how well do i know my books? do i know them? let's find out

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hello everybody.welcome hi it's me Hannah I don't know why I said my name I feel like you know my name but you might not know my name so hi I'm Hannah it's been a bit we're not really gonna address that but I'm back and I'm gonna be making videos as regularly as I can made a schedule for myself you might even get weekly uploads who knows I'm not gonna promise anything because I don't want to break that promise today I really wanted to film a challenge video that was like a thing a year ago and everyone did this like a year ago but as per usual I'm late to every trend by at least a year so we're keeping on brand and that is the how well do I know my books challenge which I believe was created by Jesse from Jesse the reader so I'm gonna leave his original video linked in the description box below so you can go and watch that but basically the way that this challenge works is that there are I don't even know how many questions like a lot of questions you're supposed to pick like two random numbers that correlate with your bookshelves so like one for the shelf and one for a book on the shelf you know how these things work and then there are a bunch of questions and you're supposed to answer the question as it relates to the book that you randomly pick off of your shelves it's pretty straightforward it looks like a lot of fun I like doing these types of challenge videos from time to time because it's entertaining also I don't really know how well I know my books and I feel like I should probably answer that question if you like recently at least since I did like a really big on haul of the stuff on my shelves I still plan to do like another one I got rid of like over a hundred books because I didn't even know what they're about and I didn't even really want to read them so at least that's gone but I feel like I have to do like another on haul and get rid of some more of the books that I don't intend on reading and once I do that I feel like I'll have a better grasp of my shelves but right now I feel like I'm pretty comfortable with most of the books on my shelf but I'm saying this now and now I'm really worried that I'm not gonna be able to answer any of these questions so yeah without any further ado let's just get in to the book tag challenge tag yeah I don't know what it is I think it's a challenge so I'm just gonna use this random number generator that Google gives me because I didn't ask people for numbers okay the first question is without looking at the description tell us what the book is about and the first two numbers are 8 and 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there are only two different books on this shelf even though there are like sick books there I wish I had planned this because that would have been even funnier but I didn't plan this a book that we have is the Night Circus probably my all-time favorite book this is a book about a magical circus that only travels at night and the magical circus is the setting for these two magicians who are in a competition with one another and they have to use the circus as the venue for this competition that they have magical competition that they have with one another historical fiction it's fantasy it's beautiful magical wonderful literally the best book please read it I haven't talked about this in so long I love this book so read the Night Circus that was easy so the next two numbers are 5 and 11 and the question is without looking it up what is the genre of this book we have city of ghosts this is city of ghosts by ve Schwab it's another book I have read and this is a middle grade paranormal fantasy I would just call it paranormal I guess novel genre is paranormal middle grade paranormal the next two numbers are 14 and 4 and the question is without looking at the book tell us what is on the cover it's the Raven king it's a deer with antlers a stag I think it's stag it's called a stag right that's what's on the cover am i right am i right yeah it's a stag a deer with antlers the next two numbers are 10 and 18 and the question is without looking it up what is the main character's name I am gonna be so bad at this I might not be that bad crooked Kingdom technically speaking we don't have one main character we have six main characters and their names are cast in edge Nina Jesper wildin Mattias did I forget anyone I don't think so that's that's our main cast of characters so I got lucky so far all the books I've gotten I've already read which has been really nice but I haven't read like a majority of this side of my bookshelf so once we get some of those numbers this might be a little bit more difficult the next three numbers are 23 and 1 and the question is without looking NamUs character this is definitely going to be awful the book is my Plain Jane by Cynthia hand Brodie action and Jody Meadows I have not read this so I cannot name any of the characters except I'm guessing that the main character's name is Jane considering the title and the fact that I know that it's a Jane Eyre retelling or reimagining something like that I don't think they'd name a side character mr. Rochester but I could guess that I guess they'd keep his name mr. Rochester it says mr. Rochester oh my god Wow I got it right that was just like