red lights, stop signs, i finally bought some books!

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it's been so long since i've done this that i  can't even hold them up any higher than this   at this point oh my god i used to hold up like  30 at a time this is only like 15 max like 13 i   don't even know god i'm so weak lifting books was  literally my workout and now i don't do it anymore   now i've lost all my muscles oh my god oh  okay okay okay that's enough that's enough   i'm really not built for this anymore hello  everyone hi my name is hannah welcome to today's   video so it's been like 84 years since i filmed  a book haul but for the first time in such a long   time i actually bought some books so i have a  book haul for you all today and i'm very very   excited to get into it over the past like couple  of years i have really not been buying like almost   any books i think in 2019 i bought like maybe  a total of 10 books and in 2020 i think i only   bought like two books i really didn't buy a lot  at all and that's mostly because i've been mostly   trying to buy books like after i read them so i'm  only trying to buy books that like i've read and   i really liked so that my shelves can be a bit  more reflective of the books that i've actually   read enjoyed really want to read so that's part of  the reason i've just been buying a lot less books   also i was just reading so much less that like i  just didn't feel like it was necessary for me to   be buying books anyway plus i think i've mentioned  this in a couple videos before as well but like   i don't like having so much stuff i've honestly  sometimes genuinely considered getting rid of like   half of my book collection i don't think i'm gonna  do that because honestly this brings me a lot of   joy but sometimes i just get very overwhelmed with  the amount of things that i have so i try to buy   as little as possible but for the past almost  two years now i've been putting off buying a   lot of these books and the other day i was just  super stressed out and i was trying to avoid all   of my work that was piling up and i just did not  know what to do so i stress bought seven of the   books that were on my list that i needed to buy  do i recommend shopping as a coping mechanism   for your anxiety no but every once in a while  when you're stressed out i think it's okay to   buy yourself something nice so that is what i did  i think i bought a total of seven books myself and   then i also have a couple of books that were sent  to me for pr so i think i have about like 12 or 13   books in this book haul for you all today and i'm  very excited to get into it but before we get any   further into the video i want to thank today's  sponsor who is what allows me to buy these books   and film these hauls and that is function  of beauty i've mentioned function of beauty   multiple times on my channel before i really love  their hair care products i use their shampoo and   conditioner literally every single time i take  a shower so i'm really excited to be partnering   with them again for this video functional beauty  offers completely customizable hair care products   and all you have to do is fill out a very short  quiz that lets you fill in your hair type and   your hair goals and needs plus you can choose  the color and the scent of the product so it's   completely made for you and for your preferences  since i have curly hair my hair goals have always   been about hydration moisture reducing frizz and  curl definition and especially in the winter time   my hair gets super super dry and it needs a lot  of moisture and what i love so much about the   function of beauty shampoo and conditioner is that  it gives my hair the moisture that it needs and   the curl definition plus a little bit of shine  which i appreciate i actually chose different   colors this time for my shampoo and conditioner i  made them both pink because i really just wanted   pink i was in the mood for pink and it also kind  of suits like valentine's day since valentine's   day is coming up so if you're thinking about  getting like a gift for someone for valentine's   day a customizable shampoo and conditioner would  be the perfect gift for them because it's perfect   for like self-care my hair's just been so much  more moisturized and so much less frizzy and a   lot softer than it's been with other products  that i've used in the past that typically leave   my hair dry and i just like that you can change it  up whenever you need to depending on how your hair   changes or how your environment changes i just  find that so useful plus their products are free   of parabens sulfates gmos toxins and they're 100  cruelty free and vegan so if you're interested in   trying out function of beauty for yourself you  can get 20 off your first set if you click the   link in my description but again a huge thank  you to function of beauty for sponsoring this   video and without any further ado let's get into  my book haul so first i'm going to start with the   books that were sent to me by different publishers  and then i will get into the books that i bought   myself but uh the first one on that list is the  infinity quartz and this was kindly sent to me by   simon schuster so thank you to them this book has  yet to be released but it's supposed to come out   on april 6th so i read the summary of this and  it actually sounds super interesting it's about   this girl who's just graduated high school and  she's about to attend a party for her high school   graduation however right before she can go she's  murdered and then she ends up in the afterlife   which she finds out has been taken over by someone  who's now reigning over it named ophelia and she's   trying to basically erase the entirety of humanity  and now our main character nami is trying to   prevent that from happening so it sounds really  interesting it sounds like a really fun fantasy i   love books that are set in like the world of like  the dead like someone's spirit now exists in like   the other realm and now the book takes place