How Well Do Ethan & Maya Hawke Really Know Each Other?

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- We know each other pretty well. - Pretty well. - Pretty well. - Though you have had a very long and storied career. There could be real gaps in my knowledge. - Hopefully there's some gaps. - In the times before Maya. - You had better things to do. Yeah. (upbeat music) - I'm Maya. - I'm Ethan. - And-- - We're gonna see how much we know about each other. - That's true. - We know our last names. - We do know that. We know more about each other than most people who will play this game. - Yeah, but that-- - No. - Doesn't mean we'll score high marks. - But doesn't mean we're gonna get the answers right. - Yeah. We think too much. - So, yep. - I think we are. - We're not very career-focused in our dinner table conversations, so. - [Ethan] That's our problem. - [Interviewer] What was Maya's first school play? - What was Maya's first school play? - Can't believe I remember this. - Well, there were so many that we're not gonna, the little... Yeah, okay. All right. I'm gonna go with... - Okay. - Oh, that is the right one. Oh my God. That's what I was thinking of. - You cheated? - No, I saw yours. - Oh, that's cheating. - Okay, that's cheating. - Okay. - All right. I'm gonna lose this game. But this was the first time she made a very substantial impression. - But my actual first performance was as Jenny in "Jenny and the School for Cats." I was one of three Jennys. (scorekeeper buzzes) But that was my first real performance. - And her performance as the artful dodger is, people speak of it in hushed tones still. - We do have the DVD. - Yeah. We do have the D... We have the DVD for "Jenny and the School for Cats" too. - Oh, okay. Well then-- - Yes. So I really should have gotten it. That doesn't qualify in the level of performance that our family aspires to. - It's true. It's a very high standard. It was very-- - But technically she's right. - He gave me a very harsh review for this performance and at home, I just cried myself to sleep and I-- - Not true. - I worked much harder on my artful dodger. - That was at beginning. So that's-- - No, it wasn't. It was at Brearley. - Oh, it was. - Yeah. - That's right. You're right. - Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. You're doing great. I'm really glad you messed up 'cause now it gives me some freedom to mess up. - [Interviewer] Would Ethan rather go to a Rihanna or Lady Gaga concert? - Ooh, interesting question. I have a very fast answer because that information is really available online. Riri, baby, by a long shot. (scorekeeper pops) - That's what I thought. But I have been to a Lady Gaga concert and I haven't been to a Riri. - Well, that's partly why you would wanna go. - All right. All right. And because, well, I took you to Lady Gaga, but yeah. Okay. - Yeah, you did. No, you didn't. - Yeah, I did. Oh, no. - No, you didn't. - No. We went to see-- - Madonna and we were sitting next to Lady Gaga. - Sitting next to Lady Gaga. - I haven't been to a Lady Gaga concert. Have you not either? - Well, I thought I had. - Well, no, it was Madonna. - Yeah, so I was wrong. Memory tricks. - Memory does trick. - Lady Gaga was sitting near us, and that made a big impression. - Yes. We did have an amazing year where we went to Madonna, Taylor, and Adele. - [Ethan] Yeah. - And it was a highly educational, very motivational year for me. It was some very good fathering. - Yeah. That was a good year. - Yeah. Well, we gotta go see Rihanna next. - Yeah, we gotta go see Rihanna. I've been caught by the paparazzi openly flirting with Rihanna, and that's been hugely-- - Openly trying to. - Yeah, trying to flirt. (Maya laughs) And so that's been the family shame. So you're really touching a nerve. - No, it's family pride. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] What was the name of the first song Maya wrote? - I don't really remember the name, but I remember the opening line. - That's good enough. That's the name. All right. - "Life's Not Too Easy." - But is that the same one with, has the motion of the ocean? - I think the motion of the ocean is... Oh, I mean, if it is, I stole it from "Hairspray." ♪ Motion of the ocean or the rain from above ♪ ♪ You can try to stop the avalanche ♪ ♪ Dreamin' of ♪ - Yeah, "Life's Not Easy." But you know, remember that one that you had about... You wrote it in Nova Scotia. - Oh, you stopped the river rolling in the wrong direction. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's the same one. - That's the same one? - That's the same one. - All right, all right. (scorekeeper dings) All right. Good, good. - All right. So you got it right. - Good, good. - It's a river rolling, but the motion of the ocean slows. - Yeah, we are right. Yeah, yeah. - It's very original. - Yeah. Maya was always writing songs, so that's very hard. That was the first one that got consistent play. