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fox three fox three and let's get the heck out of here we're gonna get splashed whoa nope yep we got splashed oh no hey guys drewski here and today we're going to be doing some solo flights in the f-16 i uh i did some flights on stream and very luckily some of the viewers were very uh helpful in teaching me how to fly and so i thought might as well show you guys who don't watch streams who watch on youtube only and show you uh how to fly the f-16 not really how to fly but i guess the basics of flying kind of teach you what i what i go through when i'm flying the f-16 and dcs uh it's a very snowy morning in the georgian uh mountains the caucasus mountains and we're at a town called uh novorisisk i think it's a way to pronounce it i don't know but what's cool about this map on dcs is that it is actually a real area this is the black sea the northern northeastern edge of the black sea and this entire coastline which stretches for let me get the ruler out it stretches for you know just just 400 miles this entire coastline is playable area with combat fighter jets so pretty dang cool plus just the amount of detail in this cockpit i mean even my seat has fuzz on it like like visible fuzz i don't understand how that works um if you want to see my flight setup if you're curious of that i put up a video just two days back um about the flight setup it's a whole virple stick and hotas and and also track ir so i can move my head around so if you've ever been curious of that there's definitely that video to check out before you get into this one uh but yeah we're gonna be doing some air to air as well as some air-to-ground in the form of seed or sea add however you pronounce it and so let's get ourselves loaded up we're going to first off get a better camouflage on here because right now we're on the standard blue camo but look at that splinter back there yeah it looks pretty cool so this is the pylon menu we can load whatever we want um let's grab some uh air to air medium range radar guided missiles i'm gonna grab oh i think i'm gonna go all all radar guideds i'm going to grab some fuel tanks and actually i might oh wait we are going to be doing air to ground so i guess we're going to be going to air-to-ground missiles in the form of agm-88 charlie's and then we're going to be doing one and bound we're going to be doing uh two on each wing radar-guided missiles so that means four radar-guided missiles and two uh air-to-ground missiles need to always remember that four sticks and then two sticks that are going to go to the ground uh so let's load up with that we are at 98 so we're gonna also ask for refuel uh so the air-to-ground sticks in particular they're anti-radiation sticks and anti-radiation means that we're going to be shooting at sam sites so like before in past videos of dcs where sam sites emit radar and then we locked onto that radar and we use that radar that they're emitting to lock on and shoot them we're going to be doing that same exact thing today luckily the server game mode just restarted we completed it just today and so all we have to do is fly just a few miles and we'll be right on top of enemy sam sites you can see actually here's my uh my situational awareness page and even within what is that 60 miles look at all those sam sites all those yellow circles are sam sites they're everywhere so gonna be uh oh my gosh yeah yeah there's quite a bit of them so now we're armed and ready to go we've got three bags on as well so we've got a lot of fuel and we don't really have to fly that far so let me get all situated here and i'm gonna also ask for um a aigci to help me out here i think she's on one three six zero zero and all right let's see if she'll talk to me uh what's my call sign i think it's shark one one overlord shark one one set warning radius of thirty miles all right so that's a little ai bot that can understand what i say it can read what i say out loud and kind of figure out what i mean i can ask it to tell me where the closest bandit is or i can tell it to set a warning for 30 miles so now if a bandit gets within 30 miles of me she'll start talking to me and actually tell me where that bandit is it's really helpful it's actually surprisingly helpful all right so we can throttle up and turn that light on turn this light on turn my radar warning receiver on i'm going to turn my master on it won't fire when i'm on the ground anyways a lot of people are going to freak out oh my god ski why you turn my arm on when you're on grounds because i i don't care that's why uh we're gonna go wing first on the fuel and i'm gonna turn on our cameras turning all the countermeasures on turn my iff to normal all right everything that needs to be on is now on don't know what the active runway is here at novo um turn that hud thing off for now i don't really need it um it looks like that guy's pointing away from me i think he's taxing all right we'll go join him we also kind of are gonna go north i guess so we'll take the south to north runway wow my radar warning receiver has a lot of bandits on the scope let me see how many uh like five five bandits are within visual sight line right now which is pretty spooky oh yeah yep sounds like we're going to be hearing that uh that noise for a while that is the radar warning receiver telling me that hey uh you