HPAC - Whatever God Says To Do, Do It

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] highway [Music] it says the kings the king highway [Music] not any highway the kings highway it's a forward stick forward forward still it's jehovah's will it's god's will though you're being hurt so you feel in pain your pressure is on the fight is on but forward is jehovah's will when you look at those warm warfares and they go to war the first phase they lose watermen and they go back and regroup and the general say why did we lose that first yes attack why what happened amen what happened to us that we lost that attack yes so he goes back to the board he looks at the plan with the generals right they say they're attacked from the north we were in the south yes and this film i watched very we it's called it's called um um spartacus it was a long film he wanted to um free them in he goes we're going to the sea i get bought to the sea let me say ah you're going to the sea the enemy knocks out i'm pushing him to the sea so what am i going to see now wait for the link the link don't turn up you can't go nowhere for the scene behind him and the enemy around him but with god the enemy car said not trapped for you that he can't set you out he will set ambush for us roadblock ahead but god said go live and you know what you wonder why am i going left but god didn't ambush your head so he's saying don't matter what even plan against us it's a forward still amen and praise the name of jesus we're going forward still today praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus bless the name of jesus we'll be reading for absolute lesson psalms 27 in jesus name if the word of god is true and we believe in the word of god today in jesus name the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of who shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came up on me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell the one who shouldn't camp against me my heart shall not fear the war should rise against me in this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple wait on the lord be of good courage amen and he shall strengthen heart wait i say on the lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] be of good courage [Applause] and he shall strengthen your heart wait i say on the lord saints [Applause] you know what i mean [Music] [Applause] be happy celebrate worship him praise him good courage church being ready to stand ready to fight good courage while you're waiting and while you're waiting in good courage not he may not he probably will he shall strengthen your heart to wait more strength in your heart you wait for a job interview you waiting waiting waiting but you still wait because you know that somebody had to call you and give you a joke so you always every time you go for interview you forget the last disappointment you might go for ten interviews ten closure but each time you go you forget the 10 and go back to the new one so you're fresh yes chance so you wait i may be encouraged and the lord will and david said again wait i repeat it wait i say on the lord and we shall stand and read our storms another original [Applause] we're waiting [Music] let us read together psalm 120 in my distress [Music] but what we're learning today brethren in a moment you can turn your life from bad to good in a spit moment you can bring from death to life he's a miracle working god he's a miracle working god [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] me [Music] he's i went to jamaica and i was coming back on the plane and it was snowing in england and they cancelled the flight but i had to um be at work monday night this sunday afternoon in the airport in america monday midnight at work and the april before it closed down if you closed down yeah i'm virgin i started the 48 it's okay sister god i want to win the seat in the lord so i can sleep through the flight i said god when you ask you pay for sc 501 available but i sat there and i said oh god i want to win the seat so i can sleep through the flight i'm pregnant when did it come i'll put a computer mr michael miller come to the reception [Music] i'm frightened because nobody ever in the cast custom called you never ever called me that maybe my passport ramadan doesn't call me mr miller oh yes i have a witness seat for you [Music] i put my jacket in the window i sleep i miss dinner i miss breakfast i sleep right through i'm gonna wake up was one o'clock london time one o'clock london time i get ready i went to work the night fresh you see god answers christ i wasn't i never asked for it in my heart amen what did god have done for her thanking him for the open doors thanking him for the privilege to be in this house one more time you know uncle michael said to give my testimony and my testimony is that in 2014 i was on my way home from work i was on the bus and i felt this sudden pain in the back of my head and it was not normal didn't feel right and i remember i um i passed out i was on the bus and i passed out when i went to the hospital they said to me that i had a subarachnoid hemorrhage a bleed on my brain and um i remember the fear that took my heart i remember thinking god please deliver me i remember that i was my brethren was praying pastor was praying you know i i remember when i was on the hospital bed and i put my hand on my head and i just kept saying in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i know that there is power in the name of jesus and so i just put my faith and my trust and my confidence