HOUSE TOUR | Palm Beach Regency Owner Opens Doors to 1920's Spanish-Style Home

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hey homeworthy I'm Karen welcome to my home in West Palm Beach I'd love to show you [Music] around you're watching homeworthy where we believe every home has a story before today's episode click the join button below to support all of the storytelling we do on this channel our growing community of members help to directly fund more videos so we can capture these extraordinary homes from around the world so join today to receive early and exclusive access to new homeworthy videos hi there my name is Karen belock I'm the owner of PM Beach Regency a vintage furniture business here in West Palm Beach so we are sitting in the entry of our home here in elid in West Palm Beach elid is a historic neighborhood um very close to Downtown West Palm Beach and we live in a 1920 style Mediterranean home uh we it's very well known throughout the neighborhood that the homes were um built in the 1920s and many of them are in this style the thing that's really fun about our home is it's historically marked as 1924 but actually we did a little research with the city and the first structure was built here in 1905 so there's a possibility it's one of the oldest houses in elid so I can tell you a little bit about how we stumbled across this house a very dear friend of mine lived two doors down we're on dire Road and I was at a tennis lesson and I get a text when I get out and she's like there's a home for sale on my street I immediately left the tennis lesson and drove by and saw that there was an open house sign up which I thought was perfect so I walked right into the open house and funny enough it was an open house for realtors because this is the first home we've ever purchased so I had no idea how it worked but I immediately walked in and could see the flow of the place could see how we could make it our own and so it was a really exciting find that day to be sure my immediate reaction was oh my gosh there's so much light and so many windows so my biggest fear about having an old home is that the windows would have to be redone completely um but we got so lucky that the windows are all original to the home and in fact had even better hurricane glass already put in so the light was a big draw for me and then the other thing which isn't a draw for everyone but is a major draw for my husband and I is that they're really well-defined rooms so our home isn't open concept it it creates cozy Nooks for spaces which um I guess I've always been drawn to so those were the the two things that really really intrigued me about the home my husband and I own Palm Beach Regency which is a vintage furniture business down here in West Palm Beach and we purchased the business three years ago so prior to that we had lived in a rental on Palm Beach Island and then purchased this as our first home so in Furnishing our rental and then this house we um I shopped at Palm Beach Regency all the time and really fell in love with the ratton and the island D Style of that decor and so that really started to inform um you know how I wanted my you know forever home to be so PMB treny had a big a big play in that and then now as owners it's pretty fascinating because when I find something I love it's really hard because I do need to sell it but at the same time I try to bring home a treasure like once or twice a year that's really going to be a forever piece in my home [Music] so we are in the entry living room of our home at 320 D and the thing that's interesting about Florida entryways is that you really come right off the door into the space so there's no coat rack there's no place for storage this is just where you come right in so decorating it was actually kind of a challenge this room is really to me has some of the most vintage throughout the home from the storage piece where I keep our party gear this is like all the July 4th stuff birthday stuff all that weird stuff you collect um to the central table um that's a really fun reton piece from Palm Beach Regency I'm not a particularly like clutter heavy person but when I find something I love it always has a home so this is the OCD part where the Pink Bird faces the doorway at all times I know I'm a weirdo so this is an adorable bird surprisingly he's not vintage he is from another local dealer that does Imports down here in Florida but I just fell in love with it um I am overly sensitive to the fact that I can't have this home be all pink and green because I would if I could but my husband lives here too so within every space I try to incorporate something that he loves or something that I know is like within his comfort zone so obvious viously Bruce Springstein books and he's a big reader as am I so our home is sprinkled with books which you'll see through out but a lot of these are really meaningful um to him or to the both of us and then I'd like to share that this is a faux Orchid from Palm Bungalow in West Palm you would never know I am busy so I have no shame it it's the best fake that I could find it's incredible I probably struggled with the layout in this room more than anything because I'm all about like usefulness within a room and sometimes this room is just meant to be pretty so we have a bit of a seating area over here which also is heavily featured with palmby treny vintage pieces if I have a girlfriend over maybe we'll have a cocktail here especially in the summer in Florida when it can be super duper hot it's sometimes nice to be able to like have a cocktail inside I know that sounds crazy but it is so hot this little jail cell that we have created here no just kidding this is super old I have no idea who or what this is about but we had to keep it because weird details I'm all about it when I grew up um we had a willow tree in our yard and so when I found this on stray dog designs I absolutely fell in love the green was