Decorating Your Patio with Thrift Store Finds!

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all right so we are going to go thrifting today we are going to do the three minute challenge again if you watch my last episode you'll know what that is today I've got my good friend Lisa and lesie and we are going to have so much fun we'll let lesie in on the challenge once we get to the thrift store so let's get on the [Music] road okay so Lisa you know the deal right I know the deal but I'm going to let you know the deal and lesie know the deal the three minute challenge is is we are going to go in that thrift store right there and we we are going to have 3 minutes to find the most bougie home decor item that you can no help from the internet and it has to be something that you can carry you think you're up to it I think so yeah I love it who's going to win well I lost last time so I've got Redemption coming lost okay I don't know beginner luck maybe maybe probably not I think it'll be terrible but it's going to be fun let's go in shopping all right I have no idea what's expensive 3 minutes starts now let's go see what we can find that's super super [Music] bougie Lisa this is one of these is coming for you [Music] maybe what do you got there I don't actually know what this is but it's got some good like weight to it so it feels like it might be expensive okay is that what you're going to go with or you still looking I think I'm gon to go with this okay things easier look at what I found look how cute that little tea set is adorable that looks expensive to me what do you think I like it you think yes I think so so I found the silver bowl um I don't know what it's used for but there's a little bit of like tarnish on it which makes you think it might actually be real silver so found this China Bowl it has marks on it it looks a little bit old so I'm hoping that there is some value to it so if you want to find out who won the challenge you're going to have to stay tuned for later who do you think it's going to be it's going to be me look at how cute this is how can I lose I mean it's a silver bowl it's a silver bowl okay so stay tuned we're going to let you know okay so I'm looking for outdoor items today but when you go thrifting you really need to keep an open mind so we will see what we can find and maybe what I decide to get will [Music] change okay now a lot of you said I went way too easy on Lisa last time so I don't know maybe like a doll or over here we've got something really interesting like this Chinese Decor we've got all all kinds of stuff here at the store so we can get something really challenging this time okay there's this one which I like this side and that side but this side I am not a fan of so I don't know if I can remove that or what but we'll see what did you find here um the world's lamp what are you what are you thinking you think of that for Lisa oh yeah I bet she could do something with that she do something cute and it'll look brand new and it'll be but it's really ugly but it's rough awesome I think that's a good find all right I found this Lantern I feel like this one might be a little bit easier to make over so maybe this is the one oh dear decisions decisions all right so if you watched my last episode I showed you a really hideous golfer statue but look what I just found up here oh my goodness should I get it hi I don't know we'll [Music] see clowns oh my word oh my word those yeah they give your husband nightmar right yeah right there sorry Justin it's coming home I don't know I might have an idea for these depends on the price that's kind of cool but not the color scheme I'm going for but it's kind of pretty okay so this is interesting it's like a box and I know she likes to do boxes and it looks good inside but this outside has I don't know maybe it could be fixed up but it looks a little tired and maybe sunor I don't know it is Velvet so that would be a huge challenge for her so I think this is it though all right I got my finds and a few others and we'll go back home and we'll start flipping these Thrift items well we are here in my new studio I love it if you haven't seen that episode it's very exciting you should check it out for sure before we get started on the thrift flips I just wanted to do a quick mini haul it's going to be really short because I didn't find a ton of stuff but I have some ideas the first thing is I got this metal can right here and inside it there is a little candle base thing we're going to combine these and do a Pottery Barn dupe and see if we can't get it to look something very close to a very expensive item from Pottery Barn this one's kind of dirty and gross that's going to be a running theme so this can was $4.99 and this was $1.99 and I think that we can make something really cool out of it or at least I hope then you'll remember from the shopping trip that I got got this Lantern here it's got some wild and crazy Palm leaves on the side I am actually thinking I might try to remove these and also make them look like a very expensive lantern from ballor design so that might be kind of fun to do that I got for $6.99 it is so filthy it's so disgusting there's even a cockroach inside I can't believe I bought that hopefully when it's all said and done it will look really really good and then finally over here I got these two really cool lamps for a project that I've been wanting to do for a while now and I just hadn't found the right thing I think these are it one thing that I