HPAC - The Storm Is Coming

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it's so sweet to trust in jesus the storm is about to take effect [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise god today the lord living and blessed be the wrong and may the god of our salvation be exalted be magnified be lifted up praise god because he alone is worthy praise god from the rising of the sun to the going down of the shame the name of the lord is worthy praise god we're not serving a dead god today but praise god we're serving a god that he was in the grave and he rose from the grave up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his flow he unrolled the victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his sanctuary he arose he arose hallelujah christ arose president that's why we're in his house today to lift up his name because he is worthy prays that there is none beside him he is the alpha he is the omega he is the omnipotent he is the only present praise god the god that is here and everywhere at the same time praise god and right at this time just come and lead us into 15 minutes of testimonies and we're going to bless the name of jesus right now in jesus name [Music] [Applause] the higher the and higher oh me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is the word of god please stand and give it in jesus name of my time this service was finished by hawaii [Music] but when the word of god [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know yesterday it was a struggle for us to come in but it was the best thing [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] right yesterday was really struggling to get here [Music] it was a special praise god [Music] [Music] i was [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh but most of all we should not be somewhat [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] yes [Applause] yes [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] great she [Music] thank you thank you hey [Music] please [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] yes is but i know when god praise god [Music] and what we have done for him i will be here today so i'm just giving him thanks for life and for mercy mercy if it was for mercy and if he wasn't by my side yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that i was here yesterday [Music] amen praise god amen [Music] yes it is this morning i have something to do and i say i'm gonna take this from that and do it yes bring with me yes but it's like somebody sent me something yes in the house and i went there yes i was looking for something yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i have made my choice forever i will walk with christ my lord not from him my soul shall [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] are we [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Music] my yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not anymore [Applause] jesus [Music] yes amen [Music] amen thank you jesus christ god [Music] is in jesus name yesterday praise grace in this case and praise god my soul is blessed [Applause] god [Applause] [Music] you know because of something but i say i'm giving god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you lord [Music] when i think of all the goodness that god has done for [Applause] [Music] [Music] this country is going to have so many problems if it's not immigration it's children if it's not children it's something else but god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey yes [Music] one day [Music] make you wonder praise the lord jesus christ praise god amen thank you jesus praise god thank you lord praise god yes amen thank you lord here praise god [Music] yes you know there are so many things to give for this moment is is thank you jesus yes thank you jesus praise god [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] that the word of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] jesus [Music] when the word of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember i am let god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's just two words but it means so much thank you thank you thank you pray for he remembered us in our long essays praise that he remembered us when we were in the mirror praise god he remembered us praise god when many of us our mother and father forsake us he remembered us praise god and i'm just giving him time right at this time he had a song and the exaltations are asking to come in jesus christ of church thanks thanks i give you thanks for all you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 136 verse 1 says earth thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy and drew it forever thank you jesus thank you lord praise god greetings our soul of faith visiting friends if there's anyone agreed in jesus name today i am 46 years old [Music] [Applause] and i give god that because i know i shouldn't be here but i magnify the name of jesus and today i'm saying if somebody's out there coming from different terrains different ways of life please accept them because i was one that has something inside of me is like revenge upon revenge but i thought god and that's not going for mr miller he said if you don't take that puss out from the root it will never get better praise god and i give god thanks today i rushed god today because he's worthy to be praised i am sick i couldn't move but i give god time god bless you in jesus name praise god we're gonna just collect the afternoon's offering in jesus name [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] my [Music] he wrote my name [Music] oh [Music] bless the lord jesus praise god thank you jesus praise god we give god thanks for bringing us thus far praise god praise god praise god bless the lord jesus praise god bless the lord jesus praise god praise god we're going to answer just a great god hallelujah give god thanks some praise worship the lord jesus christ thank you for your blood lord you're not thanking him for his blood are you giving him time to wake this [Music] up here amen i'm going to access that joy first come and give a shout out sister and all them preachers up there when in color you can't stop preaching come now the blood of jesus shot praise