How YouTube Star Jeff Wittek's Injury Affected His Brain

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I feel bad because he gave his trust in someone who is a phony...It hurts me as well because I have clinical depression and I know how desperate you can feel to get help and I unfortunately came across some frauds who fed me false information..I just hope he knows that this guy isn't the real deal..happy to see hes doing better though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Illustrious-Detail-1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just can't hold my tears back when he talks about depression. I have struggled with it through a much less painful experience. It must have been so hard

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TeemaTen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I wish jeff didn't get hit, I do appreciate having someone to speak out about a journey TBI. there's very little coverage on the subject it's very difficult finding others who understand

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Klauslee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dr. Amen's clinic does not accept insurance. This is code for "insurance companies will not approve of Dr. Amen's services". It seems like this is a fake Doctor who simply hypes up brain scans and other practices and gives you therapy at a premium out of pocket rate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CollectandRun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I honestly don’t know if this doctor is legit but I really hope he’s getting the proper treatment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dipnickle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone got the discord link? The other one isn't working.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/breadflower πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t know. I was treated by Amen Clinic and have had really phenomenal healing for my TBI & overactive brain (anxiety depression trauma). My memory and executive function is so much better, we did a lot of HBOT. They do tons - I mean tons- of bloodwork and it outlined everything my particular body best & worst responds to. I feel really grateful & feel like Jeff is in good hands

