Flea-Market Pickup! Deck builders toolkit Full of cards!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: FoxNoctom
Views: 2,761
Rating: 4.6774192 out of 5
Keywords: MTG, Magic, The, Gathering, Magic: The gathering, Wizards of the coast. Wizards, WOTC, CMDR, commander, EDH, Elder dragon Highlander, cards, tcg, Trading, card, game, Trading card game, games, CCG, collectable, Collecting, Playmat, Sleeves, Card game (genre), Rare, Ultra Rare, Mythic, Foil, Holofoil, Holographic, Common, uncommon, pulls, pulling, pull, box, booster, booster box, Boosters, Pack, packs, flea market, pickups, random
Id: jlodZPjtCzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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