the lord um but in the feast the one of the scriptures i think he says it said there was wine more abundant praise it said there was wine abundantly yes now if you understand the scripture the king at this point is acting as the presence of the lord the bible said that god gives us abundant everything he has abundantly but there came a day when he called his servant his wife and she refused and the scripture also go ahead and said she out of east in the king's palace now when i started to think about that if you if the king is representing god and this is the church and in the church he's calling for his people but when he called there was another feast in the same church there was a marco shutter there was a feast in the church so in her feast there was a whole lot of things going on because her feast was at the flesh so though it was in the same palace it was a different service thank you so when this queen vesti's service fees we could do what we want we could dress the way we want to dress we could act the way we want to act we could speak the way with mama we could speak the way we want to speak there was no order in vasti's feast but you start to think they were in the same palace the bible said in the the feast was in the king's palace so then it tells me that we could be in the church but not in the presence of the lord we are not standing before the king but we are in the house of god but we are not in the presence of the king we are in vastis feasts now to go into the king's feast the bible said she had to wear a royal apparel so there was a way to look there was a way to act there was a way to present ourselves even if we go to buckingham palace we cannot go there a certain way there is an attire that we need to go before the queen but the same palace the same church mark oh add a feast beloved this i just want to say let us when we come into the palace let us not enter into vashti's feast but let us come into the king's palace and be present in front of the king it's no use it's no use we come into the palace of the king the scripture says it was the king's palace beloved i just want to say let us walk into the palace and in and stand before the king and not invest his feasts praise the lord will you come and give your birth please next week your praise god look to the lord somebody gonna bless somebody today i don't know [Applause] [Music] praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise the name of jesus bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord praise god praise god thank you jesus thank you jesus i give honor to god who is the creator of heaven and earth who's ahead of my life i greet my beloved mother and pastor the great evangelist minister all the wonderful saints of god i greet you all in jesus name it's so sweet to trust in jesus to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know just said the lord it's so sweet to trust in jesus to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise his promise his promise not my promise just to rest upon his promise just to know the said the lord jesus oh jesus precious or how sweet [Music] to know oh for grace to trust hit more that's all i have to say trust him more [Music] amen amen amen praise the lord chance amen in the same breath i just want to say to somebody that if you don't know uh if you forgot that this is goshem this is goshen he said before we were here the decree got not that angel to sit on the sea and i've never hear another decree sent out that the angels stopped sitting on the feet the angels are even in here right now hey man he's the house of liberty house of freedom [Applause] listen the bible never said that they were in they were in egypt but the bible was in egypt so we met in acne but we are nothing happening we're in a house of liberty also freedom [Applause] [Music] in jesus name let's praise the lord everybody [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] and i'm going to read a few verses yes lord not my will but let your divine will be done i am the true vine and my father is a husband man every branch in me that bear enough to take us away and every branch that bear it fruit that it may bring forth more fruits now we are clean through the word which i have spoken unto you abide in me and i knew as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it's abide in the vine no more can he accept he abide in me i am the vine he are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth for much fruit for without me he cannot do nothing if a man abides nothing needs his caspar as a branch and is withered and men gathered them and cast them into the fire and they are burnt and the last verse that i'm going to focus on today is if he abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what he will and it shall be done unto you now i come to you today with the analogy of the vine now when you look into the scriptures and you look into the old testament in palestine there there's a particular time of year when the husband man or the farmer if you want to call it have to prune the fruits now in order for the fruits to beer and give a good yield then the fruits have to be pruned now the word of god say i am the true vine and my father is the husband man so our heavenly father is the husband man of our soul so we come in the presence of god as the fruit from those vine because we have accepted jesus as our lord and savior so we are there as fruits but are we bearing fruit fruit that has been bountiful fruit that can be used to produce the best quality because when you look at the grape vine in order for you to have a very good grape you have to be pruned so that you get the bigger grapes and the best grapes so i'm saying today are you being pruned by god it doesn't necessarily mean that because you are being pruned it's that time to give up no i am the true man and my father is a husband man so what god is saying today is that you are being bolded you're being pruned so whatever is happening and whatever you're going through it's a part of pruning a part of taking away a part of removing a part of think destroying that which is going to prevent you from entering into my kingdom just the true van who is jesus which is your source your nutrients and your strength