HUMANKIND | The Warmongers | Ep 02 (Let's Play Miniseries)

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hey everybody it's party elite welcome back to our warmonger playthrough in the humankind victor open dev last session was an interesting start to this mini-series as we find ourselves in a rather precarious situation with a rather uh less than spectacular start if you consider our circumstances we are actually not even close to being the most famed people we're actually quite far behind as far as entering the next era as well is concerned however i'm fairly certain that we shall overcome all of these challenges just like we overcame the flooding at hatusa just like we're about to overcome the uh who are these people again well in the future it won't matter i suppose housing uh shall be ours will be declaring war relatively soon into this session and we will very quickly i think eliminate these people or i say eliminate but in reality we'll probably just vassalize them uh they have to survive in some form and since they don't have too many other holdings or any other holdings it seems like it seems as though they will survive as our vassals and that among other things should help us accelerate our star gain and also our fame gain as well playing as militarists means that there's some time spent i suppose preparing for war and making sure you're you know equipped and you have units recruited so i'm gonna go ahead and say that that's what's uh slowed us down a little bit uh but truth be told i think we're very close to seeing a couple of stars uh get acquired in quick succession we'll see the agrarian star pretty soon i'm sure we're gonna see the uh athletes star we're gonna get the tech we need you know money's gonna start flowing even faster and faster and of course as we go to war we will start seeing some of these military stars as well so i'm not too concerned i think pretty quickly we're going to be entering the next era now before i get ahead of myself there are a couple of things i want to do as far as housekeeping is concerned up over here at hatusa i'm actually going to change things around a little bit these archers rather than um you know quote unquote waste a turn with their production and then pay for them i'm going to keep work going on these stone rings and the next turn when we can afford to purchase these archers in one turn we'll go ahead and do that and uh we should be able to yeah we'll be able to afford them and uh that way we'll uh we'll kind of make progress on both things both our military as well as our stone rings over here at the same time the reason why i want to do that is because if we take a look at the competitive deeds there is one competitive deed with regards to building a holy site and as you can see that will grant us 100 fame but only for the first person that does it so we want to try and make sure we're the first now this thing is going to take eight turns to make which is a little bit much so what i'm going to do for a couple reasons not just that is i'm actually going to attach this um outpost over here to tucson now just again a brief explanation outposts can stand on their own and they can exploit the various resources that you can find littered across the map uh however at this point in time this outpost isn't really able to do much else we've already built the horse ranch we don't have access to things like harbors or anything like that just quite yet which outposts can build as well except you have to obviously get there technologically speaking first so this guy's kind of sitting here idle doing nothing he is generating food and industry and a little bit of science as well and we could use all that back at hatusa now not only that but if we do this attachment as well for the cost of just 30 influence we will also be able to use our outpost over here to recruit units with as a sort of land unit spawn destination so a couple of reasons to uh to make this attachment happen and you'll see how this thing that's going to take us eight turns right now you can see these numbers they will change as soon as we click this attach over here bam there you have it not an insignificant change in numbers um now and again you can see over here we're able to spawn units up here if necessary as well if these guys decide to get fresh with us we will be able to hopefully respond in one way shape or form though to be honest they're a little uh this outpost really puts the out in outpost it's it's quite out there so i'm a little worried about defending this if if push comes to shove but we'll cross that bridge when we get there um but yeah doing this has definitely helped us uh not just improve hatusa but now if we want to build anything let's say out over here we can as well if we want to further improve a tusa by using this outpost as a central point so there's a couple of reasons for doing that attachment now with that done with this on route i do think we're ready to hit that end turn button um next turn we will acquire our unit of archers and then we can go ahead and move into war against these guys down over here legitimately the doll of course i was like who was it again it kept slipping my mind my apologies uh yeah things are looking pretty good down over here we have this outpost being built as well these guys will i think also establish an outpost somewhere in this territory uh maybe like right up over here on this high ground uh because that will give us access to some of these and and exploiting um resources also counts towards builder stars because you actually have to build the you know camp or mine or ranch or what have you anyway with all that said and done let's go ahead and hit that end turn button and folks i just want to mention as always if you've been enjoying this series if you would like to see more humankind on the channel please don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a like down below it makes a very big difference just let me know what people are interested in so i can plan around that i'm very excited for humankind myself and if you are as well to you know see it on this channel especially i'll make sure to give it a special place as it were i intend to cover it on the lead up to release and i intend to cover it on the uh sort of after release as well uh but i'd love to know if you all are interested and again if you have any questions concerns opinions anything you want to share leave a comment down below i do read all of the comments uh with that said let's go ahead and uh yeah rush our archers out i suppose right pop you up over here a little bit on the pricey side but i think it'll be worth it yeah let's go ahead and do it why hesitate four turns until the stone rings are done hopefully again we'll be the first to complete them and i should mention as well by the way i realized maybe just to point this out with full clarity as hatusa attached this outpost you can see that our city itself consists of these two territories now it's not like um it's it that and and that's why we're able to now use this as a land spawn uh location as well because technically it is now adjacent to the city of hatusa i just wanted to make sure that was clear because i quite like this um i quite like the awarie i quite like that as a very special and different kind of uh approach a different kind of uh building i suppose so i just wanted to point that out with with full clarity let's get these warriors moving i think i'll be able to afford an outpost how much would it cost 