HPAC - Come Thus Far Find No Fault

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] way back [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hey [Music] towards me thank god for you know sparing our life that we can see another sunday that we can come in his house to worship him and you know when we were here this morning and the presence of the lord was here with us and you know we were just singing his praises and you know as brother joe was he was saying you know that's what the lord wants from us he wants praises praise god and we're just here to lift up the name of jesus to give him all the praise because he has done so much for us i know he has done so much for me that if i was supposed to stand here and just start to talk about all the things that god has done there wouldn't be time for somebody else but you know i know where i'm coming from and i know where i could have been and i'm glad that i'm in the house of the lord one more time because there is nowhere no there's no better place to be but in the house of the lord especially in these closing days of time this is the day that the lord has made and this is not it this is our opportunity to give him our all it's our it's our opportunity you know to if you if you if you're lacking behind is to try and catch up if you if you slow if you if your pace is slow is to try and run you know as the songwriter said i'm running for my life if anybody asks you what's the matter with me tell them i'm safe sanctified holy ghost filled water baptized jesus on my mind and running for my life and you know you know and i i'm just encouraging everyone that you know no matter what you might be going through no matter how you feel god is able praise god i'm just going to sing a refrain because it's a song that i really want to sing but i don't know brother howard can fight it um but i'll just sing the chorus in jesus name over and over again and again god is faithful over and over again and again through it all he made me able to stand and survive [Music] jesus is with me and i claim the victory over and over again over and over again and again god is faithful [Music] over and over again and again through it all he made [Music] i couldn't make it [Music] but jesus is with me so i claim the victory over and over god is faithful [Music] he's made [Music] [Applause] [Music] my but jesus is with me and i claim the victory over and over again over and over again and again over and over again and again through it all [Music] but jesus is with me so i claimed so jesus is over and [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the over in jesus name praise the lord [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great thank you jesus and i just want to praise him give him the honor but because of his grace but when it hit home some time ago when in one week i had three that three deaths in three days family members going like that you know i felt like i couldn't do it anymore but guess what god is still in the resurrection and i'm coming to you today talking simply from where it all began from that time of resurrection when jesus he rose from the grave hallelujah thank you jesus and when jesus rose from the grave he came out triumphant you know he and when i started to read you know it it it stood it touched my heart and my heart was broken again because on the day of pentecost you know when the power of god came down it filled the temple that those who were from that era when they saw what was happening they began to question but they said these men drunken but they weren't drunk and they had they were the beginning beginners of christianity they stood in the gap to start the era where we oh god while we were yet sinners christ died for us and it humbled me to know that when the disciples begin their journey mighty god he you know they went through so much you know when i look and start that they called it worthy they called it worthy to go through what they had to go through you know when this when the sadducees when they came up in the temple and they said well if you are a man then it will not work but if you are of god then it will work and the disciples were locked up in prison and when almighty god the power of god came down the prison doors were open and they went right back where it began they went right back into the temple so i'm telling somebody today that whatever it is go right back into the temple go right back into the house of god because that's where god sent the cop foot out that's where he said the holy ghost that will reveal our truth oh god it will reveal all things you know when you ask god he will answer whatever your desires are needs he will respond and when i look and saw where the disciples they were pleased when stephen was doing today he asked god to forgive them to have mercy upon them because of the heart that he got because of how much he knew about god and i asked myself the question would i be worthy enough to be like stephen if i'm stoned will i have the heart to have mercy and forgive because when persons do us things it is so hard to ask for forgiveness or even to forgive them because it caused so much pain it caused so much hurt and you want to hold it because it feels like uh it feels like that's all you have the pain to hold on the pain not to forgive the pain to keep that individual bounded because of the actions that they have done or because of what they have said but god is still god when his disciples he when his disciples went before him i said how much time must we forgive and he said 17 times 70 and i'm like my god my god you know even before the sun sets we must forgive mighty god and when you look under on the acts of the apostles and what they did i'm like god i am far from being worthy to be a part of your kingdom can you daily work on me i say that i am a work in progress because there is so much that god have taken away and i still have