HPAC - Thanksgiving 2021- Day 3 Morning

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thank you lord [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] the word of god says enter into his gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and into his courts with praise reverend there shouldn't be anything on our mind but to give god thanks all right it's time we're going to read psalms 136 all together in jesus name who give that food to all flesh for his mercy and joy all give thanks unto the god of heaven for his mercy enjoy forever praise the name of jesus praise the name of the lord can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me holy again nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] is oh is is me is uh [Music] me oh hey is me uh [Music] [Applause] nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] thank you jesus christ i must give honor to god we might pass against everyone in jesus name nothing but the blood of jesus the blood of jesus christ has run for me it has ransomed you it has redeemed us from our own wretchedness oh god many of us can look in our lives and see who we were and where we were and what we were doing but one day the blood of jesus reached down and redeemed us of our sins and give us life today in our sunday school this morning while we're speaking about the life of jesus christ and when young daniel asked how can i babysit save these people from their sin and i was looking at the awesomeness of god i said god you're such a wonderful god that that that you that you would put up your majesty afghanistan a human body god did not do any of that but he know why he done it and he went as a baby come up as a young as a young person become an adult i want the fullness of time he shared his blood that we could have life today and i'm truly giving him thanks you know last night i was really best brother well by the service i was really really blessed last night and i was saying god is such a wonderful god when when adventists are carrying animes have begun to sing near oh my god to thee are they begun to sing a song i remember titanic because it's in the movie titanic switch from that man who went on jesus i was singing a song i closed my eye and my heart i was saying god near oh my god today and i was saying god draw me nearer to thee and the word i will say god shall be nearer today is that i was at the feet of jesus christ and it's like i could see the blood running out from jesus on the cross and i'm afraid my heart has won the shambles and i was saying oh my god i'm so thankful that it pleased you to die on the cross that i can have life i said and i thank you for the blood i want you to not invite the blood of jesus and my prayer is nearer my god to thee and nothing god does break him the sea to get nearer to jesus christ because he has power in the blood there's a young lady here her name is sister beverly she says she's shy aren't you able to give a testimony for her god is read because i was saying to god god i don't want to give a testimony for somebody but god if it's you but that you will call me i'm gonna say will call me sister bethany where are you she's up there said she's a bit shy she said for 16 years she's been having trouble with her stomach she can't eat anything and she's been going to many doctors they've done many many many many many scans and whatever else they have done for her she can't eat anything she can't eat foods on a little bit of a veg she's allowed to eat on thursday i was driving and that bring her before me i said to caller and i called sister beverly and she was telling me what she was going through and i said do you believe god and she said yes she believed god and i said we're going to pray i said you have an alibi she said yes i said take some drink some and put some on your stomach and rub your stomach and we're going to pray and we prayed on the phone brother i'm virgin as she came today and said sister kelly i am healed she said i'm healed she said for 16 years she's not been able to eat i know she can't eat anything she doesn't talk there so she can't eat anything sometimes until now she's not having any upset stomach and she can't eat that is a miracle working god and yes power in the blood there's power in the blood not only the bible not only the bible healing perform but today 16 years later she's a testimony but she says she's shy and she don't want to give it to herself but i'm saying god is a good god and central is never busy he's always on the line and as the minister was saying last week whatsoever god tell me to don't do it do it because we don't know who's going to get healed and who is going to be blessed and i'm thanking god that she can testify tell her family and our friends those who know her that she was not well and see that she's eating now that they can know that god is real and god is a healer not only mankind can go in your body and operate on you but jesus christ himself work in his spirit i can heal our body so anyone in here need a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and jesus will heal you for instance of the working god in jesus name praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus god is worthy and always be worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down just the same he's god all by himself and there's none like him praise the name of jesus see inside ted ford the kingdom since my life he controls [Music] jesus the sweetest [Music] since [Music] [Music] to jesus [Music] he goes [Music] he's [Music] it's the sweeter [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] to reach the masses foreign oh is foreign me is uh me me me oh me is is is [Applause] raise them this is [Music] it says lift him up by living as a christian lord let the word in you the savior see that men will gladly follow him who wants to what i'll draw all men unto me remember it doesn't make sense us singing this song and we're living contrary to the word wherever it is for us to let the word take root in our life that we don't have to speak we can just walk on the road and somebody say you're a christian somebody can say how come you don't do that let me come to your church because a lot of the times reverend is this too much of this and not living right and it's our duty to live right and once we live right people will follow and come to christ praise the lord in the bible it said that in the ten commandments it says that we should