HUGE House Clean & Organize With Me (and our new built in furniture!)

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hola muchachos love them here today's video I'm doing a huge full house except for the bathrooms my bathrooms are nine times out of 10 okay other than my bathrooms a huge house organization and cleaning video this video was inspired by our new built-in furniture like we just got in yesterday this is something we thought if we are buying this house we are doing these things to this house so this was inspired by our new built-in furniture please don't worry about it yours and this was also inspired by the fact that for the past 48 hours I haven't been at home too much and when I'm not at home our home Falls to itty-bitty pieces it crumbles pretty darn fast so I want to do an extreme clean video we got a lot of things to just tidy wipe down put away organize because of our you want a head scratch because of our new built-in furniture like it's great we did just get back from the market so I do have some groceries that I need to put away and I'm holding Elizabeth because firstly she's already cute and also because she's not feeling well we all kind just came down with the flu this smart not fit into also Christmas decorating tomorrow so they see my house would be in a better space than it is right now so thank you for being here thank you for joining me I hope that I can get all this done in a good amount of time but we shall see okay let's get going the south [Music] [Music] I just assume just write us [Music] [Music] [Music] the entire kitchen area is completely cleaned up and I want to show you guys the first built-in piece so we have this beautiful bench this was done by house key contracting and I can just link their Instagram below not sponsored we paid for it and we're just so happy so we are focusing on the cleaning aspect of this vlog right now and then when everything is mostly clean I'm gonna go ahead and start organizing and putting everything where it should be so PS if you watched one of my last vlogs don't worry the other leg that we lost in shipping they're shipping back to us or they're shipping it to us so we will have another chair right there the chairs are in Maude the table is locking mortis and this bench like this was like my dream to have a huge bench for kids to sit on have a ton of people sit on with storage for all the homeschool and craft supplies that we have and there are six drawers our table is very light and we're able to pull it out if we need to go into any of the kind of deeper drawers inside anyway this is all clean I'm gonna head upstairs and the reason we're heading upstairs is because my laundry machine is dinging which means it's laundry time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laundry's going been filming with multiple cameras vacuumed done this is Calvin's room I get a lot of questions about the stickers on Calvin's wall I just got those off Amazon like super cheap same with the shelves all tidy everything is nice and clean and then same with the little girls room nice and tidy I've also talked about putting more stuff on the walls and I saw this and I thought this was so beautiful this was bought at a local shop it's like six bucks how pretty is that so I'm going to put that right up here I also have like a this is made out of recycled fabric this really pretty banner or like chain I don't know what you call that I have a little cactus hanging there also this entire time my kids have been entertaining themselves also just lying down and reading a lot of books because they're not feeling well some people are asking for me to do a video on how to get your kids to entertain themselves I will do it I don't know what it's gonna go up but I do want to do that kind of video because I understand how much a mom needs to do in her day and how good it is to prepare your kids for the future and just growing up and doing things on their own so that video will be coming but first let's hang this up [Music] got it okay so we have quite a mess to clean up but you are gonna help me I thought I'd show you guys so this is the built-in furniture like it is so perfect so they widened the face of the fireplace you can see the old tile so we're gonna get that retiled so the idea behind these was just more space for storage and then getting rid of these we are able to fit bins like a lot of bins in there so we're gonna see how we organize all the kids toys so all the kids toys will fit into the cabinets you have to find a place to put our toy kitchen and just a whole lot of tidying up and then tomorrow when it's Christmas time decorating time we're going to put a bunch of stuff in the shelving unit there yeah the cabinet so let's start by putting stuff into the cabinet's tidying everything up Elizabeth and Calvin are napping and I just have Ivy and we're gonna get this done this is going to be so satisfying [Music] [Music] bathroom [Music] I [Music] amazing the different IV IV it's amazing it is so unbelievable to me you put guys are probably like why do we seriously lived in a very small teeny tiny space and we dreamed of having this one day we didn't think it would be so soon that we'd have just a beautiful space and this built-in furniture we've freed up a lot of different space like in our space you're gonna open it yep go ahead we rearranged all the shelves these bins are from Ikea and as you saw they originally fit into these toy storage kind of things one of those will get rid of and then we'll keep the other one for outdoor toys but they fit really well in here so that's all the kids toys in the living room and then moving over here yes we have the diaper basket and then we have the kids books kids are getting more books for Christmas as I whisper in the microphone so we're gonna start filling up maybe the bottom space but the