50. okay that's not bad that's not bad now influence is important for other stuff as well like if we want to build a wonder for example we would need influence for that if we want to uh again as you've seen to attach cities building outposts upgrading an outpost to a city cost influence as well in fact if we wanted to i think you need a a minimum of 160. let's check up over here yeah need 160 influence before you're able to upgrade an outpost to a city and we will certainly be doing that now let's go ahead and establish this outpost up over here i think we might actually upgrade this outpost to a city when we can afford it because we're not trying to do a one city run over here or anything not like the other playthrough we did so might as well take advantage of the extra growth and production and all that kind of stuff that multiple cities provides us there's another uh curiosity over here excellent down over here i just i just want to leave i just want to get out of here maybe we should move towards how uh houdzing yeah sure let's do that we're just so horribly surrounded these guys might be better off going down this way these guys can go up there these guys are also i mean i feel like i've been dancing back and forth along this river the last god knows how many like centuries or millennia even i just want to go home i just want to go home honestly up over here four turns we're fine you're fine actually hang on a second you are building something good and down over here one more turn until you're done that's the one thing you have to keep an eye on is these uh these orders that you can give to the outposts there's no like as far as i've seen at least there's no notification um and also i should point out looks like we have some uh well they call themselves mercenaries but they belong to the uh matanians and they are an aggressive independent people so we could actually hunt them down as well if we want to add to our militarist kind of star gain but we'll consider that after this war is done i think the war with uh haoting there's our athletes star excellent we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there i hate to remember that if i need to use this i can um oh and looks like the uh italians have what settled themselves over here seems to be the case anyway well we'll deal with them later uh what's the deal down over here let's go ahead and pick up this curiosity not this turn but next and let's get you establishing the artisan's quarters where uh let's go up over here first why lose that to production when when i when i can just keep it until later all right looking good over here still blocking our paths why why do you do this to me let me out just let me out all right we're able to kind of creep up this way excellent excellent and down here these guys are still able to move down this way oh hello okay another curiosity hoping for more uh boosts to our science but i'll take anything really i believe that is turn all right cool looking all right let's go ahead and attack now i think i should have actually maybe attacked previously hit these guys first though really i could do a bit of both i could attack these guys first and then next turn attack the city or i could attack the city first i know these guys will slow us down that's too bad all right well why don't we go ahead and attack these guys first eliminate this army it won't be very difficult at all it's just what 3v1 so we'll be fine and then we'll loop back and hit the uh the city that's what i'm thinking before i get into that but let me just take a quick peek around here make sure everybody else has their orders hoop this up what do we have a bit of gold not a lot but i'll i'll take it i'll take it i'm really concerned about the uh these guys down here my seniors tell me what is on your mind uh i don't know they they they were i mean i've seen them in like other playthroughs and and they they worry me pull you guys up over here see what this is we've got ourselves some animal remains excellent next turn we'll be done our next bit of research and let's pull these warriors towards our actual army over here and see what we can accomplish with them let's go ahead and declare our war on the dough um now just to just to be very clear here this war is technically an unjust war uh some would say it's a surprise war because we don't actually have uh a casus belly if you will against them we don't have enough war support to uh declare a proper and formal war against them now in order to get the war support we would have to try and uh instigate friction create uh crisis scenarios have some border skirmishes break treaties and stuff like that stuff that you know makes people upset at each other basically but fortunately the game does still give us the option to declare a surprise war though it does come with some caveats for one we get branded a traitor which is not so ideal uh but beyond that as we declare this war you will see that there is a constant drop in our war support so we have to really apply pressure because otherwise we're likely to lose the war if this hits zero we lose the war now the dough will not be difficult to deal with so i'm not too concerned about that but that's something to keep in mind for future scenarios how do we what's the best way to get the best ground over here over there it takes us a step away from the city i think i'll take my risk down over here i think we'll be fine what are they just a bunch of scouts oh a bunch of cowards is what they are fair enough unfortunately that still consumes our turn so there's nothing we can do about that but next turn we'll be able to attack the city and down over here oh hello looks like they've actually established an outpost over here fair enough still i won't be able to take it for myself um because it is i think it's attached to housing it looks like it so i won't be able to uh to take it for myself or anything like that um let's pull up over to here and like keep creeping through i guess up over here i guess our scouts are actually scouting so there's that will able to move all right um pull up to here that's our turn or is it or is it down over here yeah okay you're gonna take some time still these guys will take some time as well but up over here oh you've got seven turns as well right fair enough fair enough sorry it's just one of those things that's become a habit because of how uh how we don't get notifications uh bronze working has been researched excellent we do need to take uh uh take control of some copper we need to exploit copper if we're gonna take advantage of this the spearmen are better than warriors so we would like to try and get them asap and the garrison is actually next in the building as well to sort of build as forward operating bases this is a very very good technology uh what comes next is the question though now we could i think i mentioned this last session as well we could go right for the wheel over here not only does it give us access to the gear as soon as we get access to copper it also gives us roads which allows us to move around a lot more quickly however writing is very tempting because writing is another competitive deed or the discovery of writing i should say is another competitive deed over here for 50 fame but apart from that there's also of course these cheaper and quicker um technologies which are very tempting because uh we can get scientist stars more quickly you know what nah let's let's go for the wheel let's do it let's do it i'm trying to be less uh i'm