got somebody that's you know looking in your direction pretty sternly i see a little dot up there i don't know who that is oh that was an f16 i thought it was jf-17 all right i'm gonna roll up to here and let me just double check nobody's trying to land as well there's a lot of people flying around this area so i'm not really sure what's going on exactly luckily as the f-16 we get a forward spawn we kind of spawn in front of everybody closer to the front line which means that we have more fuel for when we get into scary dogfights so i'm gonna stop really quick double check that nobody's coming in for landing uh this guy looks like he's gonna be landing so i'm gonna call out uh novo traffic uh shark one one taking runway zero four for eastbound departure novo i'm gonna try to sneak out in front of that f-18 it's probably trying to come in for landing because if you ever see them not having anything on their aircraft but a single centerline bag then yeah they're probably landing piglet establishing it was a 0-4 for the uh and pull up and we're off nice enough traffic snake okay gonna immediately go to air-to-air mode and all my mfds are really really dark turn you guys up it's like a nintendo ds when you have the brightness all the way down you immediately notice it you have to turn it up that was probably only relatable for about 20 percent of you that are older than the age of 20 that actually played unintended a lot of people that watch now don't know what a nintendo ds is even those things were sick i played so much so basically what i'm doing right now this is my um here let me get off that radio radio channel two two five three zero zero all right so what i was doing right then is i'm switching um my pages around my left page is my radar page this is what my aircraft can actually see that's me moving the radar left and right so this is a this is kind of a whoa that's clouds hello clouds i guess we'll get up high altitude um this is basically a page that shows out in front of me like this is my point of view what's what's in front of me sort of thing this is a i guess they're both top down no sorry i lied this is kind of a top-down view and this is also a top-down view but this one is communicating to other people around me so even if my radar doesn't see bandits other people's radar c bandits and they're communicating the locations of the bandits to me same thing goes for like the same sites and stuff so wow there are a lot a lot of sams say is that an sa-6 that i'm flying over i don't even know there's a lot of stuff over here let me see wow we're flying fast okay that's a sam called don't bomb me please and it is seven miles away i hope it's dead am i getting nails from it oh i'm definitely getting nails from an essay six all right well you know what we're gonna turn on our air-to-ground mode right now and uh get our underground missiles going because there's definitely some bad some bad little sam sites we need to take care of before we can um do the rest of our work today brightness up all right oh my gosh all right so we are at 32 000 feet already if you didn't know the f-16 is very fast and we are actually dropping altitude because i'm stalling this is what happens i'm not paying attention oh the sa-6 sees us all right let's go to the table it has a say six on it boop not soy let's turn for that sa-60 where it is shark 1-1 overlord threat bra 0-7-8 30 24 000 okay type frog foot not a big deal i'm gonna go back to air to air to ground it's a frog foot so not a super big deal same site beneath me must be already destroyed turn to the left see what's over here there's a nice a6 that's tracking me to the right but apparently there's also one this way hmm yep this one fired at me all right i'm gonna try to shoot back at it really quick well nope didn't have the time [Music] okay we're at 12 000 we're good eight thousand seven thousand six thousand there's the missile still tracking oh nope not tracking anymore okay there's another one it just fired these same sights are pretty pretty pesky today no no air brake didn't want air brake all right we're going to turn back in for that same sight might be a little bit more efficient going in low like this though all right so it's tracking me can i lock onto it is the button not bound okay there goes oh come on come on come back come back i just saw you you were literally locking on to me there you are all right locked on and magnum alright so we just shot a missile at the same site that was locking us i don't see any missiles in the air oh now there's apparently one to my direct right can't see it i'm gonna go left and drag it through some really thick air here it's apparently a sam to my front oh that one's far it's it's an s8 as well it's not not as bad oh over gene all right i think we silenced that sam possibly i think we did i think we got it nope still something in front of me essay 8. okay let's let's switch to the table that can track and say eights okay that's a 15 that's locking me now come on go go go go go go there's a sam the paths this is a lot more interesting i thought it would be we're dodging sam's today okay cool i'm down okay let me get a little bit of space because obviously i definitely need some so that's an s8 and an sa15 luckily we've got a page that has both of them and uh let's check our wings see if our wings are out of fuel yep