of survival in jesus name amen bless the lord church bless the lord church bless the lord church praise god praise god i want to give honor to the spirit of god greet my pastor greet you lovely saints amen in the mighty name of jesus praise god praise god i don't know if you know but there's a storm out there yes and the storm is about to take effect hear the word the storm is about to take effect and you know that when a storm is coming it shows signs and it's going to shake the church bridge and get ready [Music] be stoned is about to take effect [Music] guide your lines stand for us in this liberty when christ set you free because the storm this storm this storm and it's going to shake the church and if you do rooted and grounded it's going to shake us be ready be vigilant be sober watch watch it's coming it's coming finally my brethren be strong in the lord yes and in the power of his might put on your own armor of god amen ask god yes that you may have to stand against the wild of the devil god bless you [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] until you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] every day [Music] [Music] is [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] after such a warning that if we in the vine we will bring good food after we've been told we should not be in esta feast and we're all the preachers they are preachers but today is not preaching it's a short word when you go to wedding it's not church where your clubhouse when you go to prayer meeting is not sunday everybody always just see him service then go to waiting praise the lord and praise the lord are waiting you know all right and praise the lord and pray it's waiting where you got to funeral is not weighed in and i don't know when you're in church you are saved but you are waiting when you get exalted shall you not be a preacher even if you didn't care come you're not the preacher i am a preacher because they call me a vote but me now go but when we go in calamine and when they say greet the church be greedy church and sit on me not they preach when you go to wedding you know you're not in sunday service let us learn until we know no matter who we meet no matter how we hide no matter what we have no matter how we think we something we are nothing until we know the love of god we've been told and i believe it and it started already the storm gonna hit not 27 building we are not only church i don't know if it's just this but god didn't shut this god short oh we're gonna pray for mercy and pray that when it's hit we don't box life pass on backslide feliciander stand up please we are in danger the word of god said the stone is passing over we are getting through some storming house already at work already lord goddamn every wheel we have up to this money and saved another [Music] every one of us know that don't you say the fight when before you get out of the house and when you come to the bus stop are you driving every traffic light and doors in front are you driving slow and you want to go to church you can't find this you put it down we need to put down mine you have to say see a town in it we put it down from last night putting somewhere i'm he said the devil held jesus christ you don't see see a town [Music] and we set up me finally [Applause] we have a fight and we can't even manage that then what we're going to take this time now we're going to pray let all of us pray present pray for your children pray for everybody i believe a storm and we can't take the one day then we'll be going backslide and then with this thing i sometimes you don't like like when i talk you know but when i start things start turn up in my spirit i i don't know if you didn't say that i have made my choice when you make a choice when you make a choice you make it you make a choice when i make a choice i make it until death you know unless god says something god no no devil in hell me and satan arap if god almighty tell me otherwise then i have to because you can't rule god but you see it me make up my mind black and stable camera because it's in my mind and if i pray about it and it don't move that make it worse because make sure pray about it and i'm not going to praise the lord and let it be as i ask you i'm going to ask him if he's your will because i'm in your presence and you rule me and the whole world so i have to ask you take it out of me if this is not of you lord i said take it out but if he even in there nobody at all because it's there that's all we make a choice we make a vow to god and when we make a vow our choice when i want to choose my dress me choose my frog for me i don't choose it for nobody else then look at it and buy one but i choose it for me i choose my heart for me and if i buy one i buy one for that purse you saw i'm saying that what i'm saying is to say that when you make a choice with god when you make a choice you make a choice the bible said differ not to pay and you make a vow you say differ not to we're gonna pray we're gonna see where we fall we go against god amen many times we thought that if we hurt somebody it's them we can do what we like and how we like stumble other people and don't care and kill who we can kill in the spirit i do what we want to do and what we how we feel but we're hurting gods you know why because god died for the world so even if they're not safe they belong to god so we have to be careful what we do how we do why god wroth god can stop everything but allow it he's for us to look it no god sent a messenger again we're asking god to come send message he sends so much today let's pray graduate we didn't come in here for this but we can't be short for god say i'm all story no god wants us to stop and think we don't know if you're coming back through the night we only said so we don't know if we're coming back this evening all the plans and the setting when me whole and what me going to do oh you know you're going to live and my children after this under oh you know let's pray may god for mercy we're going to pray prejudice children pray for mercy imagine you see when your children suffering sometimes you don't give up but when you see your children the bible said jesus christ in the flood didn't he it was him you know he sent his messenger to