so much more to go and that is why the songwriter says mold me and made me according to his divine will that's why the other songwriters said dawa the potter and we are the clay but are we worthy to step into god's kingdom are we worthy to be chosen among the disciples are we worthy to be given the works to be given the acts to be given the acts of shamika to be given the acts of the apostle to be given the acts of fall we sometimes give up because of fear we sometimes give up because of doubt we sometimes give up because we worry we sometimes give up because we know not about tomorrow because today seems because we are backed up into a corner like there will be no tomorrow but a songwriter he says he don't know about tomorrow but he knows who holds his hand you know when when you look and saw that that abraham was a man he was called from her of the childis he stepped out and when i looked the axe explained it beautifully how he went out from where he came from where he knew not he was going but he stepped out and because of that he was one of them that was mentioned and i love how luke the doctor explained it because he saw something different from everyone else because i used to look at the old testament and look at hebrews chapter 11 but abraham he stepped out and i asked myself am i willing to step out am i willing to let go am i willing to let god do his work am i willing to move into areas where i don't know am i willing to move from my comfort zone am i willing to move beyond me no longer me it's all about god to allow the flesh to decrease and his spirit in me to increase that's what the apostles did when i when when when it came to selling the properties and their goods they gave it all up for god are we willing to let go and let god are we willing to give up and allow god to do his work in us for us to be a blessing for him because sometimes we think it's all about us but it's not all about us it's all about god it's all about what he wants us to be i can say this because god has been working on me i can say this because god is shifting me from so many comfort zones that i know there are times when i feel like there is no earth under my feet but they are just one assurance because i believe in the solid rock and he says in his scriptures that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty and because i say i will i will follow jesus so here is a time when i'm being shipped and been moved when the whole world is in chaos when everything is going upside down when people are changing everything is changing but god is moving everything away but do we want to see like lazarus when jesus rolls the stone away but do or or do we want to stay in our dead position because for everything to happen there have to be a bird there have [Music] because according to a chemistry a chemistry principle that i love it says le chatelier's principle forever every but everything once there is a shift when there is an unbalance and these are my own words then there is going to be a shift so that an equilibrium or a balance have to occur so are we putting ourselves into that position where god works on us to balance us when you look on the body the kidneys is one of those organs at a low function for homosexuals to occur for a that allows the body to be in balance are we going to seek jesus and allow ourselves to be in balance are we going to maintain that connection with god because when that cord is broken whether it be death or sin then are we able to survive no without god it is impossible with god all things are possible and because he jesus there is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved so if jesus is not our rock how can we survive how can we be safe how can we be saved in this season so you might feel down or out you might feel like there is no earth under your feet but that's the time when you have to dig deep and send your roots further down into the soil because when the storms of life rages and for most of us who are from the caribbean when the hurricane begin to blow if we don't have roots rooted down into the ground then the very things that you know will be shifted the very thoughts that you have will be shifted and if you're not careful you will feel as if you're going through mental challenges but i say today he that he will keep in perfect peace he whose mind is stayed on him so i just want to say to you be strong enough good courage and keep your mind stayed on jesus because he is the light of the world and he already gave us that foundation which is jesus himself so i want to say to you be that word or dismay if answer the apostles have done it so can you because the foundation was already set and that means that you are well able you are more than conqueror through impress jesus [Music] jesus just be encouraged if you have to fight the battle alone remember greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world he said he will give his angels charge over you lest you dash your foot against a stone if you have to go through daniel's dead just know that the same god who kept the mouth of the lions is still the same god who will also keep the mount of your lions if you have to go through the floor remember when when the waters was there at the red sea that god parted the sea and allow his people to walk on dry land remember when joshua had the fight and he said son stand still the sun stood still so whatever your circumstances be encouraged and court the psalmist says encourage yourself in the lord the battle is not yours it is the lord and just remember that if they did it then and they went through a whole lot they went through to be burnt in hot oil they were stoned like stephen their their heads were executed john was the only one that died of natural death because he was exerted to the isle of fatmoss so i want to encourage you today continue to write your books of acts as god have called you to do and if