they both are so let's uh nope let's try to send the bags on the wings so goodbye bags let's get back into air-to-ground all right we're set let's go for that same sight one more time again if you don't if you don't fly the f-16 it seems really complicated what i'm doing here and it is it's very difficult i'm not trying to underplay it this is uh challenging for me to manage all this stuff for sure okay there's the sa8 19a not looking for the 19a i'm looking for the okay there's the eight there's the eight come on come on there you go all right magnum and let's run run run run run run run run run run run run okay still got some fuel left in our centerline bag i don't think we splashed that sam site i think we definitely got the sa-6 which was the biggest threat sa-6s i think are bigger than sa-8s and i think 15s as well i might be wrong i think sa-6 was the biggest threat we had there and we definitely took that out because it is not it's not picking me at all anymore but we've also got bandits to our front i'm not sure if we'll be able to take those out uh let me see what the closest sam ccp virus has been destroyed maybe maybe we just destroy it i don't know let's go see if we can help with these bandits thank you thank you nice lady okay thank you miss lady that seems kind of useless whenever i'm really focused and i have the radar already up and stuff but it actually helps out a lot if you're not focused okay you're out of feel in the center line bag so i'm just going to click that button overlord 136 23 26 000 lengthy right secret three he's not dropping oh 19 000 what hello are you a glitch did you just appear are you god that means he's really close to me at 15 19 000 this has got to be a glitch because he's moving very oddly i'm scanning yeah sometimes radar has what's called ghosts which just aren't real and you have to kind of figure out what's real what's not oh my gosh that's a lot of bandits all within 40 miles too oh god all right we're gonna fox on this guy and then probably run fox 3 oh he just got splashed and i didn't see it i should have been looking overlord yup yup sa-11 now firing it sam sa-11s are a lot right i think a lot bigger got to make sure else do as we go through the clouds to 10 000 so we're all right but i'm going to pull up still immediately and uh yeah that's a big fight going on oh there goes the sam did you see that little explosion that was the sam that was firing at us looks like he fired a second one but he's not gonna reach us out here definitely not gonna reach us out here okay our fuel state is 5200 it looks like 5700 so we're fine for another few uh fox 3's a few more shots of our missiles if we can get them off got bandits so close so so close this is really dangerous 25 000 oh my gosh they're right here i think i'm gonna have to egress fox three fox three and let's get the heck out of here we're gonna get splashed oh nope yep we got splashed oh no that was so many bandits all within 20 miles i thought they might have been distracted but nope definitely they were not distracted i wonder if we got any kills though we can check i just want to get the immersion of flying through you know let's open our cockpit can we open our cockpit let's just let's just give it a good little open oh no hey is it stabilizing us let's keep flying boys without any wings what do we look like there we go that's what we look like we're fine shoot on the afterburner we're gonna go to space we're definitely gonna make it we're fine all right well i lived so if we were to look back and ask ourselves why did we die right then it was 100 tunnel vision and me being cocky tunnel vision in the fact that i let bandits get within 40 miles of me without even being basically ready for them to be there um plus being so cocky that i thought i could get some shots off and kill them unfortunately my game crashed right as we disconnected and so or rise we died and so i actually don't know how many kills we got right then um because the the the player list won't show it because i disconnected from the server so don't know how many kills we got i think i probably got at least one of those birds i mean we were so close to them um our missiles definitely would have hit at least one of those guys we definitely killed one sam so i don't know i would say a mission success we killed one sam maybe two i think i think the second missile did miss if i was playing that safer which i'm gonna try to do this life because that last one was a little bit crazy um we should be fine what i'm doing differently this time though is that if you look at my loadout we don't have fuel bags so those are my air-to-air missiles my aim 120cs these are my agm-88c's and these two on both wings it's mirrored these two are the um the sam sight missiles these ones are the anti-plane missiles so instead of a fuel bag that used to be there and there last time we're bringing just two extra missiles which does mean that we have less fuel but we'll be able to shoot a few more missiles off which for me that kind of works so i'm going to set this to um use our bag first and then we will oh sorry i just stepped on my cat a little bit sorry bud well i was adjusting my seat and i put like about a pound of force on him but he's right below me he's very squishy and fluffy it's like i put my foot on a pillow i'm sorry chief sorry but i know i know