trying to be more war like so so hopefully i'm pulling it off all right pull up over here oh dear oh dear okay just look away we're not not looking for a fight not with them not yet with everybody else for now again just because we're warmongers doesn't mean we're stupid very important distinctions up over here let's go ahead and strike at housing they will be able to defend themselves i could wait some time and reduce their levy count and things like that but i think we'll be fine unfortunately they have got uh three levees now i think we'll be fine though so let's go ahead and assault our side is stronger overall but the train you never really know where the terrain how things will play out and plus we want to try and minimize our damage taken as well confirm the battle let's fight it ourselves uh let's put these guys down over here up over here it looks like yeah they won't be able to attack down here or here or here that's actually not a good spot to be in my only concern being down here is that if they actually deploy up over here they'll be able to come around the bend and attack our archers let's put our archers up over here for that high ground advantage and see how things play out and we can always make adjustments if necessary right our deployment you guys are actually out over here fair enough and these guys up over here okay okay okay now we're the attackers so the onus is on us to uh win so to speak uh why don't we go ahead and start with these guys you know what i'm and attempted now see if i come down here i would get another plus one from friendly unit adjacency rather than the plus one we like we'd end up with plus two as opposed to plus one but i would lose my plus four from high ground so let's just fire from up over here a little bit of damage not the greatest but i'll take what i can get and let's go ahead and strike them again oh man those benefits there's another friendly unit somewhere down here that's buffing them up and up over here empty to go into uh let's let's defend up over here hold the line see how this goes when they attack us yeah there we go that's what i'm talking about that went significantly better i think than it otherwise would have these guys down over here are concerned as well uh fire up there or fire over here you guys are already heavily damaged can we finish them off uh these two together we can finish them off so let's go ahead and fire away and if we're lucky the archers alone will do the trick ah oh such luck no such luck fair enough let's go ahead and finish off the levees and try and hold on to this high ground against these guys that should give us an advantage they'll probably come up and and get level level ground with us okay fair enough up over here i think i'm going to go ahead and defend again let them come to us it worked well last time hopefully it'll work well again uh there we go down over here fair enough and these guys are swapping up here okay okay clever run off okay but we're all right go ahead and get our archers i think once more to fire down here power up here instead try and reduce how much damage these guys can do now let's focus down over here let's go for it and i think i might actually put both units into uh defend mode instead plus two from friendly units minus one from damaged i could you know sort of counteract that by going into defensive yeah let's go for it defend and these guys let's defend with you as well so they come all right beautiful that worked out wonderfully and over here excellent oh i love to see it i really like how battles play out there's so much more to it than just like putting two pieces against each other i quite like that it breaks out like this however this battle will last two turns so that's uh turn one done and when we come back in the next turn we'll be able to uh bring it to its natural conclusion looks like we have an event over here the darkest depths ooh this one miners and prospective miners and their kin from hattusa are afraid ancient traditions are strong and many believe the mythical beasts of the old legends are very real now rumors are rife that it was no ordinary bear that attacked regiment but a monstrous creature whose den is the city's nearby mine many are likely to down tools without action how should we respond to the rumors so we have a few options we can either dismiss this because this is absolute foolishness it'll give us forced labor adding to the industry but taking away from stability we could investigate which would have people celebrating increasing their stability uh or we could embrace this so play along and send in a mighty warrior to slay this chimera except it'll all be an act what could go wrong now i've used i've actually experienced this a couple times patriotic is great because for 10 turns we'll get a reduction in in the cost of recruiting units which isn't bad however there is a chance this can go horribly wrong if you get caught lying um with that said where do we stand right now as far as our social access is concerned i'm kind of tempted to go with dismiss i i would like to make our people you know beyond such foolish uh what do you want to call it like beliefs and whatnot uh so sure we'll dismiss them let's get that forced labor it'll hurt our stability a little bit so we'll have to keep an eye out for that but yes stop with this nonsense stop with this nonsense what is this that's not good that's actually really not good um the ability that low is very problematic we'll have to do something to counteract that i don't know if we have any real options i guess we could uh no we don't okay well that'll be that'll be tough to deal with ah we'll be fine dealt with everything else we'll deal with that just as much um down over here we could continue moving up towards what will eventually be our home well temporarily says this war is going on and i believe that is the turn what are our warriors doing over here yeah creeping on up down over here we're good yeah everything else is i think going all right the turn there the mauryans have reached the classical era as the mauryans okay fair enough that color i guess it's the olmecs we have built a holy site and we were the first ones to do it so we got some fame as well looking looking all right i suppose still not uh still not fantastic but we'll be okay we'll be okay what we got over here big dude where's big dude this gotcha trying to learn these uh these names okay our faith continues to spread let's go ahead and finish this battle off is the first thing we do over here our units are awaiting our orders fire away down here yep got it done and again we could just stand uh to defend because that's been working out fantastically for us so far why uh why fix what isn't broken go ahead and defend and these guys can stay over here actually because they will get the plus one from having a friendly unit nearby there you have it victory is ours battle is done this war is done and we've actually unlocked the agrarian star as well because technically as we occupy the space their population becomes our population and so it pushes us over the uh the limit uh we're very close to a builder star to an expansionist star and to a militarist star as well very close um so like i said we'll uh we'll be ready for the next era in like no time basically victory against the doe we might soon be uh not just victorious in battle but in war in its entirety so that'll be good keep moving over here i have no bone to pick with you not right now and actually as we stand here