a where people saw dead Jesus or resurrection welcome to a broadcast today you know there's a verse of scripture that has blessed me and rings in my heart all the time first John chapter three and in verse 1 it says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God that says to me that as a result of God's love for me he's changed my status made it possible for me to become his child that changes everything for me as a human being I'm a child of the Living God that's awesome you know sin has always been the greatest problem and when sin came into a world man lost his confidence to stand before God every human being you know inherited this liability called low self-esteem so to have this experience where I become aware of God's love to me of the price that his son paid on the cross and to respond to that love by receiving forgiveness from God and then now knowing that makes it possible for me to be a child of God that's mind-blowing for me my status has changed I'm not just anybody walking on this planet I'm a child of the king of kings and a lot of Lord I have access to resources that are beyond the scope the capacity of the average person I have access to God's wisdom I have access to God's power because he loves me awesome so today that's our discussion love changed our status I'll be back after this message first John chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 let's go behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called children of God therefore the wall does not know us because it did not know him below now we are children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him amen if I'll title these I'll say Lord changed our status love changed our status behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we the children of men should be called the children of God that's awesome as it was changed this is the manifestation of God's love to us I love it it's it's you know that statement is ended with an exclamation mark in my Bible what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God this is one of the greatest pieces of information on our planet one of the greatest discoveries anyone could ever make a change in status it is mind-blowing because this is status changing to the highest degree this is status changing to the highest degree you know it's one thing for example for let's say the governor or the President or the Prime Minister to adopt you into his or her family and then you become a child of the president that's something that is something or let's say a billionaire adopts you but in this instance we're talking about us becoming children of God that's the highest degree of status change to me awesome now we need to understand the implications of being a child of God for example in John chapter 10 verse 30 Jesus made a statement to that effect he said I and my father I want and it was like hell broke loose okay let me read it John 10 verses 32 33 I and my father are one then the Jews took up stones again to stone him jesus answered them many good works I have shown you from My Father for which of those works do you stone me the Jews answered him saying for a good work we do not stone you but for blasphemy and because you being a man make yourself God now let's read clearly because it seems to me to be simple English did he say I am God no he said I am what he said I and my father I want know they understood the implication they understood the implication they knew where he was going I and my father are in the same class of being that sounds reasonable isn't it yes but problem was the person he was calling father if he was referring to Joseph the husband of Mary they would have had no problem with that wife Joseph the husband of Mary is a human being you are a human being we are human beings that's fine he was referring to God to accept that God was his father would be to accept that he was in the same class with God that's what they were saying unconditional love is something that went through every time God has unfailing love for us many great men and women of the Bible made mistakes stumbled and often fell but God's love and mercy was always to bring them back he always wants to bring you back but we must remember to turn to Him in this series unconditional love you will learn about how love wins over prejudice how to be motivated by love love changes your status and much more to receive this CD set please call the number on your screen now or go to Sam ID a magnet for your love gift of any amount discover and experience God's love with this impactful series by Sam I am a call now for four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at Sam ID a made net to order this resource today Wow Nicodemus says you know I'm sure Nicodemus was hopeful because he was asking Jesus it was asked talking to Jesus about miracles supernatural things do you face beyond human capacity so he was expecting to hear something you know from Jesus and Jesus says you know what we have to go start from foundation you need to be born the second time so when you Kadima says you mean I should go back into my mother's womb I wish I was dead I would have said Jesus please hold on let me talk to this old man sir you were born by your mother you have all these limitations that you have in your life as a human being you want to go back into the same room that is now old not even as strong as it was when it get back to you the first time it looks like that you want to compound your problems don't you think should be borne by someone better I mean if you were to choose which Boom Room to go into won't you find a better one to go into but that was exactly what Jesus was say this second but is a spiritual one so it says here the world does not recognize us because the world did not recognize Jesus the world does not realize the possibility of this spiritual but we don't have to change on the outside but it is possible for a human being to change on the inside that change is what has happened to us we are now children of God because the Spirit of God has removed the nature of sin from us and planted God's nature on our inside someone say amen to that so the good news here is when you are the child of a being you in the same class would that be the child of a monkey is a monkey the child of a human being is a human being the child of God is a yeah that's a very controversial statement I must say that's why they took stones and wanted to stone Jesus but the reality is days when we know it that we have God's nature and now wearing God's clasp it changes everything let me read these from first John