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are you regretting trying to come on your bedroom no I'm very happy about it because like why do I need New York real estate for a salesperson this is when I didn't know what to do with my life and I thought I was going to sell commercial real estate [Music] [Music] okay so the goal for today is to extreme declutter my childhood bedroom we watch Murray condos news show on Netflix the tidying up show and so we want to use the con Mari method and completely declutter this entire room the method that she uses is basically about taking over your whole house but I'm gonna instead pretend like my room is one house and do all of the five categories that she does which is clothing books paper kimono and sentimental those are her five categories I'm gonna do them just in my room instead of the whole house because we want to try to do this one day in one day step number one clothing in the con Mari method you take all of your clothes from everywhere in the house and you put them in one big pile so we're gonna put all of my clothes onto the bed and so that means everything in here goes onto the bed any jackets or shoes and stuff that I have in the downstairs closets onto the bed anything that's in our guest bedroom onto that anything that is anywhere that is mine that is related to clothing when I put on my body we are gonna put on that bed and then after I finish my stuff then Lou will do his whole version sounding the bed can fit both of our stuff yeah okay yeah first we actually need to clean off that bed pepper explosion calm I'm excited again we are going to do this today [Music] like decorations from my college dorm [Music] basically the concept is does this spark joy so the thing is you take a piece of clothing or anything you look at it does this spark joy her expression is like this like then you keep it if not you think it and you say goodbye to it so I'm gonna make two piles one for keeping one for donating and potentially one for garbage too if things are really in tatters it's hard because I know I don't need these things but like some of these are really big memories for me no mm-hmm I don't know if I should just let them go or well doesn't still spark joy yeah yeah I don't want to buy it maybe we need to do sentimental items at the end I'm very sentimental Oh what are you thinking about I'm just like thinking about all this time that I spent playing soccer and with all my friends and yeah it's like hard to want to get rid of all the things but I also I'm like this just sits in a box in my room like this is underneath my bed I didn't even know it was still here so it's like why do I need a thing like I don't need this like I have all those memories in my head I don't think I need them like I didn't even know this was still here so obviously I haven't looked at it in probably a decade so I don't think I need this thank you [Music] and the mental t-shirts huh yeah luckily I already cried when I feel like I've like purchased it out of my system huh adorable this loo used to be accessible Elaine still it still is we're a first date do you want that yeah fundamental right oh so cute huge bat so this is our donation pile this is quite a game making progress babe [Music] so that's your stuff my stuff and then you have more stuff in there you might be thinking that I'm gonna get rid of this hat because dirty sparks so much joy oh I like that you just gotta clean it it's the OD building hat yeah big things have happened in this house yeah let's wash it [Music] my room is gonna feel so empty so that's the stuff I'm keeping this is the stuff that Lou's working on so boo all right does this spark joy thank you through three our bank who was a fun trip yeah they have drive-through liquor stores in the Outer Banks oh here we go I like this yeah those are my brother Sean yeah he gave it to me I think someone else gave it to him spark joy barks a lot of joy okay keeping your keep pile has begun [Music] oh yeah [Music] if you're about to begin step two of the process which is books it is 5:45 step one took from 10 a.m. to now we're hoping to get from the rest of the steps for the night [Music] for making incredible progress all books are gone the ones who kept a bar in there beautiful beautiful and now we're on stage three three step three is paper dominant have a lot of paper and then they pointed out that box just says paper a box says Dana's paper on it paper take a while Thursday August 10 2000 dear my dear Dina I fed your fish yesterday he's doing fine mom tried to send you a fax but did not go through all my love daddy so paper is done it was really a mixture of sentimental items and paper so that took what three hours yeah paper for one little box well it was a lot blue and there is not just one little box there's a whole big box over here I took care if this will box to this box is empty yeah come on oh come on up which is miscellaneous items it's easy to confuse kimono with kimono the traditional Japanese robe but kimono refers to items like electronics household equipment and supplies kitchen goods beauty products and pretty much anything else that doesn't obviously fit into the other four categories something that's wandering these free the orange juice there no you almost ate it so sad ok so we are calling it a night it's like 10:30 now if we weren't crashing before now we're really crashing now and even though he wanted to finish this all in a day that was obviously way