not we should not um [Music] [Music] foreign god is good [Music] me [Music] is oh [Music] my me [Music] uh [Music] time psalm 136 26 [Music] says forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] that god is good all of the time so that means in the good times and the bad it means when you find out that you're sick he's still good when you're up on the mountain he's still good when you're down in the valley he's still good but it's easy for us to forget when we're down in the valley that god like sister chishan said that when she was in that situation sometimes you can forget about god but the brother just repeated it to remind us again that in any situation god is good [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] easy [Music] me [Music] [Music] myself snails me my [Applause] falls bye thank you god is reminding us that he can do anything brother is in mind in us that he is awesome that we don't have to go to any other gods because they're the works of man but god is awesome [Music] uh foreign um hello praise god the song says to let the spirit move that means that we get out of the way and we allow god to get his glory [Applause] the song says let the spirit move that means whatever is in our minds wherever it is in our hearts that's going to stop god getting the glory we need to move out the way we need to let the spirit move it says my brothers and sisters no one is exempt everyone let the spirit move we want god to get his glory as brother joe was saying it's thanksgiving and you've got if you've got something to give god thanks for please stand up and testify no exaltation no singing testify in jesus name he'll be the first [Music] [Applause] is [Music] baptized me my foreign uh oh people oh me [Music] when [Music] uh huh uh we're they is lord i am ready to work for you we need god's anointing to work for him i need your anointing i need a way down [Music] [Applause] we are nothing without god but we need god to do something mighty in this place we need god to do something right in this place we need his anointed right there in your seat oh god and say lord i need your help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mm-hmm [Applause] [Applause] praise god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] reverend this should be our cry this should be our plea to ask god for the anointing we need god in our hearts we need god in our souls we need god to do a new thing in this place and we can't do this new thing the news can't we need god's anointing it's not bodily exercise it's not jumping up and down it's about god coming in our hearts and giving us the anointing we want that anointing to pour over it's not about feeling nice it's about god getting his glory it's not about feeling nice it's about god getting his praise the bible says i will enter into his gates with thanksgiving in my heart i will enter into was caught with praise that's the only thing we should come here for we shall leave our burdens at the door we need god's anointing if there are no more testimonies i expect plenty of service back remember the song says fire fire fire fire fall on me and i hope that the pentacles of fire will fall on me today [Applause] [Music] what's [Music] amen amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] praise the lord [Music] dance i remember when lord has taken me from i was nothing i had nothing to cover without my wretched ways i was miserable i was angry my mouth wasn't clear i wasn't thinking anything good from my own future what was somebody's future but thanks me to god that killed my life one day and remember the last saturday should give your life to me i will never leave enough for safety i went to that convention in november the 16th when the lord was speaking to me and i had another one to a child at my side i looked at the baby i looked in my life i said god oh my god there'll be a father there was a bird winner and commander of you and god said you'll give your life to me i will never leave and not forsake you and i remember because i gave my life to the lord he said to me the very father went against me he wouldn't give me anything remember falling one time and that's i need a feeling for the baby and he said call me back i called him back he said come back the dragon was coming back and he would be able to get away [Music] i was twenty-four years old i should have protested one that time it was 2001. and at the end of the phone i said god you are angel father i say god you are my father that was 2001 and now we are in 2021 and god has been a fearful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and she was impressed by angel to scourge the next deal amen god has been a father from last time like that and god has been a father i remember went out again and i needed five more more to pay for the goods i was buying some books in random in whatever store anna said that mr i was working at the time that was the saturday and i came to church this sunday and eventually stumbled and said god put together who said [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] is that if the person if the actors will get in trouble [Music] i never keep the past since saturday and the battle is damn camera i'm giving [Music] [Applause] god [Music] true out of the world and i understand within two weeks [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me he wasn't here he turned his butt on me on the challenger [Music] he will never fear [Music] every time i cry [Music] address [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] where would we be today if jesus christ had not come into our life and i said that really keep us yesterday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um don't really have a word i'm going to try to sing my voice is going but bear with me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm so [Music] so [Music] bless the lord jesus bless the lord jesus bless the lord jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god god is good god is good all the time bless the lord to him and pastor saints i reach in the mighty name of jesus i just want to tell somebody that god is good all the time and all the time god is good you know it was this week i was indoors and i was testifying to myself and the songwriter said sometime you have to encourage yourself i'm not going to go in the bible because we all know the bible we know the bible very well we can teach it exalt it we know it well but i'm