in god and i remember that the doctor said to me you know there's 50 50 you have to have this operation we have to stop the bleed and i said god i'm going to put this in your hand i said 100 for jesus and so i put my trust in god and brethren i am standing here today as a living witness that god is a miracle working god and i know that if you put your trust and your confidence in him he will deliver you you pay my strength amen they said she would be paralyzed can't talk can't walk but the devil is a liar he has the power rise your faith in god amen we come today to build our faith hear from each other strength with each other yes so maybe maybe tomorrow i might get attacked with a illness i don't know but by hearing what you say i could apply the same faith on my head and say in the name of jesus [Music] be healed god is all-powerful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more [Applause] [Music] touch me and i can stand today [Music] right [Music] no i said please can't find my person and he said jump in me drop your up to leave your daughter said no i'm just going late so i went today that i get a little chat and i just want to keep [Music] towards hallelujah for one year i suffered with a wound on my right leg i took many boxes and they didn't find anything and that was refused to get better they tried all the dressings that they could put on my foot nothing got better last year um last year and it was last year may and the wounds sometimes just brought blood suddenly enough to rush to the emergency and all of that i was in pain and eventually i did a surgery and yesterday was six months when they took out the wall they had to cut out the wound off my foot so in my foot there was a hole in my foot when i looked after the surgeon and i looked at the whole i said god look at this but i saw god the cells grew back up to my flesh and i see god in the doctors they had to take up skin for my leg to catch the wound and that skin did not take i said god whatever we want to do it would be my problem and don't say when they cut up the cells inside the room but the cells were dead and i saw god reformed [Music] said they said to me the moon it could be cancerous then it could be turned into so many things right god to take that almighty and there is nothing that you cannot do now amen this car is i must greet everyone in the mighty name of jesus of course i can join with this song that said i feel like praising god all the time graduating last week this time i was in king's college hospital thank you i can't even say i know if his day or his night but i'm giving god thank you jesus all right but i'm giving you thanks and please i thank you all for your prayers and thank you for the song that i requested thank you jesus i thank you all i thank our mother pastor my friend who has called me but i am giving god thanks this morning amen that i am here i was so sick during that is a long testimony but i'm just giving god [Music] this week i'm here i'm giving god to when i've said it before bearing but it just came back to me and somebody said hey i remember when i was growing up in the church the brethren can vouch and say every sunday without fail i need to have migraines and i'll be browned about amen i couldn't open my eyes the sun was like the light was too much i'll be dizzy and i got to where i said enough is enough and i came to church and there was like healing service going on and i said god i've prayed about this before but this time i'm gonna as soon as i got the prayer right there that was probably [Music] i've got one now but i didn't have a proper chair my back was hurting quite a lot and every time i was dreaming i just couldn't click click and it was hurting and i came to church one tuesday and i said reverend my back is hurting i didn't cry before that but i just came up with my back his head i and i said you know what let me go into the outside yes but before i was going to the outside i saw a boy come in and the boy was the same height as me he was in here below me but it was the same height and when i checked there was the left urinal was being used and then there was two empty on the right and me being me i don't go next to somebody while they're in you know i'll sleep with space and go through my office so i was going to go there but martin go into the outside toilet i went to the outside toilet looked so what's going on and as i was walking back into the inside toilet i see people running in running out and making an olympian when i see a boy come on full of blood full of blood coming out of his eye and i got to find out that he went to use the same urinal that i was going to use and somebody came into the toilet for a pen off the praise god [Music] thank you jesus amen [Music] [Music] [Music] i could not dress everybody loves it but all i know god bless brother amen yes amen [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes m [Music] that time [Music] yes [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] is yes [Music] amen bless the lord [Music] um today i am free right [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] yes yes [Music] amen [Music] um [Music] [Music] yes amen right now she's doing live chorus [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh my friends [Music] is me peace me [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul is a witness for the lord amen i believe that there's somebody in here today that you were the doctor and they found a lump in your body and you're panicking what it is god said come let me pray for