in  that realm um i just really like that as a concept   in fantasy so this really sounds like something  that i would enjoy so i'm really intrigued by it   and i don't know if i will read this anytime soon  but i'm definitely keeping it on my radar because   um i definitely have a feeling that i would  really like this the next book that was sent to me   is muted by tammy charles i'm not sure if this is  out yet because this is a finished copy so i don't   know if it's been released yet but if it hasn't  been i will leave the date where it's supposed to   be released in the description box below but again  this is another book that i didn't know anything   about but i read the summary and it sounded really  fascinating it's about this girl named denver who   wants to become a musician like an artist and she  ends up leaving her very small hometown to try and   go make it big and she ends up in the world of  the music industry only to find out that she's   being taken advantage of and there's so much  that she didn't like know about it and she's   kind of like stuck and now losing her own voice  within that world and i love any story that has   anything to do with music or the music industry  i really like those types of contemporaries so   this sounds like something that i would actually  really enjoy as well and also completely unrelated   to any of the content of this book the cover  of this like the bare cover of this is truly   so pretty do you see those clouds it's so cute  i love it anyway this is another book that i'm   definitely keeping on my radar because it sounds  like something again like i said that i would   really enjoy and the contemporary that i'd like  so maybe when i'm in the mood for a contemporary   i might pick this one up and give it a try next  up i have another fantasy book that was sent to   me by simon schuster and that is wings of ebony by  jl this is another brand new fantasy book that i   think has just been released and it's about this  girl who deeply loves her family and one day her   mother ends up being murdered and then she's taken  away by her father who abandoned her as a child   only to find out that her father is actually a god  and is part of like the world of the gods and he   takes her to that world and her existence there is  not allowed because she's half human half god so   the gods don't like her because she's not supposed  to exist so it sounds really fascinating it gives   me a little bit of like percy jackson vibes  because of like the demi-god type of thing   and it just sounds so so good it's also  blurbed by saba tahir on the back whom   as we all know i deeply love um so i feel like i  would also definitely enjoy this fantasy as well   i haven't really been in the mood to read a  lot of waia fantasy lately i'm trying to just   finish the series that i have been reading for a  long time but once i'm in the mood for some new   fantasy i think this is one that i'm  definitely gonna try out because again   it sounds like something i'd really like plus  this is another book that has a really pretty   bear cover just like look at that i love whenever  they put something on the bear cover it just makes   it so nice it's such a nice little detail  speaking of percy jackson and greek gods i   have another book here that fits in perfectly  with that theme and that is lore by alexandra   bracken i feel like this has been talked about so  much online recently like everybody's been reading   this and saying a lot of really good things  from what i hear to be quite honest with you   i don't know too much about what this is about i  just know that it's based off of greek mythology   and written by alexandra bracken ooh okay based  on just like the first sentence of this summary   it says as punishment for a past rebellion  nine greek gods are forced to walk the earth as   mortals that sounds really good that sounds really  fun but my question is why is medusa on the cover   like is medusa like the main character of this  or is she a major character in this because like   i want to know i love medusa i wasn't actually  thinking about reading this one just because i   haven't been wanting to read anything that's  outside of my like main list also i'm just not   reading as much but whenever i'm in the mood for  something that has to do with greek gods which i   feel like will come up pretty soon again because  i've been having this urge to reread percy jackson   recently um i feel like i might decide to pick  this one up whenever that happens because i love   medusa i love greek mythology i just like any kind  of mythology honestly any world of gods that's why   wings of ebony also sounds really interesting to  me so yeah i might try this out then and hopefully   enjoy it like i said i've been hearing just really  great things about it from pretty much everyone   so i definitely think this will be another  book that i will try out when i want some   more fantasy outside of the fantasy i'm currently  reading all right and lastly i have a poetry   collection here and that is shine your icy crown  by amanda lovelace and this was kindly sent to me   by andrews mcneill so thank you so much to them i  think i've read all three of amanda's other poetry   collections it's been a while but i do remember  really liking the witch burns in this one which is   i think her second collection so i am very excited  to try this one out it's been quite a while since   i've read any poetry quite honestly um so whenever  i'm in the mood for poetry i'm definitely gonna   try picking this one up all right so now we get  into the books that i impulse bought myself i say   impulse bot it really wasn't an impulse i had this  list of books that i wanted to buy for like a year   so like it really wasn't that impulsive it  was just impulsive to buy them all at once   so anyway like i mentioned earlier these are all  except for the exception of one books that i've   already read and books i've talked about a million  times on my channel already because i've already   read them but anyway the first book i