we should be healing pretty quickly because we occupy this space wonderful down over here keep these guys moving up and around this way and up over here let's go ahead and build what okay looks like our stability is actually recovered i was i i wasn't sure exactly if it was going to stay dropping or if we'd be able to recover i was holding my breath and hoping we'd be able to recover and it seems that is the case one turn to take advantage of this copper don't mind if i do that's fantastic forced labor is excellent um increases our science gain and also gives us access to a strategic resource which we can use to recruit the spearmen and eventually the gig ear as well if we're still in this era at the time a culture's heritage the capture of the great city of hao zing was a proud day for your empire marching through its gates however it was clear the defeated citizens were equally proud of their own colorful culture what do you make of their customs and rights so this is another civic choice but we don't have a civic point to spend this only triggered because we captured another city we'll cross that bridge when we have the civic point to uh do so i suppose but otherwise these guys are up over here now we're done this war pretty much these guys will be healing up i wonder if we shouldn't uh sort of prepare for our next war already oh did we seriously oh no we just found this okay good these guys will be able to come up over here though i think i think we'll see that is this turn though looking pretty good look at that one third place now wonderful there's our builder star beautiful yeah we're getting there folks we're getting there now looks like there was a bit of a mutiny going on at uh at halting oh civics backlash when a territory is under the influence of another empire a civics backlash can occur the population asks their leader to adapt to this foreign influence and take a similar stance on a given civic are we being forced to change exchanges between the people of this city and its neighbor babylonians has led your population to demand changes concerning legitimacy so i've actually seen this happen to myself on my own cities uh however this city isn't going to stay mine so i don't think we have to address that but this is basically a matter of shifting civics based on neighbors and and how neighbors feel about uh about about various you know concepts and things like that uh looks like there was another war actually what was this close to a war victory that means we have actually won end of the war between the babylonians and the dole okay fair enough i wonder what they took in return i can't imagine they took much there wasn't much to take uh all right all right yeah thank you very much our faith spreads an osmosis event that was the uh the civics shift acknowledge that and there's that mutiny i was talking about as well okay well that's not too uh uh the babylonians are demanding nikawi which i assume is this yeah they're not gonna get it not from us at least but let's go ahead and take a look at the conversation with iso take a look at the war resolution and right we can make them a vassal now you might be wondering why didn't i like wait a little bit longer to grab one of these or something like that well we can't because this is their only city and territory we're not able to take it from them because that would eliminate them they will wipe them off the map and i guess they don't want that to be an option with with humankind it's an interesting decision but that doesn't mean we will be able to vassalize them and hopefully they will be useful as vassals i mean they don't have much land so i don't know how much they'll be able to do uh but sure become our vassals and pay us some slight reparations and let's bring an end to this war the longer we wait the less support we'll end up with unless they actively pursue them so let's go ahead and bring an end to this war and uh mark our first glorious victory [Music] beautiful i knew you'd relent beautiful and that will also give us this world deed become liege over a vassal empire another 50 fame yeah we're looking pretty good i would say like i said like i said we'll recover all right the dough have discovered the stunning five flower lake which is this thing over here all right good for them us down over here are going to hopefully make a move up to this at their first i might what do i what why this spawn in a place that you can't reach unless you i guess go by sea oh wait a way to bait me out here okay fair enough fair enough continue our return home these guys i think are still healing because they are in uh in vassal territory so it still counts as friendly i guess territory uh down the line if you make allies you can make additional treaties that allow you to uh replenish in in allied territory but that's under certain uh treaties i guess vassalage works much the same way let's go and pull these guys back they don't need to hang out in uh in vassal territory they can be at home looks like there is another battle which is a little concerning oh i don't like this but we're not gonna win that one oh no i think i know exactly what's going on over there and hatusa is idle as well well we have our upper right we could this thing will take a turn to produce i'm wondering where i go to war next maybe against some of these mittanians and the uh the hixos these guys took the territory that i wanted with the horse and the sage yeah we can beat them back and uh and get some militant uh military stars that way too sure so i want to go ahead and recruit actually locally now um if these guys come down here to help afterwards i think this is probably a better spot one turn until this is done well let's see how long it will take to recruit a unit of spearmint two turns maybe we'll swap that around next turn then oh we're just short you know what if i actually pull let's say you off of science you can see how much that drops this down um no pull you back over here how about from food will you over we'll lose population i can't do that fine money it is we'll sacrifice money to get this unit sooner sure can't complain about that seems okay to me down over here let's keep pulling these guys oh oh i don't like this the myceneans are establishing an outpost over here we're gonna have some border friction aren't we this might be a problem very soon this might be a problem very soon okay um okay we'll see how that plays out let's go ahead and camp out over here these guys and let's go ahead and retreat from this battle there's no point in fighting this one we will be absolutely destroyed we might as well keep these warriors standing and fighting probably to the south over here probably and that's this turn done okay fair enough our outpost over here is complete guys are still up over here let's try and organize this a little bit so slow when they retreat they go very far as this army up over here as well there was this these guys move like up over here right so we are able to move in a little bit we're pretty badly hurt still get our spears maybe taking a peek risky risky risky don't want to get them like caught out of position isolated or anything like that pull you up to this high ground let's go ahead and form up together but if the worst does come to pass at least we have a sizable force if not a fully healthy one now let's go ahead and recruit some more years i think you can see from 17 the strength goes up to 20. there's not an insignificant difference all these warriors up as well i wonder if