How You Can Change Color in Photoshop using Select Color Range

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Hi I'm George Peirson and in this video we'll be doing a Photoshop Color Change, you can see right here on her jacket. There we go. Now if you liked this video make sure you hit that Like button, and of course Share, and also Subscribe if you haven't already done so, and take a look at my complete training course for Photoshop and there's a link for that right down there in the description. Okay, let's get to it. [Music] The basic idea behind doing this kind of a color change in here, just like that, is to make a selection of just the area you want to change and then using an adjustment layer, here a hue/saturation layer, apply that onto that one layer so it's just showing that particular area. Now there are lots of different ways of making selections you could take your time in here and do a real careful selection around the figure in here and depending upon what you're doing some ways may work better than others in this case we have all this hair coming over this jacket so it's better if we use a different technique and if we can select the color because of course the color is pretty distinct in here there's some red over here there's some red down there in this red back there aside from those spots this is pretty separate from everything else so we can use a special tool up in these select menu up there to select just for the color range that's shown in this jacket but to do this right there are a few tricks that can make this turn out a lot better okay minister go over here I'm going to delete all these flares that we don't need on the right hand side over here let's just hit the delete button on that and we'll get rid of those layers there we go and back to just the basic background now for this I'm going to make a duplicate of the background I do this anyway all the time just as a safety precaution so I'm just going to right click this time and duplicate layer and choose okay there we go we can then hide that background make our selection on this layer here now the tool I'm talking about under select is this one right here color range and it allows you to select for a specific color range now it chooses the color range over the whole image so half two dozen clean up on this after we get the basic color arrangement selected so here's the color range right there and what you do is use the eyedropper over here and then sample a specific color in the image and it's going to then select everything that's that color anything as selects will be in white as you can see here anything that's not selecting is in black things that are coming in in different levels of transparency will be different levels of gray so we'll find a spot right here on the jacket that was pretty good right in there look for a good mid-tone area if you can and that should give you a pretty good selection now we can look at the selection in here as grayscale or as a black matte this we can see some gray spots in here now's might be good one to use on this one or we could do a white matte like that you're going to see where there's some holes in here or the quickmask the view technique you use will depend upon what your knees are and you want to going to end double check we'll start off with the grayscale but I want in here is as much pure white as I can get so here's our basic selection we know the jacket is all that kind of reddish color but I want to add in these gray areas into that flight selection so I'll go over here and we have these three eye droppers we use the first one to get the basic selection let's now move to this plus sign and with this I can click on other areas in here and it adds those into the selection notice as I add in more areas in here we're also beginning to pick up more stuff in the background we'll need to clean that stuff out later on I'll go through here I'm going to click on a few spots in here and try to get as much of this converted over to white as possible of course I don't care what the buttons they're just fine and it's click around and get this as pure white as we can get it and that's pretty good let's just check this other side over here that looks fine again there's a lot of stuff in here we'll have to clean out we should have a good selection now on the jacket you can adjust the fuzziness in here and this is going to allow you to kind of fine-tune that background out so I'll just pull this down a little bit and it's even get a few more of these spots in here and that's looking about as close as I'm gonna be getting on this one there we go you can also adjust the range this is how far it's going away from the color you selected nough so I pull this further I begin to lose the jacket in there as well I found a higher setting tends to work out best lisa does from me on this now this isn't perfect and this will require some clean-up on the mask afterwards also notice over here we have detect faces we don't care about that for this obviously because we're doing a jacket and we have localized color clusters if I uncheck that notice it grabs a lot more color from surrounding area so make sure that is checked to keep this as accurate as possible okay I think we're about as good as we can get now on this is then going to convert this into a selection there we go and here's a little marching ants selection we can clean a lot up right now anything that has marching ants that you don't want we'll just remove those from the selection so I'll grab the standard lasso tool over here and I'll choose the remove or delete form or subtract from option right there and let's do a big circle around anything you want to get rid of you will then delete that from your basic selections that's real easy and quick clean up in here I can't get right by that finger yet now let's get a bit closer this time there we go looks pretty good a little bit right in here me just get that out of there and the jacket is right here so I'm just going to follow up along the curve of the jacket there and around what to my start point again and a few things in the face here we can get rid of those pretty easily okay that looks pretty good there's a lot of things in here that aren't selected that I want to have selected we can use or fix those of course with the other option over here but first I just notice some fingers right there missed clean that out okay go over to the add to selection and then we see marching ants inside of your selection just do a circle around those and those are then add those into the selection go around here and it's a little clean up now I have to do even more than this as we get further in we need to clean out some stuff inside the mask the mask is not going to come in as a solid mask and there are some things you can do to improve that as well so this is just our first step on the clean of this whole cut down how much has to be done later on okay just looking through those any more little marching ants and here we'll take care of those quickly and that little spot right there as well and a little bit right there okay looks pretty good maybe a bit right in there and now we can convert this to a layer mask we have our selection we're on our copy of our layer up here so just hit the layer mask button gives you a layer mask and there it is now I can already see there are some problems in it there's a few holes showing through here you can see those and we have some stuff in the background in there that's kind of showing through you can get rid of that it's pretty easy to see here let's make it even easier to see you can just put a white layer behind this and none of the background