you have not yet accepted the lord as savior remember the door [Music] he's never failed me yet i heard this phrase and i trust his soul there one day i will come to know the truth in which [Music] [Music] but i lived to tell that i made it through so instead of singing bout the blues i bring you news to encourage you he never failed [Music] set your eyes on the reasons [Music] pray the eyes of your heart be filled with light and watch the blessed day break the night like the three hebrew boys that they force to take their faith [Music] the lord [Music] he's never failed [Music] he's never failed me jesus [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] jesus he's everything to me [Music] is [Music] [Music] i was [Music] [Music] okay [Music] praise the lord the song says he's able so i'm encouraging you right now to know that to know that god [Music] and then i um [Music] is [Music] nothing happened to me amen jesus [Applause] here and i christ in 1990 we had a heavy snow and i remember i was coming from a training center and as i was going i was starting to go into the road was coming on the corner [Music] grab me and pull me back i was at work i was working in white shuttle at the time and i had my my my knee was excited when i plucked it in my ears and i was so happy singing and as i was walking i was about to step out in the room a car was coming didn't see somebody grabbed me praise the lord [Applause] right [Music] this morning [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] let me see yes um is um [Music] [Music] [Music] i will not sit here jesus so much i'm like i didn't have any children as yet but i used to and they were drinking a lot i went to dance tonight but i've always walked with a knife i always use it from short temper and when you talk to me i don't want you first to eat me i always pull a knife at that time i remember drinking so much and i went outside and i was talking to someone and that person was also drinking it and when i realized although i have that knife on me i [Music] my give your life to god because if you do it from currently you wouldn't be in that state because i started early age i was going to church yes but the times i'm home and i wasn't hiding on the doing my but i know i was in hospital unconscious until another day i'm giving god and that he saved me in jesus name i am giving god [Music] [Music] um and [Music] look here i am not going to know how to do it and i'm not sick it's a pain in me i can't walk so you can't go you say why not you say you know what amen [Music] [Music] and you keep telling me so i yes so much [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes respect for the service back to sister [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] yes it is [Music] [Music] this song is telling us to keep praising god and give them all the praise please pray for me i serve a mighty god who reigns in heaven my [Music] [Music] is [Music] god who reigns in heaven [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] of this world [Music] and i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] true [Music] is and i am you're going through the water when you're [Music] no [Applause] and i am [Music] i am [Music] i only trusted [Music] [Music] is [Music] when you're going through the water [Music] no need [Music] good i am never doubted him [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so so so [Music] so so so so so so so so so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise lord church praise the lord church praise the lord church [Applause] praise the lord church thank you [Applause] [Music] songwriter says come thus far find no fault i don't know about you i said i don't know about you but i am going on trials come trials come testing me but i am going on another somewhere it says what kind of church is this it's a holy ghost church what kind of church is this it's the holy ghost church the tongue talking [Applause] holy ghost sanctified church bridget let us not force too much to let the spirit move am i you know i was saying i was sitting in my seat and i was like god please like please i said please because i don't come to church to sit down and you know sing sing sing and as grandma would say pump pump pump and push push push i can't fully deliver it i come for a blessing i come to see the sick healed i can't i can't see the lame walk i can't see the blind you know i'm asking god to have his mercy in us that you know that we won't be in custody you know as as i was hearing fasting the prayer went up to say you know to lead the service tomorrow and i believe god heard our prayer and i'm asking that you know that we be obedient to god's word that we move with the spirit because it's not by it's not by might it's not by power but by the spirit of the lord i thank you god green some of our pastor evangelist ministers everyone in jesus name if i could i could be here another time not the good that i have done why i'm here why i'm standing but i'm asking you know i'm grateful for god you know as the song says come thus far find no fault sometimes you know you find fault but it's not of god it's full of yourself it's full of sin it's full of back by in is full of lying is full of all stuff that is not of god and you know this morning um before i came to church i was reading in uh i think it's mark four um it was it was saying about um it was saying about when there was on the boat and um jesus was in the ship in the vessel and he was sleeping and a storm arrives and they said to jesus cares thou not that we may perish and i was reading in the scripture because you know even though jesus was in the midst they still feared they stole they didn't believe that everything would be all right just because um the wind started to arise it says mark 4 37 it says he said he was in he was in the hindu part of the ship asleep on the pillow and they awake him saying