HUMANKIND | The Warmongers | Ep 01 (Let's Play Miniseries)

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hey everybody it's party elite welcoming you to my second humankind victor open dev mini series that i pre-recorded for your viewing pleasure if you missed the first one don't hesitate to go check it out as it was a fun ride playing as a mercantile people with a single city spanning as far as the eye could see i'll link the playlist in the description and pin comment down below with this second mini-series we'll be playing a more war-like people through the ages battling and conquering and hoping not just to be the most famed culture but one of the few remaining ones without further ado let's begin and as we begin i just want to touch on one last thing over the course of this mini series my explanation of game systems and mechanics will be focused around my decision making process i took a slightly broader but still brief approach in the other mini-series and imagine by now many of you have either watched that series or have watched humankind game play elsewhere so you're maybe familiar with the core mechanics with that said if you have any questions if anything is unclear or if i gloss over something and you'd like more details feel free to ask away in the comments down below i do read each and every comment even if they come through months after a video releases so you know go ahead uh give me your questions your feedback your thoughts opinions your approaches whatever it might be go ahead and share down below now i will try and get you the answers that i have myself and if i don't have the answers myself i will try and seek them out for you as well with that said let's go ahead and get this party started first order of business is to kill the deer over here move a step closer to our hunter star uh and also a step closer to our growth star i think what i would like to focus on is actually those two things in this neolithic era because the hunter star is just fitting as a militarist people i suppose and the growth star i mean if we end up with a larger population as we enter the next era we kind of get that inherent advantage moving into the future uh the knowledge star is a nice extra if we are able to acquire those knowledge curiosities i'll obviously pick them up i'm not going to ignore them but that'll be a nice extra for us looks like somebody out there has already found the danakil desert they spawn right next to it so we can't ever beat them to that i don't think and that's fine by me let's go ahead and pick up this uh little bit of uh what is this these are some nuts up over here sounds good now i will say as well as we run around and uh explore the map just in the interest of full transparency i have played this open dev a few times and the map just for this open dev not for the final version of the game but for this open dev kind of beta the map is the same every time so i am somewhat familiar where things are um rather somewhat familiar with where things are skipped a word there uh with that said i don't know the map like the back of my hand and i will be very honest with you with regards to decisions that i'm making because i'm you know aware of where things are i'm gonna try and avoid doing that as much as possible but come on let's be honest it's impossible to pretend i don't know what i definitely know right uh so we've got the sanctuary down over here we can ransack that to acquire some food we can also attack this deer over here again that helps us with uh gathering some more food and moving us towards that hunter star right so wonderful we can all resolve these battles for now we'll we'll we'll be fighting plenty of battles down the line so we can go ahead and auto resolve the ones that we're fighting against nature that's our turn done over here let's go ahead and burn down this sanctuary get that extra food hopefully get the growth there next turn down over here pick up this pickup oh there was a knowledge star up there that we missed yeah that's too bad again not our focus but still nice to pick them up right there's a sanctuary over here as well and you can see there are resources littered across the map we've got marble we've got uh obsidian there's a mystery resource here not sure what that is but our primary focus is actually going to be on strategic resources this time around with that previous playthrough we were more focused on on luxury resources as mercantile people but with this one definitely focusing on strategic resources first and uh and luxury resources second and just to make sure our military engine is a modern one i suppose more food up here and we can get that knowledge star after all so not to uh or not star but curiosity my apologies uh so i'm not too fussed about that go ahead and ransack this sanctuary as well grab that food good stuff we continue to grow stronger and stronger and like i was saying right everybody that we get now will still be available to us as we enter the next era so it only makes sense to uh you know grow if we can oh no no get up over here they can't oh yes they can okay beautiful i was worried i overshot it now picking up those uh knowledge curiosities gives us influence which we can use to establish outposts and also gives us science points which will help us when we enter the first era it'll help us kind of get a head start with regards to technology continue to explore down over here let's go ahead and pick this one up as well you can see five influence one uh science point and and different pickups give us different amounts of uh science points continue to move up over here as well now i know for a fact that there are horses available in this area and i definitely would like to acquire them sooner rather than later um because of the sort of approach i have planned i'm pretty interested in seeing how my approach plays out because the cultures that i'll be picking i think uh have some pretty interesting mechanics i really quite like just how different some of these cultures are i really quite like oh these guys have decided to attack us and they're actually stronger than us well that's unfortunate we will be able to fall back to the high ground over here and maybe come out on top but that is a little concerning okay um we'll fight that in a moment we're gonna have to actually fight that one though we cannot send in reinforcements the battle has already basically begun so to speak so we can't send in reinforcements we may as well send these guys over here to pick up this uh this knowledge curiosity grab this food up over here and looks like there's another hunting opportunity let's go for it i'll resolve that as well there's copper up over here too there's our hunter star gives us some fame and again fame is what determines the ultimate winner in a game of humankind uh but we're not gonna jump the gun just quite yet we're one step away from that growth star i would like to uh to try and at least get that it's good to have a lot of people as well running around because then you can explore a lot more quickly too and exploration is very important because you can unlock quite a few things through exploration wondering in fact on the topic of exploration if we don't send these guys up this way these guys can backtrack to pick up that food and these guys can go up this way sure down over here let's get these guys up over here oh there's some food to grab grab that and there are the horses i was talking about earlier as well all right and now for this uh battle all right let's uh let's actually fight this one both sides are evenly matched but a bit in their favor hopefully by taking the high ground will be okay so let's go ahead and deploy up over here and we'll just take a defensive path they're the attackers so the the onus is on them to either destroy our units or capture our flag so we're just gonna hold our ground bend them off so then we mean business now they're just another tribe very aggressive actually very aggressive fair enough we did a lot more damage there we're gonna continue to uh hold our ground over here we could opt to attack them on our turn as well but again the onus is on them to attack us so uh why should i um attack them whereas so if i attack them i get