i shouldn't prepare yes for the worst all right let's go ahead and use this as our spawn point and let's go ahead and recruit some archers or more people off of uh gold if necessary off of money production rather i should say makes a marginal difference not enough of a difference but we won't do that then anything that will be done sooner and just the uh salt mine or more food grow a little bit faster ooh decisions decisions think we're okay i think we're okay down over here three turns for that to get done over here 20 turns wow that's slow well i guess elise will be doing something um i believe that's the turn guys are still coming back home again we can disband them to make them uh population back at uh hatusa and then go ahead and turn them into proper military i suppose all right doing okay doing okay i really do hope our vassals are you know useful i like useful vassals in my uh my video games oh very close to another athlete star as well oh these guys going to attack us no they stopped just short of it fair enough i could probably take them on now but let's take a quick look at the situation here we're in third place all right man people in first are really skyrocketing ahead aren't they okay okay we'll be okay we'll be just fine i hope uh let's go ahead and attack these guys what you got you got a chariot and you've got some archers you have some spears and we have some archers of our own as well if we strike from up over here we will have access to the high ground but though so will they we can pull up over here and attack and that gives us all the high ground yeah let's go and do that again i like how positioning in the campaign map actually makes a difference uh go ahead and confirm the battle looks like they will stand and fight which is excellent gives us the opportunity to get some more militarist stars we've got our spears down here sword sword archers seems reasonable would like to put spear against chariot but these guys might ride around we'll see i'm fine with this deployment we go first fire down at the chariot oh fire down at these archers yeah they'll take a fair bit more damage sure let's go for it range versus range come on now beautiful not bad not bad i don't know if they'll actually come to us again we are the attackers the onus is on us but we can hope they'll come to us and we don't have to surrender the high ground right go ahead and to defend right now this battle will last two turns if necessary oh wow did i not call that area sleeping around the back over here model them to do and now they'll hold on to the high ground as well yeah looks like it okay that's okay it's not the end of the world not the end of the world our archers back over here are unfortunately not able to see the enemy we're able to loop back around over here they will have the high ground but we have plus five from anti-cavalry i wonder if we can't pull you down over here let's try this let's try this we can pull these guys back up over here this little dance is gonna okay pull you up over here pull you down over and you get up there can't imagine you can't okay pull you down over here build fire from here at the chariot go for it should move the spears up first actually for the extra no actually it doesn't matter because they're still adjacent we slap the bonus but move the spears up over here excellent i just didn't want to put these guys on low ground and now we have the plus five from anti-cavalry plus three from the adjacent friendly units and uh should be good oh look at that that's a lot of damage beautiful and we might finish them off might right i guess not could have gone into defense instead might have been a good idea pulling back around this way trying to strike the archers again no chasing after these guys well done archer's firing as well up at the spears it looks like we're okay good stuff archer's finished the job uh close to it fire away nonetheless and our swords will go through and or i guess axes will go through and get it done do it beautiful beautiful i said beautiful there we go hello what's going on over here nice took a little bit of hurt got our militarist star uh delivered a fair bit of hurt as well these guys will be able to heal up again we're in friendly territory and i'm preparing for the worst down over here we'll see what happens we'll see what happens we're okay the event over here land of the dead for hundreds of years the dead of hattusa have been laid to rest in burial sites within or close to the city's borders now however with a fast rising population and many dying every moon these sites are becoming overcrowded future burials could lead to disease as corpses await processing cremation might be a wiser choice what is your decree so if we go with burri we'll see some increased industry but reduced stability if we go with cremate then we'll see quartermaster happen which is more food but the increased cost of all of these units that we might need to produce increased food is not bad though uh take another chance with the dropping stability yeah sure all religious traditions must be upheld the workers will just have to build more tombs i'm just curious to see how maintaining a middling ideology kind of impacts us down the line sure so barry okay we're all right actually stability's not taking that much of a hit we're okay uh so archer's being produced a little concerned that i'm [Music] focusing too hard down here if we were with the mycenians next oh they've grown quite large it seems down there their outpost over here [Music] they wonder if these guys are going to try something as well all right here's what we're going to do we're going to let this happen down here we need a couple of uh a couple of armies i think [Music] all these like hunting parties that are roaming around doing nothing of value pull you back ready to span them these guys are done their turn we might be able to pick up some uh curiosities here maybe a battle over here as well let's just quickly check 19 turns for you two turns for you and two turns for you as well enough over here you're done but there's nothing else we can build i could try upgrading these guys to a city right now actually if we want to um but if we make that change happen then we won't we'll lose the advantage of the the outpost itself so maybe not what comes next athlete i think we'll probably arrive in the next two turns sure and our turn there a new wonder can be claimed excellent it costs influence to claim wonders of the world once somebody claims a wonder only they can build that wonder and they can claim another one when they reach the next threshold for influence but they have to finish that wonder first looks like the hanging gardens of babylon were already taken by the mauryans fair enough they are uh they're leading the pack aren't they no they're not actually oh well they're already in the next era though so don't be fooled by those stars however their fame is actually not not so great uh we have the option of the pyramid of giza modified district industry costs by 25 okay uh temple of artemis i think this is probably the most sort of military adjacent uh it gives us plus 10 health regeneration on units which is not bad it's counted as a holy site as well without counting towards the total cap you have for holy sites i believe the stonehenge does that too and the stonehenge is more focused on food and stability i think we're gonna go with the temple of artemis the hanging gardens of babylon we just missed out on a stability boost i feel like