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hailsx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] legend himself all right now i'm so happy you're here i'm happy to be here man i've heard a lot about you i think you're the only man that can fix me to be honest well quite a story [Music] it's a pleasure to meet you how can i help can we jump right into do i have brain damage yes or no yes do i yes okay i don't know what i don't remember just because i don't remember it and i'm trying to you know figure things out so your goal well fix my brain i like that goal fix my brain [Music] what i'd like you to do is walk me through the accident okay last year all right so we're all youtubers we're uh content creators we push it every time to make our videos better and i'm obviously obsessed with my uh profession you know creating i'm very passionate about everything so i have something embedded in me that i don't know if it's like a bad thing or a good thing but i just want everything to be perfect and just be the best i can be when i put out these videos because i know they have a limitless potential the internet you could reach so many people and i got to a point last year with the pandemic that i was just kind of making videos by myself joking around and i turned 30 years old that's like a thing where you know your 20s are over so you need to start taking life a little more serious i can't just be you know making these silly stupid videos anymore i can but also i was searching for something more i wanted something deeper i wanted to make a bigger project like instead of the normal just make people laugh and bring joy to them temporarily maybe i can make something that will stick with people and resonate with them for life and they can take what i do and and you know it'll help them in their lives so um i got a little too confident the stunt was for my friends video um who was a huge youtuber he was the biggest one on the platform at the time i was getting certified to do a big stunt at the end for his video there's this excavator on a lake that spins a rope around with a wakeboard on it kind of spins in one spot so you can film everything oh that's scary okay oh my god oh my god oh my god ouch i broke my hip i had nine fractures in my skull and face and um i had a full orbital blowout so i had seven implants put through one here one here they're all they're all over the place the doctor doesn't even tell me because there's so many of them i remember um i couldn't see out of this eye at the time it was completely just blurry but i didn't know if it was blood in my eye or what was going on i was still kind of in shock i was still able to walk even at the time and i had that fracture in my hip and torn tendons in my leg but i was able to like walk off the beach and they rushed me to the hospital just took me in a car we didn't wait for an ambulance because everybody thought i was gonna die i was pale white and um i lost a lot of blood and i went to take the visor down and my friend stopped me they were like no no don't don't look at it so that's when i realized like it's bad since the accident what are the big symptoms you've experienced definitely depression um i never thought that depression or anxiety or anything like that was even a real thing when i heard people talk about having it i thought it would just be like okay you're just a little nervous or something or like you're like overreacting and now i go through it so it's just something i never expected that i would go through i was in jail and i didn't go through it you know and but now at this point in my life it got dark like a couple months in there after the accident it was some of the darkest days of my life i'd say around like christmas time just it could be the accident it could be everything could be the pandemic and not being a fly home and be with family for christmas and just be alone so it's just something that i'm you know it's always on my mind i have to live with these injuries for the rest of my life how many times have you had general anesthesia seven in the past eight months you can actually get depressed and brain fog after anesthesia now we can repair it but it most anesthesiologists never tell you that they just think it's innocuous yeah so what i have from the records is you don't feel like yourself really the only way out of this is to forgive and move on because accidents happen and well glad he didn't kill you yeah so we have to get to work on fixing it yeah and fixing it isn't just the brain it's also your mind and they go hand in hand and holding holding on to the bitterness isn't gonna help you heal yeah so um it's just on a day-to-day basis how's your mood um obviously with youtube and stuff you have a video that gets a good response i have like a boost of happiness for about a day or two but then it immediately turns into okay now i need to get back to work and top what i just did and that's kind of the cycle that is a little toxic but it's hard it's also like we have a term for it it's called hedonic adaptation it's hedonic it's like happiness and but the more it happens the more you need to do to make happiness happen again and you just have to make sure you find happiness in other things too so uh because your memory score actually is fine oh that's that's good to know your focus score was okay too i repeat a lot of stress anxiety and depression scores are high so that's not good yeah and your conscious negativity was too high so if we can fix that then consistently you'll be happier without having to do something amazing give me the pill doc i'm ready the red one or the blue one so want to see your brain yeah spec tells us three things good activity too little or too much and then our job is to balance it so it needs some help yeah your brain can be better okay the area that's gonna become really important is right here which is right where you had the injury it's right there yeah we're gonna see your emotional brain really busy when we look at your scan here is where the accident happened so here's your cerebellum and it's great it's really healthy so that's good news for us because that's the most important part well no the most important parts here and the most important part is what's screwed up yeah because the front part of your brain is the part that makes you human and when it's hurt you can be impulsive and say things maybe you shouldn't say or do things you shouldn't do yeah um sounds about right and that's why we have to fix it here your emotional brain is working way too hard and so that's probably the anxiety and the sadness that you feel and so if i can calm that down and stimulate the front part of your brain you're going to feel better i don't want you to think you're permanently damaged we don't know that i think i can make this better those look like some big nasty holes in there though they do it's what happened to you was real right i mean you know that yeah and you can also see this dent is that bad this is why i don't want you drinking and i don't want you s smoking pot and i know you had a problem with drinking and you stopped yeah really grateful in three years you stopped but do you see the bumpiness i don't like the bumpiness your brain is older than you are and we want to fix that but if you do what i ask you to do like four months from now or six months from now [Music] watch what can happen it can be better wait radically better that's good news but if we don't look how do we know so the holes could go you can we can get better blood flow to your brain the front part of your brain focus forethought judgment impulse control organization planning empathy learning from the mistakes you make every day through what you do you're either helping your brain be healthier or you're hurting and i don't want you doing stupid stuff that's going to get you a head injury from now on you just have to get more creative and how you're going to make the videos but yeah i want you at least thinking is this good for my brain or bad for it i just want you to be more anxious about protecting your brain does that make sense yeah yeah it does um on a scale of one to ten how bad would you say it is or let's do 10 is the best 10 is the best yeah yours is a 4. i don't think it was that bad most people 6. our goal is to get yours to a seven or an eight it's possible you just got to do the right things when you get hit really hard there's a gland called the pituitary gland yeah it gets rattled yeah and it sort of turns it off and so somebody should check your testosterone dhea pregnenolone thyroid um and balancing those can help you so much yeah so there's a brain part to it we'll talk about there's a mind part to it it's a social part to it where you're hanging out with and a spiritual part which is sort of why do you care what's your purpose for being on the planet and and i actually like that you're not holding on to the hurt that you don't want to do that because that's not going to help you whenever you sue someone because they hurt you you have to stay hurt yeah and i that's a lousy place to be the two most important things here for me is fixing my eye and fixing my brain and then i feel like i'll be closest back to myself and then i can move on with my life you've worked so hard and have become so successful yeah um tell me about the klonopin the ambien's not working anymore it saved me for the past three years but i'm like dealing with serious emotional stress now um and he suggested colonopin because i i was given colonopin from a friend on the street i took it and i was like all right this this is cool i feel a little chilled out i was able to function and work and do um i'm not on anything now but you don't even know you probably think i am i'm just a little uh wacky sometimes it's a coffee don't read my mind um right now i would rather you not take it okay that was a mistake on your doctor's part i'm gonna have alzheimer's by 35 you are not because we met yeah i would feel terrible that this guy went downhill quick no i think we've already hit rock bottom and i'm already kind of just organically coming back up and becoming my old self so i feel like this will speed up the process you
Channel: AmenClinic
Views: 274,263
Rating: 4.9425817 out of 5
Keywords: Jeff wittek, Jeff Wittek injury, Jeff Wittek eye, Jeff Wittek eye injury, Jeff Wittek brain, Jeff Wittek brain injury, Jeff Wittek accident, dr daniel amen, dr amen, Jeff Wittek brain scan
Id: rTI9Dg6KbmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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