that plus for from high ground but if i stay still and i use defend i get that plus four from high ground and i get another plus one from being in defensive stance so it works out for us right the last round we might go ahead and attack them if necessary unless yes beautiful absolutely slaughtered them love it victory is ours they do have another unit back there though so i'm gonna be careful about that we are a little hurt we might actually be able to take them on as well if uh if they attack us when we have the high ground advantage but i would like to keep these scouts alive and scouting the game is just reminding us that we can enter the next era because we have our hunter star but again i'm waiting for that growth star at the very least if if nothing else right i'm sending these guys around keep exploring the uh the terrain over here we've discovered the danukil desert again we as you can see with this yellow dashed or dotted line i guess it's a it's a bit of both it's a square dotted line um the uh the yellow nomadic tribe spawns basically right next to danikel desert we never have the opportunity of beating them to it as we pick up the food over here we do have that growth star as well um is that is that it then are we are we going to be patient and are we going to pick up some more these guys can grow a bit further as well what's up over here the thing is when we enter the next era we can no longer grab knowledge um curiosities and things like that they get replaced by other stuff there's still stuff to run around and pick up but it's not the same it's not the same at all uh world deed accomplished we are the first to discover mount rorima up over here gives us a little bit of fame and if we actually take a look at mount raima you'll see that if we um hold this territory it gives us a couple of benefits at the bottom left corner there you can see natural wonder control effects plus 5 influence plus 10 stability and plus 10 money on city or outpost as well i wonder actually hmm initially i was going to establish my first city down over here because of the horses but i wonder if it wouldn't be wiser for me to establish my first city up over here get that extra financial benefit there's some good high ground up over here i just don't know how rich it is as far as food is concerned why don't we go ahead and try and find out let's send these guys um up over here let's try and find out that might not be a bad idea actually now our outposts we have to establish as well outposts the first one costs i believe five influence the next one costs i believe 20 influence and you need outposts to upgrade them into cities i think what we can maybe do is set up an outpost down over here to acquire a copper because that's all we get from over here not not too bad what else is up over here i think i'll spend at least a little bit more time in uh in this era not too much longer this will probably be the quickest i move on to the next era but just a little bit more time the thing is with each era you get to pick um oh there's copper there's also the the salt over here uh the unit icon was just covering that resource salt is not bad either as you can see it gives us food and stability it's a luxury resource so not our primary focus but that doesn't mean we should ignore it completely but yeah the thing about entering the next era is that there are 10 cultures per era and there can only be one of each culture in the world so if i have someone i want to be specifically i need to make sure i get there first because otherwise well i can't pick what i want to pick uh so it's something to be just aware of i suppose as we as we continue to explore i don't attempt fate too much knowing my luck i won't attempt fake too much but we're we're ahead of everybody else right now so how long it'll stay that way these guys are able to let's actually keep you pushing up this way as well send you up this way again the river's gonna slow us down a little bit there's food to be had here too but i do wonder if we can't find a good uh not up over here i would like this spot uh i know for a fact that there are um horses available in this area again just being fully transparent with you so that's why this is a viable spot as well and it is both of them are right next to the copper and salt deposits decisions decisions go ahead and hunt that deer and let's go ahead and establish our city over here we're gonna get our first outpost over here i think there's a good spot over here there's a couple turns to get there fair enough looks like we have a decision a world of flame so this event actually doesn't always pop up sometimes you will not have this opportunity but as you can see in the distance a thin cord of smoke cuts up into clear blue skies fire calling a few tribesmen you run closer the smell of cindered bark and burning pine growing stronger with each footfall you spy dancing flames and suddenly find yourselves on the edge of a settlement on fire many of the structures are ablaze but even even with the smoke and flames you can see these abodes are marvels of craftsmanship you're about to direct your men to put out the fires with loose soil when you see short shadowed figures running away use they could become part of your tribe if you give chase now but that would mean losing these secrets of construction what is your choice so either we could get a slightly larger tribe and i've been sort of parroting how that's important having more numbers is of course helpful but just because we are a militarist people just because we are a warrior people doesn't mean we don't know the value of good technology again if you're technologically superior to the enemy then numbers start to matter less and less right there's that tipping point so our options here are either to chase these youths down and make them uh you know a part of our tribe or we could extinguish these flames and try and learn from these uh very interesting structures and i think we're actually going to go ahead and extinguish these flames and see what we can learn as you can see it reduces our research cost for city defense and that also sounds like a fairly you know um war militarist adjacent technology if not militarist in itself if you're gonna go to war you can expect war to come to you as well right let's go ahead and confirm that got a little technological advantage for when the time comes and hit that end turn button yeah all right go ahead and send one group exploring up north we found ourselves lake baikal again because we're the first to discover some of these things we're getting that fame if we're not the first to discover it we don't get that fame so that actually worked out quite nicely there is food to pick up over here there's another sanctuary to burn down too it'll take us some turns to establish this outpost right oh no actually we could probably do this turn keep up this way more food there's more food it keeps spawning it keeps it drawing me in pick up that uh curiosity that knowledge curiosity oh it was weird it was it was highlighting this as an ideal spot previously wasn't it what's up with that um it's not a bad spot not a bad spot yeah let's go ahead and establish it over here just by establishing the outpost doesn't mean we're entering the uh the next era uh just as a heads up in case you're wondering about that um there's food up over here we'd have to go back onto the river if we want to explore this area a bit further i think this is too yeah we can't actually go up there because we haven't seen it the fog of war doesn't tell like let us know that we're actually blocked off over there but visually at least it looks like we would be up top over here yeah there's some good spots to to build our city but let me just check over here not really ideal i suppose for uh or uh for a city for for growth and stuff like that but we definitely want to claim this outpost to have access to those horses right we'll have horses down there we'll have double the horses some things take uh more than just one of a resource uh though copper having one horse one copper is maybe better than just having two horses to start with again it'll cause this this outpost will cost us 20. the next outpost will cost us um i think it's 