the perfect shade of green and it's it was called the willow tree chandeler or something like that so it just really evoked so many like happy childhood memories um I love this piece and it just sets the tone for the entire room this is what I would call the co Shays so during Co I was lounging quite a bit because I couldn't work and I had a lot of free time so this this got a lot of use during that time I hope one day again to be lounging here as much as possible so I did a collection of of course pink and green because that's the overall sort of color theme for this room but it was truly inspired by this textile that I found in Chichi castano in Guatemala that I literally got chased down the street for because I love like crazy shopping experiences but it really set the tone and so I tried to pull some of these colors you know some of these are like seran Lil pillows this one's from Mexico this one was God knows where how old it is um and you know I really ground everything you know my my textiles and my budget are somewhat you know normal so I use a Sunbrella fabric sometimes just to like make it all come together and you'll see a lot of Stripes throughout the house so that's kind of where that comes from I love traveling in Guatemala it's an incredible Place one of my favorite cities I'm hoping to go back there in September but my girlfriend and I went out to Chichi castano which is this incredible Market in um it's not in a major city it's kind of like a three-hour drive from a major city in in Guatemala and we immediately get out and we're just going nuts I mean the textiles the colors the everything well me being sort of responsible I saw this piece and was passing on it not because I wasn't going to come back but literally I was just like well we just got here like is it the first thing I buy you know I just was sometimes I get a little cautious on that but this woman was convinced that this was for me and literally followed us throughout the market so after like 10 minutes of her following us and she was was being adorable and sweet and we were laughing through the whole thing but the funny thing is literally 10 minutes is all it took I was like give it to me it's mine and literally it's one of my favorite things in my home along with some other pillows that She chased me down for but those are the kind of Adventures that I love to have and um they're they always create the best pieces and you know in your home I would say that the biggest inspiration for me over the last 15 years has definitely been travel um we started traveling when we lived in New York City to the Caribbean and that was an immediate sort of you know let's just get out of the city let's get somewhere warm and beautiful but I was really fortunate over the last 10 years to travel quite extensively you know through Morocco Europe and also through Central and South America um and Mexico as well so those places have really informed a lot of my inspiration um into my own home everything from the colors and textiles to collecting individual like handmade pieces that's all a huge part of of the stuff I love in homes things that you can't find anywhere else and so it's really interesting now to do that with actual vintage found in south Florida because I have a love for things that are just unique and one of a kind so when I find it I want other people to have that in their homes as well just to give every home like a sense of it's not like anyone else's you would never see this anywhere else that's always my goal when I'm trying to like decide how to you know finish off a room so now I want to take you into the office in the house prior to us buying pom be Regency this was actually my office I used it when I had an home organization business so the decor color scheme was just a little bit different so now that I spend all my time working at Palm Beach Regency in the warehouse of the showroom I transitioned it to my husband's office so I made the colors just a smidge more masculine I went with Blues because they work well with the other colors we have in the home so nothing too wild or crazy but I love this space the first most remarkable thing about it maybe one of the things that Drew me to the home were the original Cuban tile floors so we didn't touch these guys we left all the original spots and patina and everything that makes it Charming I don't even know the last thing they've been swept to be honest so it's really natural in here otherwise really just went with something that would keep the light in the room so I didn't want to focus on anything covering the windows we're really okay if you want to peek in my home and see me working at my desk go ahead it's really fascinating so we kept the light flowing into this space really well as a former organizer I am a bit about like a clean desk policy I know so the glass desk I think was from wisteria it's super heavy but it is the kind of piece that lets the floor shine and then obviously storage not that that's sexy but I mean you got to have practical storage in an office so this is a photo of two uh little babies actually my husband and I this is I think taken we met in 2004 and we got married into 2010 and this photo is I think from like 2005 so it was one of the original like your best friend's wedding photos um and I love it and it reminds me of how young I used to look and he used to look and so we've been married since 2010 and he works with me full-time in the business um he does some consulting stuff but he primarily works with me in the business and it's amazing I mean it's hard but it's amazing one thing you'll see in this office is the first of many which is I travel to Morocco and I can't not buy poofs somebody can tell me that poofs are like overdone I still keep finding a way to work them into every room in my home and so this is what I would call like the masculine poof for the for my husband's office so that was like a good compromise