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hola muchachos you caught me on my lunch break i tried to film this video yesterday and we suddenly got a snow storm and it went very dark so we're retrying it again today and i'm just gonna eat some peanut butter bites cheers this was a bad idea it's rude to talk with your mouth full y'all asked for one last minimalism video here on youtube i have this one one more and then my goodbye video and then i'm gone on youtube um but i really had to dig deep to find this minimalism video concept because i've done it all i've done so many minimalism videos and i've enjoyed every single one i love talking about it and sharing about it and a lot of people have adopted a more minimalistic lifestyle or thought towards buying things and owning things in the way that they live because of these videos which is very powerful and i love the idea of giving one last minimalism video a go and making this video really stemmed from the idea that minimalism looks different for everybody i'm a mom i've been married for seven years and i have four kids so minimalism for me looks very different than maybe a single person or a couple that doesn't have kids but for me it is rooted and based in intentionality living with what we need and saying no to everything else in my home there's a lot of empty space there are a lot of empty drawers and cupboards i live very freely and i'm not uh overly consumed and cluttered with items that just don't serve me but everything in my home has a purpose and because of that i really really love minimalism and have continued doing this pretty much my entire married life so in today's video i wanted to share 15 things i don't buy 15 things i do buy but i will only buy it on sale really really cheap or maybe get it for free again that's just intentionality behind minimalism it's buying things thoughtfully and a lot of the time is towards the idea of i can actually save a lot of money here and then on the other spectrum five things actually splurge on and spend a lot of money on so minimalism looks different for everyone and so does intentionality but this is kind of where i hang out so thank you for being here and watching today's video let's go ahead and get started also my hair yes i just washed it put it back in this cute little clip this is my next video be sure to hang out for my next video i have a fun little announcement coming up but number one and if you've watched it in my minimalism videos i'm gonna be a total broken record here but number one is fast fashion uh i own fast fashion items and so do my kids but they are never bought from the store or the brand like h m forever 21 old navy joe fresh ever they are only ever bought secondhand so the reason isn't so much the quality but just the conviction in my heart i don't want to support sweatshops i don't want to support women men and children being taken advantage of whether for their time or physically a lot of people have lost their lives by working in a sweatshop and it's something just personally i don't want to support so no to fast fashion no to knickknacks all the decor in my house serves a purpose whether it is a bookend or planter or maybe a little ceramic tray that holds my jewelry i don't live with knickknacks in my house because i have had no need for them and they do not serve me in any way there have been sentimental items that i will take a picture of and have in a scrapbook or just on my phone and i like i like it that way it's it's less cluttered i like it that way next is cotton rounds like the uh disposable ones i have reusable cotton rounds i wash them and they work great also paper towels i have not owned paper towels for years i feel like every time someone comes to my house they ask for a paper towel for some reason and i'm always like i just don't own or buy paper towels i can just use a reusable cloth wipe up whatever use it for whatever throw it in the washing machine and then i can use it all over again laundry scent boosters dryer sheets kind of anything that is not just solely a laundry detergent or stain remover those are just the two items that i use for my laundry anything beyond that for me is personally not necessary and it's usually full of artificial fragrance that it's just it's not good for me or my kiddos or my baby this covers a broad spectrum but it's one time use items so think along the lines of like k-cups as i said cotton rounds paper towels i'm gonna even go and talk about like tampons and pads in a little bit i really think when i am out shopping and buying things not spending a lot of money on one-time use items but spending more money on items that i can reuse over and over again better for the planet and then also in the long run i am saving myself some money number seven is disposable sponges uh every single year my mother-in-law gives us like these uh scouring kind of pads and we use it all the time for everything and as soon as we feel like it's lost its grit we put it back into the washing machine and it's like fully clean brand new i've gifted it to some people this year they're really really good so i'm trying to think of just like some things that i can link down below for you guys it's just not one-time use items or items you use for a couple weeks but they serve you for a long time so i can link what i can down below number eight is multiples like multi multiples i really love living with some solid my favorite core items for example i don't own a ton of bras i have my favorite bra ever it's the nyx wing woman bra no why is there anything extremely supportive i can breastfeed in it i love it and but it's not a nursing bra i have a black color and a nude color and that's all i need i don't need anything more than that i have my core favorite pair of scissors and i don't go beyond that you know there's just certain things i don't need multiples of even jeans i own two pairs of my favorite jeans and that's it number nine is on sale items and it's not to say that i don't buy items on sale and that would be like so bougie but it's the idea that i don't buy an item just because it's on sale because that's still money wasted if it's an item i need and it's on sale that is so fantastic but if i'm living my life buying a lot of items just because they're on sale that is still me throwing money to the wind number 10 is apps i don't buy apps i don't buy game apps i don't buy any apps like i can't think of any app that i've actually bought in in the past few years uh for me the apps that i need are actually free and also if there's any apps that i need to buy it's probably usually just a waste of time or a way i would spend