you right now there's somebody in here you see when god give a word out we don't need to be afraid and frightened we've been talking about healing the miracles from the service starts and in some way just saying he's a weakness do not go home or go back with that condition god wants you to be delivered the option is it's open it's down to you it's not it's not a secret invitation but ask publicly so if anyone is here that has a condition they all want to pray for you right now god is speaking if you want to hear that's down to individual [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is me yes [Applause] if is [Music] oh [Music] me where are we [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and after i reach that heavy city i want to know more than i know now [Music] heaven is our home [Music] heaven in our home this world is not our home the only person the only person true [Music] [Applause] mansion i want to know more [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh i want to know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes about this mansion i want to know more [Applause] i want to know more [Applause] [Music] that i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] beauty [Music] no more taps to pay no more bills to pay no more light to build today he is the light of the city he the light of the city amen [Music] no more going to work no more job in that mansion so bright and fair i want to go there you want to go there we want to go there leave this world behind it's trouble and pain we want to go there we want to go there we want to go there to god [Music] heaven is sweeter than earth what joy what joy they say awaiting us what joy awaiting us [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] this world will come to an end one day this world is coming to an end [Music] i don't need to write into you but you see very well that we are living in perilous times and heaven is coming down heaven is on his way john says i saw a new jerusalem a new heaven coming down the city of god i want to be there do you want to be there come on brethren this stroke of life is not worth it the joy that awaited us we can't imagine a joy we couldn't imagine it but it's a joy unspeakable and full of glory the heart has never yet been told [Music] keep your mind on the city keep your desire on the mansion in my father's house there are many mansions if you want that soul i wouldn't have told you i go to prepare i pray for you the way if i go i come again i will receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also he promised a promise you made a promise saying of god amen amen we want to recognize our pastor standing working on the pastor right now servants of god standing [Music] for us you've been awake he will explain to you i mean god bless you might become amen [Applause] shall we praise the lord shall we praise the lord shall we praise the lord shall we praise the lord praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him oh [Music] amen praise him about my jesus i want to know more about my lord amen if you don't know amen praise god now is your chance amen as i sing that song i said we sing what we do we do by faith in jesus christ we're singing about a lot we have never been to we're singing about a mansion we have never been in but we know it is real we know amen praise god for jesus said let not your heart be troubled he did not believe it in god believe also in me he said in my father's house there are many mansions and even a lie he said it was not so i wouldn't have told you he said i've gone to prepare that place so we can sing about it so we know it's real amen it's not a fairytale amen it's not fiction it's real the writer said i want to know more about that mansion hallelujah i want to know more about jesus the savior amen i'm giving thanks to my lord and savior jesus christ amen praise god i agree my pastor amen bless the lord jesus i greet all the ministers and servants and all the saints of god i agree to your non-visiting friends i greet in the mighty name of jesus christ our soon coming king amen bless the lord jesus it's been good to be in the house of the lord amen bless the lord jesus it's been a long time amen praise god and have we got tongues or your prayers that really keep me amen praise god and keep me going amen the writers say it's a mighty long way amen praise god it's a hard road to travel and amen praise god i've come up amen praise god and the amen praise god and i'm still standing amen bless the lord jesus the fiery dots have been shown amen praise god but the fence the wall amen praise god the protection was around me amen bless the lord jesus it's not easy being away and i've been away many a time praise god but it every time it's different my sister every time it's different amen and the devil amen praise god they they don't go on holiday amen bless the lord jesus i the devil amen praise god don't sleep amen come talk to somebody today the devil don't go on lockdown and stay in his house and and wait for him and praise god for everything the lord don't to ease amen praise him so amen praise god it's the same amen whether you're here you're getting the fight amen praise god whether you're in the building you're getting a fight and if you're at home you're getting a fight amen praise god for the devil is not going on holiday amen blessed but when you go on holidays coming with you amen bless the lord jesus so when i'm not here amen praise god i still get the fight amen bless the lord jesus but i know a lot about