um so that's a fun detail there and then the other thing I love in this room is this chair which we got when we moved for the first time out of New York City it was our first like big purchase I mean I think it's from again I think it was Wier area that made it but it's just a beautiful modernist style chair that like who knew it would work so perfectly in Florida all these years later and sort of become a piece that I'm just so fond of and reminds me of those like first purchases for sure in those travels to Chichi casano one of the things they do in that portion of um Guatemala in areas of Guatemala are these amazing bird embroidery pieces so this piece was originally in my office as well I fell in love with like the black and white split on the textile um and then funny enough when we transition this to be DJ's office it just perfectly worked so you know other than switching out like a pillow here or a you know some storage bins it just like the space all tied together so easily when we started Furnishing this home and any you know our homes that on are rental on the island and everything else I will find Ron wherever I can find it this is a Serena Lily light fixture we actually even had this in our first house the time we moved out of New York City many many years ago and so it has been now through three homes with us and I just love it the simple arch of it really mimics The Arches that are shown kind of throughout the house and it doesn't distract again from the most important piece in the house which is the you know the Cuban tile floors in the in the space so now we're going to walk into our dining room which is just off the office um this is is probably the most commented on piece in our home which is the pingpong dining room table I saw this in Costa living before we even bought the house and a designer out of the panhandle of Florida had done it for a custom piece for a a coastal living home her name is Erica pal and I was obsessed with it and had no idea if I even had a dining room that I would ever fit it but it was like the first thing that I needed to get as soon as we found a home luckily enough I got it I secured it I fell in love with the seafoam color I picked the um chartreuse color base which I'm still obsessed with generally as a color and it is amazing thing I love about it is it seats eight so when we're ready to entertain we literally just pull up these vintage brighten chairs to the ends we got our paddles here we pull up these to the ends of the table it seats eight and when we're not using it I use it as a display for like a beautiful page of an open book for example this poolside with slim arrand just always gets me in a vintage mood but I I just walk past and find a new page and this one's speaking to me today my friend is a florist I don't always have these beautiful flowers here I would like to say maybe I'll have like an orchid from the grocery store but today I've got these beautiful blooms that she made for me when she was in town this is an adorable little pineapple like I don't know cookie jar or something that's what we keep the ping pong balls in and then of course our paddles are on a shellan dish which could also be put here I might need to invest in some different paddles because the last time my husband and his buddy were playing there was a bit more scraping than I'm comfortable with and some little blue lines were left on the table so you know I would say this it's for some light ping pong we're not looking to scratch anybody's dining table I love it too much but it is a fun place to gather a fun place to have dinner and it's absolutely a conversation starter so that's probably the extent of the ping pong that gets played another shell I feel like the blush color on it the the yellowing matte I just fell in love with this piece I bought it at a at a local secondhand store well before I own Palm Beach Regency and I just love the scale of it it brings me joy it's Airy it's light so that's my you know definitely set the tone after the dining table for the space I would describe my style as fairly laidback we are lovers of the Caribbean lovers of the islands so I think I drew a lot of inspiration from that over the years so I would say laidback a little bit Coastal but a little on the island side of coastal and I think you know the other thing is it's pretty clean I like spaces not too overly cluttered so that's how I would probably describe it I'd love to show you my Butler's pantry and my kitchen so follow [Music] me so this is obviously an original detail to the home we didn't want to touch it at all to be honest I fell in love with the old Hardware on the house I'm sorry on the butler pantry doors I fell in love with it the old tingy glass and you know the only thing that I would say updated it is that I really tried to go with a theme in the color so if you look up we had the first of many not the first the the third of many many stripes throughout the home and a simple sort of modern you know leather chandelier right or or light fixture so that blue tone um really set the theme for me and funny enough over the years I had collected blues and tones of Blues in glasswar and things really simple nothing fancy a lot of it collected through travels in marash and other countries bowls and dishes and all that stuff so I would say that's what really set the tone in here um this vintage glasswar it just like sums up the color perfectly it's like the color of the ocean and so that's kind of what we wanted to go go for in here we kept the original um to purchase mahogany countertops in here you'll see in the kitchen we have very little storage but like I have got all the storage I need down here for pots and pans and everything so you know the kitchen footprint is small but with the butler's Pantry it it's more than enough for our family to sort of use and love um the other thing I would point out because this is a little nod to my husband