more time on my phone than i need to so i don't ever buy apps literally ever and then on top of that memberships and subscriptions now we do have two subscriptions i have a spotify subscription because music is important to me and i have an adventures and odyssey club subscription because adventures honesty is important to me beyond that i don't have any other subscriptions i have people that mooch off of my subscriptions and i mooch off of theirs so we kind of we kind of share and then like memberships i'm literally thinking of like gym memberships or um you can go to stores and buy store memberships which that is bonkers to me i have never shopped at a place so much where i need to buy a membership in order to save more money there and like what i said previously tampons and pads i haven't bought in tampons in a long time i did get some free pads a postpartum with molly that i was able to use but when i'm on my period i use menstrual cup i've used the same menstrual cup for a couple years i believe now and game changer i will never go back to tampons again next is razors i am a full-on epilator person i have epilated for years and haven't owned a razor in years and then in that i'm not buying like cartridges or shaving cream it is just the item itself that i charge in the wall and it's beautiful and i only have to use it like once a month on my underarms every other month on my legs i love it i will link my favorite one the least painful one i've ever tried down below we're almost done i don't buy loofahs loofahs stink you have to replace them really often and the bacteria growth on them is very cool to see under a microscope but really disgusting to rub all over your body um i get these honeycomb exfoliating mitts i've had mine for a few years you can easily wash them they never stink they dry really well and they exfoliate your skin in the most stunning way i can't get over it as someone who um will self tan here and there is just the most beautiful way to prep your skin for self tan lastly is seasonal decor uh we're gifted ornaments around thanksgiving time uh we are given pumpkins or we just go to the little pumpkin patch you get a free pumpkin uh when you go in things like valentine's and easter are like resurrection sunday um a lot of what we do is like arts and crafts like we'll cut out paper hearts and stuff and hang them on the wall so that's not seasonal decor i have to store um to be honest i really like my house not living season by season but just living all the time throughout the whole year christmas time is a little bit of a difference but i don't buy christmas decor i am given christmas decor i did once upon a time buy a christmas nativity scene from the thrift store second hand all the shepherds and joseph their fingers are broken but it doesn't matter because you can't tell from afar but i technically didn't buy that i i had a gift card to that thrift store which covered it next 15 things that i save a lot of money on or i buy stupid cheap the first one is kids clothes i thrift pretty much all my children's clothes they grow so fast they go through them so fast i don't feel bad if they stain or wear down and i can find some beautiful brands that i wouldn't buy brand new because either it's too expensive or i would be supporting a sweatshop but i can find some beautiful brands thrifted secondhand poshmarked whatever for my kids for dirt cheap and they look so cute and no one cares no one cares i just want to let you know no one cares what your kids wear no one like literally nobody as long as your kids are comfortable no one cares next is books i thrift a lot of my books i am given a lot of books and if i go buy books like brand new honestly indigo kohl's really surprises me at how many books i've been able to get for like under five bucks i will not buy books uh full price brand new um also plants i am the plant rescue lady i love rescuing dead plants from the store and bringing it back to life this one was rescued this is the baby of a mama who was rescued this one hanging there i'm looking at one two three four five six seven plants and i think they were all actually rescued from the store that i've brought back to life but whenever i buy almost dead plants and taking a little bit of a risk but they're usually only a couple dollars i've gotten some for free from the store because they're like we can't sell this it's so dead and i look at it and i'm like i can give it life and i do and so far so good i saved a monstera plant i bought it for four dollars and it's now this big like it is huge i always get my plants for dirt cheap that's funny next is decor um i i don't again i don't own knickknacks but when it comes to decor like my books like my plants um i'm trying to think of anything else like i have globes i love having globes especially for school candles um these things are thrifted box super cheap or they're free because a lot of people like to gift those things arts and crafts as a homeschooling mom i can get a discount at certain places for just being a homeschooling mom which is really really cool so that is always items that are on sale are really cheap and then honestly i never buy arts and crafts kits um maybe unless it's at dollarama but if you buy it at michaels some of them are like 50 60 bucks where you can buy everything separately use some coupons things are always on sale at michael's for like 40 50 60 off and you can kind of put your own little kit or craft set together for like a few dollars cleaning products detergents i will never never ever buy anything like that full price you can always find a coupon you can always get it on sale you can buy it with points i like to stock up on these things when they are on sale and then by the time i've like gone through them and they're back on sale i can stock up again it's the circle of shop dried goods whenever pasta is on sale beans quinoa rice i really stock up on those things because they last a long time when they're dirt cheap get them for dirt cheap and there's almost always some sort of dried goods brand on sale when you need it next is like storage stuff like baskets and bins containers there are some times where i will go to ikea not spend a ton of money but get some things that i really do need but i usually almost always stop at the thrift store first to see what they have um you can also go on to like craigslist or facebook marketplace and people that are moving are usually selling like big bundles of storage containers that you can buy or you can shop around your own house and see what baskets and bins you have that you can just kind of rearrange and put different places but i will not