HPAC - Live a Life Of Holiness

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[Applause] if you make god as big as he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes thank you cheers lord yes [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit [Music] again spiritual oh holy spirit [Music] my [Music] holy spirit heart again [Music] over me holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] make a choice [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the lord the blood make a difference praise god in our life because of the blood of jesus why we are here today while we can sing the blood praise god we carry us and today those that are here for the first and the very first time you are here gonna ask you to stand in jesus name keep standing praise the name of the lord on behalf of our pastor pastor douglas and all eventually saints in a pentecostal apostate in hackney praise god we give god thanks for you and we bless the lord for you because we always pray that god would bring in his people and thank god today you are here praise god to worship with us praise that god has brought you here today to give him plans and to praise his holy name god bless you today in jesus name praise god i shall be changed [Music] [Music] moving on [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i shall be [Music] is [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dj [Music] [Music] ah [Music] dj [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise god praise god this song is a reality praise god praise god i sing with our reality send me that understanding [Music] [Music] one day [Music] [Applause] my dad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] just want to worship [Music] we want you to be pleased [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever is in his heart church praise the lord sit in that seat there i remember many years ago many of you can remember i was sitting in that seat convocation i was about to call commitment as i was sitting near [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i said no if i'm going to lose everything that person's going to look like people and i went out in the car and it got worse and i was coming to pick up my baby and my car key to go [Music] and when they yes over they saw my eyes was wearing sweat pouring off me they said oh you got the flu i said no i just opened up to it and i felt more embarrassed for them and i felt to myself and as soon as it was time for the offering she said to all the passes then come let's pray for that brother [Music] he has done so much me me [Applause] how i okay [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] so you want to testify what the lord have brought out [Music] sickness [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is thank you jesus praise god [Applause] anybody else want to share what god have done for you you have done so much for me we are from giving thanks anybody else want to give god thanks for what you have done for you praise the name of the lord that is good [Applause] [Music] 11 years ago for my brain and not only show that only the bleeding i gotta spoke to and i spent 12 days in hospital after that i did a mortuary for seven more strokes the last shot was um july 1 and that is a good jesus bleeding for my brain so i have so much to give god i testify so much time you don't know but these people that just come in i'm good i am telling them no that god is everlasting and he can keep you just like oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] a long time [Music] [Music] um yes [Music] [Music] he says the man told us to go in front but you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy [Music] my husband [Music] [Music] now the baby decided but anyway jesus thank you jesus thank you lord praise god thank you jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] bless the lord in the last three and a half years god show me brethren is not only come here and make noise when i lay down on my bed many nights it went with tears communicating with god every one of you inside here i talked to god about it every single one of you inside this church i talked to god about and i asked him questions because i want to know he called me all these years all these years and i take it for fun i take it for fun graduate coming in this church used to testimony testimony can save any one of us is not only the pastor stand up up there and giving you the word but you see true testimony it can save any one of us in the winter coming up april i i can't walk i can't walk because i know i can't walk and the heel is tender because it went with the scab and if i when i put my weight on it it hurt the same way so i thought walk properly but because it's me and god i say to god you have to give ronald's strength you have to give run only strength to go out here to punch my light on my gas and if i need something to eat to buy it and did you know god gave me the strength of jesus i drove all the way from walthamstow to marriage it's done for you and i hop around with my stick and literally and do my shopping when i coming out there is a young lady sit and be cold and i turned to i said in that place cold she said but i know you i said where can you know me from she said you go to that church in middleton road i say you used to go there she said yes i said what happened to you now she said i lose my home and while i was talking to her they'd come along and give out two pockets of chris but i talked and i went in the car and when i went in the car to go away brethren god don't bless you with a million bone to show off a horse when i go in the car i said don't you drive it's like a word said to me that young lady is begging and you have money in your pocket are you going to drive away and don't give up and i put my hand in my pocket and all that i have i turned back well on the 11th of august i got up in the morning as usual i still do it five six o'clock in the morning and i make a toast and a cup of tea sit in my easy chair relax then i have my shower and go back to