Top 10 Most Disturbing Books I've Read

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hey guys jason here welcome back to the channel today i'm doing a top 10 list um it's going to be the top 10 most disturbing books i've ever read this list is by no means the most disturbing novels ever written and this is just my opinion you know everyone kind of um it depends a lot on what what you find disturbing but there's a lot of there's a lot of varying things in this list so i think uh there's probably a little something for everybody in here depending on what you what what makes you cringe i i put these in an order but um it's not necessarily like from least disturbing the most disturbing they're all they're all pretty disturbing so like you don't need to worry too much about the order that they're in the first book on the list is the troop by nick cutter this book is about a boy scout troop they're doing like a overnight camping trip or a weekend camping trip with their scout leader and um they're on this like secluded island for the weekend whatever and this guy who is obviously sick shows up um on the island with them their troop leader is a doctor so he tries to help him and ends up um contracting whatever illness this is and it uh then it spreads and it's it's very very very messed up this one's particularly disturbing because it's it's very gory and gruesome um so that'll make you cringe it's also got a couple of really uh hard to read scenes um that involve animal cruelty and experimentation on animals and stuff like that which is pretty pretty pretty brutal and not to mention um that this deals with like kids they're like 13 or so years old and one character in particular is like straight up psychotic crazy so like dealing with like psycho like kids is something that really can be bothersome so yeah but it's a very good book i really really enjoyed it i think nick cutter is a great author this is the only book of his that i've read but i'm planning on reading more so the troop nick cutter the next book on the list is the wasp factory by ian banks i just read this a few weeks ago and i did a review of this book so you can check that out if you want this is kind of similar to the troop it deals with psychotic kids which is messed up this book is about um a kid his name is frank he's lives in scotland he's uh in this very like secluded island with his dad and he um likes to torture animals and he has all these weird like rituals that he does he's a very like ocd kind of personality um and it's basically about like his brother who's in an insane asylum escapes and is tr and is coming back to their house so he's anticipating his brother coming back um and his brother's also crazy so kind of similar to the troop it deals with kids who are messed up psychologically and they do a lot of really bad stuff again it's a lot of animal cruelty and things like that that goes on in this book but i really enjoyed it it was fairly short uh quick read and um yeah i do recommend this one too the next one is um maybe it's not really horror like in a traditional sense but it definitely stuck with me and it and it and it kind of freaked me out it's uh gone girl by gillian flynn this book is about a guy nick and his wife amy and um one day amy just disappears and um it appears that she was murdered maybe in her house there's like some evidence there's like blood and stuff and everyone thinks obviously that the husband did it um so yeah and i don't want to give too much away because like really where this book shines is like the twists and turns that go on like you have all these assumptions about people and they turn out to maybe not be turn out to be not what you think they are this book really bothered me because it's like you think you know a person but you never can really know what a person is thinking or or what they're going through and they might not be the person that you think they are and this cuts both ways in this book um with nick and with his wife and um just it just the circumstance that arises from it is very very troubling and it was very good i love this book and i highly recommend it the next one is cows by matthew stokey this book has a reputation for being like one of the grossest most disturbing novels ever i do think that it's probably the grossest book that i've ever read it is disgusting it's disturbing for sure but i wouldn't say it's the most disturbing it's just it's so ridiculously over the top like insanely gross that it almost becomes like too much it's like not real you can't it's it's very strange it's a very weird book it's about this guy his name's steven he is raised by his mom and his mom's a horrible person basically every character in this book is a horrible person they do horrible things to each other like she makes them eat rotten food and just i don't know it's it's it's there's it's bad um but he goes to work in this uh slaughterhouse and yeah it's just i do i have a review of this you should check it out if you want more information but it's just it's just depravity and i don't recommend this book this is not a good one this is just really really gross this is definitely the grossest book that i've ever read um but like i said it's it's only just that's why it's disturbing it doesn't make you think too much about like human nature and all that because it's like it's almost like just gross to be gross so it doesn't have as much of an impact after the first after the first like half of the book you're just kind of numb to it a little bit so yeah i i don't know cows matthew stokey the next book on this list is fantastic it's blindness by jose saramago this book is so so good but it is gut wrenching it's about basically like there's this all of a sudden people start to go blind and everyone so everyone goes blind not all at the same time it's like slow like you know a few people here a few people there but eventually everyone goes blind and so it's about like how the government deals with that and how they set up things it's told mostly through the perspective of this one lady who's who doesn't go blind she's like waiting that like she expects that she will eventually but she doesn't and so she gets to see everything that happens and experience everything that happens and have to help all these people that are blind it's but man it's it's brutal they like set up these like quarantine zones with all these blind people because they think it's a if they think it's like a disease or some something like that um and maybe it is maybe it isn't i don't really know it doesn't i don't think it tells you specifically what caused it or whatever but it's it's just so so upsetting and it shows how people can revert to their like base or instincts when put in a situation like this where they have to like do horrible things in order to survive and it's it's it's an upsetting read it's it's but it's so good you should definitely read blindness the next one on this list i don't actually have a copy i read it a few years ago it's called pretty girls by karen slaughter basically what it's about is this girl this this lady and her husband they're like leaving a restaurant one night and um they are mugged and her husband is stabbed trying to defend her like the mugger is like messing with her and stuff trying to rape her or whatever and so her husband like tries to fight him and gets stabbed and killed and the mugger runs off and he dies right so then after that you know there's an investigation the police and all this stuff she goes home she's going through his things and she finds this computer and on the computer are all these films of uh you call i guess snuff films is what you'd call them so this is another instance of uh sm kyle gone girl where like she's finding these things out about her husband that she didn't know and it's it's it's disturbing for a number of reasons and then