DCS: Basic Air Combat Guide for New DCS players

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oh hey guys hey doing for today's video I was thinking we could go over some more common mistakes by newer players to DC s in terms of air-to-air combat things that I wish I knew when I first started playing DC s it's just going to be a few tips that I think will dramatically increase your skill level as a pilot whether you're flying against AI or you know other players I think it'll get you up to a competent level you'll be able to actually put up a fight when it comes to air-to-air combat with this a couple of these techniques we're going to talk about here today um today I have frosty here for the video he's been playing DCs for probably a couple months now so you know he's basically the perfect candidate for what we're looking for here so yeah guys let's go ahead and get started all right let's put the e w screen on dispenser set the bypass and set up the radar here we'll push it up to 80 there he is go ahead and lock him up excellent so there he is at about 42 miles 41 miles all right so he has me locked up this is way too far to shoot even though you have the shoot to 33 miles okay he fired at me and I'm cranking to the last look at my radar screen there I'm gonna push it to the gimbal and that's putting my on the edge alright I'm not dragging his Nestle to the left and bleeding off his energy you just gotta keep your cool we went home that tone is going because he fired that my cell phone they're pretty far away alright now we're gonna turn back in fire the missile and we get the shoot cue at 15 miles invert and dive that's Fox 3 and here we go we're gonna start diving for the ground [Music] all right we're just gonna pop some flares just in case he fired off an ET or something and just dive dragging that missile down into the dense air I'm pretty sure I would have splashed them by now so that our WR is gone so pretty sure he's gone yeah yeah there's some stuff falling out of this guy back there alright let's go ahead and check out the tag Fiat now alright so here we go frosty is carrying one r27 ye'are he's carrying 127 ET 277 s and his Heatseekers alright so he's got one long-range er or Fox one if you will and I'm carrying you know my Fox threes in the form of the am ramps 120 C's all right so what we're gonna do is just close on each other here and right around 30 nautical miles frost he's gonna fire off his first missile all right now he's essentially wasted his first missile and it just so happens to be his best one his 27 er okay and the reason I say he's wasted it is because it's very easy to defeat he's more than likely fired it at the maximum range ok he's about 31,000 feet so this was probably when his radar said he could fire it and the reason I say it's waste is because like look at this a simple crank okay now for those of you that don't know what a crank is it's generally a 45 degree you know pull to the right or to the right to the left to the left or to the right and what that's gonna do is drag the missile off to one side now the important thing with pulling a crank is maintaining the lock so you want to push him off to the gimbal limits of the radar to basically put them right at the edge of where your radar can continue to pick them up so here frosty has fired off his missile you can see it already pulling off to one side and most missiles and DCs are gonna be flying a leap pursuit which means it's gonna try to hit it's gonna lead in front of me and it's gonna try to hit me right around here somewhere okay now what that means is that the missiles are gonna have to pull even further ahead than I'm already cranked and this turn here is gonna bleed energy anytime that something turns in the sky it bleeds energy if you have an aircraft and you don't add speed as you turn you will lose speed alright you need to add throttle as you you know make a turn you pull G's the missile is the same way if it turns it will bleed energy the only thing that differentiates a missile is that the fact that it has a very limited burn in terms of fuel ok so every dcs missiles range from anywhere from 6 to 11 to 15 seconds with the exception of the phoenix missile which burns for about 30 seconds so once that burn is gone that missile has all the energy was ever gonna have and it has to use that energy to get to the target if you can bleed some of that energy by forcing it to take turns okay that missile by the time it gets to you is not gonna have enough energy to hate you okay so that's why you want to do the crank because you're forcing the missile instead of just coming straight at you you're forcing it to take a turn to one direction bleed energy alright so that's what I've done here and it's gonna be very easy especially the maximum range of this missile to bleed off its energy the other thing with the crank is because you're not headed right at him what you're doing is decreasing your closure rate and what that means is that missile is gonna be airborne longer before it can reach you that's another thing that you're doing and the longer you can keep the missile airborne obviously the longer the energy has to bleed off of it so the more you can keep that missile airborne more likely you are to defeat it alright so that's basically what is going on here so this is why I say he's wasted the first missile based on the range that he fired it and like I said it was his best missile right so he's already basically scrapped that thing so you can see it's around Mach 1.5 and then you're gonna see me crank back around and I essentially pull an F pole here so watch as I turned that missile is forced to turn again alright so now it has to recalculate the lead and so at first you know we were it was calculating that it was gonna hit me here now I'm turning this way so the missiles like okay I got a hit I'm here now right so it's trying to turn and it just isn't gonna have the energy to make that happen all right look at the energy state of the missile at this point its mach 1.1 alright so you're basically forcing the missile to take turn after turn and there's no way at that range that that missile is gonna be able to do that now I basically pull it around I'm gonna fire off my Fox 3 ok Mach 3.3 and I'm immediately going to nose down I'm gonna drag whatever other missile he's fired down into the density of into lower altitude into higher density air okay and that means that it's gonna create friction for the