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[Music] what's up guys welcome back today we are getting close to Nature tell them what we're going to be doing Matt all right the weather's starting to cooperate with us here we're having a beautiful day the water in the river is a little bit more clear and I'm thinking I can go after a very saw after after species something very rare a freshwater Mountain stream Lobster I hope I can find one but basically today we just want to take time and see what our land can provide us what is a mountain Lobster it's just a mountain Lobster I've never heard of a mountain Lobster listen if I got to explain it to you you ain't never going to know hopefully I can catch one and show it to you but basically I'm going to forage our River here and then we're going to forage our forest and we're going to you know we're going to fill some bellies today I think and it's going to be quite quite an [Music] adventure water's a little cold it's going to be chippy for me today it's a lot colder than I [Music] remember [Music] all right so behind me you can see the Rocks starting to converge into the water generally it's a lot deeper cleaner Cuts there less mud which I think all of which will elevate my ability to hunt there the less murky the water gets the easier it is to find animals and grab them but I am a little worried about this cold water I'm a mountain man now I'm used to sweating the heat of the tropical Puerto Rican weather and this water it's cold you believe me right it's cold yeah I felt it my feet incredbly as my friend salchicha would say oh that's bris yes baby [Music] golly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I didn't find my giant Lobster yet I'm going to try again but I did find a couple of different shrimps or crawfish something like that you have these types oh Lord they run around they have legs they crawl in and out of the puddles and then you have these that are a little bit darker that are more like shrimp like they have a lot longer face past their eyes so they're pretty wild I'm keeping them in there to keep them alive uhoh that one's running off on the ground but I have a couple different kind of shrimps I got bit by a crab earlier the water is a little bit murky so it's making the location a little more difficult but I think we can at least get some shrimps and accomplish our goals today [Music] today all right this crazy psychopath who I thought died at one point because he was in the water for so long and I didn't see him I thought I was going to have to dive into that ice cold water and save him let's hope you don't get hypothermia I don't think you can get hyp here you got a good grab bag did get a little Bounty here it was cold but you know what it's worth it it's a good exchange of calories I think whatever I got I certainly burnt so we're going to head off now we're going to get the other part of the meal we're going to go gather so let's go take your Bounty with you [Music] yep [Music] up [Music] all right this is dangerous because the water is right on the edge if we fall we're dead so we're dead y oh Lord here we go e shut your eyes cuz they're juicy two got them maybe two more okay whoa done yeah I cut one in half kind of e the juices are all on my back no no so basically I put Kristen up on my shoulders and she reached up to the plon tree and she started hacking at it she did a little bit of a hack job we're going to forgive her we're not we're going to say it was a little scary there on the edge of that cliff on my shoulders couldn't have been the most easiest workplace but we're going to make today I wasn't able to find the giant Lobster I wish I could but I wasn't able to but I did find a handful of shrimps and I think now with what the Earth has provided me I can make shrimp muongo River shrimp muongo I've never had it I think I can make it good I've actually never even made muongo but Kristen chopped these plens these platanos we're going to cook them up grind them up the Fungo is a well-known traditional Caribbean dish and I think that with these these plantains look a little young but I think if we boil them up we spice them up right it's still going to be really really good and you know we're g to see I'm just a gringo out here trying to acclimate and I hope it comes out [Music] good all right so in the spirit of using what Mother Nature provides for the shrimp I don't want to overcook them orch them tooo much on a fire since I've never cooked them before so I'm thinking I can make like a steam pouch using this Banana Leaf and then my shrimp can just kind of be cooking in that bag while I'm preparing my [Music] mafunga [Music] [Music] so we think we found the perfect spot to have our fire it's close by the water so we don't burn down our whole property cuz you know we could be pretty crazy with fire sometimes no no we're always Safety First here on GBU but you never know you know you might as well mitigate that risk with water right Next by so then you can't you know we're not going to catch these rocks on fire that's for sure we're not going to Flame up that damp sand but you never know what if like a petroleum leak was down the river and okay now you're just making and the whole river just blazes this is going to be the perfect spot I'm going to gather some rocks start building the ring and what are you want to do you build the fireplace I'm going to get some some fire fuel [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while Matt's getting the fire going I'm going to cut up the plantains to get them ready to [Music] [Music] fry [Music] we're trying to get our oil hot now it's going to be a little tough cuz I obviously every time we try to do anything outside the weather gets crazy I see some storms coming but don't take too long to boil some grease so I think we can get it done hopefully get all this cooked up before it's time to go home I hate cooking stuff like this inside so we're making Mungo here and one part of Mungo is chichiron you got to have some fried pork fat and then you boil the plantains or you fry the plantains excuse me then you mush up the plantains into the chichiron and that's what makes your muongo base the wood that I could procure wasn't great it was a little wet so it's not getting quite as hot as I would have loved but it's boiling it's frying time to add the muongo you lost one two you lost two oh no oh no no so when you're cooking with banana leaves it's very important to get the whole thing wet so it doesn't just blaze on you and burn up when you're cooking so here's my butter I'm being a little bit liberal with this cuz we're cooking outside so there's a little Ash to contain with so I'm hoping the butter masks that I never seen anyone handle butter like Play-Doh before no you never seen a gangsta before took that right into the coal two clothes three clothes [Music] all right we're ready to go we're ready to throw everything in and shazzle it isn't that burning your hands off listen that one thing they say there about Caribbean cooking if you can't reach in the grease you solve I must say this looks like a masterpiece I'm pretty impressed by the presentation here I don't know how good this is going to taste you've been sampling it and I haven't seen you say it was gross so it must be good well I was keeping I was building up for you but a lot of times what I think is good and what you think is good are very very different so so it's a spectrum of what's good and what's not but I'm going to go ahead and call myself my Fungo Mato and say that I'm absorbing my Puerto Rican you know my Puerto Rican Heritage here I got two nephews that are half Puerto Rican or a quarter Puerto Rican but I got Puerto Rican blood in my and my family tree so try this muongo and let me know if I'm a we don't really have silverware so pardon my manners it's Mother Nature time we're not doing silverware today don't crack your teeth on them cheat your wrs the Fungo is hitting I don't know if it's cuz I haven't eaten all day but that's hitting I like it I think it came out pretty good try the shrimp or prawn that's what it's called right a prawn yeah I think I don't really know you guys let me know Puerto Rico what do you call these freshwater shrimp prawns lobsters baby lobsters let me know it's pretty cool though that we have all these things right on our property so can just step out your front door and go get some prawns we got to get it mix it up with the maffo do you like it I'm not going to lie I'm in Puerto Rico W this is probably top three Mungo I've ever had for sure and this is my first 48 I might have Greeno it up a little bit with the butter I'm not sure if I'm not supposed to do that or not like I said we just looked at one may you can put butter in it put butter in some people put garlic butter as like the sauce well it's pretty good I'm going to refine it though and now are you hyped that we have plantains yeah we might have to get more plantain meals coming because obviously I can't grow me no broccoli and my potatoes ain't going either so I might just be a plant hand man from now on I'm pretty impressed though you went in the water today the ice cold water you found yourself a meal we hunted we gathered and now we have a meal so I hope you guys enjoyed watching this we we got more things on the property more plants that we can eat and try out we haven't tried out all the plants what is the other plants that grow on here that we have the one is called Malanga I believe in Hawaii they call it taro Arrow it's like an elephan ear a certain elephan ear plant that makes a good a nice root that you can boil like a Yuka or like a potato or something like that I could have Yuka on on the property as well but I haven't found any yet but yeah it's good to know that even with the little bit we're doing we have a starch on property that grows we have fruit on property that grows with the banana so I can make banana smoothies we have freshh clean water for the most part and so you know I'm not going to say that the Puerto Rican Ranch is apocalypse proof but I feel comfortable you know if it was Walking Dead tomorrow I know at least I could get some food down there at some trees thanks for watching guys make sure you like And subscribe and check out our patreon if you want to see any real time updates see what we're up to and we'll see you guys in the next video bye make Mungo which is a traditional death my tyon ma Fungo is a very popular traditional dish that goes You know here in the Caribbean my Ty I all I can do is hear him this is a good Caribbean death the death okay so in the spirit of using what nature provides for us
Channel: Sailing Good, Bad, and Ugly
Views: 124,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 83JoWPHy214
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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