so this whole experience rekindles her relationship with her sister who they were kind of strange they didn't really talk um they had another sister that was like murdered or something or like whatever it's been a long time since i've read it but like she went missing years and years ago and then after that happened they kind of like lost contact with each other but now this this this this event and the stuff that's going on in in her life like they get they get back together to try to figure out what's going on and it is a crazy book it is messed up there are some really really disturbing um images involving violence against women and things like that it is it is a it is a doozy but i did really enjoy it i think karen slaughter is a very very good like crime writer um so if you're interested in that i i recommend it the next book on the list is the ruins by scott smith this is a story about a group of you know 20-something college age students they're uh vacationing in mexico and they um go on like a hiking trip and they find these like old mayan ruins and um they get stuck there and there's something there that doesn't want them to leave and i don't want to give too much of it away because it is it is pretty freaking crazy um but really what's like one it's very very very gory like super super brutal body horror stuff and it's gross and it'll make you cringe but the thing that's really really that's really disturbing about this book is like the way that they just deteriorate the social dynamic in the group deteriorates and they start being to each other they're just not good people but then like as you're reading it you're like well it's really easy to say oh they're being stupid like why would you do these things but then you look at what they're dealing with and all this stuff and you're like well i don't know what i would do in that situation so maybe i don't know anyway uh it's a it's a crazy book and the ending is just oh it it is bleak and it and it really hurts and it's but it's so good it was very very very good uh the next book is blood meridian by cormac mccarthy um this one was actually a toss-up i had to decide between this book or the road and it was tough one i decided on this one because um i just liked this book a lot it was very very good but it's it's a western it's very violent it's basically about this guy i think he's unnamed the protagonist i think they just call him the kid mostly um and then there's the the main antagonist is uh called the judge and the judge is bad he's a bad guy but um throughout the book there's there's a lot of like killing indians and selling their scalps there's a lot of like racism towards native americans and stuff like that the judge is just a crazy crazy antagonist and like there's a lot of this like good evil like devily type of symbolism going on like he's maybe not even a real person or magic in some way it's very strange and but i don't know cormac mccarthy's writing is so beautiful and awesome i just i just love this book and it's it's really stuck with me even though i read it like five years ago um it's i still think about this book all the time the next book is american psycho by brett easton ellis this book is about a guy his name is patrick bateman he's like a yuppie in new york in the 80s he's super rich um he works i don't even know what he does on wall street or something he makes millions and millions of dollars him and all his friends are just super vain and super shallow everything's a status symbol for them everything about their lives is about how much it costs and who saw them wearing what and who saw them eating at what restaurant and how much it costs and all this stuff so it's kind of an indictment on consumerism it's also like about conformity and how they're all basically the same um to the point where like you know like patrick gets like mistaken for other people but he doesn't like correct anybody when this happens he just goes along with it he's like oh yeah i'm paul allen and like it's weird and but underneath all that patrick bateman leads lives this secret life where he murders people like he's a psychopath he he kills all kinds of people um but mostly i think he kills like women prostitutes things like that um and it's oh my god it is brutal there are a couple scenes in this that it's yeah it's a it's it's crazy and if you've seen the movie it's the movie's great i love i love the movie in fact i i had seen the movie a number of times before i ever read the book but um the book just takes it takes it up a notch as far as like the violence and the craziness so uh i do highly recommend this one it's one of my favorite books all right and then the last book on this list um is the girl next door by jack ketchum this is a story about a girl named meg um basically i think she's like her parents are like on vacation or something so she's like staying with her aunt some kind of somebody some distant relative in this like smaller town um and you know there's always like other like neighbor kids that are running around and they kind of hang out at this house all the time the aunt that she's staying with or whatever is is bad she's a bad person she doesn't like meg for whatever reason um and so she like kind of she like ties her up and then like eggs on these kids to like torture her in their basement um and it escalates and continues and it's just oh it's it's really really it's really messed up um and this poor girl like she just gets brutalized by these kids and this this this adult authority figure that's supposed to be protecting her just lets it all happen and in fact encourages it um so it's very disturbing because it's um it's about torture of a young girl which is bad um it's also super disturbing because it's told through the pers from the perspective of one of the kids that like hangs out there he doesn't directly participate or he probably does but not in any of the really bad stuff but he does you know some stuff but the thing that really bothers me about this book a lot is that it it um he feels guilty about it because he doesn't say anything doesn't try to stop it and he's complicit in it and you know he's part of this whole thing and then of course it escalates to a point where he can't stop it like it's beyond his control but it's told through his perspective so you're in his head and it kind of makes you the reader feel like you're participating in what's going on which is really that is what makes this book super disturbing to me is just that it's like you feel like you're an active participant in what's going on it really makes you feel bad um the other thing about this book is that it's based on like a real life event like like though i don't remember the name of the girl that this is based on but it was true it was a true story about a girl who was staying with her aunt or something and they like and the neighbor kids tortured her it is a very good book i don't usually recommend this book to people because it is so hard to read and it's very very messed up but if you want something like that then go for it it's it's i i really did enjoy the book although it left a bad taste in my mouth so yeah so there's my list ten ten very disturbing books if you want to uh let me know um if you've read any of these if you agree with my list or not uh please do so in the comments also if you have any recommendations um for more disturbing novels i do like to read novels like this not all the time but um i like a book to make my skin crawl every once in a while so let me know down in the comments if you have any recommendations for me anyway that's all i got so uh thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Je Board Crabshorts
Views: 193,608
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Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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