warn the people and they wouldn't take heed god send flood and put noah in the ark and monkey and rat and frog and leopards elephants and all the animals the bible says all the animals were in the ark and then he put noah and who how much people there you are god done that so god can see if we want to see and when he lock us out we come pray this is a time to pray this is the time to look to almighty god this is the time to get rid of what god hates this is the time to get serious with god because god can damage the straw cut down and scatter and burn we're gonna pray for mercy all of us i don't know who god gonna hear comey says me you says you're hold it better because we believe we're going to pray brethren god can have mercy the bible said god's end wrought and the people suffer which we are suffering but they cry to god they were going to kill off all the israelites which you know because of jealousy wickedness they implant against a king and somebody was watching and they write it in the book and that's what saved the just man and the wicked one was gonna take over gotta have somebody watch somebody's watching my back i know somebody's watching you over amen plotting and they didn't know somebody was there watching them because he had to be clever but when the time came for the enemy to destroy all of them which the king set up so nice they can believe in him like how you believe some people are in a good fair the king believed in him and and and he was jealous at the king right in the palace rightly jealous and the king didn't know like oh so i'm jealous of you i'm the one who you think looking up and down it's not always them you know there are no tail light on you you know always and when you find out you're upset what if they tell you in your face he's not always there they tell you if i make you upset and say i don't like what you do and don't do it again you don't like them but worse than them around you he's your friend he was right there he got everything up to the ring everything in charge of everything amen didn't have nothing monika was at the gates humble himself praying i'm begging god for save his nation while he waiting for the church dirty he don't care all in this man waiting for each one a good killer because he planned that when he get it you gotta wipe off the whole of the juice but fire and fasting kill him god killing him they cried to god and got loose and set free and got deliverance when you pray watch your god don't fail espresso of your cry tears is a language that god understands you and when you cry you go back to god and even if you don't baptize god fight for you that they don't know some people are specializing this and specialize let them die for anybody nobody nor die for the world nobody know on you you know i don't know what mean either it's god almighty some people think they're in charge in charge of what not even work you're not in charge when you go to work you're not knowing church you honor somebody else and cry for mercy somebody might be setting up the church like oh man what he gotta broke his name [Music] amen anything and he's not of god but this one say is a stone let's pray let's pray god can hear anyone in prayer ask him for mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy upon us god you're gonna hit everybody he says lord jesus almighty my god almighty my heart is short my heart is troubled my heart is struggling my heart is strong and my heart is of love of mercy and compassion and mercy and strengthen us oh lord give us grace alone more overcoming strength lord let that return that we won't forget this that we take him lord almighty my god i must watch and be ready must look up to you obey change turn god my father got in your hands we cannot make it without you lord we cannot manage we need you god we need you we need you right now i'm merciful and all of us all the pastors all the bishops all the elders all the evangelists all all all everywhere all the bridging everywhere all the churches lord have mercy on ursula bless upon all of us lord we need you forgive forgive forgive forgive lord turn the hearts i will take heed and change name of jesus amen anyone needs special prayers today oh be ready to me anybody need prayer oh be ready and be ready [Music] ten virgins [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] get into the mountains [Music] [Music] the lord [Music] [Music] yes [Music] are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and be ready to [Music] it's [Music] ten virgins [Music] [Music] into the mountains [Music] but [Music] ten virgins [Music] to be the [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord ready to be the lord [Music] get into the mountains [Music] ten virgins [Music] ten virgins [Music] one day [Music] the oh jesus the lord talk with god [Applause] ten virgins [Music] [Music] [Music] are you ready [Music] jesus jesus getting to the and be ready to be [Music] but fine [Music] yes [Music] amen amen [Music] grace [Music] the bible said they that gladly received the word in acts 2 he said then everybody he said they that gladly received the word when peter spoke they're baptized they that gladly received the word and believe they not everybody they that were ready went in and the door was shut and even when they were bawling they were telling us when god was using it let's carry on and tell him off and carry on but that time when they were there ready hey i'm gonna recall it further now oh yes man they can't realize and there was ready they're ready but god didn't want it that's why god shot them out because when god used who to speak to them that caused him out but god shot him in and those that were already with him then god sent the flood all the children all the husband all the wife all the house all the possession all the animal everything was right god done that and those that were ready they were secure those that gladly nobody never forced them and tell them they gladly receive the words and because they receive and believe they baptize in us 38. so those we [Music] used if we if we're gonna live anyhow we don't hold our breath no matter we kick and carry on we don't have to wait anytime we think of ourselves that way we will take it to ourselves we don't hold our breath