so this is the CLE the ODed to Cleveland my husband grew up in Cleveland his mother had originally given him this poster in motion for the Millennium um in 1999 so now you know how old we are and I found this original um photography about Cleveland and I just like to bring his personality into the space as much as possible so moving from my little Nook into our kitchen so the kitchen was kind of interesting when we purchased it I didn't love what was going on here but I also knew that I didn't have much budget to change any footprint of it so I was like how do we make this work so the main thing is we kept the original mahogany countertops so to me in this kitchen I feel like I am in a Caribbean home kitchen right so it's got mahogany countertops crisp White Walls things that speak to like a Caribbean vibe to me and so I really embraced that in the color theme as well so I went with yellow and green which is like always one of my favorite color combination so I I'm shocked I of course found a place a way to work that into the home overall a friend of mine who's a local Potter her business is called Avenue Pottery she hand did the tile the mermaid tile um behind the behind the stove so that backsplash is such a really special detail for us um and then I love things like pineapple baskets of which I will pick up on all of my travels so one of my favorite things about this kitchen is also the nooks so there's another Nook here which is our bar so before we were able to renovate the guest house we definitely needed somewhere to gather with friends and pour drinks and have fun so this was it and we had to keep it because honestly again the summer heat can be intense so a bar inside's not the worst thing some of my favorite things here are the art to be honest meaningful photographs this is the location where we were married um in anguila in the British um West Indies and then this was the actual a friend of mine had the our wedding location sketched and you'll see the differences but this was pre hurricane and this is it was renovated for the Post hurricane we honeymooned in Mystique so that's a wonderful slim erand photo from Mystique which always makes nice memories my husband's Irish so we have this Irish man here and you know overall collected and loved and vintage bar books all that stuff is such a fun thing to collect and find so I guess I do have a collection issue now that I think about it so I don't have like one set collection I I feel like I sell things when I find them so that's a little bit tough for me to say but I will say this if you count the number of chairs in this home you will be shocked it is so many for two people who live here that's a pretty ridiculous thing and then I would say I'm also drawn to Lamps I could buy lamps and switch out lamps all day long in this home the only thing stopping me is that our lamps sell really fast so I don't even get a chance to bring them home for me the old vintage unique pieces give a home Soul they create a story they remind you of experiences in travel they remind you of your wedding day or whenever your children were born or whatever it is and so I think the collections are the most special thing about a home so before we head upstairs you have to see this amazing shell mirror that I had made so a gal that worked for me that does a ton of custom shell mirrors had this made specifically for me of course I said go pink um I'll always love pink I just know that and this version of it is a little bit wild and crazy I wanted it to feel like almost like organically put together not too pretty not too perfect kind of just like the home I like it to be a little bit fun and funky Welcome to our primary bathroom upstairs so this is probably the other space that made me fall in love with the home it's the original Florida porch off the house so at one point this was a fully open structure and prior to us moving here someone had renovated it very smartly into the primary bathroom off the master bedroom I fell in love with this the original pecky ceilings are just stunning um you know these have barely been wiped of cobwebs I mean we keep it really natural in here and I love it it has this like island Caribbean like I come home every day from Palm Beach Regency and my feet are aching and I'm exhausted and I hop into this tub and and we got incredibly lucky on the master bathroom that we didn't have to do extreme extreme stuff right so the tub was actually here and the shower was here and the tile works for me you maybe it wouldn't have been like my first choice in the entire world but budget-wise and color-wise it reminds me of sand which sort of went with the overall Vibe I was hoping for and so we ended up keeping it and the layout was perfect we actually did redo both the his and hers vanities and had um custom vanities made and put in and so that was the biggest upgrade as well as Hardware mirror sinks faucets all that stuff just to give it a more modernized look and feel and to keep it light and Airy just like we were hoping this bathroom would feel so now I'd love to show you the guest bedroom upstairs follow me so welcome to the guest bedroom in the main house this is where when you come visit me you can stay this is a really interesting space to be completely honest it really was at first a mish mash of all the pieces after we decorated that I didn't quite know where to put but somehow it just like tied all together starting with the light fixture in this room this was one of the first peaches and it's not vintage to be completely honest I think it's PB something crazy right right but this was before I was able to find vintage versions of this and I collected it and it's a precious palm leaf um the scale of it's always good for an old home because it's not too big that's sometimes hard um to find in in toll chandeliers so I love that guy so fun and then my other favorite thing it reminds me of a tennis club like you just