chapter 3 verses 8 to 9 and I'm reading now from the amplified version of the Bible first John 3 8 to 9 but he who commits sin who practices evil doing is of the devil Texas character from the evil one for the devil has sinned violated the divine law from beginning the reason the Son of God was made manifest visible was to undo that is destroyed losing and dissolved the walks the devil has done no one bought or begotten of God deliberately knowingly and habitually practicing for God's nature abides in him hmm what's the nature it says his principle of life the divine sperm remains permanently within him and he cannot practice sin because he is born of begotten of God did I hear you say amen to that also we have God's nature you know what that means that nature takes us beyond the limits of human ability you remember I quoted from John 3:6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh that which is one of the Spirit is spirit let me read verse eight to you it says the wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes so is everyone who is born of the Spirit now this is remarkable the wind blows you see the effects you can't see the wind what's that talking about the supernatural that when someone is born by God power begins to work in the person's life wisdom begins to work in the person's life you see results that you cannot explain because what the person is accomplishing is beyond human ability beyond the limits of human nature did I hear you say amen to that this excites me so that's why John the Apostle will say behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called the children of God that we should have the nature of God this is the British use in the world you know what it means now we can think like God also you have access to ideas you have capacity to think at the level that is beyond that of the average person as I are 55 verses 8 on mine God said my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts as the heavens are high above the earth so are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts someone say Amen when I think about that it makes me to smile all by myself listen where the average person out there will be stranded I cannot be stranded anymore I have access to God's thoughts did I hear you say Amen listen the word says we have the mind of Christ do you know how Christ thought when he was around where other people's minds got stranded Jesus wasn't stranded he saw things differently when they saw problems he saw opportunities where they saw sicknesses and diseases he saw healing if I where people saw death Jesus or resurrection they told him your friend Lazarus is sick is about to die you know what he said is that this sickness is not unto death but that the Son of man should be glorified thereby he was absolutely positive you know why God is not negative regardless of where you are on your life's journey true leadership principles are imperative to manifest success lead the new highly anticipated book from Sam ID ma will provide you with the proven principles necessary to reach goals you may have once thought were out of reach packed with immediate solutions to transform your life this book will help you unleash your ability to inspire others leadership strategies to wildly multiply your success at any level provide creative actionable insights to help transform your family and so much more if you're determined to increase your capacity to embrace success lead is a must read get your copy today at Sam I damage net or call four four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two unconditional love is something that went through every time God has unfailing love for us many great men and women of the Bible made mistakes stumbled and often fell but God's love and mercy was always to bring them back he always wants to bring you back but we must remember to turn to him in this series unconditional love you will learn about how love wins over prejudice how to be motivated by love love changes your status and much more to receive this CD set please call the number on your screen now or go to Sam ID a magnet for your love gift of any amount discover and experience God's love with this impactful series by Sam I am a call now for four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at Sam I dam to order this resource today thank you lot see Genesis 1 verse 2 and the ad was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and God said see how dark it is hmm what are we going to do about this darkness is our God said let there be light and Jesus said she's not bad she's only sleeping if somebody dies you bury them if somebody's sleeping the person would wake up young girl wake up that's what I saw oh my god in the name of Jesus Christ the purpose of this message is to let you know the limitations fell down on your behalf in long time ago the day God's nature came into you all the things that could limit you before lost their power over your life first John 4:4 you are of God or you're the offsprings of God little children and have overcome them past tense for greatest he that is in you than he that is in the world first John 5:4 for whatsoever is one of God listen whatsoever isn't that good news it doesn't matter your social status you may have been born into a wealthy family you have been born into a poor family ok whatsoever you may be tall you may be short you will be skinny you may be plumb whatsoever thank you Jesus you may have degrees you may not have degrees from human universities whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world we are celebrating status change my status changed our liability is our thinking because you don't rise beyond your thinking see what happened for us in the realm of the spirit but we're still carrying around our all thinking defining ourselves by human parameters so whereas people called Jesus the Son of Joseph he said I'm the son of God if you don't know me that doesn't mean I should know who I am I know someone say would man know who I have God's nature I can think like God I see the way God sees I can talk like God I can act like God I can work in love hatred can't hold me down anymore that was Satan's nature jealousy and envy revenge unforgiveness those were actual beauties of Satan had no longer have his nature those things follow from my life I have capacity now to love no one who has the divine nature or the divine span in him habitually says not that we can't make mistakes because we're supposed to grow and develop in this nature but to make it a lifestyle to sin no longer I'm going I'm done with that I'm free