HPAC - The Potter's House

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is jesus and he wants to put somebody back together again that is not true with you yet and then we had a baptism i think the week after and i come in and i and i sat there and i said and the voice has come to me that if you don't give your life to me you're going to die and go to a crisis home and i thank god that i healed that call and i was over 20 years ago that i gave my life to jesus walk in the spirit because if you walk in the spirit you cannot fulfill the lust of the flesh somebody need help somebody needs prayer somebody needs strength somebody needed today [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello [Music] praise god praise the lord jesus glory to god he has made us glad so we have to rejoice and be glad in him oh praise god it's amazing what phrases can do god is real praise god i greet my mother and pastor the old oath i agree in no other name but in the mighty name of jesus who's the head of our lives who wake us up in our right mind that we could come in here and say god almighty so we got to rejoice today we're not crippled we're not sick and if the name is your god believer if you see god can heal no matter what the circumstances my god can do anything praise god [Music] yes um jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down is [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is praise god praise the lord jesus praise god jesus this name is a special name he got the power over day and night he can let the darkness turning today what a mighty god we serve i'll give god thanks for today praise god i thank him that i myself couldn't be here today i give god chance and to turn everyone you know because we are here to worship god we're used to giving thanks for our life we didn't have to wake up this morning and he wake us up in our right mind our hands when our feet are working we give god thanks it's amazing what places [Applause] thank you jesus christ i must give honor to god with my pastor greet everyone in the mighty name of jesus christ our lord and savior and our soon coming king as i always said the motto after the name called but i'm giving god thanks today that is almighty creator of heaven and of earth you know this morning as was getting ready the word came to me about the potter yes the potter's house and i'm going to read a few verses in jeremiah 18. the word of the lord came to jeremiah from the lord saying arise and go down to the potter's house and there i will cause thee to hear my words then i went down to the potter's house and behold he wrote a work on a wheel and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter so he made it again another vessel as he made good to the potter to make it then the word of the lord came to me saying o house of israel cannot i do with you as this spotter saith the lord behold as the clay is in the potter's hand so are he in my and o also israel so the word of the lord is saying if man can seem to do good or try to do good much more the almighty god of heaven and earth and this is the potter's house and all of us come here today is marred in some way shape and form either in our mind or in our body or in our soul or in our spirit but the word of the lord is saying that today he can make you into another vessel another songwriter said that thank god he didn't show the clay away because the bible didn't say that he got himself another set of clay but the same vessel that was marred the potter melted that vessel he broke it down and then he met it again into another vessel that cement would unto him the potter and so it is what we're in the house of the lord today our heart shall be saying god what will god make of me what will the lord make of us today yesterday we might have been a certain way of in a certain attitude a certain thought feeling a certain way but today today we are in the house of the lord jesus christ and the god that we serve is not there the god that we serve is alive he's alive and well he's the same god back then and he's the same god today the same spirit that raised christ on the day he's here today to raise up somebody if you need to be risen up if you never met over again if you're tired if you are fed up if you are distressed if you're weak if you're sin if you are broken the potter wants to put you back together again [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh today [Music] house [Music] my friends [Music] was together again [Music] together again [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] will you say yes [Music] and he wants to put somebody back together again god is not true with you yet you might be true with yourself you might be true with the world you might be true with mankind [Music] the best is yet to come the best is yet to come number has faith in god today somebody believed god somebody believed god he wants to put him back together again he wants the rest for you the prodigal saw himself and he said i must arrive i'll go back to my father and when he went in the father for your sins against me and heaven make me one of your highest servants put a ring upon his finger and gave him the best robe jesus is not like you and me jesus departed on you and i the love that god had for mankind we cannot comprehend but let the partner put you back together again don't put yourself back together how are you going gonna be broken over and over again but we're not gonna put us back together he's gonna make us into a better and not this honor let jesus fix it for you let jesus put you back together again yes the vessel is smart yes the message is figure yes but the water is not true with the clay he's not true with you yet he's not true with me yet and i'm gonna put myself in the father's hand and the lord made me into a vessel that's pleasing unto thee and that's what we have to do today put ourselves in the partisans and he will make us into a vessel that's pleasing unto it god bless you pray my strength in jesus name [Music] [Music] bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus [Music] praise the name of [Music] jesus word amen he's worthy of all the praise he's ready for the glory amen he's worthy of all the honor bless the name of jesus praise our lord jesus praise