jesus amen and i know a lot about the mansion and i keep my eyes amen praise god and the praise amen praise the lord jesus to stay steadfast and movable in the work of the lord amen bless the lord jesus again i give thanks to be in his house amen praise god there's so much to say amen bless the lord jesus there's so much amen praise god the lord would have me to do amen bless the lord jesus but i can't do it on my own amen unless god give me the permission amen bless the lord jesus and one anything amen praise god that i've learned is that everything that jesus did amen praise god and his life on earth he did it for someone to get saved so when amen prayed every miracle that he did amen praise god was to save us all amen because guess what jesus said he wish i should come to repentance and that none should last so everything that he did amen praise god was not for him to look good but it's for someone to be safe amen praise god the scripture amen praise god i was read today i'd like brother o'hara to put up that scripture for me amen praise god will jesus turn the water into wine amen bless the lord jesus again amen praise god i greet my lord and savior jesus christ who's the head of my life amen praise god the bible said on the third day there was a marriage feast in cain and of galilee amen praise god a marriage feast amen praise god in the bible amen praise god it's typical the church it's a wedding amen praise god and the feast amen praise god represent the gathering of amen praise god the saints during a marriage feast there's a lot going on praise god the family is catching up amen praise god the bride uncle is having a good time amen praise god and god sees fit amen praise god for us to understand his word and what is going on in amen praise god john chapter 2 amen bless the lord jesus and i would imagine that amen bless the lord jesus that we all experience a marriage feast in some stage and fashion and most of the time it will be different one one person will want it this way while we want it that way amen bless the lord jesus so the bible said amen bless the lord that jesus was invited amen praise god to this marriage feast and his mother was there amen and that is important amen bless the lord because amen the bride amen praise god lord should be the centerpiece of any amen bless the lord marriage and the bride amen is actually the church the church is the bride of christ amen and that is one thing you need to remember in in you know the church is the bride of christ amen bless the lord in this story amen the run out of wine amen and where the church is concerned in that context amen so i talked to somebody today we know the story of the virgin the 10th virgin fiverr wise and five were foolish amen and we know again that represent the church the wise amen praise god the foolish amen and their excuse amen bless the lord with that they didn't have enough time to go and buy extra amen but a marriage feast it's been planned it's been pre-planned amen everything has been put in order it's been put in place amen the guest list is done the main speaker it is there amen the special guest is seated bless the lord all the the crack chris and the jewel we and all his silver and gold are done on the table amen the table is spread amen all the best food is out amen bless the lord jesus and everyone is having a nice time and that's typical of the church amen praise god you can't be having a nice time but not a spiritual time am i talking to someone today church you can't be having a nice time but not a spiritual time amen and i guess at this occasion that's what happened they were having a nice time praise god they were enjoying themselves my brother but it was a spiritual blessing coming down from high the bible said that the run out of the key ingredients which is the wine praising [Music] but at the time when the wine praise god evangelist was supposed to be the center of toast it wasn't here it was finished and you can take your eyes off the prize when you're in church because you're in church for a long time and you're so set in your ways you're so set in your ordinance that you missed what you supposed to know you missed the prize amen the man speak i haven't speak yet and you run out of wine what does that mean wine in the bible represent the spirit it represents the holy ghost spiritually the church cannot run out of holy ghosts because the holy ghost is in us amen the holy ghost is jesus christ inside of us living inside of us but they were so caught up in the feast itself that they missed the important bit that jesus was in their midst minister jesus was actually in their midst but when they ran out of wine and they questioned where is it they turn to jesus said we have no wine it's not even the end of the feast yet what we do we do by faith where we go we go by faith we live by faith we talk by faith we work by faith we pray by faith we act by faith the church is a lively stone the church come and attack all the time but jesus said upon this rock i built my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it will feel praise god that you're in the spirit and you feel good you're in church but as soon as you leave the building the devil is at the door waiting for you the devil is ready to steal your joy you will feel so good you're in church and it's all going well but as soon as you reach home all hair broke loose you should always take the spirit with you amen they say jesus the wine is finished we have no wine for the guests that's embarrassing my brother it's embarrassing