top space so this is where I'm gonna put my workout equipment my weights my yoga mat it's quite actually a big space so I'm gonna be putting my stuff in there and soft closure perfect I love how much more face we have here and I'm excited too but stuff on the shelves but for now for now I think we're gonna go downstairs into the studio and like our garage entrance it's a disaster like if I'm out of the house and like busy for a couple days the house really does fall apart and that's not Keiran or the kids not taking responsibility it's just I do a lot I do so much and I don't expect anyone else in the world but me to actually just keep up with everything so I enjoy doing this I think it's great it's an awesome way that I can serve my people let's go ahead and go downstairs [Music] [Applause] ah so previously gotta go around to you previously I talked to you guys about this closet and in my previous declutter video I talked about it I have like colors in here and I have home school stuff quiet time toys crafts so we're gonna take like all the crafts and art supplies and home school supplies in the house I already have someone here and put them in all these drawers that's the reason we got all these drawers just knowing being a homeschool mama I am very determined on just leaving this area kind of as the homeschool area so I'm gonna fill up all these drawers organize all of them I may not fill them all up I may fill them up I'm not sure but does anyone else open drawers with their toes if you do let me know in a comment below also I was using my Canon t3i to film this but it is not a wide-angle lens and this one is so you can actually see the full view of what I am doing PS and you get in the camera [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] check it so we got like puzzles more puzzles we have some messy play in this one in this one in this one we have our log marathan a little a little clipboards and here we have some school stuff and also just a craft we're doing tomorrow Christmas popsicle stick crafts anyway this is just gonna be fantastic I know a lot of people be like but there's a table in front you can move the table it's not like we go into like these drawers everyday this drawer in this drawer I have stuff that we will use more often because it's just easier to get to so I'm just so excited about having this storage and if you look in the closet there's nothing there Ciaran my husband he's electrician so he says he's gonna get me a plug in here so I can put my Dyson inside like the cleaning closet and let it charge so next I just have this little box of things that have to go upstairs actually speaking of upstairs I'll show you the other furniture piece we got built all my days I've wanted a window seat so this one is like huge let me see if I can show you like how big like it is such a huge like window seat I'm gonna get some pillows I know you can get like something like cushion for the bottom but like the kids are gonna come in here and have their books so I'm gonna get some like really shallow baskets with books and stuff I'm gonna keep them here and this is just gonna be so nice of a view of like our mountain I can see like the deer and the Bears and it's just so cool so this is our other like built-in piece I've always wanted a window seat ever since I was a little girl so this is our other built-in fridge so Google is so cool and so crazy to me just that's like kidding me crazy this is so cool we're at our last room which is my master bed or mining cure I always say it's mine mine and Kieran's or Kieran and not Karen and I Karen as well as my master bedroom so this this all looks tidy but like if we shift wool this video is so embarrassing to me because I am literally the cleanest most organized person I know just if I'm not here for the past couple days everything falls into shambles and like ruined my battery light is flashing so I'm going to get going with this and this will make me feel so much happier and I will feel so good to have all this nice and clean as some Christmas presents for other people that came in today so we got to hide those oh and I didn't even say this is our bed we got our bed in if you saw one of my previous vlogs that I can link down below we took apart our previous queen-size bed this is mine Kieran's Christmas present is ridiculously huge king sized bed we have our waited hush blanket we have our last light collection linens the bed itself is by Wayfarer I really enjoy it anyway please don't die battery and let's get going [Music] so that is everything a nice clean space for me and Kiran the weighted blanket we will sleep with tonight but the kids are asking to use it so I'll bring that downstairs for the kids everything nice and tidy also using this today this is the loop juice it has a bunch of yummy stuff in it and hopefully it'll help me feel a little bit better but I am gonna end it here for today's video so thank you guys very much for being here thank you for watching and this was just a day much needed to clean and tidy and get things done whenever I'm not in the house I feel it when I come back it's always nice coming back and cleaning and just prepping my house for people and for myself I love it it's actually a very fun activity for me to do so thank you for joining me and thank you for watching be sure ass up this video subscribe if you're new I'm gonna see you guys very soon for a Christmas decor decorating video very fun thank you for watching bye how do you wave while you're holding a juice bottle like
Channel: Sarah Therese
Views: 256,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, organize with me, sarahtherese, sarah therese, built in furniture, new furniture, house cleaning, house organizing
Id: FL5Nwxfgc5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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