you want pets right now but we're flying f-16 dude it's it's a little it's a little bit busy he is walking patrols i call them drive-bys around my rudder pedals at the moment and he's wanting tons and tons of pets because it's late night chelsea's asleep and i'm the only person in the house that can give him attention so he just crowds around me unfortunately i don't know if that's unfortunate though he's kind of cute shark one one overlord threat bra zero six five thirty twenty four thousand hop tight flanker oh okay yeah that's definitely something to be worried about um well i'm gonna go to air to air mode get that ready and go to tws here there's a lot of friendlies in the mix as well so these are kind of kind of sketchy situations yeah we got friendlies going straight for him i'm gonna nope don't want to lock on him tws always likes to lock in the closest person i don't know how to cycle past them it's kind of weird sometimes he's at 25 000 i think he's notching oh we're going in the clouds oh see that huge loop that might be him i think that's the bandit doing that loop because it looks like it's going away now nope now he's coming back in did he get splashed 13 and 15. oh this is sketchy okay i think bandit just got splashed all right thank you miss lady okay was that 35 000 shoot we're gonna have to go up we're gonna have to actually use some fuel then he might have already shot too oh he shot two missiles going straight down that's spooky he's definitely shooting at my friendlies he's flanking right he's going evasive oh is he going cold oh no he's going cold he just barely turned array away at least i didn't fire i didn't want to use my afterburner but it seems we're going to have to right now it's 14 miles there's not another bandit for a little bit though okay now he's diving my afterburners again 13 miles hopefully he doesn't notch me here he's trying to go cold come on don't you go cold for me no sir 10 miles he's really trying to run eight miles okay here he comes fox three come on come on little fox three you can do it i'm gonna pull away because i'm really close yep i don't know who fired on me threat zero six eight nine sixteen thousand not getting nails from any sams except for behind me there's something to my close front right apparently sometimes it'll mark a same site but it's not actually the same site that's active it might have already been taken out uh and uh yeah and uh yeah good call man good call you did it you tried sticker you know okay so uh wow that was a that was a scary fight i thought that i was gonna get pulled into other bandits but uh he luckily was just going down towards the ground we were able to chase him down but i did use a lot of fuel overlord threat bra halo helo there's a helo halo type master chief uh all right let's get this thing back up and we will uh get a little bit of altitude so we have some breathing room if a fighter comes at us again we've got bandits pretty dang close i mean that's a helo though so that's not anything to worry about ah i've just got to keep an eye on that is this darker than it can be no that's as bright as it goes okay it seems a little bit dark hello cloud yeah those 29s man they're they're going crazy absolutely crazy looks like two different helicopters i could go and shoot one down as i go for that same side off to my front right i think i might do that i think i'll go shoot one down so i've got how many sticks four total i only shot one yeah let's go shoot down a heli helly's uh are pretty easy to track on the radar because they've got big ol helicopter rotors which the radar can just super easily track so even if they're below us should be able to give it a good little lock here he's at what like 10 miles this is not ranged to what i want it to be there you go yep got a lock on him something's passed him at six miles just kind of a spoopy thing okay get a lock on the lower guy no i'll lock on the guy that we can see right now the radar shouldn't even be scanning okay you know what we're gonna go to boar site i don't understand this uh this system enough to fully understand it sometimes so we're gonna go low and just meet this helicopter head on i think i actually can probably visually find him if he's this close he's to my front left altitude altitude it's to my straight front now oh yeah i see him hey bud what's up dude fox 3 i'm so sorry this means certain death oh i thought he just ate it i thought he just ate that fox three and then just shark 1-1 22 7 000 flanking left tight frog foot okay it's a frog foot frog foots don't have radar and they don't have radar-guided missiles so only thing i need to worry about when i'm facing a froggy is the uh is the heater missiles that they have which are not very good so if a froggy comes at me it's not a huge problem whoa okay he's at four thousand six thousand let's switch this back to crm tw actually i can go i can go rws it's a froggy make sure we hit him you know there we go there's the lock okay he's going cold it looks like he's flanking left yeah i think he sees me i think he's probably seeing me on his rwr which is telling him holy crap dude you're being locked run but he already did he already very dead there's a 31 to my right giving me nails that's spooky all right he's six miles i'm gonna wait a second longer just to make sure this missile has enough juice and fox