sheer luck though let's be honest the next four numbers are 19 and 13 and the question is guess how many pages the book has without looking if you guess 25 below or 25 above the number you can count it as a win okay so we have a little bit of wiggle room in sentient Theo it feels like it's four to five hundred probably I don't know I don't know how like thin the pages are am I allowed to feel that I'm gonna stay in for fifty let's let's guess for fifty that feels like seifish I turn to the back it's four fifty four this is going really well so far the next two numbers are two and twelve and the question is without looking it up what rating did you give this book if you land on a book you haven't read pick a new set of numbers one two I've heard all the books on this shelf I think almost all the books on this shelf so hopefully we land on one I dunno seven eight nine ten eleven twelve this savage song by Victoria Schwab I am like 99% sure I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars but I'm gonna check my Goodreads now to see if that's true I haven't used Goodreads and so long that it offloaded from my phone and now I have to redownload the app can you tell that I've been reading a lot lately yes I was right I did give it 4 stars ok so far so good I feel like I'm jinxing it every single time I say it but who knows this could go really well the next two numbers are 4 and 21 and the question is without looking where does this book take place 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 passenger by Alexandra Bracken oh okay so passenger is a time-travel novel and honestly I can't remember if we start off and present we do start off in present day and I think this takes place in New York it's been so long since I've read this book I'm gonna go with a takes place in New York because I think that's where we start off like that's the modern day setting I think that's what it is oh wait the cover has New York on it I promise I didn't look at that before iPad yes New York City present day okay I'm counting that as being correct because I didn't look at that before I guessed it the next two numbers are 13 and 14 and the question is without looking what are the parents names I literally don't know the name of the parents of a book that I am like in the middle of reading so unless it's Harry Potter we're gonna have a really tough time with this 13 I swear to God I didn't choose the song 13 14 the book that it ended up landing on is Chamber of Secrets I mean technically his parents are dead but we're still gonna go with Lily and James Potter we could also go with Molly and Arthur Weasley they're both in that book so we have some parents Wow I'm just getting really lucky in this I swear to God like I don't actually know this much about all the books on my shelves I was unbelievably lucky like I wouldn't have known the names of any of the other parents of any other book honestly who has parents and why a let's be honest the next two numbers are 23 and 9 and the question is without looking at the hardback what color is the book under the dust jacket I'm not looking at it because I think you can see it through the dust jacket but the book is good by perfect I don't want to look at it because I know you can like see from the top what color the book is I think it's pink it's either pink or purple I'm gonna go with pink let's see it is pink yes it's like a peachy pink no it's like it's a pretty true pink that's pink okay that was not super hard the next two numbers are 15 and 4 and the question is without looking is there anything on the hardback like an imprint or an image of some sort 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 one two three four well it's not a hardback so I don't know what to do I'm just gonna go to the last hardback on the Shelf which is right next to it which is a number the ashes yeah since I didn't land on a hardback I just went with the one right next to it and it was the same book anyway so it's fine I don't think there's any imprint on the hardback of this I feel like I always expect there to be one but I don't think there is anything so I'm gonna go with no and I was correct there is nothing there's just the title of the book on the spine but there's nothing on the front or the back it's just gold and it's really pretty the next two numbers are one and six and the question is without looking do the chapters have titles or are they just numbered by Jane Austen it's been so long since I've read Pride and Prejudice but I want to say that the chapters are just numbered and they don't have titles I don't think they have titles if you like I'd remember one of the titles so we're gonna check it out yes it's just chapter 1 chapter 2 right okay I feel like if that's the case for all of Jane Austen's novels or at least the editions that I have I don't think they take out the chapter titles anyway just numbered chapters so you got that one the next two numbers are 29 and 6 and the question is without looking at the book cover does it have an award on it and a berry giant my cause of shakur you literally can't see me hi so I'm not gonna look at it and then I'll go get it I don't think the book has an award on the cover because I think the Edition that I have is a first edition so it wouldn't have an award on the cover so I'm gonna go with no but let's check and I