going to share some experience with you i remember when i was doing my degree and i needed to bring in my assignments at the time there was 10 assignments to bring in and i remember my laptop went missing [Music] i remember sister kelly came in and we turned the house upside down even the bed we moved and i couldn't find a laptop and i'm saying god what is this and i remember i called my poster and i was telling her what had happened and she was so upset god is good all the time and i remember that i could not find that laptop so i was late handing my assignments and i'm saying god are you teaching me patience because god this is more than enough and i remember i had to see a year and when i did sit the year bedroom and it came in for me to get my degree i passed with distinction and i remember that at the time i wasn't sorted and when i went to collect my degree they said to me i already paid over three thousand for home fees they said to me oh um because something is on the phone we need to see something i'm telling somebody that god can't do this and i remember that i couldn't provide what they wanted and they said we are sorry we are holding your degree unless you can pay us 10 000 pounds and i said god what is this on me and i remember i went god bless you mom i remember i went to see her and when i went to see her it was just two of us when you trust god when you depend on god and i remember she said we're going to pray [Applause] and she prayed brethren and i did most of the crime i couldn't even pray i was crying most of the time virgin they hold my papers for two years and she prayed and when she prayed i got a letter and the letter says oh we have noticed that since your degree you haven't came to collect it you can come in and pick it up god is good all [Applause] that's just one there's so many times god has proven himself to me you know what i came out of service couple weeks couple months are back and when i went back home because mommy's not well and she's hiring so we don't leave the house really unless we have to work from home everything and i remember when i went in i wasn't feeling myself and i remember says god what is this and i says god mom is not well the children are here i can't afford nothing and i remember i started feeling so cold so cold and i remember i i cursed the natoya and i was talking to her and she was saying we're going to open and my daughter started laughing to say yes mom you'll get warm in the oven but brethren it went from that too where i start having headaches body aches breathing i it's so quick i don't know what happened and i remember i started coughing and i could not stop coughing and it goes down until i couldn't breathe brethren normally you just take a breath no problem we're just us this flesh is nothing to glory and this flesh and breathing i remember to breathe i couldn't take a deep breath i was like i could not breathe i'm talking about the goodness of god and i remember i called sister latoya and i'm saying i don't want to go to the hospital i don't trust them i'm not going there i've worked with them in maternity i've seen a lot i've known too much and she was saying um sis be careful and it went so bad that she had to leave work three in the morning and drive all the way over to me may god bless her i love her because god god use anybody if your heart is in the right place god will use anybody who you're looking to fart i don't want them to do it you hold on and wait on god and she drove all the way through in the morning and she might reach me about four and she post whatever in the letter box and i remember i was there and i'm saying no god this this can't happen and i'm saying god i will rather trust you and die in here then go to hospital and give me something to live i said god you are the god of the work you are the god of my salvation that i said you hide me and you cover me and i said that you're still able and when i started praying and i was up one night all night can't breathe god can't do nothing and i'm telling you brethren i stayed there and i'm saying god i can't get upstairs because mom is not well and brethren mom took sick on top of that god is amazing i'm telling somebody that god is a healer it doesn't matter what it is god can and will be able to see you through and i remember my husband wasn't with me all night robbing me and he was saying you're not going to hospital not losing my wife you're not going to hospital i said i'm not going either because i'm trusting god mister the sea of god that take me on that flat bridge let's see i've got that common man hiding here for so long after that i am trusting god and i'm telling you where god came through god came through and i was able to look after mom because mum was in a terrible state and i said god i said bring her and bring her in to take the vaccine i said god what is this i says mom you want to take the party she said no we said all right we're going to trust god and brethren when we i prayed and they said called gpa she can't come in the hospital at this time when i call the gp the gp can't see us the gp don't have any appointment for phone appointments either i said god you are the bomb in here you're the great physician you're the divine healer you're the system and mighty torah as the help of the helpless lord all i'm gonna do is just worship i'm telling somebody when you're doing all you can do when you pray all the prayers when you do all the fasting and you don't know what else to do worship don't break through it in that worship forget about everything look to god and worship him and i'm telling you bridget i was like a mad person in the house so the time when the children look at me and they see me upon them and cry they look and they open their eyes as they say what's going on right now but god is a good god brethren time to tell you half of what he has done but young people hold on to god hold on to god it doesn't matter what it is i'm an exam and i don't know the exam and i asked god and god shone and i came out in distinction i'm telling you in every aspect of your life it doesn't matter what it is trust god when you've done everything and when you have enough and you don't know what else to do god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask for things if you believe him draw closer to him it's a personal connection it's a personal thing get into jesus and you'll see work god bless you in jesus name thanksgiving meeting and