have here  is the hand on the wall by maureen johnson which   is the last book in the truly devious trilogy  which some of you told me is not going to be   a trilogy anymore and apparently they're gonna be  more books i don't know if it's set with like the   same characters but we're getting more books like  in this world so that's exciting but this is the   third book in that series i talked about this and  pretty much all the other books in this haul in my   books i read in 2020 video so if you want to go  watch that and hear any of my thoughts on them   i'll definitely link that on the screen so you can  hear more of my in-depth thoughts because i'm not   going to talk about them too much here but yeah  this is the third book in that series wasn't my   favorite compared to the first two which is a  trend i think you'll see in this video as well   but i still definitely enjoyed it and i'm glad to  finally have the whole trilogy on my shelf except   now it might not be a trilogy so who knows next  up following the same trend i have the third book   in the scythe trilogy the toll by neil shusterman  can you tell that i'm just trying to complete all   of the series that i hadn't finished yet this like  i said is the third book in the scythe trilogy i   deeply love this trilogy i really really enjoyed  it it is in my opinion one of the best dystopian   series out there um and i'm really glad to finally  have this last book because i had the ark sitting   on my shelf forever and that copy is just like  so unfinished it just like does not look nice so   now it'll be aesthetically pleasing with the  whole trilogy on my shelf again another book   i read in 2020 and definitely enjoyed but still  just a little bit less than i enjoyed the first   two books in the series and next up we have the  last book i actually finished reading which is   the king of crows by libba bray the last book  in the diviners series which again i liked less   than i liked the other books in the series it's  been a disappointing series year for me i guess   i'm not going to talk too much about it because  i do plan to talk about all the books i've read   in a video kind of soonish once i read a few more  i've only read a couple books so far this year but   general thoughts wasn't my favorite um a little  bit underwhelming in my opinion just too long and   i just expected more i think especially compared  to like how much i loved the last book i feel like   this was a little bit of a letdown for me but i am  glad that the series is now concluded and it was   pretty satisfying ultimately anyway finally have  the last book in this series one day we will have   matching hardcovers of all of these books one  day don't know when that will be hoping that the   covers go back to the original first cover because  that's the prettiest cover and i really don't know   why they keep changing them one of the worst cover  changes in my opinion i still recommend you read   the diviners i still think it's a fantastic yeah  series but yeah in my opinion the last book was   a little bit disappointing next up i finally have  a finished copy of one of my favorite books that   i read last year which is ninth house by leigh  bardugo look how pretty this finished copy is   it's so nice also the end pages with like the  snakes i don't even know if there's anything   on the cover there isn't but it's so pretty i  know there were like a lot of special editions   of these books and stuff and um contrary to what i  will show you later in this video i'm not as into   buying special editions of books as i used to be i  feel like i used to be super into getting like the   prettiest edition of a book or like every special  edition of any of my favorite books and now as   time has gone on i feel like less and less of a  need for that there are still some that i deeply   love and like want but they're like hundreds  of dollars now which is absolutely ridiculous   so i'm not gonna get them but just as a general  thing i feel like i care less and less about   special editions of books so anyway i'm fine and  happy with this one because again look how pretty   it is like i mentioned this is one of my favorite  books i read last year it is the first book in a   dark academia fantasy series that lee is now  writing and um i cannot wait for the next book she   like teased some stuff and said she's working on  some stuff on her instagram recently and i'm so   excited like i know we're getting like all this  grisha content right now with the show coming   out in a month or so i'm excited about that but  like all i want is more ninth house content i'm   like okay with less grisha content i love grisha  for what it is i don't need more i need more of   this though i really need more of this next up i  have a book that i read in 2019 and never bought   a copy of um and that is red white and royal blue  by casey mcquiston i have mentioned this book in   i think maybe one or two videos but i never made  like a favorite books of 2019 videos so i didn't   really talk about this book very much but i love  this book i love this book so much it was so good   i am so excited for casey mcquisten's next  book i think it's called one last stop   i can't remember the title exactly but it sounds  really good as well but yeah i loved this story   so much one of my favorite romances i've read i  really didn't think i was gonna like it as much   as i did it was super funny and super entertaining  i mentioned this before too but i listened to this   whole audiobook with one of my friends while  we were driving from colorado to california   so it was like a really fun listening experience  as well and like we now have this like shared   memory and experience of reading this book  so yeah i definitely needed to get myself   a copy of this because hands down one of my  favorite like adult romance novels i've read   it's so good and i highly recommend you try it out  if you haven't read this book yet but i feel like   everyone's read this at this point okay so next  i have the book that i haven't read of the