the lord jesus bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus let's just exalt his name his word whose word he's worthy thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord thank you bless the name of jesus praise him bless the name of jesus amen giving honor to the spirit of god amen our mother passed to the evangelists of ministers they also have faith in the mighty name of jesus amen giving god thanks for this wonderful opportunity amen that could be alive and willing in his prison today just to magnify his holy name a man he alone is worthy of all the praise all the glory and all the honor amen we thank god that there is no other god beside our god amen somewhere saying the potter wants to put you back together again and we thank god that he's a god that can mend the broken pieces and then we thank god that he's the master of our life i mean as we read in the scripture the layman the thing is that the the eye priests and elders came upon the disciples because they've done a good work you thought they'd be happy because somebody was lame from their mother's womb got delivered got set free and you thought to be overjoyed and happy that somebody who was bound got delivered but they were they were just looking at themselves and their eyes were blind and that's why they could not see but we thank god that even though you might myself and you might be in a state in sin i mean we might be um our our lifestyle people didn't want to talk to us want to come near us people didn't want to be our friends some people see some of us when we was a sinner and they walked on the other side of the road and when you got saved they can't believe that is you that has got saved and they want to make criticisms i want to give you one month so i want to give you two months so i'm going to give you a couple days because they believe you cannot change and always thank god that he's the one that looks beyond our faults and when we thank god he's the one that sees our hearts and then because sometimes we even write our own self off sometimes we say we have done so much wicked things so many times i said god i have done so much thing you cannot love me you say god i cannot change you said god there's no good within me why you love me why you woke me up why you provide for me but god looked beyond our thoughts our thoughts i mean he looked at our fault and he saw our need he see that we did not understand he said that we did not know better because the devil was our father then but we thank god that he opened up our understanding praise the name of jesus we thank god today that we know that he's a true and living god and we know that he has made a change in our life because i never used to be like this i could have been in prison right now i could have been dead right now i could have been dead because sometimes when you think that you are bad you don't know that somebody else might be better than you and sometimes when we plan in our mind to do evil to do something because somebody trouble us we don't know what they have in their mind plan we always plan and we say yes i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna accomplish this because somebody might upset me in our lifetime but what are they planning in their hearts we don't know and that's a lot of times people go out and say i'm gonna do this to this man because you upset me when a man come and do it before you even do it to him and that is why i said i could have been dead or i could have been in prison because when i was 15 years old somebody trapped me so badly and i said you know what i'm not going to take this i'm going to have a person i keep myself to myself and i don't trouble people but i remember when i was 15 years old which is a while ago and this man this boy chopped me and i said you know what i'm not going to stand for this i got taught to to defend yourself because i have when i grew up in jamaica my family said you know what stand up for yourself and if they're bigger than you can't manage them then you'll call us but always try to stand up for yourself so that is what i had in my mind and i wasn't afraid because my uncles were soldiers and police so i wasn't afraid and i have friends who are bad men and i remember when this guy chopped with me i went over them and said nothing to my brothers i didn't say nothing to my mother that's why sometimes you cannot you can't even swear for your children you just have to pray for them and i went in my bedroom and i shot my knife to say i'm going to stab this person just say i'm going to kill him that's how i wanted my brother to shock my eye because he upset me to the core and i want to win in my bedroom when i shot my knife and i went out and i looked for him and i was looking and i was looking and i was looking and i could not find him but i thank god and i could not find him and then we had a baptism i think the week after an upcoming and i and i sat down and i said and the voice has come to me that if you don't give your life to me you're going to die and go to a crisis home and i thank god that i healed that call and i was over 20 years ago that i gave my life to jesus and it is after that i saw the person and when i saw him after i gave him a lot of jesus all i do just sat there and smiled because i know that god made a difference in my life i know that god took that anger from me i know that god took that spirit that i wanted to take somebody's life from me not thinking that he could take my life before i even took his but when the devil's blinded your mind when it is clouded your eyes that you can't even see the danger that's around you that's why the potter can put you back together again doesn't matter what stage you are in sin no matter how far you might feel that you have gone jesus can save you jesus can rewrote your life and make you new again jesus can set you on the straight and narrow that you can walk apart that is pure that you can walk apart you don't have to be looking over your shoulder now you can walk in you see somebody you can smile at them like you can talk to somebody you don't have to worry are they going to hurt me jesus is the one that can do that for you so i'm telling somebody today if you don't know him if you are fell out of love with him if you watch him when