bed and the 11th of august same routine but this time when i leave sit back and relax when i raise up i feel a pain a pain stick me here and it lasted for just about a minute so i turn round and i you know and i don't attend a force which said it's gas so i sit down back and the pain stick me again this time it lasts a little bit longer so i get up that was about half past 10 in the morning i just feel that little pain so i get in my car and i drove it to the hospital and she said to me sit over here they will call you from the next window and between the time i sit down a doctor come out and he said mr willis and i stand up i'm not feeling sick nothing and he said come and i went in and he put his arm on me and he didn't have to do it twice he said follow me and i follow him into a little side room and he said lay on that bed just as or we'd go i'm telling you he said lay under bed i'm going to try and find a bed for you so i'm considering what did i hear what he says but i didn't say anything and like from the time i come up here i put a company take me to x-ray and when the x-ray me deporter take me from the x-ray to the operating data when i went in the number one operating theta they said they are busy after in number two so they take me number two remember nothing wrong with me i'm sick i am not sick that i can tell you said i remember and brethren the time i sit down about 12 13 14 nurses and doctors gather on me and i say to them what's the matter they said they have to operate on me now so i jumped up and i said can't it stay till tomorrow and they said no you have to do it now and brethren gone in 11 o'clock they caught me open i'm telling you go on 11 o'clock that caught me open you know what happened called brother burns inside of me when you hear testimony testimony can save you because while we sit down here none of us know if we're going to reach home safe none of us god is the keeper of our lives and i wasn't sick and by god eleven that caught me open god blood are bursting me i was on my bed for 22 days i have to leave the rest and i give god thanks for today and i thank you all for listening don't even only listen but put it in your mind god bless you all [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey oh [Music] [Music] yay [Applause] oh [Music] is know [Music] me [Music] something happened to me something happened to me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i will let you i was me so i was [Music] [Music] me [Music] whatever me [Music] [Music] me [Music] was [Music] i sing this song for myself praise the name of the lord i know that something happened to me the sound was that i was blind but now i see because i was natural spiritually blind praise god to the almighty god but thank god today i can say my spiritual eyes is open praise god unto the lord the things of the lord and i'm giving him thanks today he is a good god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends [Music] um [Music] know [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] friends [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] father oh [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from the store [Applause] [Music] we're not yeah [Music] oh [Music] friends [Music] me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] now um live a life of holiness oh [Music] reaching [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] hey praise the name of jesus bless the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] christ [Music] and they said but a certain man named ananias with his with sapphire his wife sold position and kept back paul of the press his wife also improved to it and brought a certain part and lady at apostle's feet but peter said ananias why has satan feel thine heart to lie to the holy ghost and to keep back part of the press of the land and it goes on to say that um so he says while it remained was it not that known and it was and after it was sold was it not their own power why spell can conceive this thing in thine heart that has not lied not to men but unto god and ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear came on all of them that heard these things so there was a there was um ananias at his wife safari that they were meant to give up some of their positions or give up their position but they held some back and because of that god's stroke strength struck them down and i was looking into brethren that we as children of god can be here living day in day out thinking that we're doing what we should be doing to make it in where god will just use us to strike us down and use us as an example for somebody else and pastor always says we're not a son don't be a sardine be a knight for a place where god can use you put me down and use you again because the thing is there's a lot of people that come and play church and it's very sad because i remember i was on instagram and i put something up as the way people don't go to church and i was looking at the comments that were coming through and i'm saying 95 of it was because of people and i looked and i said god it's not people that come to save us and it's god that we're coming to worship but because of the truth that we have the devil would like to use that and attack back and instead of us seeing ourselves he'll make us see you you and you and when we look at you you and you then you're not realizing that while we're looking at you you and you we're going back and going back and going back and pastor always says when you point she says this one but i look at it that these three fingers are still coming back at you and i say god tell me that when i i don't look at nobody because there was a thing that went around that says and there was a man that was in the church and said oh what's all of this that's going on in the church and he spoke to the pastor in the past and said look around the church and tell me what you see so we walked around and said so this is the tall okay this is the back right this is the this this is the back of this and it's okay hold this cup of water and walk around again