i'm going to say it one more time reverend minister gave the testimony that he didn't have a job he himself has children and a wife mortgage and bills to pay but what he did was he came into thanksgiving meeting like this and he said god no matter what it is i'm going to give you 100 and when he done that the week later god provided him with a job reverend i remember pastor said in fasting yesterday that she had ulcer i believe it was and um i think she said she went to the doctors and everything and all of that but it wasn't going and she was sick sick sick and what she done was she stripped herself and she anointed her head to her feet and she said in the name of jesus reverend that same faith that she had and she got our healing they say that you're not meant to get healed from that just like adventist johnson she had the same thing and what she done was she prayed and got heather in her sleep she had a dream that she was praying for somebody else that had a sickness and in that sleep she said god has healed me from ulcer and when she woke up that also was gone and that's the god that we serve brethren where is his name that is a good guard you know um weeks because you know the lockdown and most churches close weeks i've been praying and i'm saying jesus i need a church i really need a church and she mentioned she's going to church and we were churches and i'm living in the elephant and castle and it's a good way and i'm saying oh my god not sure yet it's far away well everything was going wrong today everything was going wrong i went to london bridge and i waited there for sister paulette and i met her out there but it's to me is it it comes in as if i was going around the world but then my god is good our god is great because i love my jesus sometime i'm in my house believe it or not and i'm either watching the telly reading my bible or whatever and i don't know where i know he's real and i know he's always with us this mighty breeze comes from i oddly open my window i don't actually open it too unless it's a kitchen where i can get breeze and i always feel a mighty breeze just come in and disappear i said thank you jesus i know it's you no one else because the place is closed in the name of jesus but i'm glad that i made it today because i got up so early this morning it's like my spirit was eager i got up seven o'clock and went to my show and get myself ready so i know the lord is with me today and i'm happy i can i'm very happy because i did enjoy the service i'm not saying i'm not hundred percent sure when or how i will make it back because it's a good way but god is good and i did enjoy the service it was excellent thank you very much when i think of all that he has done something happened to me and my life is dedicated to god and i need to continue jesus christ [Music] everyone knows the story of jonah that the lord sent him to go and speak to the people of nineveh and tell them what the lord wanted them to know and he didn't want to go so he went on a boat to go the opposite direction because he didn't want to tell them what the lord wanted to know because he knew that the lord had mercy of the man and it ended up that um jonah was angry he was angry that the lord didn't have um that the lord had mercy upon ninety but he forgot that when he was in the belly of the face that the lord delivered him and the lord saved him and i did i was searching something and i was like how likely is it for a fish to bring back up something that it eats and it's not like this only when it's in his throat but strong was in the belly the deepest part of the weight and the lord still spoke to the fish and said to the food to let him out amen he was so ungrateful and he didn't thank god until he was angry and even said to the lord kill his brother that i would die he didn't he never thought about the fact that the lord saved him and the lord kept him so i'm just praying that lord would help us to help me to not be ungrateful and to always think that no matter if i'm down he still keeps me if i'm up he still keeps me and to remember where he's brought us all from jesus [Applause] no matter what situation you're in you could be writing the deepest deepest deepest part of the situation the darkest darkest tunnel and you don't see no light at the end but i actually said god can reach you right in that deep place just like how the brother has been singing the song my god is awesome he can move mountains he can keep me in the valley and hide me from the rain right the time we've heard so much through song through exaltation through testimonies and if you know that god can deliver then i'm just going to ask for us to stand and just give god some praise in jesus name praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name on jesus that has done too much for us to be quiet forever we are apostolic brethren we give god thanks the bible says with the symbols we give your thanks the bible says with your heart many miles behind me too many trails i've been through too many tears that helped me to remember there's too much to gain to lose when there's no time to look back there's no time to look back where the devil's trying to go on our track it's proven skilled this jehovah's will though that belongs to this way but we're gonna conquer and tread we will push ahead and roll the sea away give god your best that's what i'm asking for this is thanksgiving this is not youth meeting or convocation it's thanksgiving by this time i'm gonna ask the pastor she has anything to like to say to the church in jesus name two many miles behind me go through hey anywhere me i've crossed the heartburn but something [Music] please foreign [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] uh is hey [Music] [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] one oh oh uh uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] cheers uh hey me [Music] today hey hey so uh [Music] [Music] is oh me oh oh uh hey [Music] oh hey hey [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] if you need there's too much to gain to lose there's too much to me to lose too much me foreign business [Music] me ah hey is [Music] okay me oh [Music] is oh [Music] uh oh [Music] behind me [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] grace [Music] look at yourself don't think why she said that is for me it's for you not just for me is for you [Music] you gotta know for yourself how many mountains you have been through you