unto your master master carest thou not we perish and it go on to say he arose and rebuked the winds and he said unto the sea peace be still and the wind sees and there's a great calm and it says also and he said unto them why are you so fearful how high is it that ye have no faith and i was reading this scripture for myself that you know sometimes we're going through things that we must have faith in god if you can't see the end of the tunnel right then then we still must have faith in god because he's in the midst and you know also earlier in the scripture he was saying about um about like the seeds some fell on stony ground some said some fell on good ground that um when it fell on the good good ground that the fruits came up and it was multiple it was more it multiplied and i was asking god for that to be me that i won't fall on stony ground that anything that i'll do that it will multiply in his word also i'd just like to sing a quick song quickly then i'll take my seat lord take me back to that place where i found you [Music] it's been so hard trying to make [Music] [Applause] your direction just to make the right selection oh [Music] take my hand and [Music] his blood his blood will carry me [Music] [Music] my soul that [Music] his birds will carry me i've tried so hard just to make it [Music] all my own [Music] by the way [Music] oh [Music] his blood will carry me [Music] his birds will carry me [Music] across [Music] his blood will carry me [Music] i've tried so [Music] hard just to make it [Music] on my own yes i have faltered yes i faltered by the way [Music] and your will to [Music] stream his blood is [Music] [Music] will carry [Music] the [Music] i will redeem my soul that [Music] was [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen give god not because of any good that i have done but because of his mercy um i give god thanks because god is not like man because [Music] father well i started singing the i started singing the song um i heard my mother pastor's voice when she said years ago what footprints leaving she said many times we talk about daniel mark peter and she said when you are gone what can somebody say about you and we're not singing the song that i'm not a sebastian race in my heart i said i wish i could meet that person i wish i could meet that person that wrote come to us find love because sometimes it's easy to talk it's easy to call you to exhaust for you to preach it's easy to talk but when when you're going through [Music] is easy when you're not going through nothing amen nothing at all everything you pray for you get every door you go to it open it's easy why does that have to be so hard and she said she said to me why did you say that because i was doing something i was trying to get through something and at the end of it i had to take a test so all the while through the practice all the way through the practice no problem no problem what i mean no problem and in my head i said this is so easy i said this is so easy so somebody was coaching me so i said you know what i'm ready for the test they said are you sure say yes yes man i'm ready let's do this that's one of these scenarios yeah yes so they said are you sure so i said yes because in my head everything's been going so smoothly so easy so i said yeah let's go for it so assume as the test started right there's about 20 scenarios you can have yeah say about about 17 scenarios in the practice so i believe i've covered i've covered everything the first test on the live test the first one it [Music] [Music] because this scenario i i found it because you got past five consecutive scenarios so i felt the first one told i had to basically go back to practice so i left and i was so down why is it for me everything is so hard and she said she said she said something to me she said to me maybe god punish me because you shouldn't be there you should have been at church [Music] because [Music] yes the second time i've got children out to my prayers i said i'm not going to love about this one i said i went back home and i prayed [Music] [Music] please i caught a long story short [Music] it's a fight but i said to myself you know the bible says that in the bible somebody prayed i can't remember who and they said god darling this is me talking yes he said don't let me be too rich that i forget you but he said don't let me be [Music] true [Music] 13. jesus he said after the suffering was finished he said jesus took up his garment yes [Music] and he went towards peter's feet and peter said to him lord just thou wash my feet and he said you will never wash my feet in my oven jesus said to jesus you will never wash my feet in humility he said so yes because peter saw him as god god but then jesus said to peter if and the bible says that when peter realized what jesus had said yes he said lord praise god when peter said that [Music] and he said not my teeth i was looking at it and i was saying that he wanted god he wanted god to overcome every part of him yes not to leave any part of us not to leave any part undone but every single part he wanted god to wash and when i looked i said god help me help me because many times we're in and we're out but in and out is true but we're not fully submerged in christ amen and that is my encouragement to the church to everyone to meet anyone let god take over your own life may take over your whole being let him wash every part of you jesus in baptism we bury every single part of you and that is our that should be our aim that should be our desire that protection of our own heart our own mind our own being because if power of us is in and [Music] pray for me because my desire is to be saved my desire is to be safe and i will never forget when i first [Music] i [Music] houses life whatever it is that you're chasing and done ask yourself a question when you take your last breath jesus understand it understand when you take your love