three and four three two one splash got him is he still alive that's not black smoke there's no way he's still alive frog foot sometimes okay no i see a parachute okay we got bandits really close so i'm gonna pull off i don't know what type they are um overlord shark one one bogey dope 15 six thousand flanking left tight okay fulcrum okay okay so that farther one i didn't i didn't even hear her bearing i wasn't super paying attention to that but i think this close one is the froggy oh i see okay i see the fulcrum okay how much feel do we have oh not much enough to do a little bit of work but i wanted to get some sams off in this life but nope it looks like we're doing more air to air we're just getting in the thick of it with these these fighter jets i'm gonna go tws looks like this froggy at nine thousand really wants me oh okay i wanna go on a basis going to be going to be some going to bees i'm going to be ready okay our fuel is definitely out our center line bag so goodbye i'm gonna drag that missile down into heavier air don't want to run into sam sites though so i'm gonna pull back to the left and gonna prepare oh he's at 18 000 that's another bandit right there i don't know what that is i have no clue what that is might be a frog he's chasing me though which is very scary i'm gonna have to go bore side on that guy he is he still chasing oh no he's not okay he's flanking left all right we're doing all right we're doing all right that was pretty sketchy because i didn't have my radar arranged it's really stupid on these things the radar automatically switches back to five miles and that can be very detrimental sometimes when the bandit you know is at 30 miles and you need to lock him really quickly and then you realize oh no i have to take my hand off my joystick to set it but i think i can bind that to a joystick setting so maybe i'm just barking at myself oh this is sketchy he's at 36 000. there you go come on get the lock at the lock at the lock at the lock sharp overlord threat what's up dude fox 3 now run bingo fuel okay that's bad yeah we're in a moment again where we're kind of getting in too deep but i've got a burn to get away from this missile and head to seven that's west towards my homies this is just way too sketchy okay we're pretty close two five eight i've just got to run home at this point i think i got him he's not a yeah unless that banded to 18 000 to my left which i don't think is him unless that's him then i must have gotten him we can check our kills oh and that's not the button uh we have gotten six kills so far in this life is that correct oh have we hit bandits when it with every shot we fired i guess we have dang okay you know it's just just getting 6k i i didn't i didn't break a sweat there guys that was easy you know just just another day in the f-16 you know second second day flying first solo flight in the f-16 nothing nothing real real challenging at all i didn't cry at all during that sequence but we are definitely gonna go home and go refuel because holy crap we are flying on 400 oh no we might not get home i've got a throttle down we've got okay nobody's at krimsk two five nine i gotta head directly to five nine oh my gosh four hundred pounds of fuel okay we're up at seven thousand feet too so we could glide in i don't know what happens to this bird once i uh okay i need i know what i need to do i need to jettison can i not can i not jettison everything can i not judge in the the harms do i even have harms where'd they go i didn't shoot the harms when i emergency jettison the centerline bag did i drop the harms too i guess i did well i have no arms that's all right didn't really need them uh let's double check where we are two five nine two five eight okay turn left slightly for two five eight get underneath this cloud here because it is very bright and we're back whoo for still 400 pounds we're still doing good we're barely using any fuel the f-16 when it idles like this it does not use any fuel threat 093 30 36 000 hot tight flank oh no there's a flanker behind me chasing me all the way home oh no this is uh this is this is pretty fun though this has been a good good little uh dog fight there altitude altitude again i have to thank ralphie and all the other guys who have helped me in dcs get to this point of like i'm a pretty intermediate flyer i'd say where i can hop into something like the f-16 now and get it in a few days you know gotta thank the guys that helped me out last stream to figure out all the exact buttons i need to press and all the things i need to do in the f-16 to make it work gotta thank those guys as well so i i definitely did not get myself to this level of uh of play which is not very super advanced but definitely better than i used to be well already guys i think with this landing i'm gonna call it for the episode hopefully you enjoyed the f-16 adventures that we had uh for now i'll bid you ado everybody uh i'll see you later hope you had fun watching the video uh if you like this video check out my other dcs videos there's a whole playlist on the youtube channel that i got and yeah see you guys the next one have a good day go back [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 361,337
Rating: 4.9423451 out of 5
Id: ey9KibBkorE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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