you go to our wedding and they run out of food it's embarrassing but to run out of wine it's spiritual that's the difference here jesus in this lesson was teaching us as the church to be prepared amen praise god he was teaching us to make sure our battles are full make sure praise god we are ready jesus said to his mother get all empty vessels everything that you have fill them with water mary went back to the host and i would imagine the argument but she said whatever jesus said to do do it and that is the point i want to bring out to you in this message whatever jesus said to do do it amen [Applause] the water represents the cleansing it represents to remove the guilty stain it represents praise god that the church will be going through some situation but who should be called upon when we are low in the spirit they call upon jesus [Music] when the water turned to wine they were amazed at the taste of it why because it was jesus himself who brew this wine it was jesus himself who changed the natural into spiritual they realized that they were having a good time from the beginning and that's why it ran out because vanity and vanity and fixation are spirit all the good times will run out and the nice car will actually go in and praise god to the dump heat the hose one day will run down our clothes will rat our shoes will follow us on our feet but jesus saved the best for last he said give it to them let the governor taste it first if he approves of it that is good for the church it's good for the virgin and i'm saying to you today jesus promised that he will never leave you and he will never forsake you but the fact that he was invited to this marriage feast was not for his glory it was not for mary glory this is spiritual warfare we are fighting the amen wine have to finish one day but the wine that jesus who cannot finish it is a holy ghost it is the holy ghost it is the power of god you cannot put a price on it evangelist [Music] they asked the question where was this this is the best wine we have ever tasted jesus give the best every time my brother jesus give the best all the time and when we call upon him he will always answer jesus was at this marriage feast to perform this particular miracle his first his first was about the holy ghost the miracle wine that's what it was about is that we are enjoying life we are enjoying the things of this world but we need a holy ghost we need actually we need jesus the sacrifice i need to know more about him i want to know more about him this miracle marks the foundation of all his parables because he started in the spirit and he died in the spirit everything that he did was in the spirit jesus turned the water into wine and the bible says to set an example when you repent of your sins baptized in the name of jesus christ the wine represent the feeling of the holy ghost that's what the y represent they were having such a good time my brother they were having the best time of their life it was a wedding feast the bride was happy the groomers after the family was happy everyone was happy but they actually need jesus to put the icing on the cake and the key point there is whatever jesus said to do do it that's the key point because if you tell me to throw a water an empty buckle and then pour it out i would start to ask what's happening here i'm going to get water not wine but jesus doesn't think like man he is god of heaven he's god of earth whatever jesus said to do it is for a reason and a purpose the church as i said is a lively stone like yeah i know a must the church is never stagnant the church never sleeps amen bless the lord the church never waver between two opinions the church never run out amen praise god of power our anointing the church never lose its ascent the church never lose its glory jesus never lose his glory while he was there he was the glory while he was there he was the light while he was the earth he was the wine praise him while he was there he was the life while he was there he was dead and resurrection praise him so in the midst praise god they have the life giver in the midst praise god they have the miracle giver in the midst praise god they have the healer they have the great bomb in gideon praise him they have this kind of glory in their midst praise god while you have jesus you have everything praise him and jesus point this out to them the mary said whatever he said to do do it and today i challenge you whatever your condition is whatever jesus said to do do it i challenge you whatever your circumstances is whatever jesus said to do do it whatever your situation is whatever jesus said to do do it this was jesus first miracle but he didn't take away the glory from the feast for the first thing he did was in order he said give it praise god to the governor this order in jesus name not confusion jesus didn't want to take the glory for himself so he was actually governor who ordered a wine to be put out so today question the governor why did you have this before so long jesus didn't take the glory when you're healed from any sickness you know it's jesus healer when you are healed from any condition that you have you know it's jesus healer says jesus should get the glory it doesn't matter praise god how long it takes it doesn't matter how many physicians you have been to everything happened in due time and jesus knew from day one that the wine that they have would run out because he is god he know that the wine was of a high quality he knows jesus gave us time to repent he gave us time to know who he is jesus gave us time