HUGE Happy Anniversary!! 10 YEARS TOGETHER

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💬 Montage of Roman and Brittney’s 10 years together. A little weird that 25 year old Roman started dating 17 year old Brittney

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rgliberty 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
what is up guys welcome to a very special moment in our I think flash once in I think I'm gonna let flash I like flashing him he's got one in then he's gonna one out he's good guys it is this is a delay video this is current day meaning the day we upload this is actually current day it is our 10 year anniversary one decade of our life together give me freedom yes I am so proud and excited for us this is like so awesome it's literally crazy it's so just I'm mind blown I didn't want there to be a delay on this video I actually wanted it to be our anniversary day is the day this video goes up so we have a little flashback a little bit of our history is cried and cried I was like here watch this tell me what you think and she's like I'm just bowled it's not I don't think it's I don't think it's that maybe for us it is yeah I don't know it's very special a lot of you've seen a lot of these clips maybe there's something that you haven't seen thank you guys so freakin much for being part of our life and we are so excited to be celebrating 10 years today so let's get to the montage I'll see you in a few minutes [Music] my girlfriend we've been together almost five years she's put up with a lot before I even had a YouTube channel she was with me [Music] Christmas 2008 ie I gave Brittany and PAC a popcorn and it said one night of cuddle / movies just my girl and I something ready wait you have to get the sunset in it headlock wait where is it going it's already going down Eddie [Applause] your volunteer we go [Music] miss me this week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay just grabbed us and pull this together yeah you thankful for me yeah thankful for you [Applause] according to that test you are we really I hope you are so much sorry careful we but that's a good sign so in about eight months you're gonna have a little brother or sister how do you know [Music] other baby our babies first babies for swim take all my strength tip it all just take it all take it all okay guys her official name is Cora Co R and C all right and for the last couple days I've been asking if she wants to be named Cora and she gives me these little smiles I love this I'm your superhero you're literally cheerleaders [Music] but Brittany and I are getting married Wow why propose dude this will be our very last upload tab atwood / smith this is it [Music] you [Music] so it's been quite the journey I'm so thankful we have so much of our our life on camera it's so weird like being able to look I mean we've been vlogging I think five years four or five years we can actually go back in our life that many years it's so crazy look so different we talk different we everything like in just five years how much changes so I'm glad we captured what we have captured I actually like when you're doing the montage videos and stuff you're like you're wishing that you recorded you know when Noah was born when Cain was born we didn't start filming until Cain is already like one and a half or almost two yeah it was like I wish we would have been filming at that time but we have what we have it's pretty freakin amazing so today's our anniversary and while we I guess it would actually be months from now yeah right before my birthday was like because for my birthday you took me to a concert so I kind of knew I had time so the crazy story that we probably never I don't know maybe we should talk I don't know if we've ever talked about it so when Brit today's the day Brittany and I like talked for the first time like we were in the same like house together and we talked right she was 17 she was 17 I don't get to remember that day no no the day after though was it that fast okay so she was 17 I was 25 right so that was like a huge huge age gap so we couldn't actually technically date her mom was like absolutely not and you know she was almost gonna be 18 as like three months from now right so we both like can't actually date until you are 18 but we talked on this day first so we consider this our actual like start date because we did I got a number and we chatted we can only like I'd see you like on a weekend if you went to your sister's house so if I was with Chase and she was with her sister that's how we the only way and how we would see each other yeah and then once you turned 18 we were officially like dating and I was allowed to take you to him like ready to move in with you yeah it was like it was all official and I waited until I graduated yeah yeah even once you're 18 you had to graduate and then you moved in with me like the day of graduation literally that day you get me out after I graduated yeah and put me in your little blue car yeah I wish we saw that guy so that is uh it's a crazy story at the time it was like crazy but now it's completely meaningless a lot of- yeah I mean at that time yeah with everyone it was big like it was crazy cuz like you were 1795 I was like you know I was in a rough place mentally like see you were like a big lifts me up in my life but like I don't know it was the whole like it was the whole age difference was just crazy at the time and we had to like you know wait it out but we consider this day our anniversary now which is crazy but technically yeah the new anniversary we have so that's pretty interesting story guys like I don't know how to explain it like at that time everybody said it's not right like it's not gonna happen it's not but we were so like obsessed with each other connected like our my truth that's with you before that our universe like before this day ten years ago I was really obsessed I really I'm the biggest that's awesome we're just meant to be guys like I know like the whole age got thing is like is crazy and it was like it shouldn't happen and it shouldn't be like her parents and absolutely not even my parents made like funny jokes like my parents support everything so it's like whatever I want they'll support it but they would even crack jokes on me like everybody was like just first time I met your parents just call it off it's not you guys aren't gonna stay together she's so young you know like all that we heard it all guys and I just want you to know that like we're friggin soulmates like my soul is in love with her like there's an energy that I literally like when you're not around I feel it like there's a legit connection with us age had nothing to do with us getting together we were gonna be together no matter what I just literally had to wait for you to catch up that 10 of us I had to go through all my bullcrap waiting on you that's what it was I love you mmm so that's our little anniversary video for today with the story of just hope I guess like against all odds right against all odds we've outlasted so many so many that we there's so many bets on us here yeah I remember one of your teachers made you a bet I haven't you still have the back that we wouldn't be together after actually Emily never paid you know absolutely Emily was the witness that signed it that's so funny Emily still works for us unreal so guys like whether it's relationship or like things that aren't exactly going the way everybody else sees it just go by your heart and go by what you truly believe is right and God if I would have listened to everybody if we would listen to everybody oh my god where would we be I wouldn't be happy we knew we knew and you know you know so make good decisions do do do what's right and we love you guys we are actually going to film our anniversary today so there is going to be a vlog tomorrow today is kind of a catch me up on some things that we're working on and we love you thank you so much thumbs up for ten years and we will see you guys tomorrow beautiful you're one of a kind you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 904,994
Rating: 4.9694905 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Atwood, The Atwoods, Brittney, Family, Family Friendly, Smile, Smile More, Kids, Noah, Kane, Cora, Vlog, Upload, New, Inspire, Motivational, anniversary, love, happiness, goals, couple
Id: PIQSxqj9Yqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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