60. aren't you up there or down here this is not a bad spot very protected from these three sides though archers like protected from melee but archers of course can claim that high ground we'd be able to expand up over here plus 12 food plus 17 industry up over here instead we would have that high ground these are not bad spots i can i can be patient wait until next time sure a little bit of back and forth dancing over here go ahead and send these guys up this way well these guys up this way there's still stuff to pick up folks and so close if it wasn't so close i wouldn't uh wouldn't be sticking around let's go exploring even further there's always stuff to pick up you guys go ahead and attack this deer ought to resolve that again if we can grow a little bit more as well then i'm not going to complain about that it looks like someone has entered the next era as the harappans these guys seem to be in an unfortunate position over here that we might be able to pull back and hold the high ground up here and defend once again and then next turn we're gonna go ahead and enter the next era we're gonna be second to the next era that's not too bad because we did it with purpose and our deployment there they're going to go first i imagine they're going to take the level ground as us no they're going to stay with the low ground they're interesting now we have to protect our flag over here right we need to make sure that they don't uh take this from us i wonder if i move up there and go into defensive stance again the onus is on them so if they take this high ground it doesn't matter because we'll uh we're not going to attack them we don't have to oh sure let's go ahead and move up over here and activate that defense mode my only concern is that they might actually climb up this time around we'll find out what they do looks like they're coming up right now we have the early advantage there's that we can probably hold on to it hold your ground men come on now okay looking good looking good i think we might be able to eliminate them if we attack them no but they are more damage than we are that's for sure continue to defend victory is ours they were the attackers they weren't able to accomplish their goals we've got the victory beautiful uh i believe there was a knowledge curiosity up there as well wasn't there one grab this one that we know exists and i i had a feeling move towards this as well sure we won't be able to pick it up i don't fall too far behind don't want to fall too far behind what's this oh we got uh a mammoth that seems with stealth technology fair enough i haven't seen too many visual glitches uh but they do come up from time to time again remember this is an early access build it's a beta build just do keep that in mind as we explore literally and figuratively speaking i'll get down here up over here outpost has been established go ahead and grab at least some food down here these guys can grab some food up over here this way oh damn it so animals that have this thunderbolt uh icon means they're they're likely to attack so we might actually be in trouble up there sworn was there not more food down over here good stuff that's not gonna really make that much of a difference though that's not gonna make much of a difference let's go ahead and establish our next outpost up over here got the high ground decent choke only a few places you can attack it from quite like it go ahead and do that and this outpost actually is going to have more than just this one use of course of course nice spot of knowledge curiosity right right right right after i establish that outpost oh it baits me one there one there come on we can get the extra fame in this era we should go for it patience is a virtue right hopefully this doesn't end up biting us though these guys are kind of close to growth not close enough though not close enough that's the turn there seems like the nubians have entered the fray as well all right oh not just the nubians the olmecs as well starting to fall a little behind but that's okay not the other world let's go ahead and grab this knowledge curiosity that outpost will be built in one turn excellent there's our knowledge star unlocked let's go ahead and get the extra science points and influence as well it'll be helpful to us moving forward into the next eras i doubt there's anything else that'll be uh worth picking up we can explore a little bit i'm not really all that pressed for food or anything we can go ahead and start ransacking this sanctuary it says it'll give us food but when we enter the next era it'll actually give us money instead and down over here we can keep exploring some food up there irrelevant that we're not gonna be able to cross the threshold so all good we want to explore every corner though if possible and up over here yes this bear is in fact attacking us um we're gonna go ahead and pull back from the bear keep ourselves alive and it looks like we've found oh hey what do you know an ancient encampment that worked out quite well another event a tribe's legacy you stand at a crossroads for many moons the tribe has trekked the wilderness slowly torturously learning the secrets of this world are the materials hidden in the deep places and in plain sight might be fashioned to the tribe's advantage the beasts and plants of the lands and seas can be most fruitfully harvested and how myths and stories can glacially but inescapably give power over our greatest enemies other tribes now you must decide in what domain the tribe will truly sharpen its knowledge for the ages to come will you be renowned as makers farmers or charmers so this determines our legacy trait from this era we can either be makers giving us wattle and dog improving our industry per population farmers giving us plant floor for food for population or storytellers giving us astronomy which is science for population now again there's an argument to be made for each of these you know if we can produce more weapons more quickly we'll have you know a more equipped army if we can produce better weapons more quickly more modern weapons more quickly uh nobody can stand before us however at the end of the day never forget that an army runs its stomach doesn't matter what kind of equipment you're fielding doesn't matter how much equipment you're fielding you cannot feed your army you're in trouble so let's go with farmers over here go with that plant floor is it the right call is it the min maxed call i don't know probably not but that's not how i play i like to think about stories and uh ironically storytellers is an option but but no we're not going to go with science over here we're going to go with farmers confirm that and i think that's that's uh maybe a good note on which to enter the next era let's go for it as we stand next to this deer and as we travel through uh or next to enemy territory we can see how where they've settled down let's go ahead and enter the next era so moving to the next era we would have the option of the assyrians the babylonians the egyptians the hittites the phoenicians the doll and have we not been beaten to them the harappans the mycenians the nubians and the olmecs now our choices were between the mycenaeans who have been taken by an unknown faction but they are a militarist faction so they would have been one of our options sorry i say faction i mean cultures they would have been one of our options they have brutal upbringing which reduces the cost of recruiting units that is a legacy trait so it stays with you throughout the game this also gives you plus 25 experience on creating units on a city or an outpost a plus 25 experience i'm pretty sure translates into one level of veterancy which gives you plus one combat strength in battle um so it's not a it's not a bad pick at all and their unique um district is the cyclopean fortress you can see the benefits it gives over here but of stability combat strength bonus for units that are adjacent you can spawn land units at the cyclopean fortress and you can also slow enemies down as they travel in tiles around the fortress so pretty good area control sort of a district or structure and their unique unit is the promatoi these guys are melee close combat units they are champions though which means