Do I Have That Book? Challenge!

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hey guys it's Hannah and today I'm going to be doing the do I have that book challenge so I saw people doing this like three months ago and I of course didn't do it then so I'm doing it now when it's not cool anymore but I still wanted to do it because it looked like a lot of fun basically this challenge / tag has like 20 questions and they're kind of characteristics that a book would have and then you have to search your shelves to see if you have a book that matches that characteristic it'll make more sense once I go into it like it's pretty straightforward but yeah we're gonna see how many of these books I actually have quite possibly all of them considering I have all of this alright number one do you have a book with deckled edges I do have a book with deckled edges I have many books with deckled edges first one that's coming to mind is the enchanted by Rene Denfeld yep this one has deckled edges which I know a lot of people don't like but I actually like deckled edges to do you have a book with three or more people on the cover I do i Reaper at the gates and a torch against the night I think yep torch against the night we have liya elias and helene three people three do you have a book based on another fictional story they definitely do Oh Nora and kettle by Laura Nicole Taylor this is a reimagining of Peter Pan for do you have a book with a title ten letters long I don't know I'm sure I do I have to why are they all eleven letters long that one frost blood frost five letters blood five letters ten letters that took me way longer than it should have do you have a book with a title that starts and ends with the same letter I should first when I looked at the book of dust by Philip Pullman starts with the teeth and with the teeth do you have a mass-market paperback book I don't I know that I don't I had one and I recently got rid of it so I don't have one anymore yeah I don't have a mass-market paperback I feel like that might be the only one on here that I don't have but I don't know what the questions are so we'll see do you have a book written by an author using a pen name I do Cassandra Clare if you didn't know Cassandra Clare is a pen name do you have a book with a character's name in the title I have two oh I'm so dumb Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone I don't know why I didn't think of this immediately sorry it's kind of cheating though so I'm gonna go with something else Oh Eliza and her monsters by Francesca Sofia love this book Eliza's the main character's name question nine do you have a book with two maps in it I think yep the collector's edition of six of crows has two maps in it the front is this map and the back has this map so two maps I know I definitely have more with two maps in them for sure but this is the first one that comes to mind ten do you have a book that was turned into a TV show I already went with the Mortal Instruments so I'll go with something else this time I was nothing turned into a TV show why were they all turned into movies why can't I think of anything I can go with Grisha gratias getting turned into a TV show so like it hasn't become one yet but it's going to Oh Emma by Jane Austen has a BBC miniseries so I consider that a TV show 11 do you have a book written by someone who is originally famous for something else like a celebrity athlete politician etc oh I don't know I had um Carrie Fisher's like one of her memoirs but I don't have it anymore yep think of anything I don't really have any like biographies or like memoirs by actors or actresses or anything not really into those so I don't think I have one I'm shocked I don't have one oh wait I just thought of one Jodi's book Dodie is a youtuber she's a singer-songwriter and she wrote a little book of poetry I do have this one there we go got it do you have a book with a clock on the cover that I do I think pretty much every edition of the Night Circus has a clock on the cover but you can see it there's a clock on the cover some of them are more clock like this was just the easiest one to pull from my shelf 13 do you have a poetry book I have an entire shelf of poetry books so take your pick do you have a book with an award stamp on it definitely I have books that now have award stamps on them but I have like the first printing of them so they don't have word stamps oh there we go Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe has all of these awards stamps do you have a book written by an author with the same initials as you I don't think so so my initials are H a and I don't think I have anybody who has H I don't even think I have anyone who's aah I barely have any authors whose names start with an H at all this is so weird oh I have burial rites by Hannah Kent um that's an age that's also Hannah but it's not an A you would think that H a was really easy to find but for some reason there's nobody yeah I can't find a single person there's nobody with the initials H a on my shelves that's very sad this means that I should write my own book 16 do you have a book of short stories I do I have to I have what is not yours is not yours and her body and other parties haven't read this one read this one and loved it I definitely have more than just these as well I think I pretty monstrous by Kelly link as well I have a few short story collections but read this one love it highly recommend do you have a book that is between five hundred and five hundred and ten pages long I've got to feel like the last magician might be one of them no that's the acknowledgments it's exactly five hundred pages including the acknowledgments does that count I'll hold on to it just in case no it's long even five ten no six hundred why is this so difficult the Night Circus is five hundred and twelve pages 512 honestly why is this so far 594 okay I am just gonna go with the last magician my Lisa Maxwell because it's exactly five hundred pages that's including the aknowledge Mints which means that Goodreads is still gonna mark it as five hundred pages long so whatever this one five hundred pages and it was the first one I picked up it would just like to point that out do you have a book that was turned into a movie definitely just a few of them do you have a graphic novel I have an entire shelf of graphic novels that you can't see at the very bottom underneath my poetry shelf but I'll pick one up just to show you here is monstrous this is one that I haven't read yet but I'm actually planning on reading soon and lastly do you have a book written by two or more authors definitely I have plenty here just a couple that were written by two authors we have autobiography by Christina Lauren which if you didn't know they are two separate authors and we have the red Scrolls of magic by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu both of these two authors got it alright so that is it for the do I have that book challenge I think I did pretty well the only ones I didn't have were the mass-market paperback and then the one with the same initials as me I think I'm actually not too surprised about those two I know I've never had a book with someone with the same initials as me and I never buy mass-market paperbacks so it makes sense but the rest were fairly easy except for the one where I had to find 10 letters for the title I don't know why that's so difficult and also 500 pages all of them are like 512 or like 496 I don't know why it's so hard to just have a clean of 500 but there you all have it I hope you enjoyed watching this video I will of course leave the creator's original video linked in the description box below so you can go and check it out but I had a really really fun time filming this it just needed something like fun and chill to film today and this was definitely that if you would like to follow me on any of my social media all of my links are in the description box as always but thank you all so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: A Clockwork Reader
Views: 1,142,692
Rating: 4.9549007 out of 5
Keywords: do i have that book, do i have that book tag, do i have that book challenge, books, bookshelf, bookshelves, booktube, booktuber, bookish, book tag, book challenge, reading, reader, a clockwork reader, aclockworkreader
Id: lWaX1_RTK6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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