thank you Jesus whatever God can do I can do thank you lord one of the greatest limitations we have is there were more conscious of our natural nationalities or citizenship than we are of our spiritual citizen thank you lord I am first a Christ yet you know Jesus never entertain thoughts of lack and I'm going to end with that lack Jesus's brain was not tied to money I love John chapter 6 two bits it was five when he saw the crowd and said to Philip Philip where will we get bread for all these people to eat and Philips brain went straight to money Sarabhai even 200 in Arai what of bread is not enough to feed all these people 200 dinner he must have asked you - how much is there whatever was left of what you - was Tilly 200 dinner right money money money you know what Jesus and the Bible says there in John 6 6 this he said to test him because himself knew what he was going to do and what he did did not need money Acts chapter 3 verse 6 look on us 7 board I have not but what I have I will give you for most people silver and good I have known . that's how human beings think that's not how we think in our reign silver and gold I have numbered what I have there are resources more powerful than money before money was ever created God used powerful resources to create this world in the first place through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that the things which has seen were not made from things that are visible Hebrews 11 verse 3 you have God's nature now you have access to those resources oh thank you lord you will never be stranded again the things that limit human beings will not be able to limit you that is the stop them will not be able to stop you the circumstances that frustrate their progress will not be able to frustrate your progress the things that keep them small will not be able to keep you small in the name of Jesus Christ someone say prefer amen it is God's love that made this possible behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we we I mean you with your story and background me should be called the children of God give Jesus a big hand clap let's give him the praise hallelujah now that's it I believe you've been blessed see our status has changed now that I have God's nature you realize the implications I mean God's class I kinda think like God I can speak like God I can act like God I can get God sighs results on this planet but my challenge to you dear viewer is can you expand this love to other people yes can you help to lift people up to also change their status that is what leadership is about see many people don't understand what leadership is about they think it's about being powerful having powerful titles driving a bigger car than everybody else having more money than everybody else oh yes those days palm with it but you see the core of it which when you don't really grasp it's so easy to trip up the core of it is that leadership is about people and the greatest thing to do to motivate people is to love them and to desire to lift them just exactly like God has done to us through his unconditional love listen as a leader you can't love and fail well the thing that takes away the capacity for love is the same nature if you want us to pray together to receive forgiveness of sins from God and to receive the God nature the capacity to love please say this prayer after me that God I believe that Jesus paid for my sins I ask you to forgive me in Jesus name that is it so the miracle has happened this God has taken away the nature of sin put God's nature in you find the bible-believing Church to attend so you can grow spiritually and do let us know what God has done in your life thank you for joining us on this broadcast today we see again next time keep on believing god bless you unconditional love is something that went through every time God has unfailing love for us many great men and women of the Bible made mistakes stumbled and often fell but God's love and mercy was always to bring them back he always wants to bring you back but we must remember to turn to him in this series unconditional love you will learn about how love wins over prejudice how to be motivated by love love changes your status and much more to receive this CD set please call the number on your screen now or go to Sam ID a magnet for your love gift of any amount discover and experience God's love with this impactful series by Sam I am a call now for four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at Sam I dam to order this resource today regardless of where you are on your life's journey true leadership principles are imperative to manifest success lead the new highly anticipated book from Sam ID ma will provide you with the proven principles necessary to reach goals you may have once thought were out of reach packed with immediate solutions to transform your life this book will help you unleash your ability to inspire others leadership strategies to wildly multiply your success at any level provide creative actionable insights to help transform your family and so much more if you're determined to increase your capacity to embrace success lead is a must read get your copy today at sam ID and maid net or call four four one five one eight zero eight zero three to I like to say big thank you to all of you our viewers and partners all over the world thank you for your support in prayers and encouragement over the years and especially with your give it and today specifically I want to encourage you to partner with us for a minimum of twenty dollars a month let's touch people's lives together our broadcasts are watched over 200 countries and these messages are simple but profound life-changing practical and then we find opportunities you know to pay health bills for people who can't afford you know to rebuild public schools to give food out to people and to families that can't afford it this ministry is about touching and transforming people's lives and we are excited at this opportunity atma with us to join in touching and transforming people's lives God would bless you beyond your wildest imagination there'll be people praying for you in places even you can not imagine and that means that you will get blessings miracles you didn't even pray for thank you for joining us to make it happen you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 9,184
Rating: 4.8202248 out of 5
Keywords: sam adeyemi, nike adeyemi, love series, unconditional love, joyce meyer, td jakes, god, christian, sin, how to love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2015
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