got to know for yourself all the tests and the sorrow you've been through and you gotta know for yourself amen you gotta know for yourself that god is with you hallelujah yes not for me it's for you as well hallelujah yes yes yes i don't know for yourself [Applause] if you got to get back you a singing defeat are you using it for me i am singing for myself sing it for yourself [Applause] defeat is one word you're gonna let satan rob your joy you're gonna backslide because somebody don't like you they didn't love jesus as world drop in my spirit when i was coming to church and i was talking to somebody and it came to me right away that jesus had free am i right peter james and john so you need somebody but did you know that when jesus was praying there wasn't there that's what to you hallelujah whenever when jesus wanted them he didn't want them because god almighty's god almighty but he'll leave the example for me and you amen i thought they were with you sister amanda but when you need them then idea [Applause] [Music] but they gotta remember jesus [Music] [Applause] it's tuesday and when he was praying he set the example for you and i that many times you might be looking that they are close to you and they'll be there that was there with jesus hey are you choosing he loved them ikea and his god almighty yet he never let them do it he prayed so assuring you on that he was being defeated and all those that were with jesus they never die on them this flag there were so on a sunday that turned them upside down and crucified because they wanted to crucify but they wasn't worthy to turn up like jesus turn them upside down sod [Applause] hey are you gonna follow jesus anywhere everywhere jesus come close if you're gonna follow him you're gonna suffer [Music] when you think of hell what i do i don't think of this conduct in the era i want to make sure i don't stumble anyone but i think for myself i don't come here to tell you guys when i'm out i'm not gonna overcome that and i'm not overcoming idea i'm telling you you should be praying i may not pray when temptation come against me me squeal up like a shame i'm telling you be strong in the lord remember jesus choose and god put the spirit on the screen yesterday jesus choose so you can choose your friends or when they let your own robux when they let you don't come to church when their letter and rejoice and declaring the lord because while you're part of him that's why i'm glad god is with us amen the lord thy god is with us the god of indian monika banister in douglas he's with us hallelujah the lord thy god is with us [Applause] praise praise praise him praise him praise him not only the god of jacob for the god of your god the god of your god is with you you don't know what trouble you might be going through this smoke [Music] that's not fire it might be going through like something there getting you down but that's not fair it's not like i tell you that you only have three days to leave i have hope amen what you are going through is good because thank god you don't stuck that's why you're here today you are going to meet jesus and i trust almighty god that we won't be ungrateful to god every one of us never tastes steamed money every one of us in here can talk what god have done for us so too many miles too many some just i'll build your way and go to you are you gonna go there by yourself when your appearance show your young are you married who else can help you we're gonna go with you the word of god you're gonna go there by yourself there's no one else to go there with you so there's a time when you'll be going through there's a time when you'll be going through some trials heart ache different from other people that's their business that but when you are going through and you are looking things jesus never get none in his flesh amen we are blessed to have one another to form the disciple never have known and we'll okay we have the bible to read they never have none we're reading their testimony david and man and what samuel and joshua and charges and paul and rooney but i've got to give somebody some noise i'll tell you in my heart let's take it as a joke this sunday i'm going to church but we have the burden and then no jesus no not their time look when you were growing up as young look what happened now we see jesus now the time there for we are going through some storms and if christ is not in the vessel he was in the vessel with his disciples god was in the vessel you know so god not leave you god is in you but when you're going through them stop you you can't believe god is there he's here he's with you he was with them and they didn't know that in billy if they thought him sleeping so sometimes you're going through some heartaches and pain you want to know if god forsake you you're fast you'll pray you'll try you'll read the bible and you'll try your own feelings not only daily but god is with us remember the storm you're gonna be calm because when you pray you find it's different god is so good you can't pray let your cry what where'd that come from see god provide eye water i know it's not i wipe your nose and only make up i tell you when you cry you feel bad because of him you have got courage somebody the lord thy god almighty is with you and that's what matters amen [Music] when god is in the best you're right when god almighty is in you and i no matter the stone as you pray he said peace he said wait on the lord and while you're waiting have faith have patience of courage and believe easy and [Music] mighty god no stone no storm can get us down also the ship won't sink we won't backfly when the ship sink your backslide that means god come out of you all your money so go back where you come from no retreats no surrender now i gotta give up praise god you're gonna press i want your prayers in your prayer because sometimes where something's in your ears well you don't wanna hear them they are going through a storm where they don't have no experience so they're gonna give you their testimony you know i hear that they cut that not you not this you want something else and they are giving you their experience and sometimes they don't pray and they don't ask her to ask what to say to you they say what in their mind and he don't help for jesus amen he knows our kill he knows ourselves before we were born he know we've been here praise god and whether we want to come or not he said we must be a hero we're going to stand we're