you fell out of relationship with him jesus can put you back together again give him a chance in your life today whether you're a sinner whatever backslider give him a chance in your life today because only god can make it men and whole again you cannot do it for yourself we have tried we have failed we can't even walk without him holding our hands so give god a chance in your life god bless you in jesus name get ready everybody get ready [Music] get ready everybody get ready get ready everybody get ready for in the morning you're fresh and blooming and in the evening get ready everybody get ready [Music] [Music] everybody get ready [Music] everybody get ready [Music] get ready [Music] [Music] get ready everybody get ready [Music] [Music] everybody everybody hey everybody everybody [Music] everybody [Music] thank you jesus shall we bless the lord shall we praise the lord praise god on the spirit of god i greet our pastor evangelists with the saints of god we greet you in jesus name praise god as we've been asked to minister praise god i pray that whatever we sing that will be a blessing and they won't just be for the sake of us being able to sing but um that through the song and through the words that someone will be delivered someone will be healed someone will be set free in jesus name tossed about by life's battles oh my hope sinking fast the sinful life that i was living i knew that [Music] [Music] into his head and on his will of grace and mercy he made [Music] is [Music] [Music] the world [Music] [Music] [Music] the sinful life that i was living i knew [Music] on his wings oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] that he can [Music] [Music] it has no meaning [Music] you don't know what to do please [Music] [Music] [Music] his ability [Music] yes [Music] he's [Music] [Music] what she [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all on you in many pieces you don't know just what to do come with me [Music] [Music] his ability when he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] he talked about practice the sound we just sing is about the pastor god wants somebody over again [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you god god is in this place god is in this place hallelujah where you are today i'm going to lift your hands to jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'm mother douglas and all the ministers and evangelists and saints in the mighty name of jesus you know you can call my name by mistake you know the lord spoke to me this morning was trying to hide in a sense but you know when the spirit of god you can't really hide the prince of god and you know i just want to say to this church god has called you out this church is a remnant his glory is going to be seen in this place since i'm just a visitor i'm not a member but what the lord has told me he set this place as a remnant so that the world will see just like this the song was saying when god made us afresh he made us according to his own will and his purpose and it doesn't matter what others want to say just walk in the spirit at the church walk in the spirit because if you walk in the spirit you cannot fulfill the love of the flesh walk in the spirit because god is going to do a new thing that is going to do a new thing and others will see and say to god don't worry about other people stand in the liberty where god has made you free and not to be entangled again in the yoga advantage you know what's speaking about the day of pentecost pentecost yesterday today and forever so it doesn't matter where we are once we come into the unity of the spirit the bible said when they were um in jerusalem there were in one place with one accord because all it needs was doing one in one place and in one accord and pentecost can be repeated when predicates started he started with the disciples then souls were added three thousand souls were saved then peter and john went to the temple with the man sitting there and he was impotent from his mother's womb but god in the fullness of time god showed himself and pentecost was going on from that time until now so god wants to show himself things of god these are the days he says it's not a mistake god wants to show himself you are the wrong name that god has called out to show himself so stand in the presence of god let the glory of god be revealed in you where will you do it all in church wherever you go walk in the spirit you can pray for somebody because they're on the street and that person can be healed i'll give a testimony you know um there was a stabbing in my era one day and then um we would be as a two parents that the other lady was a nurse or she's a nurse she's in another country now but we were talking about this situation and when i was there we heard somebody running since somebody got started since i was there the lady began to get bit always frightened i said to her but we are saints of god we carry the anointing while we're running and i went there and i saw the boy and his stomach was out and i stood there by the boy like i was having a baby and i said in the name of jesus no day and she's a nurse and she began to um and the police came afterwards but then she said i stood over the poor and i said it said jesus i fell across on his neck and i said to him look you put the cross on you said jesus i said chichi i was losing what you said said jesus and he said jesus said jesus i know that here in the name of jesus no death and i [Music] we've got power in the name of jesus when we say jesus of god of jesus [Music] of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] god wants to do something with you things of god sustain the spirit and stay blessed in jesus [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you praise god [Music] [Music] [Music] we belong yes [Music] amen [Music] [Music] amen amen that's why the word of god [Music] [Music] oh amen we have another chance don't take it sin [Music] it's not sunday it's the lord's day we are too grateful for everyone even those who are not here we are to give god thanks for them we could be weeping and mourning our son or daughter or a mom or a husband or a wife or mother or children god give us a chance we have to be grateful many times we just go live and do what we like and all we