don't make nice non spin on the floor and tell me what you see and he went around and said he didn't see anything he was focusing on the water and remember when you look at it that's what we should be doing because the world is in chaos where the world is upside down and we can't be in here criticizing the causing each other issues the reason why i remember this because the devil is outside with more people it was minister yesterday that said if it wasn't for pastor the amount of testimonies and the amount of preaching that's been gone in here as to how many people have come in he said if it wasn't somebody that was gonna kill somebody and somebody was gonna kill them but because of this lighthouse we are here to spread the word and as we're spreading the word we can't allow the devil to come and mix up in between because when you meet something between what we're sending out won't be as it should be and i was looking at the power and the power of the holy ghost in the church and possibly says blind should be covenants and being healed the death shall be coming in and getting healed the holy ghost should be licking our cancer everything all of that should be nothing to us probably and i looked at it that the bible says that when god was no the bible says that god god put a pillar of cloud between man and him that he won't hear their prayers because of their sin and i looked at proving that um correct me from wrong michael's an electrician but when the election comes from the power plant it has to go for a step down transformer i believe and then comes into the house because the power from the power plant comes it will be too strong for the household to burn up the house and i was looking into it that our sin is like a step down transformer for the power of god that's why we only get to be dropping here and there but it's a thing where we need the extent of the power of god and to do that we have to live a life of holiness and it's an easy thing for us to speak and point fingers and as i said these three there's one going towards you but three coming back towards me so if that comes back to me it's going to hit me with even more judgment and i look like very that is so imperative that we don't become like described in the pharisees and i was looking at the video that i uploaded and i was looking at the comments about the woman pastor amount of comments that i was looking at i just had to laugh because the dead was blinding so many eyes i swear there's so many eyes and i was looking at how when this is how i look this is how i know it was god that used me to do that this is just a quick testament that um there was a point in my life where i was down i was very very very down and i said i'm forget about the church because this is a church business not god the church business i forget about the cherished business but i wasn't fast and pregnant for myself i was just criticizing this this that industry and that's why i stopped seeing myself so i said forget about the church business let me let me whatever so i went to work one day and it was youth service the tuesday and i said you know what i was very busy with work but i finished around seven o'clock i said you know what let me just stay because i can't be bothered to go i said honestly because god is the spirit of truth so there's nobody i said i can't believe the church and i said you know what my mind said you know just go to church just go to church so i said okay let me let me go to church so as i was on the train coming to church now but in the morning i created about four things i said about this this and this and i was crying out to god and i said okay you know what to forget and i said again forget the church business and brother believe you me i went on the train and i was coming to church and um i was between two minutes last night should i just get off and early or shall i stay so i said no let me stay let me go to church if i get there late i'll go when the song finishes it fades into the next song there's no pause remember that room there's no pause when the song finishes so i was on the train going home i'm going into church and the one drunk woman just came on the train was her and her sister came on the train and she had a 50th birthday balloon and then she sat on my lap and i was like i said you know what i said excuse me please get off me but because she was drunk she couldn't she couldn't see what she was doing so this is those and i'm sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry and the woman was talking to me all foolishness in my ears but the people watching me i was just like to play along to be like i'd want to listen to them and very believe in me and when she worked she sobered up within a split second and she said to me and at that time the music stopped bearing in mind music doesn't stop it fades into the next song the music for some reason stopped right at that point and i heard the birth and then she came and she said your grandmother is your pastor so i looked at her i said but me being me because the people opposite i want them to see that i'm listening to this drunk lady i said you know what i turned up the music and actually i come on listening then she said your mom and your dad were born and filled in church i remember i'm getting scared now because i don't know this point from adam and she said your pastor is your grandmother your parent your mom and your dad are born and filled in church she said you are the youth leader she said god's gotta work for you for you to do that she said the bible says he will never leave you nor forsake you and she started expounding the word there on the train and i said i was just i was a soul boss man and she said the four things that i prayed about to god in the morning the exact same four things i said but i can't i can't make nothing up i said but this is exactly what happened to the team but if i was to listen to some of these people now and say a woman can't preach to me that's what the woman was doing she was preaching she was preaching the bible to me and if i was there i'll be like