going to stand and look in your life how many miles how far you're coming from how how many time you overcome how many times you were tempted and taste you're never backstage so you're gonna make that backslide you know that i don't know what it is but that too many miles you come this far by faith if you were leaning on pastor you'll backslide a long time you never lean on bishop from pastor i'm an elena osborne no bridger at a box live and a big i don't come to church looking nobody alive and when we hear it since i don't take it on but i don't know if it's true i wasn't here i hear me also so i become an entrepreneur and community church that god will answer me and i hear he says you're joking no when god almighty is in your life no matter what you're gonna look where take you from you're gonna look what he bring us here you're gonna look in our light to say why you give me another chance don't look at others he said don't lean on others they know jesus god bless you god bless your dear brother i bless you all god is good i don't stop no children no big person but this church don't belong to children it's not douglas on company [Music] and it's not for the youths and it's not not sure foreign this church another building the building belong to somebody the building belonged to us but the church of jesus christ was right in the world and put us together like this they belong to you so that you would meet in a big people meeting if we have that god will never stay here praise god i'm glad that brother stood i didn't tell him last night to come up here and leave i didn't tell them to this and that but god is moving in their life and it's a willing service we're praying for us that we be a good light our good old one we from 25 the bible told me that the leaders start from it [Music] ally eat under the leadership of the leader and twenty the bible say from twenty of worlds amen is we choosing leader when god chooses me to lead me never mind yet and while i was in church it was like this everybody i hope none of them want and work towards that go to world church to get saved not to be no evangelist don't have it in my mind to me not me you know that but god have it long time before you and i were born what we are to be is not what we choose that we choose if we're gonna fail but if god give us he gonna he gonna lead us he's to direct us you're going to give us the grace you're going to give us the patience you're going to have the courage it's like some people they had their children to be a doctor in their mind but the children won't harass the man i don't want to smoke a script and they want a rough work amen the boys want a girl with something else but so to do on christian i'm from shore and it shows that you come stepping there and then the parents say that none of your business yes if somebody not in their mind to serve almighty god you cannot let them serve him [Music] no that's why you say certainly each then backslide why are they pure and scare them to church not them some of them backslide and they're trying everything outside why they were coming to church for the appearance the appearance said when they realized the backslide that they can find out for themselves so when them come they come for them not for appearance we don't can't put spirit in any path can force anybody to serve gods the bird of god says a willing service you have good courage and that's gonna close in prayer amen sometimes somebody do a very good thing for us and we never answer thanks and when somebody get it and say thank you so you have time i have time for that for [Music] you never know sometimes people excited and they began them and shut them out i don't use the bible said when god give this sight to this man the bible said the man will body [Applause] the other side because they don't need music them think they're right say they don't need it but when you need it it's different from when you want [Applause] when you are proud somebody else just said shut your mouth i meant too much nice item i can't wait fisher because they don't need it the bible say this former god you have to know for yourself is your crime now we this poor man cry when you are crying god hearing you not only david but crying out to almighty god he's hearing you but sometimes your thought is not hearing you why it take too long i may not see what we're praying for but it's a will and be of good courage when he come through he gave you a surprise [Music] god be with somebody when he was in senior suffer so if you're suffering now at least you have jesus a little bit of god better than none [Applause] [Music] and if you come to church one day you will get strong but when you stay home you get weak and weak and meet until you give up our god give you up be strong everyone knows the story of jonah that um the lord sent him to go and speak to the people of nineveh and tell them what the lord wanted them to know and he didn't want to go so he went on the boat to go the opposite direction because he didn't want to tell them what the lord wanted to know because he knew that the lord would have mercy on him and it ended up that um jonah was angry he was angry that the lord didn't have a mercy that lord had mercy upon ninety but he forgot that when he was in the belly of the faith that the lord delivered him and the lord saved him and i did i was searching something and i was like how likely is it for a fish to bring back up something that it eats and it's not like this only when it's in his throat but strong was in the belly the deepest part of the weight and the lord still spoke to the fish and said to the fish to let him out amen and he was so ungrateful and he didn't thank god he was angry and even said to the lord killed his brother that i would die he didn't he never thought about the fact that the lord saved him and the lord kept him so i'm just praying that lord would help us and help me to not be ungrateful and to always think that no matter if i'm down he still keeps me if i'm up he still keeps me and to remember where he's brought us all from jesus what he said was it's very deep in our brain and what what came to me was no matter what situation you're in you could be right in the deepest deepest deepest part of the situation the darkest darkest tunnel and you don't see no light at the end but i should say god can reach you right in that deep place just like how the brother has been singing the song my god is awesome he can