the hanging gardens are maybe the weakest of uh of the uh the starting choices there are more that unlock down the line but i feel like the hanging gardens are maybe the least interesting despite being you know historically quite interesting i would say the temple of artemis it is go ahead and claim that it does cost us that 250 influence let's hope i don't regret this and nothing else comes up that would have been a better use let's go ahead and we will be stronger than them not at full strength right now two more kills it doesn't get us there but it gets us closer why not right take the positions over here it's all level ground these guys will be boxed in you could maybe box these guys in as well yeah but they might actually take the low ground if they want to have some movement sure go ahead and strike they dare rampage through our territories like it belongs to them all right we'll deal with that in a moment i just want to look at some of the other things over here these guys have been recruited excellent go ahead and uh stack up over here and hatusa let's recruit 21 turns to build the temple of artemis is not that bad but i do want to try and recruit some more units right now get some spearmen down over here have a proper fighting force down here if need be and again just trying to keep these guys over here to see if there's any movement and if there is movement then what's going on and up over here we've got these guys returning as well [Music] tempted slightly to send them down here instead if we establish this as a city we could use them to to kind of boost the population early on probably going to be way too long before that becomes a thing so leave that leave that be eight of the free cities we we're just talking about them the world as it ever was is divided into the rulers and the ruled great sprawling empires and proud independent cities your struggle is with other empires but you should not forget the part these free cities can play unless it's too early we don't have a civic point but another thing to to discuss potentially go ahead and confirm this battle and see what we can do over here um i'm gonna go ahead and put our swap these guys around just so if they if they do deploy down there these spears will have an extra advantage these archers let's go ahead and put you up over here maybe or rather up over here yeah sure sounds good to me oh would you look at that hold it again though we are the attacker let's go ahead and fire first go for it a little bit of damage done there send our spears down can cause a fair bit of hurt actually we might expose ourselves to them go for it come on now excellent look at that damage beautiful beautiful these guys will be able to actually make their way around to attack if i think that's a good call i don't think these guys can get that far ahead no these guys can though go for it we'll take some damage but i don't mind taking damage as long as we don't lose a unit if we lose a unit then um oh that really sucks did not get the kill there if we lose the unit that's unfortunate because uh you know you have to re-recruit a lost unit but a damaged unit i will be healed we might actually lose this unit just barely survived just barely survived all right let's move our archers let's move the spears down here first and i guess we just kill these guys i'd like to reduce the damage we take though so fire on these guys first excellent uh i think we got a veteran see in a recent battle for these archers as well giving them some extra damage and the sphere is down over here yeah finish the job beautiful nice and easy get off my property okay good stuff these guys will continue to heal over here just be surviving actually they won't heal up over here they're outside of uh home turf we'll pick this up and then return back home yeah i'll pick that up first right and our turn there and i do believe the one turn i decide not to check no i think this just got completed go ahead and grab the copper actually having more copper is not a bad thing warm these guys up we got spears we got regular melee we got archers soon we'll have our chariots as well so who is the coppers arrived in time oh no this is still working up over here continue to recruit more units again we're slowly eating away at population it's not like these guys are just costing us terms keep that in mind more archers might not be a bad idea the mycenaeans have the promatoi as their uh unique unit their melee post combat i wonder strength of 24 at least our spears would have a higher strength than that our archers maintain distance but the moment they close gaps our archers are in trouble so let's go and get some more spears down over here one turn is all it'll take that sounds good to me pull these guys up over here and perhaps disband them because there's there's no more use for these uh scouts they might just get picked off you know eventually we'll be able to take to the waters but uh there's some time before that becomes an option for sure go ahead and disband you go from pop of seven to a pop of eight and actually when's the next uh oh agrarian stars along looking okay plus one and three turns let's go ahead and span you oh sure looking good and complaining about this fears we can pay for relatively affordable [Music] yeah sure you know let's go for it i'm actually going to change my recruitment up to over here now and let's prepare for the board up over here cool take advantage of the fast production rates while we can right group these guys up over here pick up that curiosity sure a little bit of money made and pull back home now we can start healing ourselves up wonderful wonderful one star is all i need oh we should have it next turn with the athlete uh [Music] star there it is beautiful wow wow did i not call it holy alright okay fair enough as much as i feel like i prepared for this i feel like i'm not prepared enough for this but the mycenaeans have declared war with a war support of 50 so it's a surprise war their people are most certainly upset about it yeah they will be losing war support we just kind of have to hold the line and uh and get some victories against them and they'll give up on this war hey man come on work with me here i really hope that we are going to work together in this situation there's a ran second oh wow guess i was kind of calling this as well wasn't i the mauryans have declared war on us as well oh this is not good this is not good this is not good and they are they're coming in hot okay they're javelin throwers and their spears okay these guys are terrifying ransacking up over here these guys are scary we'll talk later first let there be war okay okay it is an unjust war so that'll work to our favor they're gonna get some work done over here i think we'll just be sending units off to die if we uh recruit them up over here so let's be smarter about it than that let's go ahead and fall back except that this will be taken and it will come back uh and take it back and and more besides this though this is not good and i get my army over here rushing down a tusa well let's get these guys off of there let's pull you down to maybe here and control the uh the area right down here at high ground no attack from there level ground no attack from there it's a decent chokepoint up over here up over here i ground against that though they can get level ground up here they can only attack from one side there just trying to figure out where i would like to hold my uh my ground let's pull them down to here because i