will tell you is I've been oscillating back and forth of leaving some of this Gold Elements this color gold or if I want to warm them up a little bit with something a little bit warmer gold because this is definitely got more yellow undertones you'll have to stay tuned to see what I decide I hope you like what I do with this so what paid for these is they were originally marked at $34.99 each and I was like that is too much for a thrifted lamp I'm like I'm not paying that so I went up and I negotiated both of them for the $34.99 they were willing to do it because this one didn't have a shade and this one does it doesn't matter to me cuz I'm not going to even use that I just thought it was too expensive for a thrifted lamp and so I did better so the next time you're the shopping and something's too expensive just ask because can only just say no if they said no to the price I was going to be like that's fine I'll just leave them here no big deal so in my case it worked out okay before I decided to do anything with these I decided to Google Lens this and I don't know why I didn't do this before because that's what we do in the 3 minute challenge I used Google lens and I happened to find a pair of these that just sold for $1,800 for the set $1,800 $100 it is missing a shade so I mean obviously that affects the value and everything but I don't think I could do anything things to these now I can't alter them if they're worth $1,800 so we might not be flipping these after all maybe if I can find a shade for them maybe I'll clean them up or something we'll have to figure out what else I'm going to do for this episode but I just can't bring myself to alra them nope not at that value the rest of the stuff is all just Cheapo stuff and I have no problem altering them but I should have grabbed these for my challenge not for shadowing anything first up we are going to redo an old Thrift flip that I did probably last year if I'm remembering correctly and what it was is it was originally according to a lot of you thank you a hat stand I didn't know if it was like a Candlestick a lot of you recognized what it was and it was a hat stand it had like a country design and I ended up sanding it down and then I primed it with a gray and then I spray painted it in a white and then I went about attaching a top and what the top was was actually just one of those rounds from Hobby Lobby and then I added a little bit more stability by adding another piece of wood and then we nailed that into place and then I did an antiquing glaze on the top I didn't do any kind of sealer or anything like that and in all I believe it was under $20 the finish of it has always been a little bit too rustic for me I mean I liked it okay and it was really cute but I want to move it to my outdoor patio area I think it's going to look really really nice out there there's going to be more blacks and it's going to be more intense out there than a whitewashed finish would work for and now we're going to um paint it in a black cabinet enamel so it will match better you can either use Tri corn black or caviar both of those are really good black colors but I tend to do all caviar just to keep everything consistent and I did two coats of that on the base which was a much higher quality paint than I had originally used and I used hardly any of it and this is left over from another project I let it dry in between doing the two coats once that was dry I took some matte Mod Podge sealer and just put on a coat of that just to seal it out and make it look a little bit more polished which it did so that was it for that project super super simple even repainting it we still have under $25 into this project and there are some out there that look very very similar I found this one on Wayfair it's Kelly Clarkson it's on sale right now for $190 and it's a very very similar look now I'm going to admit that her wood topper look more beautiful it's like a Oak and it's got more of a design to it it's a very similar look I actually like the base of mine a little bit better for $25 you can't beat that so you're getting like this designer look but a whole lot less I have a fun announcement coming up so make sure you stay tuned for that and it's something other than the winner of the 3 minute challenge okay so you've seen me shop Pickers Paradise before well one of my good friends told me and I was out in about already they were moving locations and so there was a whole bunch of 75 to 80% off deals inside so we're going to go in and see what we can find go God here she comes woman that I [Music] love it's too bad you'll never know yeah I can't tell her how I feel because she has someone who makes her happy I'mma go with in [Music] walls atast okay we're going to do another little mini haul since I went to that store to replace the lamp and I found a couple of cool things I don't know if that I'm going to flip them all on this episode but I just thought I'd share what I got there at that 75% off sale so I found this little wire vase that I thought was really cool and it's got a lot of presents to it I have a few ideas for it I paid $7 for it which I thought was a really good deal it does seem like the bolt on the bottom needs to be tightened up just a little bit I don't know if it'll change the Finish or anything on it I'm kind of envisioning maybe putting like a vase inside it maybe stuffing some Moss around the vase and then doing a beautiful arrangement out of the top I've also seen containers like this where they do a