no matter who show off understand that remember yourself look after you you don't know if they're going to ever you don't know that's why they behave like that you don't business with them after you talk to them no big people supposed to talk to one three times three times too much not a child three times too much to tell big people what to do three times too much it's children you talk to and even children two times enough they don't want to tell them tree and sometimes once and especially if you slap them and some get insult they get told off they get reviewed from god and everything on their words you care your love your polish now you do the best you can the worst more entry more i'm for my god almighty they can even say goodbye pod you know pad you're done quebecois they can't even start writing ears you see after you talk to somebody three times and then they won't shirt isa go by pat they miss donkey stand on your feet please i'm not calling anybody donkey i'm only saying this because we must take heat but here there's a storm don't go home and forget pray about it pray for yourself though i always want other people saving you save you the word of god says save yourself from this untoward all right fire don't know who going to heaven you have to look after you it's true the baby said to win the bed i wonder what two will be in the bed if i said the the you know university one the the one that one we're ready will be take and the other left god bless somebody today god strengthens somebody and myself too god give us extra grace god help us that is not just sunday it's not sunday for god it's the lord's day are we going in jesus name philip tell his mom i'll come to church with you and she tell her the month my auntie lord my uncle one child 16 he was and he said mom i'll come to church with you but not this week when she called me and tell me phyllis philip dead in accident he said move your lie nothing like that he said yes he said nah not philly die next door to the mother house in cairo crush one boy she said i have two girls and a boy she said i i wish one of the girls did die because at least we have a daughter but the one boy when anything say i'll come next week there's a woman back home named sister gladys in the church where brother nelgo goes you see my parsley come from and they called sister gladys come come to the altar gladys she said gladys get up the next monday go and are grown she did and she did come even if she knew about that god would have hope she promised that i'd already but god god killer you know why i said god killer the birth is a god so when god said you can't hold back the bread the the flesh go down and right now wherever he dot that that soul don't go down here the soul is a breath belong to god god take it for that god don't make back that we suffer and if we didn't perish in the grave we wouldn't have non-judgment lord jesus the bread we breathe is for god that's why even if somebody kills then kill the body not the breath you go the bread gone yes is the flesh rotten that that is here but the bread got back to god are you ready you're going in jesus name go and pray and all your big plans and all your settings army all my plans and safety you see we want a holiday we can't go nothing was wrong we were faring never swallowed him go somewhere even even some district and holy jokes man you know but you have a piece like jokes man say you can't leave hackney and go up to and it's jokes man and if you go up there and kill you and jokes man say you can't go to london's field and you can walk you know drugs man over there said this side not coming there and as man and if you ever got it then find who are you and i'm going to start you out and government say those were sister mars relief down where she lived there like in they not to cross the border they have to wait till man tell them so you came across there's a sister living way down in uh yeah trick somewhere down there she can't go because they come past the bird man stop that because god loved them he's god's word they can't do not without god so i'm begging you i'm myself with all forgetting yet understanding with all the world and everything think one day we're gonna leave it here we will have no clothes so here we don't know everybody think of death if that should happen i don't is your teeth and say well no well knowing that but when somebody did say that they call him oh babylon police hold him oh sir let me go and then go look solicitor lord let me go sir when i put you in a prison club bow your officer uh police officer watch us almighty god almighty brethren let's pray a woman think think think think think if god almighty said you'll never live till tomorrow i mean you're never awake if god almighty let a plane drop on my whole stuff to kill me dear i can't do nothing if god almighty sent an earthquake in here because i don't know all our plans and setting fights be ready in jesus name amen message like this make me go pray yes messages like this let me think yes never jump up and kick like you got on a party i know you said a gossip i love i'm coming out with a shirt i'm full of see it down you wouldn't believe so i sanctify your command we're not coming from partying pictures we must leave and consider yes the world have got to consider your way god said consider me consider my way a two will be bad one the one will be taken the other life they that gladly so somebody now gladly received that's why they know baptized the bible said they gladly those with all the preaching those that gladly receive the word was and the other one they never baptized they that were ready that everybody went in under the worship god bless you they have good courage and go in peace go in peace in jesus name amen we have service back to the night of god's spirit life it's not at six o'clock you can come when you can god bless you great in jesus name please don't greet outside please don't greet outside amen if you have to
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 16,358
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Id: JzT72R1S02c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 9sec (6969 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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