they're stronger when attacking during the first round now obviously they've already been picked but i don't really mind they weren't going to be my pick anyway i was actually going to go for the hittites which might explain my desire for those horses i think i mentioned it a couple times why i wanted horses and copper because our unique unit the gigger here which is a chariot a war chariot requires horses and copper they're a heavy cavalry unit uh and uh they get a bonus to their combat strength if they're attacking non-adjacent enemies to kind of represent their their charge i suppose and they're also a suppression unit so a targeted unit can either move or attack next turn but they cannot do both which is pretty powerful as far as controlling the battlefield is concerned but sorry i'm getting ahead of myself there the hittites have the lust for war which gives us plus one combat strength just outright for every unit plus one combat strength which is uh fantastic kind of balances out with that veterancy conversation with the mycenians but they also have the awari which i find to be very cool the owari is an automatic upgrade to outposts and it can be used as a land spawn unit or sorry a land spawn point for neighboring cities now when it says neighboring cities i'm not sure if it means adjacency like territorial adjacency so we'll experiment with that a little bit but what it does mean is that every one of our outposts rather than positioning them purely for um exploitation of the terrain uh you should also consider positioning them for um sort of a forward operating base as as as a yeah forward operating base that you can use for this era at least specifically so i quite like the hittites i quite like the sounds of some of these mechanics so they were going to be my pick anyway and this will be my first time playing as the hittite so it'll be uh pretty interesting just seeing how this all comes together our charioteers must train for many moons before entering battle go ahead and adopt that you can see our benefits up over here as well as our new get up over here and go ahead and confirm that change now as we enter the next turn that change will actually uh come into play which is fine which is fine yeah i was hoping to to attack this deer and use that to gain ourselves uh some militarist stars but we can hold off on that for one turn go ahead and hang tight buddy and let's end the turn there are the challenges of a young civilization it's hard keeping up with the neighbors when they have the wheel and you don't humankind learns quickly that everyone contributes if you're terrified of wild animals you can grow lentils or catch fish tribes settle towns towns develop markets and markets begin the exchange of goods services and most important rumors and hearsay not only did we end the turn but we ended an entire era so we enter now the ancient era as the hittites of course that was our pick and that gives us access to a very different set of goals to acquire era stars erastars is an ongoing system throughout the entire game again if you're familiar with humankind you're definitely familiar with that as militarists the best way to acquire era stars as well as fame at the same time is by taking militarist actions killing enemy units including nature's units i suppose uh grants us stars as well as a fame when we cross those thresholds of course there are other ways as well we can be expansionist we can look at you know our influence growth we can build there's there's a variety of ways to do it and these all kind of happen naturally uh it's just a matter of focusing on one thing over another to accelerate your sort of progress through the eras and uh with fame as well again remember fame is the determining factor as far as the victor is concerned um so with that said our ransack up over here was successful and you can see it gave us gold as opposed to a uh as opposed to food which is fine because gold is definitely important and it looks like we have the myceneans well they actually picked their culture at the same time as we were going to so that's why those mycenians got locked off but that's again that's fine by me i wasn't going to go with my seniors anyway uh go ahead and continue exploring over here see what else we can uh find and again even though the same pickups are not available in this era there are other pickups that will be available so we do want to still keep looking around keep exploring keep looking for uh various opportunities uh looks like we're being attacked over here again man you guys are being quite aggressive they really want to push us back i think they want to claim this uh territory over here so they don't want us in the area which i mean fair enough fair enough but we should be able to win that one we have the advantage it looks like what else have we got going on up over here let's continue to explore a little bit very wary of the uh the bear that was up here right and down over here let's go ahead and attack this deer i'll resolve this as well there's that victory and you can see actually right off the bat here that gives us one out of nine um military units killed i feel like that needs to be changed it's not really a military unit the phrasing maybe needs to be changed like kill you know nine units as opposed to military units just to make it uh make more sense i suppose go ahead and attack the deer over here as well i'll resolve that excellent and uh the reason why i was kind of picky about where this outpost goes you might have noticed me zooming out the map every once in a while is because this outpost i think is going to actually be just an outpost whereas this will be our capital city uh we'll be able to uh this will actually take two more turns to build whereas this one has already been built um oh why why why you do me like that game why you do me like that you know what i'm gonna be patient what's unfortunate is that uh without a city you do not get uh sort of scientific research or anything going on you don't gain any influence you don't gain anything so the two turn delay might hurt us a little bit but i'm willing to i'm willing to allow that if the game will allow that will you not let me end my turn without uh upgrading because that would be unfortunate that's not the end of the world but it's not uh it's not exactly what i was hoping for either we do have this battle over here so let's go ahead and deal with this thing first uh yeah confirm the fight go ahead and deploy ourselves i mean up over here makes sense they have to go quite far to get the high ground against us up over here do we have a choke point they might circle around us this way this is the highest ground so let's go ahead and end our deployment up over here they'll come towards us again the onus is on them they're being very aggressive actually not seeing them be this aggressive right that's one round that we can hold and again we win on a draw basically they're just staying down there trying to bait me out i'm fine with this victory's ours sometimes uh the best offense is a good defense i suppose now let's continue to explore actually encroach in their land a little bit two of these guys are up to they've been harassing me so much let's see what they're up to and uh it does look like i'm not able to ignore this that's really unfortunate um can i not i can't like rest a city [Music] well that's that's not right you should be able to just do nothing in a city for a fur turn we could relocate this outpost but why would we do that ah all right well it's not exactly what i'd hoped for but it's not the end of the world either let's go ahead and upgrade make a tusa up over here not a bad spot for it you have a nice view of an interesting uh natural uh uh wonder i suppose you'll have access to these uh these guys over here as well for uh for forward operating base kind of use so that's fine so it's all right it's all right um but yeah i do want to use my outposts to recruit units up ahead in fact why don't we try and acquire this spot over here as if if we're going to go toe-to-toe with these guys like they've been trying to do with us then we could take advantage of of that but the next outpost will cost us 20 okay fair enough price i'm there's there's