suspect they'll be coming hard and fast let's continue recruitment over here reinforcements are not yet a thing in battle reinforcements are not yet a thing i wonder if i should build the temple of artemis i don't know if i can yet sacrifice population to rush it out but it might be something to consider that health regeneration could be quite handy so that's only if they survive their battles obviously let's first uh maybe establish a garrison so a garrison well we have to attach these territories for that garrisons have benefits in in battle as well for adjacent um as you can see plus one combat strength in combat for units adjacent to the district but uh hopefully the fighting won't happen on home turf uh like proper you know city outskirts i mean let's go ahead and establish the uh watchtower that's let's just get some straight up units some more spears ready enter ready to enter sorry the next era as well remind me later please i'm not i'm torn so i'm not sure if we will still have access to the gear if we move on to the next technology or into the next era sorry we should with every other culture i've played it has stayed however i had already unlocked the technology before i moved on to the next era now if we are going to move on to the next era maybe we should do it now there is some competition right now and i don't want to have my pick stolen from me and it might happen all right you know what i think we're going to do it uh take a quick peek around to make sure everything's all right and in order um again 16 turns for you three turns for you up over here you might lose this but at least it was damn that's unfortunate and up over here you're able to build or take advantage of the copper sure let's go ahead and do that okay feeling pretty good i'm pretty good hopefully our vassals will help us in this situation but yes let us enter the next era we will continue to be militarists so i don't have to worry about losing access to this special ability uh if we take a look at our options first i really quickly want to take a look at our current situation we're kind of missing out on some fame um and if i was trying to like maximize it i might be a bit more patient uh but i think i think we're fine i think we're fine go ahead and take a look at our options so the mauryans and the huns have already been taken now the huns are an interesting pick and it looks like the uh the mycenaeans have actually gone with the huns so they are sticking with their militarist roots i was kind of tempted to take the huns um but it seems as though i am perhaps just a turn too late they will have formidable steeds plus three combat strength on cavalry units and plus three combat strength on mounted nomads they have the ordu which automatically upgrades outposts uh these outposts cannot be attached to cities however it is uh i guess just another way to recruit units much like we're doing right now it's a way to recruit units at uh different uh different locations i feel like we're going to actually lose access to that ability when we move to the next era because i've seen that just like you can keep recruiting units from older eras you lose access to the buildings from older eras but that's been when i had to actually place the buildings it wasn't the automatic upgrades so i'm curious with regards to what happens with this um when we when we switch over anyway these guys also have access to the honeycord which is terrifying because when these guys kill enemy units they gather food and they can multiply just like we were doing in the tribal era so that's kind of scary to be up against these guys anyway we are not going to be the huns we instead are going to be the well we could stay as the hittites we have the option of the axomites the greeks the carthaginians the celts the goths the mayans the accumulated persians and the romans that plus one unit slot available for each army is tempting these guys are expansionists though and there is some overlap but expansionist relies more on uh the uh the use of stability and uh and influence and uh claiming territories i think i explained this last session as well so our option then is the goths nimble pillage plus five combat strength from ransacking on army that's quite valuable we just have to make sure that we do some ransacking uh we have access to the tumulus which gives us influence faith at the cost of stability and we have access to the gothic cavalry as well but we'll need iron quite a bit of iron for it actually and we're about to lose access to iron which is unfortunate damn heavy cavalry fast hard-hitting mounted unit able to charge enemies receive bonus combat strength of attacking non-adjacent enemies much like our existing gig ear which hopefully we'll still be able to recruit and they're also ransackers bonus combat strength when ransacking and fighting on enemy districts ah that second half was interesting all right well they're the only militarists left for us to pick take advantage of that nimble pillaging the fallen will not be forgotten as we fight for greatness [Music] as urban centers grow both ideas and sewage are generated at a record pace arts and sciences flourish as military tactics and mathematical equations become as coveted as physical goods empires struggled to control these intangibles however some might trouble their stability all right into a new age oh music i love it i love it look at us modernizing our uh a territory over here beautiful uh okay so let's see we've got the nubians arriving as well it seems and i think if we flip to the next yeah the huns have arrived as well the mycenaeans have become the huns now let's see what the deal is over here actually with a tusa are we still able to no we're no longer able to recruit all the way down over so that is potentially problematic next turn we will have enough influence to attach this uh outpost uh unfortunately [Music] that would kind of slow some things down um instead i could convert this to a city in two turns we'll have enough influence to do that though it'll take seven turns for that to complete yikes yeah the advantage of being able to recruit at a distant location has been lost to us though again that's where i was talking about the garrison because we can use the garrison to recruit far far ahead right we might want to establish a garrison actually up over here to help with this war we still have that opportunity um and it'll take only three turns the spearmen will be done in one turn we could send them rushing down south and the further south we can build a garrison is actually like right up over here which does save like what one turn of travel that's not a terrible idea not a terrible idea pop you down over here perhaps oh dear and there is the looks like oh we'll be building roads soon i imagine so hopefully i'll speed things up as well okay you know what let's go ahead and up you down over so i'm just kind of hesitating about this one it doesn't seem like the most useful use of resources the high ground over here i have a choke point as well the back is protected level ground on these guys yeah sure we'll do it i could not pay for it it'll take three turns i think i'm better off actually letting this happen in one turn and then uh then paying for this afterwards it'll take a little bit of time before we can afford that okay for you get you moving sooner rather than later these guys coming down over here as well i think we'll deal with the uh well the huns first and then we'll have to deal with our uh northern