walked into a tennis club and you want to put on tennis whites and play again the only thing that has touched this chair in the last 60 years is probably um my Clorox wipes because I did not change a thing about the upholster I kept all the original vinyl on it and I just love it even like the little details the piping and green it's just perfect so that guy also had to come home with me immediately when I walked in the store I collected this um Italian Raton bench in one of my early purchases at Palm Beach Regency and as much as I love it I knew in the primary B bedroom I wanted to go a little more um old Hollywood kind of Glam so I was like how do I work this in somewhere it's perfect here and I love the I love the this at the footboard this is another key Palm Beach Regency find we sell these like all day long and these are the faux bamboo Thomas so I feel like I'm on a commercial for my store I'm not but I love this piece it's such a great classic faux bamboo Thomasville chest the yellow the golden color is what sold me on it for the space when I'm doing a room shockingly enough I like linen white linen bedding and I don't know if it's because I know I want to have fun with pillows and headboards and other Fabrics that I bring in um and other Tex Styles like this was the sister to my um Chi-Chi castano fine below downstairs and this is has always been on the foot of a guest every guest room we've had and it just sets the color tone for every space again the amazing little fun somebody would have walked right past it but I fell in love with it rug from I believe this one was from somewhere in Mexico I'm blinking all of a sudden but anyways the colors were perfect I used the guest bedroom to put pieces that otherwise like just didn't fit somewhere so this is a wonderful example is like you know old photographs and frames that still have like sentimental value but things that are orange didn't quite fit anywhere else but when I tied it with the marash flare it somehow Works um along with blue so it's just a way a room and a space for me to fully experiment with color whereas in some of the other spaces I try to like rain myself in it's pretty hard but I I do try so when we purchased the house we um didn't have to touch the main home the structur you know was all in we didn't have to take out any walls or do any major work and I love that about the main house but the really fun part has been that we did have a full demo of the backyard guest house and we really created a space that is just works so perfectly for my husband and I so we basically created an outdoor Loa bar and we spend a lot of time out there with friends we live in South Florida so our friends from across the country visit all the time and we are spend you know almost 90% of our time out there hanging out and having fun and enjoying some cocktails and so I would say that that is definitely the thing that's that's most special and certainly unique to this [Music] home welcome to the guest house this was a structure that really was a full gut renovation so these we're in a historic home so we could change the footprint of the size of the guest house but we had that space to work with so we essentially had to demo it down to the studs they even poured new concrete because we were having some water drainage issues so this really is a truly new structure for us that we created and so the yellow and white Ballard couch pulls out to a queen bed so we can sleep you know multiple sets of friends here at the same time which is really fun so we love to entertain and have friends in from of town for that and then moving into this we use it in the summer quite a bit as well when it's too hot to sit outside just grab a drink at the bar and come in here so that's what we we sort of love to do I would say that one of the most unique things it's probably not for everyone but it's definitely for me and my husband is the photography on the walls in the guest house so I knew that I wanted to go a little more crisp and clean um not too overly collected in this space I wanted it to feel very much the style of our home but also a little bit like it was a little vacation for someone right so a little bit of like a little hotel Vibe a funky Hotel Vibe so we picked a really clear color theme yellow um green here is a neutral for us in this house so yellow is the big color statement but I knew I wanted black and white photography so this is Step Spielberg in the mouth of Jaws which is bizarre but I love Jaws is one of my favorite movies to me it says summer so when I have friends come from the north to stay hopefully they see jaws and they just think about their best summer memory that they've ever had so that's sort of the tie and then there's a piece of work Photography in the guest bathroom as well that ties the two together that's really fun we decided to make one corner of the room into a banquet and we have storage underneath these seats it's amazing um again the stripes um throughout and this space in particular has a ton of PBR findes mainly cuz when we were building it we had already become owners of Palm Beach Regency so I was like we can't buy anything much come from the store so everything from the big round oyster shell mirror on the wall to the um the serin table which I was lucky enough to find and went immediately in my car because I knew I had a spot for it to the side tables um the chairs the screen which we use here for privacy when we have guests I was nervous about the space being too dark um but our trick to it was to make this a window um it had to actually be a window because of our historical regulations um it had to be it had to be a garage doorfront actually so we did a little trick where we built a garage door front for inspection okay now I'm telling all the sins and we put the mirror behind it sorry the window behind it so after inspection we just had to take down the front and we had this mirror right here so