still some confusion with regards to how the cost of outpost is concerned sometimes i've had the following outpost after entering the next era still cost me 60 influence and sometimes i've seen it cost me 20 influence as long as we're adjacent to the original city i'm i'll be honest with you it's a little uh a touch confusing but it is what it is let's go ahead and establish a maker's quarters down over here sure five turns it'll take it'll allow us to produce things faster down the line though growth in four turns we'll see uh we'll see the population grow a little bit all right fair enough just taking taking a quick uh look at our current circumstances i think this is this is fine this is fine this is okay over to the tech tree domestication is not a bad idea because it gives us access to those horses uh calendar is not a bad idea either with the artisan's quarter we can actually start taking advantage of various resources on the uh um you know from from the from the earth uh city defense is the technology that we were given a bit of an advantage for and it gives us access to warriors now eventually we would want to get the wheel because it gives us the gig ear however 63 turns it's it's a little too early to try and research the wheel let's go ahead and start with some of these bass researches and it'll take a lot less time down the line to get the wheel i'm thinking we go with i'm thinking we go with domestication [Music] and then we'll take city defense or or calendar carpentry and then we take a look at wheel so we'll we'll do this baseline first and then we'll do the wheel again trying to take a military approach so gonna maybe wait until we dive into writing writing is a good early pick to like chase after after calendar because writing doesn't only give you the technology itself and its own benefits but there is the uh competitive deed as well that gives you 50 fame but we're going to forego that for our militarist leanings now that's our turn done though i believe it is indeed its stuff looking good one more turn until this is established interesting how long that's taken actually let's go ahead and continue to push up this way you push these guys up this way as well i know there are some valuable resources in the area i'm tempted to actually establish an outpost up over here instead wouldn't be a bad idea i know there's iron to be found up over here up over here i believe actually oh just something to think about these guys down over here got gemstones available up over here there's s'more salt and down over here again there's copper there's marble and i'm actually not sure what this is but that's in the next territory over anyway uh let's pull you guys back a little bit over here these guys are going to attack us aren't they they have the high ground over there so i don't want to attempt fate like that so it does say we'll have the advantage i assume because it looked better in c or something go ahead and pull back if they attack us we'll use the high ground to absolutely demolish them and up over here let's continue our exploration as well mammoth over here walk past that i have a bone to pick with you buddy and back over here again if we want to establish another outpost not a bad spot happy attack from too many sides has some industrial benefits sure we can eventually attach it when we no longer need it as a recruitment spot this is about about as far ahead as we can get now there's a spot down over here which might be better it's a little bit closer i suppose it'll take us a couple of turns to get down there though just don't want to be beaten to that we can always move an outpost if necessary we can always move an outpost if necessary so why don't we go ahead and yes claim this spot returns to actually build this and the next outpost just to check the pricing will be uh one no come on 80. it looks like all right fair enough it'll be some time before we get there but hopefully we'll be able to get there before uh or some of the juicier spots get taken away i definitely want to claim this as well but not in as much of a rush because we do have horses down over here but like i was saying there's iron up over here that i wouldn't mind having for myself all right moving on the assyrians have entered the fray fair enough go up this way move you up this way got some silk over here sweep a little bit further we've got some incense lost 80 yeah fair enough what do we have over here keep sending these guys forward if there's anything else to uncover and discover down over here pull you guys over this way and there's another spot here that we could claim if we want it it's very tempting to uh to just expand but that is more the expansionist way again there's the option to play as expansionists which is sort of militarist as well it's got military uh implications as well playing as expansionists but um truth be told the uh the expansionists are more focused on holding a bunch of territory grabbing a bunch of unclaimed territory whereas militarists are more about grabbing territory perhaps that others have already claimed for themselves uh we have quite a few people out there right we've got these guys these guys these guys i'm just taking a quick peek over here because what i might want to do actually is disband this unit to give uh a tusa our capital one pop so let's go ahead and actually just ban these guys yep and because we did it within the city limits you'll see we have a uh a pop that'll give us plus one in one turn get us that second population right away all right good fantastic a decision to make over here empire foundation by what right do we rule so we've actually got access to a civic point allowing us to choose between uh founding myths and legitimacy we either discuss what uh which way are our laws are determined or which way our history is is sort of spoken about i'm gonna go with founding myths as our first decision to make because as somebody who claims inherent dominion over the land and beasts we get plus five influence influences you've seen is a very important currency divine mandate is the other option to give us faith faith is also a useful you know bit of equipment i suppose but but i'm more interested in influence to me there's a uh there's a again sort of a a military undertone to wanting more influence in the world uh the other option again is with legitimacy we can either go with customary laws pulling us towards tradition or codified laws pulling us towards progress again these are our ideologies and ideological shifts to determine how we get along or don't get along with others and you can see the other benefits we get as well but no we have only the one civic point to suspend and so extra influence we shall chase um i don't typically by the way chase uh numbers as much as i chase stories i think i mentioned that earlier as well but yes i do think natural right is a lot more kind of fitting as opposed to a divine divine mandate or whatever the other one's called aang's population has grown kang is the outpost over here and since you have been established until we have animal husbandry you can't really do much unfortunately uh it's all good but good sorry i say animal husbandry i mean domestication six terms fair enough if we're fortunate we might be able to pick up some curiosities here and there that accelerate our uh research now that wouldn't be it wouldn't be a bad thing to have happen keep poking forward over here tempting isn't it they might attack us i want to ransack their their little outpost over there i think they're gonna defend it though yeah they're gonna pull back to defend it fair enough when you're moving adjacent to an enemy unit you get slowed down significantly just as a heads up go ahead and push down over here continue to explore we found another border it seems and uh looks like they are still a tribe you can attack the deer over here ought to resolve that as well what are we looking at actually three out of nine fair enough continue exploring up over here we can eventually take down some mammoths too they do disappear um later on they they do just kind of disappear but uh not necessarily in a rush to take them out right now and potentially lose a unit of my own continue to explore up over here