here let's just add a new layer here I'll fill it with white let's put our colors their defaults invert and paint bucket in a white layer that's just in behind there we can really now see anything that's kind of transparent that's showing through you can get rid of this by painting black on the layer mask so click the layer mask side look for the outline when you're working with a layer mask black hides and white shows so here's our brush it's pretty small let's bring our brush size up that's good and then just paint black right onto the layer mask itself and it will hide all of this stuff this is our second pass on our clean up will be doing a third pass as well and each one of these passes that is do it or it's easiest to do it which make the process go as fast as possible I've never seen a perfect layer mask come out so you always have to do some cleanup on the layer masks this is pretty good actually we're very very close on this one okay that looks good let's just double-check this real fast here there's a few more little things in close though I have to touch up and we can get those and see those better by going right to the layer mask itself so go over here layer mask aside hold the Alt key down and click on the layer mask this takes you right into the layer mask itself when kind of see a lot of stuff in here the only thing is see right there so there's a real white area and it's grayed out here that means that the layer mask isn't as white as it should be we want to have this pure white so I'm going to adjust the contrast in here on the layer mask coca image come down to adjustment brightness and contrast and just push the contrast clear to the right and brightness clear to the right and that cleans up most of that it also makes the edges Jaggi and here we'll fix that in just a bit so that takes care of that much better looking a layer mask we can now see these little spots and you clean up on the outside now again black hides white show so here's our paintbrush I mean pretty close on this I'm going to change this to a soft edge brush not you to a hard edge there's a hard edge around yeah I'll come down pretty small that's good nest men are going around the edge and catching any little thing us that's showing outside of the edge don't worry about the actual edge itself just get things that are just outside and we'll clean those out here we go just work clear around a little bit right down here and right there if you hold the spacebar down you're going to move this around so I push them with a spacebar and a little bit of cleanup again I'm looking for anything which is showing out here there's not much looks like we're pretty good up a lot of stuff down here okay let's get this all cleaned out since we're working towards a reddish color this would be reddish tones in her flesh tones on her leg so should have expected that but as you can see real easy to clean up on the layer mask just paint it out with black right on the layer mask okay looks good I'll just pull it down again everybody here a little bit on the edge of the skirt right there and is looking around I'm not really seeing anything over here a little bit right there right in here a little bit right there and right up here looking pretty good though a little bit right in there and then just a bit in here inside around the collar area okay so that looks nice let's now reverse this and clean up anything inside now don't do anything with a hair that's all as it should be I'll just reverse my colors and we're looking for any black spots in the white area that shouldn't be there those are all buttons so we'll leave those alone just a few little things right there leave that one alone a little spot right there okay that looks good now we have this hard edge we can solve that hard edge issue by softening up the layer mask go to the filter menu come down to blur and use the Gaussian blur here's without and there's a little bit of preview on that and it just softens up that just a little bit and she's okay and that should give us a clean layer mask let's go back to fit screen okay couple things right up here and at the very top you to fix those and then we're all set so back to black since we're hiding whatever our paintbrush and let's just quickly paint those little spots out there we go real fast layer mask cleanup in here I could go for a larger brush size but I don't want to take the extra time just to do that since that's all we're doing is just that little bit okay looks excellent now hold the Alt key down and click on that layer mask again and you're back to our look here it is let's now hide the white layer and show our background and now we're ready for the color change that was the hard part right there once you have that layer mask done that's all the difficult stuff now just add a an adjustment layer here layer new adjustment layer hue/saturation where it says use previous layer to create clipping mask make sure that is selected that will then apply the adjustment just to this layer here with the layer mask now I have to do is just move the slider control do give yourself any color you want on that jacket there's kind of a nice nice mustard a yellow right there that actually looks very very good at this picture that's a nice one here is some nice blues now sometimes you'll find a color you may want to use like right here where you're losing a little bit of contrast in there so if you're losing some contrast in your shadows most of these look pretty good mostly mechanized contrast arrangement and that blue one there it's just a little low in the contrast if you're doing that if you're going for that particular color range where you're losing your contrast easy to fix what does use a second adjustment layer so layer new adjustment layer and this time do a levels adjustment and again check that checkbox right there choose okay and then it's bring your blacks up a bit until you bring back in the contrast that you'll want for that now looks pretty nice right in there ok let's just take a look there's our beginning and here's our finish right there and there it is as you can see it's a real nice tool and again that's up here select and that's that color range tool right there real nice tool if you want to select out a specific color range it's pretty separate from anything else in your background in your picture so if you had that kind of a situation it's a great tool to use to make a very nice layer masking again there's our cleaned up completed layer mask okay so that's how you change colors in here changing the color on this clothing by using a layer mask on a layer and that color range which is under the Select menu now if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like button also click on share as well and subscribe you can also support my channel through patreon there's a link for patreon on the channel page and take a look at my complete training course for Photoshop and there's a link right down there in the description [Music] you you
Channel: How To Gurus
Views: 3,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: replace color tool photoshop cc, photoshop cc replace color tool, how to use replace color tool in photoshop, photoshop replace color tool, photoshop replace color, photoshop replace color with specific color, photoshop replace color with another, photoshop replace color in selected area, photoshop change color of clothes, photoshop change color of image, photoshop, photoshop training, photoshop tutorial, change color in photoshop, replace colors in photoshop, adobe photoshop
Id: jbVi1pDyL_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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