move mountains he can keep me in the valley and hide me from the rain right the timber we've heard so much through song through exaltation through testimonies and if you know that god can deliver then i'm just going to ask for us to stand and just give god some praise in jesus name praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus that has done too much for us to be quiet forever we are apostolic bravery we give god thanks the bible says with the symbols we give god thanks the bible says with your heart with your mind that everything that have breath praise the lord too many trails i've been through too many tears that helped me to remember there's too much to gain to lose remember there's no time to look back there's no time to look back where the devil's trying to go on our tracks we will push ahead and roll the sea away but with all the monsters that you give god your best this is not youth meeting or convocation it's thanksgiving by this time i'm gonna ask the pastor she has anything she'd like to say to the church in jesus name [Music] behind me [Music] there is too much oh anyways yes today i was [Music] [Music] please daddy we are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] if there's too much to gain to lose there's too much to me to lose too much me [Music] me oh hey [Music] okay [Music] the time i got saved are looking into me look in yourself don't think why she said that is for me it's for you not just for me is for you you got to know for yourself how many mountains you have been through you got to know for yourself all the tests and the sorrow you've been through i got to know for yourself amen you got to know for yourself that god is with you hallelujah yes not for me it's for you as well hallelujah yes yes yes i don't know for yourself [Applause] if you're gonna get back are you a singing defeat are you seeing it for me i am significant myself singing for yourself [Applause] defeat is one word you're gonna let satan rob your joy you're gonna backslide because somebody don't like you they didn't love jesus as i was up in my spirit when i was coming to church and i was talking to somebody and it came to me right away that jesus had free am i right peter james and john so you need somebody but did you know that when jesus was praying there wasn't there that's okay hallelujah whenever when jesus wanted them he didn't want them because god almighty is god almighty but he lead the example for me and you amen i thought they were with you sister amanda but when you need them then idea [Music] but they got to remember jesus [Applause] it's tuesday and when he was praying he set the example for you and i that many times you might be looking that they are close to you and they'll be there that was there with jesus hey are you it he loved them ikea and his god almighty yet he never let them do it he prayed so i'm showing you all that he was being defeated and all those that were with jesus they never die on them bid this i feel like there was sauna sunday that turned them upside down and crucified because they wanted to crucify but there was worthy to turn up like jesus turn them upside down and sword the others that cut me head off [Applause] hey are you gonna follow jesus anywhere everywhere [Applause] jesus word of god somebody who called somebody i thought they got to help you they're complaining when you think of hell what i do i don't think of this conduction there i want to make sure i don't stumble anyone but i think for myself i don't come here to tell you guys when i'm out i'm not going to overcome that and i'm not overcoming idea i'm telling you you should be praying i may not pray when temptation come against me we squeal up like a shame i'm telling you'll be strong in the lord [Music] remember jesus jews and god put this rejoicing jesus choose so you can choose your friends or when they let your own robux when they let you don't come to church when they let around rejoice and declaring the lord because while you're part of him that's why i'm glad god is with us amen the lord thy god is with us the god of indian monika banister in douglas hallelujah the lord thy god is with us praise praise praise him praise him praise him not only the god of jacob for the god of your god the god of your god is with you [Applause] you don't know what trouble you might be going through this smoke [Music] that's not fire it might be going through like something there getting you down but that's not right it's not luck that i tell you that you only have three days to leave amen what you are going through is good because thank god you don't stuck that's why you are here today you are going to meet jesus and i trust almighty god that we won't be ungrateful to god and everyone of our city ever takes steam money every one of us in here can talk what god have done for us there's no one else to go there with you so there's a time when you'll be going through there's a time when you'll be going through some trials heart ache different from other people that's their business that but when you are going through home and you are looking things jesus never gets none in his flesh amen we are blessed to have one another to phone the disciple never have known jesus and we okay we have the bible to read they never have none we're reading their testimony david and man and this sunday going to church but we have the bible and then married the bible hold them down we need gods the word is saying virginia we need jesus no not near time look when you were growing up was young look what happened now we did jesus now the name time there for we are going through some storms and if christ is not in the vessel he was invested with his disciples god was in the vessel you know so god not leave you god is in you but when you're going through them stop you you can't believe god is there he is here he is with you he was with them and they didn't know that it really if they thought him sleeping so sometimes you are going through some heartaches and pain you want to know if god forsake you your fast your prayer your trial you read the bible and you'll try your own feeling because we're telling that's why god do what him have to do when he is well thank god it's with us not only daily but god is with us remember that's strong you're gonna be calm because when you pray you'll find it's different god is so good you can't pray let your cry what where that come from you see god provide eye water i know