as well over here you can see we found a border over here these guys are the uh olmecs i believe um i would like to try and get this for myself 80 influencers can take some time eh and take some time right down over here these guys are still able to explore we can kind of push down this way sure see what's going on over here that's the turn there right continue to poke south over here we have met the olmecs fair enough this is where i greet you hesitant you're not the only one yeah these guys are the old mix they typically they typically pick the olmecs we could try and force them back it looks like they are a bit more capable than us though as far as fighting is concerned so it's a little concerning not gonna lie we do have some reinforcements so to speak right back over here if you want to send them up uh but yeah there's the uh there's the iron that i definitely wanna try and hold on for myself uh important to note just because we're not directly exploiting a resource doesn't mean we don't have access to it uh we can always trade however do you want to try and aim for self-reliance if possible if we can uh if we can get these things if we can get these resources without uh relying on trade and just relying on other people in general it would make me a lot happier i think all right we're good and over here the city is idle let's go ahead and get you working on um food is actually not that great so i want to go ahead and put down farmers borders down over here slowly grow a hatusa and up over here blades of the empire as your horizons wide and your armies grow in lockstep with your ambitions now with military powers spread over several regiments it is time to decide the nature of these soldiers who compose your armies there's another civic option available however we do not have the uh civic point for it so we'll have to hold off on that what is this battle over here these guys are attacking what are the numbers looking like it's in our favor sure we'll fight it they're the attackers if we come up over here yeah they'd have to come to us we'd have the high ground advantage unless they're able to get behind us we should actually be able to we might be able to defeat them actually let's see what they do back here they come it's over i have the high ground except that guy that guy had had the high ground there but not uh not used to the best effect not actually mechanically doesn't actually make a difference go ahead and defend negate their bus one keep our own plus one they're slowly i think trying to make it to level ground but they're not gonna make it they're not gonna make it defend for one more turn is again because of the adjacency they can only move uh one tile at a time there you have it victory is ours all right good stuff good stuff go ahead and ransack their uh they're holding here it'll take seven turns it's a very slow process so i i don't i don't think it's actually worth it but hey it's uh it's symbolic it's symbolic and of course i i miss click to uh stop ransacking so gonna take eight turns now not the end of the world let's go oh god damn it [Music] that's just my luck it wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be blocked off over here fair enough hopefully they'll allow us passage soon up over here that's the dead end there so let's go ahead and loop you guys back up over here we're kind of fine-ish let's go back to this high ground so if they decide to get too aggressive we'll uh be able to do something about it the olmecs want to trade luxuries [Music] chore sure just because we're war-like doesn't mean we don't like uh you know our silks and our salts and our who knows what else pulling you guys down this way looks like that's a dead end actually i don't think we can actually traverse through there more copper down here obsidian and marble i believe yep again they all of these things have their benefits right but uh oh that's unfortunate kawa egen is literally right over here we just barely missed uh miss discovering it first we're not going to get the uh the benefits of of that discovery the fame benefits at least for that discovery go ahead and creep on past these guys there we were literally one tile away from discovering it ourselves nonetheless we do get the um we don't get the fame benefits but we do get the scientific benefits so we were able to research domestication with the help of that which means we can now move on to city defense will take us no time because we have extra science points left over uh so that makes sense to me let's go with city defense and then we can go for uh calendar so we can start exploiting more terrain now that we've got uh domestication done though and city defense but domestication primarily uh we can go back to this outpost and establish our horse ranch over here yeah great um up over here you're still working on the farmer's quarters cool the olmecs have claimed this territory for themselves i wonder if i'm listening i don't necessarily want to beat them back yet but it might trigger a grievance and we might be able to demand this from them instead are you back to here hold that high ground guys are idle down over here go for that rant sec because i'm stubborn like that because i'm stubborn like that all right we've met the babylonians fair enough uh i guess these guys up top over here are the babylonians yeah they've founded babylon and we have uh established our religion you can either go with polytheism or shamanism again you can see the influence benefits between them i typically go with polytheism with my other miniseries i went with shamanism i think maybe we'll do that again because with my eight-hour livestream i did a handful of weeks ago we went with polytheism so let's have a bit more fun with shamanism found our religion based on that we've unlocked the agrarian star that's kind of funny we got to that before we got to killing enough animals eh but i'll take it i'm not gonna complain about that obviously we're very close to having our first scientist star unlocked as well these guys moving down over here keep these guys we could attack these guys it would trigger a grievance [Music] hold off on that i'm gonna see what happens when they're um when their outpost gets built if we can demand it from them let's go ahead and burn this sanctuary down these guys are able to keep moving as well go for it and the flooded lands oh no oh oh no an unrelenting deluge of rainfall lashes down upon the great city of hatusa and the surrounding lands if the rains don't stop soon the banks of the great river that thread through the city will burst flooding the adjacent quarters with limited time and resources the choices are stark what do you do well we can't afford anything i guess we can go into debt but uh let's gamble leave it to fate maybe the rains will cease chance of terrible consequences these can be really bad we're definitely taking a risk over here guys just idle there's a bear down there let's be very careful of that keep our distance from bears that turned on our ransack of this spot is successful pushing down here up over here we can't ask for this back i mean we don't have to ask we don't have to ask we in fact have enough influence to establish that outpost we were beaten by like a couple of turns oh and of course we'll have to retreat from that bear up over here a tusa can work on what food and industry are all right i could get that stone ring done to get us that's that's a holy site so we can use that to generate some influence for us as well but where to place it now this doesn't have to be adjacent to any existing um construction so we can put it anywhere that's a nice spot for it i think [Music] make it feel like a bit of a pilgrimage you know yeah sure let's pop you down over there it'll take 14 turns we can get other cities to pile in as well but we only have the one city for now so that's not really an option but eventually we might uh we might have more cities and these joint operations can go a bit more quickly we have that's idle down over here these guys board the river over here up this way all right keep moving up this way looks like there is a battle kicking off somewhere over here this bear okay we are stronger overall but why why why risk taking uh