buy baskets full price there is no way next is mascara so i am definitely that annoying person that has difficult skin and there's certain products for my skin that i need to spend more money on because my skin is just very sensitive and mad at me but mascara different story i buy the burt's bees all a flutter whatever mascara it's usually about eight dollars i buy it for and i get the brown one which is really natural and it lasts me a couple months i go to sephora and i'm like i can't spend forty dollars on a mascara no like that's how much i spend on mascara in a year does anyone ever just walk into sephora and go like well like i love sephora but not forty 40 mascara love sephora number 11 is large kitchen utensils like i'm thinking like silicone spatulas and big wooden spoons i get those for super cheap at winners at marshalls you can get like homesense you can get like bundles of them for less than eight bucks and i bought some when me and kieran were first married and we still have them to this day it was like a set of four and the wood is literally starting to bend but it's just because i've used them so much and i think i bought like four of them they're beautiful for four or five bucks still have them to this day next is spices i buy the cheapest spices i can get i'm sure there's some fancy people out there that love spending more money on spices but i i've done it i've spent quite a bit of money on spices thinking that it would hugely change this dish or the taste and it hasn't either at all or not enough that it was worth the price i always buy ridiculously cheap spices in bulk in a bag and then um they they last a long time and it only cost me like a couple bucks frozen foods i will never ever buy any type of frozen food um full price berries uh veggies like that's really kind of the core things i'm thinking of because blueberries can get so expensive frozen blueberries like you gotta be joking but i'll buy them on sale always buy them on sale they're amazing in muffins you can heat them down put them on top of your yogurts baby gear please stop spending so much money on full price baby gear wait for a sale buy it secondhand i don't even own a lot of baby gear like really what i need is a floor mat for them to lay down on i need a high chair i need a car seat i need a baby carrier that's it i don't have anything else beyond that that's super fancy or lux i'm just not that kind of a person but the baby gear that i do own was either gifted to me handed down to me or i bought it on sale or somehow it just came into my life and i've used it for all my kids always get baby gear on sale and then lastly is snacks chips crackers juices like any snacky thing get it on sale i think i think what i'm trying to tell you when you go grocery shopping just buy the stuff on sale and stock up on it i think that's what i'm trying to say um but i'm always amazed at the amount things that i can get on sale and can get for a ridiculously cheap price okay next these are five things i spend a lot of money on first is meat i won't buy your typical meat at a store the meat that i buy needs to be local uh organic raised without antibiotics and hormones i don't want chicken that's been pumped up with pink stuff in order to make it look pink i will spend a lot of money in order for me and my family to eat good meat even at our local market though they will still have really good deals on their butcher shop stuff less because that is really helpful um but meat to me i just i save a lot of money everywhere else in my groceries and in other things so i don't mind putting extra money into meat it tastes better it's better for us and i really enjoy supporting our local shops next is outdoor clothing i have thrifted a lot of the kids outdoor clothing but when it comes to more rain gear i've thrifted the kids like winter boots and stuff but really when it comes to like rain gear i spend a good amount of money on it when it comes to mine kieran's rain gear we spend a good amount of money on it because you can't put a price tag on being warm and dry and i've bought in second hand like rain gear stuff and it has holes it's ripped it hasn't worked well so i still buy ethical rain gear and it is more expensive but man is it ever worth it next is eating utensils like your silverware i spent i spent hundreds hundreds and hundreds of dollars on on our eating utensils when we were first married we actually bought camping utensils because we couldn't afford nice silverware and it was just like four years ago we bought nice nice nice stuff and it's beautiful it doesn't rust and there's a reason it costs that much because it has just been lovely to use it has like a 40-year warranty on it and you use it multiple times every single day and that's where i really want to put my money is on things that we use all the time next is bedding again you sleep a lot of your life so when it came to the mattress that we bought when it came to our pillows when it came to our duvet we spent a pretty penny on those things because they were really important to us it helped our bodies it helped us sleep better and really you sleep a lot of your life so putting a lot of money into our sleep just made a lot of sense lastly electronics because especially when it comes to mining kieran's line of work a lot of what we're using is electronics it's phones it's computers it's cameras it's mics it's tripods it's ring lights it's a lot of that and we knew the amount of money we were putting into it and the amount of just benefit and enjoyment of using those items just coming right back at us we like investing in our business so and you'll notice there's certain things you like investing in and some things that you can really pull back on uh but when it came to our electronics we really like investing in them because it it pays us back in a really beautiful way so there is there is your minimalism video um so i have three categories for you guys and i want you to comment down below some of those categories and and things that fit into those categories that work really well for you where do you save money what do you not buy what do you spend a lot of money on let me know in a comment down below thank you for watching and being here i love you guys a lot and i'll see you in my next video it's a vlog so stay tuned bye
Channel: Sarah Therese
Views: 251,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarahtherese, minimal, minimalism, intentional, things i don't buy, things i buy cheap, things i get for free, things i splurge on
Id: Tgzl_F18GrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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