like and we had our own plans but with the kids amen we the breath [Music] that's why we are to fear it amen the word of god said what is the best the best for our life the best for us in all amen all our living fear god that's what the word of telling me i don't know about you but god telling me why because we will be getting the benefit that's right [Music] it's our duty hallelujah we are getting the benefit is for us it is our duty to fear god let me fear god i'm watching other who not keeping [Music] you're not keeping his commandment what about me if he come no would i be ready with my mind all over the place thinking what one business with me judging the lord have mercy the word of god said judge not lest he be judged but i said the judgment you chose it shall be judged to you amen that's why the word of god said diver that's when we go astray we know me know what doing you're not silly because i'm not coming here for your review god rebuild me for me amen and i should know when i'm wrong from my right the bible said on stereo and georgia then georgios said judging out lest he be judged he said for the judgment your judge it shall be judged back to you amen this is why not only when we are in the building when we are home we are on the bus and the market where nobody not watching we are we are in the presence of god and that's why we are looking in our life and see if god are accepting hallelujah the praises that we bring here today are just gods that somebody was walking in darkness we get the light in the sun everywhere the disciples wait something happens i don't have to ask so is your heart right with god you know but god put his law in every one of us hearts praising and even i'm talking right now you know what in your heart and the word of god is saying to you and i is my heart right in the sight of god and he says it cleans amen this is my heart cleanse hey hey hey help me choose yes it's my heart please i'm behold is my heart humble and holy is it right in the sight of god is my heart we can make it right today wherever we are not only here but we can make it right with gods judge not let us turn the light in our soul amen turn the lights hallelujah [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] yes yes yes yes yes he said god quicken my conscience till it feels bad feel sorry till the loans of myself sin praise my conscience not yours quickened my i have to stand before god you're giving a come for me and you gotta stand the phone for yourself praise god praise god somebody need help somebody needs prayer somebody needs strength [Music] [Applause] somebody needs salvation somebody needs [Music] somebody needs change god said come here come unto me oh what a god almighty god of jesus christ you don't pick and choose you don't tell you what your words are not you're not you say oh come on to me oh thank you jesus what a father what a father thank you jesus yes what a father no matter what i do no matter how i say he said call he said he has a lady called come unto me all in that label and i had elaine he said jesus christ i will give you rest [Music] what shall come [Music] [Music] learn of him learn he made the world and put everything in there and make the people and give them breath yet they treat him and slap tell him i'm running he said take my yoke upon me and learn of him but with all of that he said i am me and lonely he said my yoke and my burden why because he take him if we're on sorrow he takes her grief he takes pains he takes sin heal your sickness amen the chastisement of peace he got beaten for it the blood pence that beat him in the thunder and pull the flesh yes he was from me and you he bled and died and suffered all the way [Music] he bore when we are tempted and tried learn of him when we are going into heart aches and pain he was in the garden alone with all the purpose the flowers smell nice brother but if you put you put you under that pretty much they look nice and smell sweet but you are alone and you can't pick one of the influence thing you have to get something to cut i let us stay for by any hole that grated your finger blood alone alone with him stay with him seek him knock him open he said sin you shall fight he said out shall be given thank you jesus [Music] stop and think we are in the presence of god and if he come right now and judgmental are we waiting for next week's sunday our tuesday night we don't want overnight in here amen we don't want none of us but when god talked to us we don't want to sing it when you speak to me with my whole heart i'll agree and my answer will be yes lord yes that is that person you understand america i have to think about me what would my answer be but i said there was a woman in our district in jamaica [Music] oh jesus is coming soon i must be telling them to be ready and after that she caused some bad one what are their pieces if they don't want me ready you man tell me at least she tell her she had to tell you she write because jesus is coming soon she never tell you she ready she never said she was a christian she said jesus they are looking at her that chain already and their business dad she telling them [Music] don't watch the person watch yourself the time you're they dig up and planning and thinking you are not ready jesus is here right now jesus is here amen to meet your needs [Music] jesus is here right now to deliver you you hear a lot of preaching before i come out here holy but and verb verb time you need to change so am i we need not to wait for the preacher when the preacher preached god preaching to me long time before me coming here you know if you come in here coalition preaching me getting preaching and i'm in a mystery long time reboot me and put me straight and tell you what to do and if you know get in balance now they come together holy overcome praising praising so when we are disciples of jesus christ something good must happen the call we've been preaching in our heart long time we've been singing and glorifying god long time so we don't have to strain the first because the birth of the song we don't want to sing our god is using somebody will still watch to see what god said he put his law in our heart so anywhere we go we have him somebody [Music] up their mind for hell when you make up your