taking losses against uh against a bear and yeah it helps with our military stars but yeah well we'll get that star elsewhere it's fine it's fine what's going on up over here i don't think we ever actually went this far in it could have been a curiosity or something so i was just curious myself go for the ransack they would attack it they would definitely attack us i think if we eliminate the unit first reinforcements might be coming from this side seven turns is a long time to wait as i converted to a new religion it tight shamanism excellent that's the religion of our people down over here let's uh careful about that bear up over here continue exploring up this way a couple of plateaus to discover and over here let's pull back again and i wonder if i want to uh oh you know what we could ransack this uh outpost as well here we go this way i don't think we can actually traverse through their territory these guys have settled as well it looks like the flooded lands part two oh no disaster the rains fell fell some more and then fell with an even greater vigor as if hatusa had been placed beneath a great ceaseless waterfall you have paid a heavy price for your gamble and the result is a city half under water and the people distraught so flooded gives us reduced stability reduced food reduced industry reduced money and reduced science for 10 turns again it is an expensive gamble some folks are putting a brave face on it but hatusa more resembles a series of islands than a city now yikes that's really bad oh okay fair enough we'll bounce back we'll bounce back we have met the doll so these guys are we'll be going to war with them sometime soon the doe i believe have uh chariots as well as their unique unit hopefully if we dominate the uh access to horses they uh they won't be able to um well they won't be able to to get those those cavalry units as easily now this is unfortunate our ransack here is continuing but what about down over here we'd have to declare a war to enter their territory they did this right and right on time it's actually is great our outpost over here is overlooking their city we could send reinforcements relatively easily now what uh wow a negative 10 to science has completely stopped our uh scientific progress eh we have a negative three in science okay how about we go ahead and pull you over to here cost us a bit of money but at least we're making some progress as far as science is concerned and i do wonder if we shouldn't start considering uh recruiting some units hold off on the stone rings we've got a decent bit of influence right now go for that move industry over to here it's not ideal uh we could pull these guys back because they're not able to ransack anymore we can pull these guys back and make them population back at uh tatusa instead fair enough fair enough we shall overcome these are minor hardships they build character they build character you guys continue to establish the horse ranch over here excellent the wonderful great blue hole has been discovered by a different empire yeah it's very far away from us so it's very difficult for us to get there first continue to explore down over here what does this offer a non-aggression pack with doll no i don't think so buddy if i count her i could get 60 gold from them and they refuse of course they did of course they did fair enough i gave them a chance up over here keep these guys i guess moving down this way of course there's a mammoth in my way and these guys still able to move back pull them back and disband them oh it's not not ideal oh that's not ideal actually put us in a worse spot because of our population there well we can't have people dying a little bit of scientific stagnation i suppose until we're able to build something too to counteract that well this is interesting definitely haven't had this happen before i've seen that event pop up before but i haven't had uh i haven't had it completely bring my my research to a to a standstill that's wild to me let's go got the mycenians down over here oh and pick up over here nice these these will actually help us potentially with our signs and do it by uh reading books do it by exploring the world i suppose right through experience let me scoop this up grab that aren't they here we go three science points excellent i'll take it follow me i'll take it up over here continue to explore guys slowing us down there's our warriors over here again recruiting units costs population so i was hoping we'd balance out by disbanding the unit but uh but now we've tipped it against ourselves a little bit let's go ahead and get another farmer's quarters established up over here can we afford to rush it nope what's the deal over here keepers of the creed an unexpected rivalry has erupted between two temples in hatusa each representing a different sect of hittites shamanism one temple argues that religious matters should be left in the hands of dispassionate men while the others contend that only women with their capacity for nurturing life possess the necessary understanding for these affairs these quarrels must stop before your inhabitants start fighting each other who should be your religious leaders i'm gonna go and say i've typically always gone with all because i chase uh progress i wanna go ahead and say men for this one we believe men are more more qualified in religious matters only men will lead the ceremonies oh let's see let's see what that does for us how that changes things for us slowing us down these guys right up over here stay put for now we'll wait here and our turn there another successful ransack up over here oh beautiful about to establish an outpost here claim it for ourselves that's not a bad spot actually for an outpost because if anybody wants to attack they'll have to deal with the river crossing yeah we don't have high ground there is this spot up over here as well or this spot up over here three and ten versus six and seventeen oh okay this is significantly better turtles poppy down over here wonderful this belongs to us as well and it's a fairly forward position now here's the question from here and we recruit over here no so when it says neighboring cities it does mean adjacent territories that means to take advantage of this as a spot for recruitment uh we'd have to either well there are other structures we can build in order to do that um to take advantage of this territory like that so we'll probably pursue that or we could establish a city up over here somewhere that would be able to spawn units out there or down over here too so good to know good to know down over here these guys on a sanctuary we're trespassing currently will you let me out i don't want to declare war [Music] these guys over here let's keep exploring see if there are more curiosities we can pick up to help our research this is an interesting start all right good stuff good stuff pushing over this way as well oh there's dynacal desert and we can vote on another civic legitimacy could help with stability not a terrible thing army composition also in combat strength on units with a professional with a professional army and that's the way to go forge from the youngest age professional warriors will give us stronger armies enact that yes make it even easier for us to win some of our early wars which hopefully we'll be able to fuel soon what is this what do you guys want a non-aggression pact again out of that offer once more they will refuse it expected perfect let's maybe pull some of these guys back actually and uh and maybe give hatusa an even larger population perhaps it's not a terrible idea pulling you guys back keep exploring down over here oh nice grab that soon hopefully moving around here there's another one to pick up down there excellent hopefully we can get there first that's the turn done keep moving that's the thing is we slow each other down so we don't let them move too fast they don't let us move too fast it's a lose-lose i guess go ahead and grab this down here beautiful one way or another we will have our technology one way or another go ahead and pick this up excellent oh okay well this time we didn't get uh tech but we did get a unit of warriors which also you know not a bad deal not a bad deal let's go ahead and pull these