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i wonder if a soldier lost this that's now my mind's racing try this first target new river [Music] what is that [Music] holy smokes first target new river that is a colonial period cufflink no way well we'll take that that's cool that was super neat never would have thought that another signal still left in that hole and i see it that is a silverware bullet turned into a fishing sinker that is neat i'm excited about that it was a sharps bullet and they smashed it drilled a hole in it to catch fish awesome check that out that's a complete harmonica i think that would be from the civil war period too i thought that was going to be a buckle and that's how good it sounded that's really really neat i love that color sweet pretty good bullet signal in here up sinker check these snails out these are the biggest freshwater snails i've ever seen and they're everywhere so we'll put those little guys back see what's up there's another one oh no it's another sinker come on now where did mr snail go there he is it's pretty cool i gotta be honest i have been finding some ridiculous shells here released recently uh you guys saw me find that three gauge and i just found an eight gauge umc ceo expert and it says number eight two shells i haven't found ever before and i find them back-to-back hunts so that one actually doesn't even look like it was fired so it probably meant that someone dropped it in the water here um we're gonna keep that one that's pretty pretty wild check out that large piece of brass it was a really high tone as you can imagine but i did damage you getting it out it looks like it was piece of a lantern or something off a ship so that's pretty neat that's a good signal all right i didn't record this because i thought maybe it's going to be another fish and sinker but check that out beautiful cut to real spanish coin that thing's got super fine details um you can see the two and the phillip part there so i'm really excited about that i've been working really hard today scouting really hard really looking for some new places and i think i got three new ones so far so this is gonna definitely make the list of good places to go so all right we're gonna do this one together this one sounds pretty similar to the last one yes sir yes sir we got two we got back to back silvers we got back to backs what is that that's something different i don't know what that is 1748. hmm i don't know what that is at all that's a thick little silver though oh we may be enough in just a killer spot it does have a hole in it so that's awesome all right i'm gonna we're gonna do that one get some detail on that on a picture hold the phone [Music] no no way no way what is that that's a fire button i think it's about oh it's an indian head hold on all right so that boat just went by that is an indian head penny and uh she's then she spent some time here in the water um hmm i wonder if that civil war appeared or not i see a seven on it so i'm not real sure that's a bullet that's a modern bullet up there i wonder if this is like a coin purse or cash or something um huh i don't i don't know if i've ever found spanish coins or coins silver coins that close to each other um let's hope there's another one we're gonna dig every signal in here what it's another coin it's another coin it's another coin what is that oh that's another indian what the heck are indian heads doing in here 1865. oh i wonder if this is like a soldier's cash wow it's an 1865 indian head penny i wonder if a soldier lost this that's now my mind's racing all right this is absolutely insane but there's another one that's going to be silver number three i guarantee it that's 11 43 it was like a silver dime on merc on um like a modern silver dime but i don't think that's modern we've one scooped here too let's see did we no we got to do this one live though you go all right i'm second guessing myself now i guarantee that one scooped it okay so check that out it's got a piece of breast sticking out of it and a big piece of iron so i'm not real sure what that is we're gonna have to clean that up with electrolysis or hammer either one ah let's listen in the basket again all right i knew there was a silver in here i hear it now that piece of iron was masking it where's that there it is there it is another piece no wait what is that it's another one of those same coins from before i have no clue what that is this one doesn't have a hole in it let's see what the date is the 1749 three silvers let's go i want to jump up and scream there's another boat by me so i'm not gonna do it there we go three silvers i was having a hard time finding this one so i reached down and grabbed it with my hand bet and that's another indian she's crusty yeah it's definitely an indian head i can kind of see one sin on the back so let me make the date down here if we could get it off all right i just scooped what is that okay i just scooped um that's weird scooped a couple sinkers and got a high tone that was in there so finally we're getting some relics to go with everything else the coins that's good we'll see what that is you are not gonna believe it there's another one there's another one sitting right there oh my gosh this may be my best silver day ever oh we got it we got it i cannot believe this 12 43 on the ctx let's see if we can see it together these little silver coins are so hard to see [Music] oh i think i just saw it wash out [Music] oh that's a bigger one what is that what is that that's a bigger one that's a real that's a real oh my gosh and it is smooth man there's no date on that one that is insane that's a one real oh my gosh that is four silver coins out of this little five by five area this is absolutely insane well the tide is changing so why don't we go uh see what we found yeah adeline is helping me clean up uh we ended up with a ton of fish and sinkers i mean a lot but that's what happens they sound good you got to dig them the harmonica reed is nice and pretty i really like that some unknown pieces here that'll be an interesting piece to figure out what that is but here are the finds and the reason we'll go back uh the one spencer cut into a fishing sinker and then one two three four spanish coins and three indian head pennies which all i believe are 1865's which are pretty interesting i could be wrong but any day you dig three spanishes is a heck of a day i did find this one musket ball and that kinda is what led me into spanish silver place so i'm really excited about that four hunts silver's every time we went that's pretty incredible we're gonna hold her hold hope for uh streak number five until then my name is matt and uh adeline thanks you for watching say hi hi [Music] what are you doing with that pin pointer all right say bye bye you
Channel: Gone Diggin
Views: 3,659
Rating: 4.9886684 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, river treasure, metal detecting finds, antiques found, minelab metal detector, metal detector found, silver coins, Spanish silver, spanish silver coins, old coins, treasure found underwater, real treasure, lost river, metal detecting beach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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