no i'm not listening because you're a woman even though it affected me i threw that burger that's why i'm here today if i was like some of those scribes and pharisees i wouldn't be listening and i'm giving a godfather because when i came to church i got prayer and i felt so revived and through there i was able to do my fault and i'm praying to be where i am today and even though i'm like god can use anybody to get out of the mentality that if it's this or that god can't use them apostle it says god make donkey poke if god can do that god can use anybody to do anything for us and for the sinners and my unsafe friends just to say god loves you god loves you you're in here because of god but that will never bring you into this house the devil will never tell you go to church but because you're in here that's a blessing as it is already my encouragement is just to make sure they stay in god you stay close to god the bible says draw night to me and i will draw an eye to you sometimes you feel that god is so far but we have to realize that we put in the work and god will put in more work for us amen i'll say friends again god is a deliverer but it's a healer god is everything that you want him to be and it's everything that he can be but it's a deliverable there's times when i was so sick i've given my testimony many times i've been sick i've been sick sick and i come into the house and god gives healing straight away it's time that the person have cancer they come in god delivers and heals there's time that people have gaston they come into church and it drops out of their nose right [Music] if you put god in a little box of god can only only heal my cold but god can't heal cancer they've got all your cancer but if you make god as big as he is your son says oh magnify the lord [Music] so if you make god big and we magnify god then you'll see the blessing that god can do for us you pray for me while i pray for you in jesus name [Music] praise god i was listening to him god is a good girl you know the woman was young praise god and god many women come and him praise the name of the lord and today if you are here and you need prayer code praise the name of the lord if you need prayer virgin come sinner friend if you need prayer call god is talking to each and every one of us to tell us that he can do anything praise the name of the lord praise god and if you need prayer today come praise the name of the lord god is here praise god and he want to bless you you and you want to hear your cry praise the name of the lord and if you come to him in faith believing praise god that he will do he will do it for you in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] he will give you [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he will give you [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] praise the name of the lord thank you jesus thank you [Music] ancient of jesus you're the lord of the lords you are the king of kings you're a holy counselor [Music] to write your spouse [Music] [Applause] [Music] night to lead the children all the way through thank you for your mercy we thank you you brought us this place today my god to hear your words we thank you if you died on calvary's crossover for our sins we thank you god almighty all the way away from us that you gave your life for us oh god we thank you that nothing could put you off but glad that you went all the way and we thank you that almighty god died to set us free almighty we thank you for your direction oh god we thank you for your leading oh god my father we put your strength in our mind body soul and spirit oh god father we pray for your sermon right now my god we pray accomplish those on your blood we pray for your strength your daughter right oh god we pray my name is strength and welcoming power that no forces up here will come against her i declare war against the forces of evil oh god that fight against this church and against your words i come against in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray almighty take i pray to you straight a small body i pray that his strength is not mine oh god i pray comment to rise us up in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray that your holy ghost and power and touch every heart every mind every soul in this place right now one is unfortunate cover your people my god quote are clear brothers to complain fit to my god almighty no god almighty as you are the same god almighty that god when you are in the mouth of transfiguration of god and your glory is shine so bright oh god the bible said that lord fuller and earth will make it so light and i pray of god right now this moment of god that your same glory that you had oh god the same power that you had on god and the mother transfiguration god [Music] [Music] every soul i come in this place to god i pray and go home delivered they go home change they go home blessed and i pray them and they surrender to your god for god you're able to change every little spot you build every heart of stone and i pray over for refinement in this house and pledge of almighty all flowing in this house i pray that your poor the world was power as it was a pentecostal man it fell on the horse when it was sitting my program [Music] i pray in jesus name that deliberately should rot in somebody's life today god that will be different and then surrender to you and be washed in your blood that god entered you and give you the glory for your word of all praise honor and i'll praise as we look to my face one more time go with us my god come to the lord i'll make christian bless your blood father i pray we'll come back here tonight oh god that god will give you the best of our service glory yes lord the best of our service of god that you can accept our glory accept your praise and our lord with vain tortures my god and straight us right now in jesus name 7 30.
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 14,506
Rating: 4.8423643 out of 5
Id: EN6CSsByV1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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