was correct there is no award on the cover of this book okay nearly broke my jewelry box in the process of putting that back on my shelf but everything's fine it's okay the next two numbers are three and eleven and the question is without looking does the book have any author blurbs on the front cover one two three my Shadowhunter shelf okay I am NOT looking at the front cover it's lady midnight by Cassandra Clare as you can see I want to say it probably does have a blurb on the front cover but I don't know who it would be by I know like the original City of Bones and like the original Mortal Instruments series has Stephenie Meyer's blurb on the front cover but I don't know about these I'm paid attention I'm gonna say yes but I also have a feeling that there might not be one let's just go with yes and there isn't one there is no war up on the front cover I think I'm just so used to looking at like the original three books with Stephenie Meyer's blurb on the front cover that it just makes me think that all Cassandra Clare books have a blurb on the cover but I don't think they do so yeah I was wrong I think that's the first one I've gotten wrong I broke my streak all right the next two numbers are 12 and 30 and the question is without looking does the book have a description on the back I'm not looking at it not looking at the back it is saga still not looking at it vol 4 I want to say yes it has a description on the back I can't remember what the saga books like do they have blurbs do they have the description do they have just like another image I feel like it has a description on the back I'm gonna go with yes no it doesn't I should have gone with my gut I thought that all of them had like images on the back but I think I was also thinking of like the bind up of the comics I think that one might have an image on the back or maybe that one has a description I'm just mixing them up but anyway I was wrong it has an image it has a little bit about the author and the illustrator and then it has a couple of blurbs at the top you know description on the back so tragic but I love saga so read saga the next two numbers are 11 and 8 and the question is without looking just the book have an author photo one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 I feel like none of these well this is my poetry shelf the book is love and misadventure it's a poetry collection not looking at the back because I feel like there might be an author photo on the back but I don't know I'm gonna go with no there is no author photo I feel like I'm gonna get all of these like next ones wrong I had a good street going and now this is gonna be like really bad let's go with no no author photo okay there's not on the back let's see if there's one inside if you like they're typically in hardback books they don't usually have them in paperbacks it's not in the back I mean don't think there's one in the front yeah there's no other photo okay I was correct the next two numbers are 13 and 22 and the question is without looking it up is the author using a pen name 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I'm already gonna tell you the answer is no because every single book on this shelf is a Harry Potter book though they're all written by JK Rowling um and she is not using a pen name for these books but she does have a pen name for her other series so I'm gonna go with no because she's not using appending for the Harry Potter series the next two numbers are 10 and 8 and the question is without looking what point of view is the book written in first or third 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it's six of crows by Leigh bardugo the other copy that's on my shelf but I'm using this one because it's easier to get off the shelf six of crows is written in third person yes it's written in third person it's written in third person why am i doubting myself okay we're checking I'm going with third person but we're just double-checking yes third person this book is written in third person I don't know why I was doubting myself there is no way that we got like has any nege from first person I would have vividly remembered that also most of the books that I like tend to be in third person I prefer third person to first person most of the time depends on the book though depends on the situation but yeah third person I was correct all right the next two numbers are twenty and seven and the question is without looking are there any pictures or graphics in this book one two three four five the book is after I do by Taylor Jenkins read I don't think that there are any pictures or graphics in this book I read this one on audiobook so I technically don't know but I'm like 99% sure so I'm gonna go with no and then we're gonna check so no that's my answer okay flipping through it I was correct there are no pictures or graphics in this book the next two numbers are 22 and 24 and the question is without looking does it have an epilogue I don't know the book is the hazelwood by Melissa Albert and I have no idea I haven't read this book so I can't tell you for sure either way I think I can't remember if this is a series I think it ended up being the series and I'm gonna go with yes cuz I feel like a lot of why ebooks tend to have epilogues so I'm just gonna guess yes we'll go with yes let's see if I'm wrong we're at the