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it's pristine it's clear unfortunately I have to destroy it because I have to get all this water out of here we just had a crazy experience so we got some really bad news I say we excavate here build and have like a natural swimming pool down here what's up guys welcome back we finished our chicken Coupe in the last episodes and we're moving on to a new project yeah the chicken cop was kind of like a fantasy project just something to upgrade the living situation for our growing family so now we're to like a necessity situation and this is something that I've been trying to learn for some time cuz I don't know anything about it and it's going to be kind of a rougher project for me it's one I'm definitely not looking forward to and I had to mentally prepare myself for but when you're out here living in the sticks you're living off the land you're trying to get as much from the earth as you can to survive um we need this to solve a problem even though it rains here a lot and we can catch a lot of water um our water situation waiting for clouds and staring up at the sky it's really not ideal when you need to do laundry you get as filthy as me got to wash your hair you know you got a lot of stuff going on so this week we really want to solve our water situation and I think we can do [Music] [Music] it [Music] ready you may have seen our previous video when we discovered this for the first couple weeks that we got the land we were hand maching little Trails through the forest because a neighbor told me that this was on here so I was trying to find things like the waterways the wells the you know where the animals are maybe walking or where water was draining with my hand before I had a big machine come in because I didn't want the machine to disturb anything the machine might have came in and just ran this thing completely over because it was buried entirely in Jungle it took us a while to find it but that worked out well for us this thing was completely full of mud and trees when I first found it so I did clear a lot of that off so that I could have it exposed it was full of dirt so I came down one day and that's what all this dirt is I cleared out just a couple feet to see how well it would clarify itself and how well it would maintain and I'm really happy you come here and there's definitely several hundred gallons of water right now in here that's crystal clear that I'm not sure would be good for drinking straight out of here I'm sure there's little bugs and things like that that could make you sick but through a filtration system it could be a freshwater source for drinking and definitely it would be good enough for doing laundry dishes things of that sort so I'm really happy it's pristin it's clear unfortunately I have to destroy it because I have to get all this water out of here climb down there and I'd like to take as much mud out as I can I'd like to get down to like the S to 8 ft range um find the bottom to this would be great if not I'll just probably dig it down and then fill the first couple feet with uh gravel or stones to try to keep the water cleaner and cleaner and then I'll be able to use this essentially for my well so the first step is I have to get all this beautiful pristine water out um that kind of is a tough problem because the water will never stop coming in it does flow and we have been getting a lot of rain lately so this water's going to keep flowing where it's at now is the water level so I'll have to fight that the entire time but first thing get the water out so I can get to the mud and get that [Music] out [Music] [Music] all right so this flow that you can see is what I'll be battling the whole time that's the flow from the seep that's what's coming in um starts about right here you know it St comes in pretty steady the water's already clear they comes out so good flow but I got to hustle get this mud out of here [Music] all right guys so we got some really bad news Kristen while I was down here in the hole she looked back over the deed and she has informed me that this was not the manancial that this was the old septic for the house that was here before mat shut up so I've been down here down here just kidding uh it's not the septic but I did find a broken beer bottle so you know there is a hint of danger out here I'm living on the edge you have no shoes on no shoes [Music] all right y'all so ah been down here for about an hour and I think I found the bottom but unfortunately I'm probably still only about halfway completed so I got about staring down the barrel of another 45 minutes to an hour in this bad [Music] [Music] boy [Music] all right so I got it mucked out to the bottom still plenty of dirt in here but I'm thinking while I got it all destroyed and annihilated I need to clean back this area on top a little bit cuz obviously I'm going to have to build like a pump house or something on it and I don't want all this stuff once the water is clean and pristine again to be rolling all of this garbage in here so I'm going to clean that back a little and then a little bit of get the water out scrub Down the Walls and we should be ready to move to the next [Music] [Music] step [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] now that I got it all mucked out all the dirt is out most of it as much as I could get I got down to the bottom the bottom is Rock uh and then there looks like they had some gravel and some concrete in here as well so now it's going to fill back up through the seeps through all the rock and then um we're going to come back later and see what it looks like how clear it is obviously this is a ton of water if it's rainy so this is going to be a bless ing at a minimum for the animals and for the laundry problem and then I think if I can figure out filtration system I think it could be drinking water [Music] [Music] too [Music] [Music] all right guys it's the next day we just had a crazy experience we heard roxan going crazy again and we said oh no it's the hawkk so we ran out the door of the RV and there she was luckily they were inside of the chicken cpop and jumping out at the she was jumping out at the screen and as we saw there was the hawk on the floor jumping right back at her through the screens so I don't know they got some real beef going on it's terrifying to see that Hawk because every time you have to hurry up and count the babies and see are they all there did one accidentally slip out did the to Al rip through the thing and rip a baby in half yeah I mean I watched a lot of Hawk stuff after the first Hawk encounter and they pretty m i mean a baby chick is like a marshmallow basically to them so any interaction with the hawk for a chick would be dunzo the bigger chickens you know when he grabbed a hold of roxan earlier in life she was fine they're a little bit more you know sturdily built but a chicken I saw him eating chicks and other baby birds and it's just like and the worst part is there's two of them so there I think the hawk the first time from our last video when we had the hawk time was a girl and now it was her and her man well maybe or maybe not let me know any of my Hawk experts out there so the one that came the first Hawk that came was smaller and it's like all brown less uh beautiful foliage and then the one that came with it was a little larger with like a really bright red tail um much more prominent markings so let me know which one's the male and which one's the female cuz either one of them going to catch this machete they keep messing with my [Music] babies all right so it's been about half a day or something since we cleaned out that well now we're going to head back down there to see how much water came back in how clear it is how it's looking hopefully I'm hoping it just looks like a crystal clear Oasis but it might still be a little [Music] Mucky [Music] all right I'm really pleased with the clarity of the water in only less than a day it's Crystal Clear obviously this would be a huge benefit for the animals for doing laundry it's going to be great but I'm kind of thinking if I'm being really real with you here CHR I say we excavate here build and have like a natural swimming pool down here yes that might be kind of fly and then we can always have a pump to pump out our fresh water if we need it cuz it just fills itself be nice it might be on y'all we might have to build the house down here all right so now that we're feeling more than lovely about the quality of the water now we have to solve the problem of getting it from down here in the Manan to up to our uh our lovely trailer home so that's going to include a long pipe I think I think if I get a pump big enough pump on this we're probably about 200 ft i' say from where I want to put the hose bib so that we can reach the house and uh yeah we're going to have to bushwack through the forest we think we're going to come out at the right spot but we have to get a spot where we can lay our pipe glue our pipes together and get the water from here on up the lane all right so we're thinking right here straight up this mountain should take us straight to the road then once we get there we should be able to 90 it have a lot more access to most of the pipe and it should be a lot easier and get this straight up run out of the way pretty [Music] [Music] quick [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we did some hard Bush whacking um I broke the handle on my machetes so if you get these cheap Feria machetes be careful cuz the handle will break off and then the metal will slice your hand um ask me how I know but either way we got up I'm a little concerned um about the rise here the elevation it does come up pretty far I'm going to say this is 60 ft six stories probably more or less straight up so I don't know how big of a pump do I need all my manantial supervisors I was thinking like a two Hors pump might get it up here but I don't know also don't know if I should use 3/4 pipe to bring it up or 1 in pipe to bring it up I have some questions some engineering that I have to figure out but either way we have our path out and I think we're one step closer to getting this water done
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 140,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r8yPCcfwHLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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