books   that i bought but that is the invisible life of  addie larue by ve schwab i ended up buying this   uk edition of it which i know i said earlier that  i don't care about special editions this wasn't   a special edition i just prefer the uk cover to  the us cover of this one because it's so pretty   look at the flowers and the colors it's so nice  also the bear cover of this one without the dust   jacket is super pretty as well um i still haven't  read this i promise i will read it i'm making my   way through of my list of books to read in 2021  and i've been sticking to it so far so this will   be coming up soon my one complaint about this  cover of this book which again has nothing to do   with the content of the book is that this is not a  sticker when will they stop doing this i truly do   not understand why they do this why is this not  a sticker why can't i take it off why would you   ruin the cover art someone worked so hard to make  this look so beautiful and then you just do this   just make me in charge of this please i'm so  tired anyway like i mentioned i'm super excited   to read this book i feel like i will really  enjoy it i'm looking for another really good   love story and i feel like this is one that  i will definitely like so hopefully it is   and again i will come back to you somewhat soon  with a review of this or at least mentioning it   in a video in a wrap-up or something because i  will read it i will read it it's going to happen   okay you all yelled at me enough i will read it  i will i promise and next i have a copy of what   was my second favorite book of 2020 and that  is in the dream house by carmen maria echado   so i was holding up a copy of this book every time  i talked about it in other videos but that was my   sister's copy she had a copy of the book so i was  just using it for the video so i decided to buy   myself a copy obviously because i love it so much  and i ended up getting the paperback just because   at this point honestly i prefer paperbacks most  of the time but yes i've talked about this book   multiple times on my channel at this point hands  down one of my favorite books i've ever read i   think it's absolutely phenomenal it's such a  good memoir i highly recommend it to anyone   who wants to read some nonfiction just read  anything by carmen marie machado like read   her body and other parties as well that one's also  phenomenal also one of my favorite books i've ever   read and i can't wait until she publishes another  book because i need more writing from her because   she's just too good it's just beautiful  everything about her writing is so good   and her storytelling ability is unmatched so  yeah so happy i finally have this so i can add   it to my shelf right next to her other book and  hopefully that collection can start to grow as   she writes more and finally we're on the last  book and i saved my favorite for last and this   is a book that i had been meaning to buy for  ever ever since they announced that this was   going to come out which i feel like was in 2019  i can't remember time is not something that i   exist within anymore i i don't know what to  tell you i've been wanting this for so long   ever since it was announced and i finally caved  and bought it and that is the 10th anniversary   special edition of clockwork angel i know  can you believe that i still didn't have this   me like five minutes ago being like i don't  really care about special editions of books   except when it's this because this is so pretty i  have the special edition version of city of bones   the 10th anniversary edition and i love that book  i think it's so pretty the cover of it's so pretty   so when i saw this and it was like gold foil i  knew i had to have it i love gold foil and it's   perfectly fitting for this book and this story so  yeah i'm so so happy i have this as you all know   this is like my favorite trilogy in existence  um and i am just so glad that i finally finally   have this i know that there are so many special  editions of these books coming out right now   and honestly no i don't really want them i'm just  glad that i have like one special version of this   that's enough for me so yeah i don't want too many  versions of the same books anymore it's starting   to get a little bit overwhelming at this point  for me and i'm trying to reduce the amount of   things that i'm buying like i mentioned but this  was a little bit extra but i'm okay with it since   this is one of my favorites but there you  all have it that is it for all of the books   that i recently bought all the books in my book  haul first book haul in like 100 years it's been   so long i literally like forgot how to film a book  haul i picked up the first book and i was like   what am i supposed to talk about i literally don't  remember i can't even remember the last time i   filmed a book haul i feel like it was in 2019.  anyway i hope you all enjoyed watching this video   let me know in the comments down below if you've  read any of the books that i mentioned on this   list or if you're excited to read any of them also  if you have any books that you really think that i   should add to my collection that either i have or  have not read definitely let me know that as well   i'm curious to know i feel like i will probably  buy a few more books this year than i have in   the past years just to make my collection more  reflective of what i actually love to read and   what i have read but yeah if you have read any of  these books please do let me know if you'd like to   follow me on any of my social media all my links  are in the description box as always but thank   you all so much for watching this video i hope  you enjoyed and i will see you in my next video bye you
Channel: A Clockwork Reader
Views: 124,600
Rating: 4.9802122 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, books to read, booktube, a clockwork reader, reading, books to buy, books, reader
Id: KgZ3Ld9FVO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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