acknowledgments chapter 31 and I think I was incorrect yep I was wrong there are 31 chapters but no epilogue I mean I'm not too mad since I haven't read this book so I wouldn't really know but yeah no epilogue the next two numbers are 15 and 2 and the question is without looking does this book have a prologue the devil's Thief by Lisa Maxwell I love this book and I want to say yes it does have a prologue I'm like 99% sure the first book has a prologue and I feel like this book has a prologue so I'm gonna go with yes but we'll check ok this is a little bit tricky because this first chapter is just labeled the thief but it is before part 1 which then goes into the first actual chapter so this isn't labeled a prologue but it's before part 1 of the book so I'm gonna say that that is a prologue because the chapters don't even have like chapter numbers at all they just have titles yeah we're gonna go with yes that's a prologue I'm counting that as a prologue it doesn't have to technically be labeled prologue to be a prologue if it takes place before part 1 of the book it's a prologue that's basically what a prologue is anyway the next three numbers are 18 and 4 and the question is without looking is this book signed ok again you can barely see me I'm not taking this book out because it's like completely stuck in here but it is the Return of the King by jr. Tolkien and it is definitely not signed the next two numbers are 17 and 6 and the question is without looking do the page numbers have a design above or below them or none at all the book is love in the Time of Cholera so I'm just laughing at the irony of the title I haven't read this book so I have no idea I haven't read anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez but I have like a bunch of his books all in these like same editions and I have no idea I genuinely don't know I'm gonna go with no there's no design so let's check and see so it was right it's very tiny page numbers so yeah no design the next two numbers are 21 and 14 and the question is without looking do the chapter headers have a design on them winter girls by Laurie Halse Anderson I don't think there is any design on these because I'm pretty sure the chapter headers are written in just like numbers with like zeros in front of them so I'm gonna check but I'm pretty sure I'm right I was correct they're written like this with like zeros in front and with a decimal point and zeros afterwards because they're meant to be written like numbers on a scale no design I was correct I vividly remember these chapter headers the next two numbers are 10 and 1 and the question is without looking or the acknowledgments in the front or the back of the book I feel like most acknowledgments are in the back but honestly I could pick up the one book I have 4 they're in the front so let's see on the Shelf the book is language of thorns by Leigh bardugo and I want to say the acknowledgments are in the back I feel like the acknowledgments of her books are always in the back but let's see this is like the one I haven't read author's note acknowledgments yes acknowledgments in the back of the book the next two numbers are 9 and 6 and the question is without looking what year was this book published I could either be very good at this or very bad and have no chance so let's see we landed on my infernal devices shelf this is gonna be easy it's Clockwork Angel and it was published in 2010 I know that because I read it the second that it came out let me see if I'm correct just double check yes copyright 2010 I know my Infernal Devices series and finally we're on the very last question the last two numbers are 20 and 18 and the question is without looking what year did you read this book Eliza and her monsters by Francesca's Apia I want to say I read this in 2017 I think that's correct but I'm not sure I read it the year it came out it came out of 2017 so I feel like I'm correct I'm gonna have to double-check my Goodreads and then put it in post if I'm right but I'm 99% sure I'm right alright so there you all have it that is it for the how well do I know my books challenge I feel like I did relatively well for the most part I think I've read like at least half of the books on my shelf but I feel like I've read the majority of the books on my shelves at this point so if you like I have a good grasp of them and if you like this proved it relatively as much as you can prove that I guess but it was fun let me know in the comments down below if you enjoyed this video and if you'd like to see any more challenges or tags if you have any suggestions of those I haven't really been paying much attention to any new tags or challenges so if there are any that you'd like me to do definitely let me know if you'd like to follow me on any of my social media all my links are in the description box as always but thank you all so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in my next video bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: A Clockwork Reader
Views: 142,594
Rating: 4.9795499 out of 5
Keywords: how well do i know my books challenge, how well do i know my books, book tag, book challenge, booktube, booktuber, reading, a clockwork reader, books, bookshelf, bookshelves, books to read
Id: ge8-P36qOu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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