bunch of like decorative balls inside and then I found this little planter thing for $3 I thought that could be fun to do something with maybe put like a little mini lion head on it maybe just paint it out I haven't decided and then we are going to use this in my Pottery Barn flip that I had originally mentioned because I think that the shape and the height of this is going to be better than the other one the other one was a little bit taller and the inspiration one the base was a little shorter and I think this one will work a little bit better plus it was 75% off of $3 so I think that that makes it. 75 so that is a really good deal the color doesn't matter even though it's kind of like mustardy color it's going to get painted then the whole reason I wanted to go thrifting in the first place was because I found out that those lights were worth $1800 for the pair so I went out and found a different lamp it's not quite the same because it's not as tall I looked this up using Google Lens just to make sure and I found uh that it was worth about $20 and I paid $7 so I have no problem altering this I haven't decided exactly like how I'm going to alter it but I can't wait for you to see what I'm going to do with this I wanted to do a pair there was not a pair so I'm going to show you the idea just doing it on one I think it'll be a lot of fun so that's coming up really soon and then I got a pair of beautiful antique brass candlesticks that are probably between 3 to 4T tall they are down by my fireplace in my main living room area they're very tall I didn't bring them up I got them for $50 but I was looking at similar ones online and they were kind of all over the place but it appeared that a set of them could be worth at minimum around $400 so that was a really really good deal because they're brass the first thing that I did is I got a hanging basket I picked this one up at Walmart I removed the chains from it because we weren't going to use it as a hanging basket and then I took out the coconut liner but we'll put it back in in just a second and then I took the lamp and started disassembling it I cut off the cord and pulled that out I opened up the bottom so that I could access what was underneath there and try to get things to move and then I also unscrewed the light at the top and then I got rid of all of the lamp insides I did leave like the base pedestal of the lamp just because I think it could add some stability in the end and then I took some gorilla construction adhesive and put that on the outer rim and then I set our little hanging basket on top so then I took some pressent seal Saran Wrap and I wrapped that around all of the areas that I didn't want to get paint on them and then I also lined it with some painters tape and then I took some of that flat black spray paint and spray the ivory out to a black which will make it match my kind of look that I'm going for a whole lot better and then let that dry then I went back in and peeled it back and of course there was some little bit of flaws and so so I started out by spraying some into a lid of the paint and taking like a foam brush and it just wasn't fine enough so I went back in and raped a couple of the areas took a piece of paper and just kind of went in and tried to spray in some of those cracks and crevices to finish this off I took the original coconut shell made sure I found Center and I did a couple of snips in the Coconut shell and made like a plus sign cut so that it can slip over that lamp base that's in there and then I'm going to fill it up with some garden soil even though we end up planting some faux plants I'm pretty good at designing flowers I just I'm not good at things that are potted so I'm going to use some faux burs here and fill that up and then I thought it would be fun to put right in the center a little solar powered light I just thought it would be really fun little addition pay homage to the fact that it used to be a lamp that was it I love how this turns out it's so cute I love it I wasn't really duping anything but I thought it was really cute and a really fun Thrift lip so maybe gives you an idea of something else you could do with a lot of those thrift store lamps all the thrift stores have tons of lamps it seems like all right let's do a quick tour of my back patio it needs a lot of work but it's not going to be in this episode but hopefully coming up so these wall decor things all the way over here were left by the previous owner they're all really tired I've got some stuff planned for here actually I've got that and then I've got another one ordered we will either replace the chain or spray it black and hang those there what I would really love to do here is a water fountain but there's no power there so I don't know how I'm going to do that there's not enough sun to do a solar powered one and I want something that's more steady so oh this looks tired like this needs really new I would love to do stone it's just very expensive and I don't want to invest a lot of money into this because eventually we want to do a pool out in this area so I don't want to invest a lot in that because otherwise it's just a waste of money there's my little set that I did it needs a little bit of love and then of course over here we've got a kitchen plumbed and ready to go here so I don't know if that's like a natural gas tank or like I'm not quite sure what that is because over there is like water line and sink and drain and there's power over there so I would love to do a