now if you have that time on your hand like at that wedding feast when they were singing and dancing they have all that time today if you have that time jesus is saying to you today he saved the best for last which is for you if you have received jesus as your personal savior he saved this time for you if you have received the feeling of the wine a taste of that wine he saved the best for you today if you have received praise god the baptism in the name of jesus christ today is for you jesus turn up at that marriage feast and as i said it didn't take the glory because the glory was not for him amen praise him he started by showing how the church amen praise god should be not just dancing and singing and clapping but everything should be spiritual in jesus christ that's why he saved the best for last the church is the body of christ it was called out as a set apart it was actually handpicked by jesus himself so all of us are peculiar all of us are special in the sight of god why for we are the bride of christ that means we are not ordinary we are different before we are the church called outside of people god has given us the faith he blessed us when i look at all what is happening in the world today i say thank god we have faith thank god the church have faith thank god the church tastes the wine of the spirit as we wouldn't be able to stand thank god we are not tossed to and fro with every country wind of doctrine but we are standing our ground we are standing firm and the foundation which is built by the apostles praise god which is jesus christ who is the chief carder stone praise him thank god we are not joking with a natural wine but we are full of the spirit thank god we have the understanding we are so over-minded that's the church thank god for you thank god for your prayers amen just remember whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do evangelists do it whatever jesus said to do brother do it whatever jesus said to do sister do it whatever jesus said to the evangelist do it whatever jesus said to you my brother do it whatever jesus said to evangelists do it whatever jesus said to do do it whatever jesus said to do do it hallelujah amen whatever jesus said to you brother do it [Music] whatever jesus said to you sister do it [Applause] amen jesus leave the best for last they questioned mary whatever jesus said to do be with evangelists that's the story jesus don't want the glory but if jesus said to do it do it if he said walk praise god to king's cross don't tell the boss jesus whatever jesus said to do do it [Music] if jesus said repent repent amen if jesus said have faith have faith in him whatever jesus said to do it sister don't fear [Music] mary is bringing a message she is bringing a message of hope a message of peace a message of healing a message of the church a message of the spirit whatever jesus said to do do it that's the message to understand to be so over-minded to be filled it do it if jesus said come and baptize come if jesus said you need prayer come if jesus repent come have jesus say you need to be saved come if you need salvation come amen jesus said praise god you need to be delivered from a condition come jesus said you need a refreshing come all of us in india are blessed every single one of us is blessed we cannot put a prayer i'm sorry bless why why sister because we wake up this morning we drive we walk we take bus we take children so we have that video bless for you wake up your hands are moving your feet are moving your mouth is moving every party is working fine so you're blessed you're in your right mind so you're blessed boy you're safe are you safe everything jesus do was to save a soul everything jesus do was to save a sinner from going to hell and mary is being obedient she didn't question that the authority that jesus gave she didn't question the command that jesus gave she said whatever jesus said to do do it the last time that you understand and this song says you may find salvation if you will you may find salvation if you will when song says you mean yes can you read it for me please um you may find salvation if you will let us pray for them as they're praying amen thank you jesus oh [Music] right [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] more so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen we give god thanks for today and as the minister was saying about the six water pots namas christ become the seventh one the living water six natural pots but he's next to it becomes the seventh number the living one so he's the living water today and at this time we've got thanks and we'll ask some event his camera because the prayer jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] christ [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] go away our service continues tonight six o'clock we have two tonight youth meets you got your meeting wednesday night surprise meeting certified class and proud fasting and for those that know on the 20 thank you this weekend coming 25th 24th 25th we have a thanksgiving meeting and all are welcome thank thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm set free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right all hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] oh [Music] yes yes
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 7,715
Rating: 4.7355371 out of 5
Id: jCA6JmIVm6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 17sec (6497 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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