yes whatever you're running after in this world if the answer to that is no give it up if the answer to that is yes change it yes amen if the obstacle is not jesus give it up what if you don't believe it wouldn't it be better to prepare for heaven to find out that there isn't one and not to prepare for it and to find that again [Music] the bible [Music] [Music] yes [Music] from this [Music] years ago yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and it came to me what he said every day i realized i am one day closer every day no matter how young no matter how long you lose every blessed day you wake up you are faced with your mortality and one day one day one day you're more greatly willing to jesus but make sure that when he does it [Music] i always say [Music] and it's worrying when you think about it praise god but it comes down to two things faith or heaven salvation is serious salvation is not a joke you don't have the opportunity to come to church opportunity take opportunities please please praise god take the opportunity because god is giving us a chance amen god has given us a chance i [Music] don't let your years be wasted don't let your youth be wasted don't let your time be wasted give god a chance in your life and please please pray for me please pray for me amen whatever happens even if you don't know my name just say that i was speaking to you [Applause] right [Music] in yes [Music] um there's also us in here tonight that you've got a call on your life god has called you and you're fighting god you've got to you could be unsaved you know don't be baptized yet but god has called you a long time amen and you're fighting god and remember this jonah he was told to go to nineveh and give about 40 words just 40 words god said go to the universe the little v was basically we're betting against god yeah and god didn't want to kill them or destroyed him they said nina um join her to guardians just just tell them what i say a 40-day journey go down there tell them he says to himself i won't tell them why should i tell them in my own words let god deal with himself let god deal with himself so what he did he rose and fled to tarshish the opposite direction from the presence of the lord and went down to japan and he found a ship going to tarshish so he paid his fear he was determined to get away from god so he's paid his fear i want to get away from god i don't want to use me i want to do my own thing so he's paying his fear thereof and went down and went down into it and go with them to touch us from the print of the lord but the lord you see he's trying to run from god but the lord sent a great wind into the sea and there was a mighty tempest so that the ship as it was going to be broken up what is what a storm huh to break up the ship not a little wind a mighty in your life you're getting a mighty shaking up and you wonder what is going on but the storm is raging so this the ship the mariners of the ship those sailors they're experienced men their experience you know they know when to see rough what to do but this storm that couldn't control the boat and they got afraid it was so severe that talk what's gonna happen to us now and that every man cried to his god they are the only god the idols their voter idol they both they had to cry today god because they never ever had they experienced before the ship is in them up and down and they what did they know they cast forth their goods their wares they said maybe the ship too heavy remember the ship too heavy they had food they throw a board they're closed they travel they try everything about to make the ship lighter thinking it will solve the problem so they're trying to make the lighting of it but jonah was down in the side of ship lay there fast asleep the one that caused a problem is fast asleep so the street master began to search he says never ever we have this kind of storm what's going on how come i truly everything i have a traitor and they're getting worse and worse what's going on so he's you should escape and said no this is not normal don't do something wrong i must search the ship and find out what is the problem so the ship master the captain then the captain came down and searched i'll find jonas sleeping i said what how can you sleep in such in such a condition we're gonna die you know we're all gonna die are you sleeping rise up according to your god maybe your god might help us our god not working maybe your god will help cry out to your god sorry go back go back a minute sorry if so that your god will think on us that we don't perish so maybe your god have the answer be our god and helping us maybe you're going to heal next verse and everyone said and they said everyone out to his fellow come let us cast lut because somebody in here or something is causing a problem we must sort out and find out where the problem comes from so the car slot in the storm going on the same time and it's like a stick there's jaw sticks yeah that we may know who is the cause of this evil upon us look their ship look don't know something is wrong they want to find out who is the cause of it so the class lot are they not fellainu jonah come on this verse and he said unto him tell us we praise thee for what cause have you called this evil upon us why we nearly lose our life because of you what's why what is your occupation where you come from where we going who are your people what are you doing here in my own words yeah he said to them i am a hebrew i fear the lord god of heaven which has made the sea and the dry land then these men were extremely afraid i thought why why you done this why you caught this problem on us why in your life ask yourself the question why has this burden been upon you why i've i rejected the voice of god why have i disobeyed god command why have i turned back on god's presence why i've done this of course in my life this hurricane in my life and the man for the men