kitchenette here but we can't do a permanent one yet so I do want to paint this out black like the front doors maybe do some grids maybe some curtains in the meantime I definitely want to update the pillows and put some different fabric here I would love to do some sort of fire table eventually I really don't like this view so I know in the meantime I either want to do like tall planter with some trees or bushes here or if I just want to build like out like a temporary wall and kind of build that in a little bit what do you guys think this is what it looks like now it's kind of in rough shape maybe I'll get to some of the projects this summer we'll have to see there's just so much to do in the house overall but we love it here it's one of my favorite places is coming out here and sitting in the evening and even the day on like when it's not too hot it's become a little Sanctuary for me so so it's really fun all right stay with me a little longer I'm going to let you know who won our little 3 minute Challenge and then also let you know what Lisa is doing over on her Channel coming up in a bit our next thrift flip I wanted to recreate this Pottery Barn metal ear it kind of looks like cast iron to me it's very very expensive I believe it's $280 I knew that I would never spend that but I really thought it was cool looking so I found that tin metal container at the thrift store for $4.99 then I originally found like a taller Candlestick base that I was going to use for about $2 I didn't end up using that because on the second shopping trip that I did I found that other one for. 75 and it looked a little closer to our inspiration one the you know it was a little bit lower so the first thing I did is I took some grlic construction adhesive and put that to attach to our metal can you're going to let that Dr I think I would use Liquid Nails going forward this construction adhesive I think needs a little bit more time to cure and I'm impatient so I immediately started on it even though it wasn't fully cured so then to kind of act as a primer and get the inside and have an outside kind of prime I took the same flat black spray paint that we've been using sprayed the inside sprayed the outside let that dry and that was our primer then I brought it back in here and then I mixed a mostly black chalk paint but I added a little elephant gray and truffle Brown to it and mixed that in and then I also tossed some sand into the mixture to kind of give it like a rough texture and I just stippled that on the outside and I kind of just pounced it on everywhere and made sure that there was sand grit in all of it I was hoping the sand was a little bit finer it ended up being a little grainier than I wanted so once that dried I sanded it down and then I wanted to really try to get like a cast iron effect so I took some of this joint compound and um rubbed that on the sides and kind of gave it some good texture there let that dry it didn't take very long it dried rather quickly especially under my little ceiling fan here then I went back in and used the same kind of paint and painted over the top of that once again I didn't cover like all of like really really good cuzz I kind of wanted a little bit of that white to show through so I kind of stippled it on like that again now one thing you could do when is all dry is go in and sand it down a little bit more just to give some of that similar patina that the inspiration piece had and then I just threw in some hydranges I had these big bushes of hydranges I think it looks stunning I had originally planned to have this outside as something Outdoors that I could put flow flers in or decorative piece but I think it's going to look really really nice in my dining room and I've got um some dining room work that will be coming up here soon I've got some repairs to make I've got new curtains coming so that's going to be something to put on your radar and I think that this will have such a presence and I'm kind of oscillating between this and the gold wire vase that I also picked up on the second Thrift trip so you'll have to stay tuned to see which way I go whether I stick with this black face or if I go with a gold one I keep going back and forth but either way it really is going to have a wow factor and I'm so excited about that my fun announcement is is that I am going to be speaking at Haven conference in Atlanta Georgia July 11th through the 13th I'm going to be teaching a class but also doing like a discussion panel as well and have a booth there there will be meet and greet so if that is something that you want to attend come to it I have a $50 off coupon code that will be listed right here on the screen and also down in the description box below it's really about teaching you how to be a good content creator and so if that's something that you're interested in attending I would love to see you there so anyways come join me at Haven up next is we are going to try to emulate a ballor design Lantern for the outdoors and this one I found retailed for $175 and I believe that one is on sale I think it originally was $220 I wanted to see if we could get that look for a lot less and I found this aqua colored one that had these like Palm leaves on the side and it was really disgusting if you remember I wanted to see if we could do something with it obviously I started out by taking out all of the glass I didn't want to damage it and then I took the lantern out into my shop and I took some tin snips and cut it down and kind of had