too much to do we have made a huge progress I feel like a lighter I really do there's a bit emotional for me like shockingly emotional but went through a lot of sentimental things and I feel like all right like good day I think it's another like huge day effort the only thing is we leave tomorrow for a few days so or just gonna come back and deal with us next week so it's been one week we are back in my room and we're gonna do day two of con wiring my room I think this is gonna be the last day we have a little bit of leftover kimono section Oh random things and sentimental items and then I think we'll be done we have a lot of trips to the goodwill we need to do all of those bags of things need to go and then we just need to deal with a little bit more stuff but it's very exciting and I feel like I've sickened my skin since last time and I actually want to take a few more things away somebody commented on her Instagram how for sentimental things that she hadn't used in a year she just took a photo of them and that was like her way of commemorating them for herself and then gave them away actually sounds like a pretty good idea so you learned through the process because at first it was really sad for me but now I think I'm ready to let go of more things [Music] [Music] we did it I like it can't believe it the room has been Marie Kondo Khan married it's insane this is truly the cleanest this room has ever been I think since I moved in and put stuff in here there's no dust there's so few things in it and I think that's the part that fascinates me the most about the khawarij method is that there's nothing we didn't add anything to the room it was just a purely subtractive process and I think that's really empowering because you need to go out and buy all that's crazy stuff it's just like well we're fortunate we have a really nice things here it was just like hidden amongst ridiculous amounts of clutter I don't know how to explain it it's just like it feels lighter I feel like a weight off my shoulders I think moving through especially all those sentimental items was really hard and I guess like I look around it's like bright in here the room feels huge before it just like you can appreciate the size because there's so much stuff in it and yeah you can like enjoy this couch from our New York apartment the bed looks amazing the room feels livable and it feels light and it feels calm like before I would say it was like if I had to describe the room before I'd be like anxious cluttered chaos horrendous truly like it was a bad place and then now I come in and it's like light and airy and inspiring and minimal and simple and those are the words that I want to be connected to my spaces it's like yeah I don't live here and I don't spend that much time here but it's like that's how I feel when I'm in the van and how can I leave this disaster behind is like like a friend of mine was joking around me like you're the only hoarder who lives in it's like a big sizes luxury of this room and all this space that I can keep all my stuff and Lucent you have some stuff but mainly it's just like my stuff from middle school high school college our apartment in New York and it was just like if you never force yourself to deal with these things it just accumulates and the Keene lights accumulates and I think this has been a huge lesson and it's like I really do feel like the people on the show like I've learned a life skill this has taught me like how to keep things that I value and get rid of the things that I don't need that and her roots don't spark joy you know it's like I look around and everything here at sparks joy and that's a wonderful feeling but there is one thing that does not spark joy the color of the walls and so we are gonna do one thing that has not kind of are a method we are gonna change the room we are going to paint it this color we did it I truly can't believe it it looks amazing in here and I feel so much calmer there's like nothing in the room that we don't love and yeah it's pretty astounding it was only four days worth of work really to get this totally done and interviewed oh my god it just is it feels so good to be done to leave this place we leave for our van we're moving back to the van next week so we have a few more days here but it's nice to like leave the place calm clean decluttered and I just wanted to say I just wanted to say thank you to Marie Kondo honestly watching that show somehow sparked something inside me and it made me want to deal with this problem that I've been ignoring for many years and now I feel like it's transformed the way that I want to live my life and have a place for things and hold onto things that I really love so thank you Marie I hope that if you ever see this you're proud of what we've done here probably won't see it but I'm proud I salute
Channel: Wild We Roam
Views: 5,927,860
Rating: 4.9100556 out of 5
Keywords: konmari method, konmari, marie kondo, tidying up with marie kondo, spark joy, cleaning motivation, life changing magic of tidying up, extreme decluttering minimalism, minimalism decluttering, closet organization, extreme clean with me 2019, extreme declutter, konmari method 2019, konmari method before and after, extreme decluttering and organizing, extreme decluttering, konmari closet declutter, konmari declutter, spark joy marie kondo, cleaning before and after
Id: KZgbJmkTU7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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