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i know i sound out of it probably won't sound that much dumber than i usually do but i just had surgery um don't worry it's not as bad as it looks i'll have to edit this probably because i feel like i have to get up and throw up any second i just feel like we've been really negative about a lot of things like i mean i'm not i'm not intending to be negative but this entire situation is pretty depressing but there are some positive things i just want to react to the raw footage that's ilia's back right there looking good nice and tanned up that's joe volpis out there with the with the raft standing by i didn't know what the point of this was i thought it was just to go around slow and we were just going to get the nice shot with the mountains so at this moment i screamed for my life you guys can't hear this but it's so it's i remember if anybody could make a [ __ ] joke out of it i i land here now i was like ko but i was awake and i knew i fell into water i knew like i remembered where i was at like i got hit on top of a lake so i knew i was in the water but i wasn't able to comprehend that my leg was tied in because once we hit that top speed the thing tied the knot on my leg around my ankle even tighter so i didn't have an option to even release i had to just [ __ ] take the impact and nothing you could do there i was hung upside down and i'm like why the [ __ ] am i drowning i thought this was only one foot or two feet of water now i'm fighting for my life as like my head's cracked open i didn't know if i had like a limp like i lost a limb or something at this point because i just couldn't get out of the water i didn't understand why i can't i couldn't swim up and just get my head up my whole brain mechanism was off i remember walking off the beach and i was like damn i got rock just this moment here it's like a dark moment that's hard to watch but there's also a lot in it that does mean a lot to me like seeing these guys sprint out there and you know everybody run over to help me out i get emotional watching it but there is some good stuff you can take away from this look at todd [ __ ] sprinting out there man holy [ __ ] look at scott too from out of nowhere and ilya is right up there too but look god damn man is that devin no devin devin stayed filming well thank you for the shot devon at least you know yeah [ __ ] man look at how [ __ ] todd and scott got out even ilia i mean todd's from [ __ ] huntington beach he grew up running through waves like that but thank god man oh zane hopped off and got to me first oh [ __ ] look at zayn wow and joe volpis came over with the wrath and there's david [ __ ] man they got there quick because i was [ __ ] choking on water at that point this one [ __ ] gets me man i hate to come on here i feel like this has just been it was supposed to be a podcast for us to [ __ ] around and make stupid jokes and here's everything so emotional this is when i got to shore this is really the only footage that we have of like me after the accident because it's weird you got all these vloggers on a beach and some i hear nerf barking it's a nerf nerf please this is how we pay bills this is how we buy treats yeah what was i saying i think kyle made this instagram story right was this yeah not instagram story but like vertical video that's when kyle was still an employee of jonas so i guess he was just trying to document everything being a [ __ ] 18 year old trailer park kid just kept rolling and i'm grateful that he did that because i would have never known i would have never had this moment but this [ __ ] will get taken down from youtube so this is exclusively for the patreons god damn i mean that was after i already had the shower from that dirty nasty lake i mean you could just see the look in todd's face there todd [ __ ] is a real one man and then zayn gave me a shirt to stop the blood we had no medic there no nothing nobody was prepared for anything it was [ __ ] dumb but this moment means a lot to me these guys literally saved my life and also we had no time to wait for an ambulance we had to rush straight to the hospital and the family that did drive me to the hospital is the ones that later turned to blackmail me with the video so it just goes to show you that you know you never know but you could tell from the look in todd's face how devastated he was i'll never forget that i'll never forget these moments right here i just want to give a little context to those videos on for the patreon because that will immediately get my channel [ __ ] deleted because of my own face my own face is age restrictable now just completely banned so yeah i'm gonna do a lot more for the patreon i'm gonna figure out how to do these live streams and interact with you guys more i haven't been really reading in too much of the comments and looking at what other people are saying on the videos i really only care about the people that actually support me really all i read is a patreon messages and comments so thank you guys i love you thank you for the support thank you for watching and we'll be back with a better real jeff ffm [Music] soon them
Views: 1,924,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff Wittek, Jeff FM, podcast, clips, vlogsquad, David dobrik, interview, reaction, leaked, Utah, lake, frenemies
Id: x4M_6VQNA2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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