it's not i wipe your nose and only make it make your wife jesus christ i tell you when you cry you feel bad because of him they have good courage somewhere the lord thy god almighty is with you and that's what matters amen when god is in the vest you're right when god almighty is in you and i no matter the stone as you pray he said peace he said wait on the law and while you're waiting have faith have patience of course and believe easy and be of woo and he said and he's shocked that's what i'm saying so if they hope i trust in almighty god no stone no storm can get us down also the ship won't sink we won't backfly when the ship sink your backslide that mean god come out of you all your money so go back where you come from no retreats no surrender i gotta give up praise god you got to press i want your press in your pray because sometimes where something's in your ears well you don't want to hear them they are going through a storm where they know i have no experience so they got to give you their testimony you know i hear that because that you're not this you want something else and they are giving you their experience and sometimes they don't pray and they don't ask god to ask what to say to you they say what in their mind i need no help but jesus amen he knows our king he knows ourselves before we were born he knew we've been here [Applause] praise god and whether we want to come or not he said we must be a hero going to stand we're going to understand that look in your life how many miles how far you're coming from how many time you overcome how many times you were tempted and test you're never backstage so you're gonna make that backslide you know that i don't know what it is but that too many miles you come this far by faith if you were leaning on passing your backs like a long time me never leaned on bishop i'm pastoring i'm an elena meals banana no birthday at a box live because their life a good family and i'm looking at nobody life i don't come to church looking nobody alive and when we hear it since i don't take it on but i don't know if it's true i wasn't here i hear me also so why the community come believe it for right now and come in the church that god don't answer me and i hear he says you're joking now praise him when god almighty is in your life no matter what you're going to look where it take you from you're going to look what he brings here you're going to look in our light to say why you give me another chance don't look at others he said don't lean on others they know jesus god bless you god bless your dear brother i miss you all god is good i don't stop no children no big person but this church will belong to children it's not doglassen company and it's not for the youths and it's not for the big people not sure whether this church another building the building belongs to somebody the building belong to us but the church of jesus christ will write in our hearts and put us together like me we belong to you so that you would meet in a big people meeting if we have that god will never stay here praise god i'm glad that brother stood i didn't tell him last night to come up here and leave i didn't tell them to this and that but god is moving in their life and it's a willing service we're praying for us that we be a good light our good old one week from 25 the bible told me that the leaders start from it [Music] ally it under the leadership of the leader and twenty the bible say from twenty upward amen is we choosing leader when god choose me to lead me never and while i was in church it was like this everybody i opened what they want and work towards that go to church to get saved not to be no evangelist that have it in my mind to me now mean all that but god have it long time before you and i were born what we are to be is not what we choose that we choose if we're gonna fake it but if god give us he gonna he gonna lead us he's gonna direct us he's gonna give us the grace he's gonna give us the passion he cannot have the courage he's like some people they had their children to be a doctor in their mind but the children won't harass the man i don't want to smoke a script and they want a rough work amen the boys want to go with the something else boss out to door and christian i'm from shore and it shows that you come stepping there and then the parents said that none of your business that's what what they're happy like that you're gonna pray yes if somebody not in their mind to serve almighty god you cannot let them serve him [Music] no that's why you say certainly each then backslide why are the imperials scare them to turn that name some of them backslide and they're trying everything outside why they were coming to church for appearance the appearance said when they realize their backslide that they can find out for themselves so when they come they come for them not for appearance we don't can't put spirit in any paths can't force anybody to serve god the bird of god says a willing service we have good courage and that's gonna close in prayer amen sometimes somebody do a very good thing for us and we never answer thanks and when somebody get it and say thanks you have time i have time for that for you never know sometimes people excite him and he began them and shut them out they don't knows the bible said when god give this sight to this man the bible said the man will body loud and crying out when he wants his eye he battled jesus son of david [Applause] but when you need it it's different from when you want [Applause] when you're crying somebody else just said shut your mouth i've made too much noise i mean i can't wait fisher [Music] now we this poor man cry when you are crying god hearing you not only david but i crying out to almighty god he's hearing you but sometimes your thought is not here in your why it takes too long may not see what i'm praying for but it's a will i'll be of good courage when it comes through he gives you a surprise [Music] god be with somebody a little bit of god better than none [Applause] [Music] and if you come to church one day you will get strong but when you stay home you get weak and weak and weak until you give up our god give you up be strong somebody
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 16,458
Rating: 4.7538462 out of 5
Id: oWDJvyFrDug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 10sec (9490 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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