to go back and forth cuz it was kind of attached to the outside I think I regret not getting the other one that I saw in the thrift store but it is what it is I wanted to do a drastic makeover and here we go then I took some rough sandpaper and kind of sanded out some of those harsh edges from using the tin snips and I sanded on the outside I sanded The Ledges as best I could I don't think they're like super perfect there was a little bit of damage from clipping out those Palm leaves in the end I promise you it's going to look really good and then what I did is once it was all sanded down and ready to go I started out with some satin black spray paint and I did a coat of that and then after it dried it was a little too shiny so I went back in with a flat black spray paint and that was just way better I should have gone with that the whole time and then while that was drying I came inside and I designed like a little molon it was essentially the same type of design that I saw on our inspiration piece and I knew knew that the best way to do that was cutting out like a vinyl decal and so that's what I did and so I used a permanent decal and it was kind of a flat finish too not a shiny black and I cut that design and I will link that design if I can in the description box if you want to replicate this look and then you can just adjust the sizing to meet what you're doing once it was done I weeded all the excess and then I put down some transfer tape then I cleaned the glass panels off cuz they were very disgusting and let them dry and then we applied our vinyl decal directly to the outside of the glass then I put those back into the lantern one panel at a time and there was little tabs that flipped down to hold it into place and then I also cleaned up the little nasty like flicker candle that came with it and changed out the batteries and it ended up working so I didn't even have to get one of those flicker candles and they are super super realistic so I was really excited that that worked and that saved me some money so in the end I believe I spent $6.99 on that Lantern and then plus a little vinyl all set done we have a massive savings over the $175 Balor design one but a really Clos looking dupe I it's obviously the top part's a little bit different but it's very similar look for a tiny fraction of the cost less than 10 bucks total on everything on that and on the other one one it was like $175 not including a candle so I love that thrift store for the win so who won the 3 minute challenge let's find out all right so this is Lisa's first we're going to use Google Lens she didn't have a price tag on it this time so we're going to take a picture of it and see what we find on the internet here we go let's see what looks like the closest which one looks the closest this one right there Yeahs pretty that one yeah all right let's click on this one and see what we got here 4776 on sale but 6822 is we'll go with the sale price because we can get it for that so all right that's okay I can live with that so this is lesli's we're going to take a picture let's see what we can find oo vintage sterling silver that looks pretty close yeah that actually does go that's almost 9 oh dang it that's going to be hard to beat that's going to be hard to beat all right well I don't know China $ $29 is going to be pretty hard to beat so let's see what I did with this take a picture let's see what we can find that looks pretty close yeah we go with that one yeah go with that one 32 bucks 32 oh well just win what does that mean just won it means I lost we get we're supposed to we're supposed to be the professionals here how is it I think I just made you man I got to find your price all right we have a little trophy it's appropriate cuz it's silver and she won with silver wow congratulations I will treasure this it high yeah all right so as you can see my good friend lesie won I did not discover my $1,800 lamps until after the 3 minute Challenge and I didn't even know that they were worth anything until I brought it home so she won fair and square and I am so happy for her she had a blast she's always so much fun to hang out with and I just love doing this 3 minute challenge so I would challenge all of you to do the three minute challenge with your friends all across the country I would love to see people do that it would be so much fun and if you want to see me do that again let me know in the comment section below oh and don't forget to check out Lisa's episodes see that what we picked out for her to to make over and I know that she's going to have some really good Thrift flips for you as well and if you enjoyed this episode here's another one that I think you like as well and to all of my DIY goddesses out there you are more powerful than you know we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Designed to the Nines
Views: 53,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: designed to the nines, design to the nines, natalee callahan, lone fox, xo macenna, how to, diy, decor, diy decor, home decor, kristen mcgowan, do it on a dime, thrift with me, thrift haul, antiquing, thrift flip, thrift flip decor, high end decor, thrifted home decor, thrift flips, diy thrift flip, diy hacks, brass ketchup hack, thrifting, thrift store finds, upcycling, thrift flip home decor, come thrift with me, outdoor decor, outdoor diy decor, thrift with me 2024
Id: 2Nf4x2QGGE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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