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that one was main. That made your set list at the dinner table for a couple of years. - For a couple years. But I will say it was an entire ripoff of a song from the Miley Cyrus, "Hannah Montana" soundtrack. (Ethan laughs) I think she wrote a song that was like, life's not... Oh. ♪ Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock ♪ ♪ Let's make it rock ♪ - And yours was... ♪ Life's not too easy when you've got it rough ♪ Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. - So not very original. But, you know, I think it's a very important step in the journey of all artists is to initially copy other artists and take credit for their work. - If it worked for Bob Dylan-- - Yeah. - It can work for you. - [Interviewer] Which show marked Ethan's Broadway debut? - Well, I mean, I know this. I don't have to Wikipedia this. - No, but it's your life. - Yeah, okay. - I knew my first school play too. Okay. I think I might be wrong. I'm not sure if this was on Broadway, but I'm gonna try. "The Seagull?" - Yeah! (scorekeeper dings) - Yeah! - Which is really fun because I made my Broadway debut with Laura Linney. - [Maya] Yes, you did. - Who stars in the movie we just made together, so-- - That is very cool. - That is a very relevant question. This also, it's got excellent reviews, right? - Well, this was... (Maya laughs) Maya knows all about this because this was a defining moment in my life where you learn-- - What did they say about you? - Ethan Hawke plays Constantine more concerned with his pimples than his poetry. - Oh! - Perhaps he should spend less time at the Actors Studio and more at the dermatologist. (Maya laughs) How's that for your Broadway debut? I thought I was gonna get, "Not since Marlon Brando." And instead, ah, instead I got a ass-kicking. - [Interviewer] What film made Maya want to become an actor? - We watch a lot of movies in this house and I've wanted to be an actor of some kind for a long time. There's a movie that's not really when I wanted to be an actor, but it was one my brain was like, you showed it to me and it's when it all really started to sort of begin being very, very interested in films. - Okay. - Okay, but later. "The Outsiders." "Nashville." - Oh, that's more accurate. (scorekeeper buzzes) But that's when you were serious. - Well, that's why I gave that kind of prerequisite. - Yeah. Yeah. You're absolutely right. I will say that-- - You just have "The Outsiders" on the mind 'cause you just read it. - I know. Exactly, and then, but you did. That was, you did love that. - Yeah. - You did love that. But yeah, "Nashville" was when you were like, "That's what I wanna do with my life." - [Maya] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Ethan] I wanna not just be an actor, but make something that feels as original and wild-- - And cool as that. - Yeah. - [Maya] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I will say that it's not a movie that was the first time I knew you wanted to be an actor. - [Maya] That's true. Should we go again? - Yeah. Can we go again? If it was the first time I knew she wanted to be an actor, can we change the question? - Yeah. - All right. We're changing the rules of the game. - [Interviewer] Okay. Let's try that. When did you know Maya wanted to become an actor? - Okay. - All right. - The Bridge Project? - Yes! - Yes. - The same thing, which is, (scorekeeper dings) I said the tech rehearsal for "Winner's Tale," which was one of the plays that was part of The Bridge Project, which is I did a Chekhov and this Shakespeare in rep and we took it all around the world and I didn't have a babysitter for Maya, so I brought her to the tech rehearsal, which is insanely boring. We do the whole play, stopping and starting as they adjust the lights, not in costume. And then we broke for dinner and I was gonna put her in a taxi home to go be with your brother and we were gonna do the whole thing again. And Maya was like, "Can I please watch again?" And it's a three-hour play. It's Shakespeare. You were 12. And she wanted to watch the whole play again, mostly because you thought Rebecca Hall was so good. - Yeah, she was really good. I really like Rebecca Hall. - I know, yeah. She was amazing. - I was like, whatever she's doing, I need to understand. - And Maya just sat out in the audience and I went, wow. Okay. It's on. If you wanna watch a Shakespeare play dress rehearsal two times in a row when you're 12-- - You have some serious issues. - That's what you're gonna do with your life. - [Interviewer] How many Oscar nominations does Ethan have? - Not enough. - Yeah, agreed. - Yeah, right. - Okay. Here we go. One for best supporting actor, two for best screenplay. - Two for best supporting actor. (scorekeeper buzzes) - Two for best supporting actor, one for best screenplay? - Two for best screenplay. - No. Wow, two both? - Yeah. - Wow. What was the other best supporting actor? - [Ethan] "Boyhood." - [Maya] Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one. - Yeah, right. - Nice. - I say 4,003 'cause that's what I should have. Okay? - Yes, agreed. And I say three, but it's four. - Okay. - Okay. - I just, I forgot about that one 'cause Patricia won and-- - And I didn't. - And you didn't. - [Ethan] Yeah, I know. And it's funny that Denzel won and I didn't. - And you didn't. Yeah, that's funny. - Interesting. - That is interesting. - It's the lesser teammate theme. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That bodes well for you. - It does. That's true. But you know, you're also very... You're very... You make other people around you better. - You heard it here. I'm supporting and they win. - Yeah. - See? - But you-- - It's like an assist man. - What's the good... Yeah, but I was gonna say that the team that... Nevermind. Like an assist. - Yeah. You think, you know, Scotty Pimp. - That is exactly what I was thinking. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] Does Maya prefer FaceTime or texting? - Oh. - This could go either way, I have to say, but I'm gonna go with this. - I said both. - Oh, nice. (scorekeeper pops) Yeah, it really could go either way. - [Maya] Yeah. - If I had to lean, I'd go FaceTime it because-- - [Maya] It's true. - I don't really FaceTime with anyone else but you and your brother. - We love to FaceTime. - Yeah. So, but you also enjoy a good text. - We text a lot too. - Enjoy a good text. Yeah. - But you know what, actually? (scorekeeper dings) I'm wrong. I hate texting. I never text people back. I don't enjoy it. I can't spell. Find it really hard. I do it so much that I said both, but I enjoy FaceTime. - Yeah. - I'll get on a FaceTime, fold my laundry, walk around the house. - You and your brother are the only ones that FaceTime me. - Yeah, FaceTime all the time. - I always think like, can I do this? - And then you pick up the phone and you're like, "Hey, guys! (Ethan laughs) Hey! So I can't believe you can hear me from all the way in New York." - That's true. It's so annoying and I can't get used. That's really where I show my age, I think the most. - But you don't do it on the phone, the point you're like, I understand this machine. - Yeah. - And then you just take the phone a little far away from your face and you're like, "Ah!" - [Interviewer] Which filmmaker had the biggest influence on Ethan as a director? - Oh. - Well, there's an obvious answer, but there might be a more interesting one. - That's hard for me to answer. - Well, I'm not answering this movie specific. - What do you mean? Like, oh, influence on "Wildcat?" - I'm not answering that question. - Yeah, just talking in general. - I'm going on you as a director. - I feel like these things, people are supposed to be really funny. - I know. - You know? - Well, we're really serious people. - Okay. All right. You ready? Go. - Okay. Rick. - Yeah. (scorekeeper dings) Linklater. - Linklater. - Yep. Nicely done. - Thank you. - All right. - Crushing it. - Yeah! Oh, there went my eraser. - I made a joke that we were the boring, like that our family, so many of us are working now that we're like the boring indie Kardashians. - (laughs) Yeah. Yeah. - Like we're just-- - The boring indie version. - The boring, ugly, indie Kardashians. - Yeah. - [Interviewer] What is Maya's favorite movie theater snack? - Movie theater snack. There's so many winners there. Okay. - I think we should write down each other's. I think I know yours. - Okay. - Sorry. We really like to change the rules of the game. In our family, we have some members of the family who read the instructions. - And some who don't. - And some people who don't. And you've got two that don't on your hands. - Yeah, exactly. I'm gonna try the one we talked about this morning. All right. - I think your favorite movie theater snack is Milk Duds. (scorekeeper dings) - Definitely. - And mine is a bottle of water and Sour Patch Kids. - Bottle of water. (scorekeeper dings) And Sour Patch Kids. (scorekeeper dings repeatedly) - Oh, yeah. - That's what we'll go out on. - That was a success. - She's 100% right on Milk Duds. - I made one mistake. - Which was? - Getting your Oscar noms wrong. - Boring. Yeah. That's a good mistake to make. - Yeah. (laughs) - I'm glad that's not like heavily talked about in our family. (upbeat music continues)
Channel: Variety
Views: 2,184,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, ethan hawke, maya hawke, ethan and maya hawke, interview, ethan hawke broadway, ethan hawke director, ethan hawke interview, ethan hawke maya hawke, maya hawke interview, maya hawke stranger things, ethan hawke rihanna, ethan hawke rihanna basketball, stranger things
Id: 5i8bPjaipV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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