for privacy when guests stay we just pull the screen across and it's like the best thing so when I picked the color theme of yellow um I immediately it was like vintage smag fridge is a must so luckily they make these new it's not vintage um and it was just a totally set the tone for the space yellow is one of my favorite colors makes me incredibly happy so hopefully I'll never get sick of it I don't think I will at this point and then if you move over here these are two of my truly salvaged PBR finds these were a hot mess I was able to restore them into two unique game table chairs for this um vintage style Atari game table which was again a pure treat for my husband he loves it I do not play anything maybe occasionally Miss Pac-Man terribly but he and his friends and any guests and kids we have come stay with us this is like their favorite thing in the whole house so it's really fun one of the best features that we kind of created was this flow through doorway so it goes straight from the guest um the guest main guest room to the outside so that if you're outside you can go come through that door you don't have to walk through so it was kind of like it's been a a really great aspect of the design we did my favorite tieback though is the terrified children running off the beach from the movie Jaws which ties to Stephen Spielberg in the main room um the image had the perfect shades of ocean blue and like this vintage feel um when I saw it I was like this is both terrifying and hilarious so it's one of my favorite things the other thing that I would say about this space is that we kept it really simple with with the shower but the call back to the tile inside of the house um the kitchen my friend handmade all of that gorgeous green emerald tile which I hope one day will be in the inside of my pool as well fingers crossed so that's that and I love it in here it's a little Oasis what does home mean to me is a really tough question you know my husband and I are in our home a lot now because of owning palmby treeny but we've never been home bodies you know I was always the person traveling and having a new experience um we don't have children so we really took advantage of the last 15 years and have done a ton of that so for me I would say home is a place that inspires and reminds you of how good your life is that's what I'd say you know when I look around our home I see travels experiences photos of friends and family um things that are again one-of a kind and unique to our space and also you know home is about being obviously fully comfortable um and relaxed and overall our home is definitely that so I think that's what home means to me so now for our grand finale the outdoor Loa bar I would say that this Loa bar that we had built off the guest house is the heart and soul of our home because it's truly where we spend so much time with friends and family so what in Palm Beach what we call loia is a structure that's attached to the building that has open air sides so this isn't a awning this is actually a structure that's attached to the guest house and if you look up we finished the ceiling with pecky wood Cypress which is sprinkled throughout the home from our front door to our our living room um it is an original characteristic of homes from the 1920s and especially old Florida so that was a really fun detail that we wanted to bring in matching the dark color of the wood to what you see throughout the home my husband and I were sort of convinced that we wanted a hotel lobby type bar not like a traditional sit-up High bar so we had a countertop Bar Hand poured with um Pebbles and shells um from concrete it has all the Pickled top and character that we really hoped it would and so this is the the really the main stay of the bar and then the front part of the bar as you can see we had the pecky um the pecky cypis wood done all throughout the side of the bar as well just to mimic the ceiling and to give it like a real grounded feel the primary exciting piece I just save up a lot of birthdays for this one is the white gold Pebble ice machine I know I know I grew up in Texas I love ice and Pebble ice is like the best ice so that was my big my big Splurge let's put it that way and obviously we've got the sailfish and tons of vintage and meaningful art sprinkled throughout the wall here from old slamaran art to DJ captaining a boat on our on our honeymoon that's a he's the captain captain and um we love rum we love the Caribbean so we always keep a good stock of of our rum here so this is when things get really wild we bring out the wheels and lighted karaoke machine sometimes you'll just find me out here singing badly when I've had a stressful day it only takes like one glass of wine to get me get me fired up de is the heart and Center this is my husband of the loia and so when guests come over one of our favorite things to do he makes rum punch and so rum punch is super significant because when you travel to old hotels in the Caribbean they welcome you with a rum punch and so since we're trying to sort of create a hotel vacation vibe in our house like 247 the rum punch is key and so Cheers Cheers thank you for coming into our home and checking it out and hopefully you can stop by and next time we'll give you a rum punch thanks for watching be sure to go to homeworthy tocom for exclusive content shopping guides and so much more
Channel: Homeworthy
Views: 49,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house, house tour, home, home tour, homeworthy, architectural digest, veranda, quintessence, house beautiful, interior design, interior designer, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Home, West Palm Beach, Spanish Home, Spanish Mediterranean, antiques, vintage, style, eclectic, home decor, antique decor, palm beach regency, flroida, florida home
Id: qxfIJOJ3q8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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