mind for air nothing god can help you are you well planetary sick and god said we lift it to your reproductive [Music] that's why i'm on our business to say you're not going here and you're not going there it's not my door it's not my house jesus do we have to do and what we want to put we already want to put them use we want to use amen so let us be ready we're going to ask you to stand please if your shoes burn in your dead if your back hurting you please come for prayer god can heal you amen i don't want to come and leave out worse in the presence of god you must leave work better amen [Music] jesus is here you take yourself take your pain to take your hearts many people come to church and they have so much heart to being molested and you have it you're worrying about complicated deliverance you've been hurt you have natural pain and spiritual pain the bible can't help you you need that hands read by distilling you're going fast in that movie come today jesus can deliver amen we're going to pray we're going to pray his hand of mercy it's a death mercy and that mercy will be so bright on me bright sometimes we forget the hand of mercy the man said if god was like man what would happen to me think of him think that only god can help you nobody can end only gods you might need money you'll get that but that mean you need something else whatever you got it don't fill that gap but there's somewhere in your life where you have to get jesus there only jesus can feel that and this is the message god wants you to hear the focus in him amen learning at home pray and be strong that when you come in the congregation your birth that anoints with the power of the holy ghost and you have to touch somebody praise it not lead you to to to pray with somebody it's not a habit that you have to do it's not a job god leads you and can break the heart that speak to your hearts and the word of god say if you are heavy laden come if you are depressed come if you sick come if you're lonely come if you're weak in spirit come if you're strong pray for us we're gonna pray his hand of mercy more than you jesus loves you jesus care look to him others will faith they are men and women they are flesh they didn't die for you he cares hallelujah he'd been there he'd been through that but he didn't see he'd been tempted he'd been marched be ridiculed is spotted been rejected for love i saw one time i was at hackney hospital and i see some mad people i went to where i was talking to rupert my brother friend and my brother rupert and he said do you know why some of these people might like that i said his jobs his job he said no he's not jokes all the time he says love he says love you they love break their hearts you know say yes no breaks your heart can break today because of love you need amending yes you need that scar to go and you can somebody need help thank you jesus are you not look don't find yourself down your wires your eye to see who looking at your life and see if you're ready you're not ready yet but your eye will close and i'll cry jesus christ have somebody have somebody have some god god help somebody visit them jesus give them the victory give them the courage grant deliverance grant deliverance he was patient with me he was patient with me he's patient he's tender unloving and is kind and patient touched things touched [Music] touch them [Music] [Applause] [Music] deliver them right now in the name of jesus name deliver them deliver them get it home to cry hey why at others go out call in love jesus jesus jesus jesus do not pass me back touch healing deliverance strength mercy forgiveness deliver him name of jesus name of jesus father in the name of jesus father the king of kings the lord of lords the beginning and the end you are the almighty eternal god and there's no one else like you father thank you for the world thank you for everybody you are gardening thank you nobody can let you get fed up you don't want a holiday you're never sick god you never said that's enough mercy there was grace and grace is free but and you said come unto me all he that labor and are made it come father your children need them for you your children need you at your feet father they didn't come to me now not in you father they come to you because you die for them you give them life you build them on earth you give them the sense they had you spoke to them this morning and you tell them come to me [Music] could send them to birmingham manchester fantasy but you say help me and they have to come for yourself so your almighty god and i pray right now god also send them here i pray in the name of jesus that your grandson today lord that we steady that with their seeking form i pray granted to them today keep them defeated rise their faith in you heal their mind and body oh wash them in your blood take the pain take the pain take the pain take the pain take the sound deliver them deliver it deliver them deliver it [Applause] [Music] deliver them now in jesus name [Music] [Music] yes jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] now you know if you're not sure remember you're just singing remember that i need no island robot you're gonna need no chin you're gonna need no palm reader [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] are demons and clean demons [Music] and a hymn that's why god says your child opens up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know protection the almighty god [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it will make the way straight which is crooked you're gonna make it straight [Music] and you're well protected you don't need no head pain is the help of [Music] protecting almighty god god bless you god strengthen somebody god gave you peace and when you are tempted and tried you said [Music] [Music] in jesus name service continue tuesday night wednesday thursday of when you can and this god [Music] [Music] so when [Music] [Applause] like a fire [Music] keep it going in jesus [Music] in name name amen [Music] you
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 7,143
Rating: 4.84375 out of 5
Id: ngPg6Fbkbks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 12sec (5352 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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