enemies we have access to the tumulus again large mounds of dirt accompanied by uh steel and stone circles stimuli are used by gods to cremate or bury the dead helps with influence gain and faith increase not a bad thing to have to be fair but not what we need right now and down over here actually if we take a look at our technology looks like we will still have access to the gear when we get the wheel and further down i imagine we will have access to our there we go gothic cavalry with mounted warfare quite some distance to go but with bronze working done we'll be able to jump to the standing army to get swordsmen as well and iron we need that iron right cool i guess we know what we're doing next fair enough down over here [Music] i wanted to take this higher ground i want to see what's going on oh hello don't pull past me are you right if we go up over here we have a slight advantage the slightest of advantages what are we up against units of spears a unit of promotory they're all us one as far as veterans is concerned my soldiers are all fresh we have the high ground back over here and up over here that works for our benefit but as the attacker again the onus would be on us right to uh to to make the moves but i think that's probably the right call what else do we have going on up over here these guys are still pulling back yep fair enough we are now working on establishing this 397 is what we need okay i'll be lying to you i didn't say i was a bit nervous uh let's push in over here might be pushing my luck but let's try it our side is stronger overall but only marginally confirm the battle archers back up over here ears up there up over here not terrible we can kind of like hold them here basically they can't they can move elsewhere they can't deploy anywhere else but they do have to defend their flag but chances are they're going to stay put so you know what this might actually be the best deployment yep they might be able to pull around and come up behind us if they're going to be cheeky they can try and do that so let's keep an eye out for it and our deployment there let's try and win this quickly now high ground the friendly units fire away beautiful they actually can't even get so this is what's great uh because they only have that one hex available to them they weren't able to deploy all of their units because we've boxed them in so this like hash tells you that they have reinforcements available on that tile but they can't actually get them out because that tile has been occupied so uh that's working out in fa in in our favor as well uh i wonder if that would cause a fair bit of damage here high ground from the unit advantage as well lose the high ground advantage down over here of course but uh why don't we go ahead and do that excellent beautiful i'm kind of tempted i wish i'd put these guys down over here to like loop back and flank now we'll we'll keep him over here up front over here though do we attack very close to killing them we'll take a touch of damage ourselves as well if we give ourselves the defensive uh stance we get a plus one negating their kind of advantage there really that makes a big enough difference let's go ahead and attack hope for the best here it was all right not not the greatest but it was okay i imagine they're going to move out and try and acquire some reinforcements or perhaps not amazing amazing okay so the archers will finish the job here no mercy indeed beautiful and victory is ours nice that was fast and we strike him again we can they're still boxed in from that battle keep these guys positioned like this it's tempting it's like do we keep the fully healed guys up top taking advantage of the high ground or do we keep the hurt guys up top keeping them a little bit safer so they can actually survive not exactly sure what the right call would be let's go and swap out like this and these warriors i wonder no you know what they actually wouldn't be able to circle around back this way because this area is not a part of the battlefield all right fair enough good enough over here go ahead and end our deployment let's do the same thing we did last time fire away beautiful back from the high ground you see that minus one is uh causing us some trouble maybe i'm going to regret this decision a little bit that wasn't too bad but it'll all add up right these guys do i send you in or you know what let's go ahead and defend and back over here as well let's defend i'm gonna go ahead and say that that was the right call that definitely worked out quite nicely for us beautiful archers get it done there's those spheres off and one more time i think right dive right back in there and from the fight swap them around again if the weaker guy's staying up top i don't know sure actually why don't we go ahead and swap these guys around as well might be a bad might might cost me as warriors are weaker than uh in spears but uh i don't want to lose any units again because they can heal as long as they survive they can heal there's also the promo toy hmm fair enough all right a little bit of damage down there oven negative 15. actually i guess the swap wasn't a bad idea take that high ground advantage let's go for it beautiful and these guys will put into a defending guys as well defend back over here they come like a beating there but we're okay fire once more with the archers whittle them down and hopefully these warriors will be able to finish them off beautiful looking good looking real good chase in with the warriors oh man that hurt looks like we got him beautiful beautiful no units lost we completely obliterated one of their armies we do have to heal up fortunately we are in friendly territory so we'll be slowly picking up our health over here but let's take a look at their uh war support yeah look at that three recent losses in battle means they're losing a lot of war support and we are gaining a tremendous amount i don't think they'll be ready for uh or peace anytime soon unfortunately we cannot push our grievance right now because we're already in the middle of a war but uh but this is this is going all right man when you get that when you get that gut feeling that you should just scout things out that worked out if we had let them slip past they could have caused us a lot of trouble it could have caused us a lot of trouble but no we we cut them down we cut them apart and uh we might actually win that war relatively easily i don't want to jinx myself folks it is the beginning of the classical era it is the beginning of a great war to the south and a great war to the north but it is the end of this session i hope you enjoyed this one if you did you know what to do leave a like down below let me know that you would like to see more humankind on the channel if you have any feedback or thoughts about this format again it's a little different for me so i'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you have any questions leave all that down in the 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Channel: PartyElite
Views: 39,957
Rating: 4.9699249 out of 5
Keywords: humankind, humankind gameplay, humankind game, humankind opendev, open dev, humankind victor, humankind partyelite, humankind campaign, humankind civilization, civ5, civ6, civilization, civ 6, humankind vs civilization, humankind merchants, humankind single city, humankind nubia, gameplay, humankind guide, how to play, tips
Id: nHTKhlFR9-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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