missile as it tries to follow me down alright and you see me popping some flares here this is generally just because when you fight those Russian aircraft you never know when there's an ET coming at you so it's good policy to drop some flares just in case in case he fired one you didn't see it now he's fired a 77 this is far outside of range if his expectation was to send me defensive with this first missile which is more than likely why he fired it he should have fired a 77 as his first missiles because it wouldn't have reached me anyway but I wouldn't have been able to differentiate between a 77 and ER on my radar I would have assumed it was his er right so he should have sent the 77 kept the er for when we were closer range which is a much faster and longer range missile would have he would have been able to use it better if he kept it a little bit now how does that missile comes in let's watch Frosty's defensive maneuvers here notice how he's not decreasing his altitude alright he's not doing the vertical dive all the way down so what that means is he's staying at a low density air which means that my missile doesn't have to fight increasing amounts of friction to hit him alright his missiles have already been defeated like that mach 0.8 that 77 is never gonna reach me and this missile is coming in right at frosty here okay there's that et he again waited way too long to fire that but this is why you kind of want to be scared of those Russian aircrafts right they want they just randomly launched these et's that might hit you and for those of you that you know don't know because it's an IR missile the 27 et you do not receive an rwr warning for it that's why it's you know especially dangerous so frosty in this situation he does not crank he does not decrease his altitude he's too focused on his kill alright you want to fire that missile and then remember your defensive maneuvers okay so as soon as I launched that Amram at him what he should have done was cranked this way or you know cranked this way it doesn't matter maybe turn in continue to crank continue to crank and basically what he's doing is constantly forcing the missile to recalculate you know where it's gonna hit him and it's gonna bleed off the energy that missile alright so he doesn't do any of that cranking or anything like that the other thing we could have done which we discussed was pulling the missiles down into denser air okay and also he could have combined these two things and he could have done you know left and right cranks while decreasing altitude right so he would have been dragging the missile left and right right and pushing it into denser air he more than likely would have been able to defeat it a better policy at this range because I fired that Amram at him pretty close I think it was that missile came in at about 15 nautical miles so that's pretty good for an AM in terms of range when the altitude is 29 and 27 thousand feet all right so that missile had a pretty high probability of kill and you can also tell from the speed at which it was about to hit him right through that mach 2.8 what he should have done what I would have done if I was him in this situation was forget about the cranking and I would have just you know dove straight down 90 degrees defeat the first missile and then recommit it becomes a battle of who can recommit faster as to who will win you should always be able to defeat the first missile the guy fires at you especially if you had the first launch okay essentially what happens here is frosty does not go defensive he doesn't crank he doesn't go you know for his vertical notch here and that's fine because he's focused on this you know he said he's trying to get his target he's trying to get his kill and he's hoping that he's got more time that's the thing with the newer players especially myself when I first started I thought I had more time when that missile gets fired at you you don't realize how fast Mach 3.3 Mach 4 is it's tremendously fast you only have a few seconds of reaction time ok so right after you fire your missile you should be going defensive assume that a missile has been fired at you even American aircraft they have tws mode which means more than likely you know there is an Amer I'm coming at you you just don't know it yet and you know the Hornet doesn't have that just yet so it's a little different with the Hornet but it will eventually and when it does you know you have to make those assumptions so because Frosty's too focused on his kill here he's gonna get himself he got himself killed here he did fire off an et which again is not gonna be able to hit me I've dragged that missile down those first two missiles that he fired those have been dragged down into dense air nor do they have the energy to to even catch up with me all right look at this mach 1.1 and I'm already Mach 1.2 all right that missiles completely garbage and the eath he even though it seems like it's got a lot of energy is never gonna be able to catch up it does end but Mach 0.7 it was never gonna hit me all right so those are those are generally the mistakes that I see a lot of you know newer players doing which is fine you know I did them too and you learn and this the only way to learn is to do these things go back look at your tack view and learn from your mistakes right so I hope this may have helped some newer players I hope that Frost he maybe got something out of this I know that this kind of thing would have been immensely valuable to me when I first started playing DCIS I would have loved to get this kind of information have somebody tell me what I did wrong so that's why you know we make these videos and I'm grateful for frosty for coming on and you know putting himself up to this and basically letting me critique his style I appreciate that I hope you guys enjoyed the video at least found it entertaining thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 270,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, dcs world, f-18, f18, Hornet, F18 Hornet, Combat, noob, beginner, help, guide, tutorial, air to air, countermeasures, BVR, America, USA, Navy, Airforce, Marines, radar, evade, survive, world, mig29, mig-29, fulcrum, new, player, game, jet, tacview, sidewinder, amraam, aim120, r27er, r27et, r77, Persian gulf map, beginners guide, art of the kill, crank, flamming, cliffs, lock on
Id: WsBWWZpfxhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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