guys up to uh the home turf and actually use them perhaps all right move these guys down this way and hoping for more to pick up excellent beautiful i think we're making it work the pecking of poultry oh dear the art of divination spreads across the empire priests search for messages from the gods and animal entrails the flights of birds the wheeling of the stars in holy decoctions and elsewhere now however the practices have become so commonplace so bizarre that the whole empire is sliding towards chaotic superstition even the eating patterns of chickens are being interpreted by military commanders what to do we can embrace this to give celebration we can give we can forbid this to get fanatical helping with faith or we can go with reason help with learning you know what i'm gonna go go ahead with reason we need to make sure that our military commanders especially are our reasonable people again we're gonna be kind of we're kind of going back and forth as far as our uh our social access is concerned as far as ideologies interesting to see how that impacts us when we don't just power through in one direction this will also give us a bit of a science boost which we do desperately need so thank you very much game that came up at an opportune moment guys are still pulling back to provide some population back at home and that population eventually turns into uh armed forces obviously then we can dive into our first war calendar has been researched excellent why don't we go ahead and pursue carpentry will only take four turns it would give us access to the archers in bronze working we get the garrison which can be used to spawn units in sort of forward positions we'll need that eventually bronze working also gives us the spearmen who are superior to warriors uh though first we'll have to start exploiting copper so it's you know kind of a ways away let's go with carpentry first get those archers coming asap and use that to our advantage in this coming war the uh the dough will be our target hold down over here grab this hopefully we get a little bump over here oh money instead sure i'll take that i'll take that [Music] and i guess we've not been able to go down over here the mycenaeans yeah they seem to have a fair bit of control down here fair enough a little a little worrying that another militarist faction is this far away from us and uh gives them room to grow and grow strong [Music] i wonder if i don't want to claim some of these territories over here and copper down here for example oh hello got up on our way back home this up as well beautiful more gold these guys send you up this way our turn done there go and scoop this up more gold we get uh can we get signs please i like when we were getting science there we go not gonna complain about money either but uh i did like when we were getting science points just accelerating our uh our research still nothing all right up over here we are within city limits now so we can disband them all the way out there and bump up the population here use that to recruit [Music] warriors this turn and some archers next turn seems like a good idea it's a little scary oh don't you dare try it don't you dare try it it's a little scary abandoning units to try and get them later but i think it's necessary these guys can be upgraded down the line but it takes some time it takes some time over here we've got uh this as our spawn location go ahead and get some more warriors coming we can't actually rush them there's no reason to though we'll give it one turn it'll be even cheaper we'll rush the next set and then the set after that we'll uh the set after that we'll we'll see if we can rush as well we definitely should start claiming some more territory perhaps down south over here is not a bad idea i'm not sure what this is but there is marble and obsidian and down over here marble and obsidian and copper as well right so there's some valuable stuff in the area more science points for us over here the next outpost will cost us 90 if we do it down over here 40 if we do it adjacent to our previous city i got the uh i got the influence to spend maybe we should plant it down like up over here guys meanwhile continue up this way go ahead and hey it's taking some time thinking about their moves [Music] oh what are you up to we're okay carpentry has been researched the olmecs feel differently about us they are aggressive against us oh are you gonna try something up here not yet we've unlocked our scientist star as well excellent how are we looking over here now a little behind we're a little behind gotta accelerate well war will certainly help with that you guys are almost done 101 to spend on these warriors sure pop them up over there let's go ahead and get these uh archers as well right just the one unit 162 will have the money again one turn of production and the gain of gold will allow us to produce the next turn and we'll be able to move forth now back over here nothing else we can build unfortunately up over here go ahead and get this going or exploitation let's get these guys adding a little bit of extra influence to pop this down over here just to hold these myceneans back right i think this is a decent spot for it this isn't bad either but we can be surrounded this is on a resource so we can't do it there i think this is fair because what we'll probably do is we'll establish some uh some garrisons to use as forward operating bases now yeah let's work on bronze working the wheel you can see is gonna be quicker to to get too soon but we still need copper to produce the gear we we need bronze working first right might as well get bronze working first all right looking good looking all right not too bad that they stole that one curiosity from us maybe it's time to bring everybody back home and turn them into warriors right um but folks that and this war against the doe will wait until next time i've already gone over my uh typically one hour long time limit but i didn't want to end things where it looked like things were going terribly we've recovered from the flooding i mean the flooding i don't think is over just quite yet if i'm not mistaken oh it might actually be so uh we have recovered from that things are starting to clear up a little bit we're starting to spread out a little bit as well don't worry we will claim this territory to avoid any border gore we're not um but yeah we can start uh getting a bit more aggressive as of next session and actually declaring some of these wars and pushing back the dough and seeing if we can't uh lay claim to all of this as well oh i thought they had more i guess we burnt it down right they should be an easy target but folks i hope you're enjoying this uh well what's gonna end up being a significantly more aggressive more war-like mini-series we've already been doing more ransacking than our other series we've been fighting more battles in our other series already and it's only the ancient era it's only gonna get wilder from here folks again if you have been enjoying please don't hesitate to let me know leave a like leave a comment makes a very big difference in high approach content on the channel if you'd like to keep up with more humankind action as well don't hesitate to subscribe to the channel there's gonna be plenty of human kind on here and also plenty of other strategy games as well now the focus around these parts with that said folks as always a massive thanks goes out to all of the channel members and patrons who've been supporting the channel on a monthly basis they'll keep us alive and running smoothly and of course a big old thanks goes out to each and every one of you for watching until next time cheers
Channel: PartyElite
Views: 60,028
Rating: 4.9602914 out of 5
Keywords: humankind, humankind gameplay, humankind game, humankind opendev, open dev, humankind victor, humankind partyelite, humankind campaign, humankind civilization, civ5, civ6, civilization, civ 6, humankind vs civilization, humankind merchants, humankind single city, humankind nubia, gameplay, humankind guide, how to play, tips
Id: sAcsHoA96YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 23sec (4103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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