knew that it fed from the prince of the lord because he told him you told him i was supposed to go to nineveh i went to tarshish instead so what i said no next verse i said unto him what shall we do with thee that the sea may become what can we do to solve this the trumpets wave the storm what can we do to stop it it can't stop it's going on and getting worse and worse what can we do to stop it that it may become unto us for you see wrought and tempest i listen to them take me and cast me forth into the sea so the sea shall become unto you for i know i know this i know it's for my sake this great tempest to come upon you nevertheless the men wrote they tried to not throw him over tried to spear his life in it he said we can't treat them all by the seas by one spirit's life so let's start roll harder and harder and harder trying to outride the storm but it's don't get worse and worse you might try to fight god but you can't fight god and win no one are you trying so they tried but they could not for the sea rot and you came against them so hard they said okay sometimes you must give us a god i surrender i don't fight this is too much lord you're going to kill me i can get mad with it to just surrender wait for they cried on the lord and says we beseech you lord oh lord we beseech you they are praying on his behalf you know they pray for jonah said god lord lord lord the prayer join us but god says don't care don't pray for him train mother god don't pray for him and then back he said god please please god please god say let us not perish for this one life we don't we don't want to kill him or be responsible for his life let not the innocent blood our lord how does it please thee then after they ask god for mercy do they want to do it but they have no choice they took him up and they cast him into the sea and the sea stopped right there the sea was calm when you're afraid overboard what is in your life throw it overboard get rid of it there will be a complete calm the sea will start raging then what happened now then the men exceedingly feared an offer onto the lord you see lord capital and lord before with their gods they bow down remember before it was their little gods now they said it must be the lord so they know that this lord of jonah is the true lord and they made their vows so even training aboard saved them they got saved to know the true god so and the lord prepared brethren a great fish ready right there to swallow up jonah and jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights are we looking when he pretty caught a fish look at the fish buddy what you see all kind of worm and are kind of what they eat in the whale belly so jonah was rocked up in this belly at the well the food fish food the dead food they spread it wrap up in it stick yourself smelly is that dark smelly place like a pit you can't come out just because he disobeyed god command then while he was in a pit in that wedding of the whale he look up and he pray on to the lord out of the belly of the fish so no matter how deep you go into the dungeon you can pray to god out of it and he will hear you [Applause] and he said i cried by my reason my affliction oh the lord and he heard me after the belly of hell cried there and that hurts my voice god didn't tell jonah he'll be there for three days but you don't know how long he's gonna be there for he thought about his whale he could be a year he don't know how long but when he cry within three days he called her god heard him and the fish took him to where he should go remember nineveh and the fish god calls the fish to get upset stomach and the fish got war the fish eat other things when the fish can't hit jonah and god used the fish as a carrier in the sea the sea and when he got to they got to the and the lord said look as the lord spoke to the fish flybridge god spoke to the fish i said to the fish vote bring him up until god speak to your fish he was trapped in that belly hallelujah until god speak to the fish you are trapped in that belly but the cry of jonah made the fish here i got to stole the fish let him let him go let him go but it was right outside nineveh and the world came to know a second time how many times god gonna talk to you he told the first time to go he didn't go now god come to him a second time second time say to him what saying sorry arise now go to nineveh go a second time and preach onto the city that i bid you amen brethren i just leave it right there leave it right there and if you want a prayer tonight for your core in your life and you're like a jonah stuck in the pit only only god can set you free admit that you're in a tempest struggle you're fighting and you can't win because you are you are rejected the word of the lord so god say to the fish let him go go take him to your fish tonight let him go but you must first cry and god hear you then he set you free why he was in a position before because he rebelled reject god's word reject god's command do his own thing and god will never let you go no peace until you hear what you have to say amen if you want a prayer if you feel that you're trapped like that tonight the art is open cry out to the lord tell him to release your fish let you go let you out of it and if you cry with your heart he will do it if you've got a call in your life and you feel like god is you're in a condition the art is open i mean don't be ashamed don't be afraid i'm going with it if you feel that you're in a condition that you can't get out god is speaking to you and you you have a problem with the storm in your life the altar is open it may may god bless you and defend
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 5,665
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Id: ErdymfYHyZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 15sec (7035 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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