Draining Flooded Street With Major Amount Of Water Current

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it's like a just like a river that's not going away anytime soon that says deep as it can get under to the underpass let's see what we have going on down here now there might be a drain over here because that's a low spot but then again there might not I guess we can start off by looking for any kind of movement and yes there is a drain over there I can see a small whirlpool meaning it's taking on some water but it is also pretty jammed up Wow the mud is really deep here yep there's stuff on that what I'm standing it's like quicksand get some of this off I'm gonna go ahead and put the camera down for a minute while I get that one because that one is really stuck on there what pressure and I would like both hands to be able to work on that one yes [Music] there's no traffic on this road I'll just place my camera stand right here in the street [Music] this is a big drain oh right that's a massive whirlpool there you know ordinarily I wouldn't think that kind of drain could clog I've never seen that type clog that's the kind with the really big bars but there was also a bunch of sticks in there we already got the road down quite a bit I can see the Senate of I line now this drain is the proper kind to have because it's taking on water then it's faster than its coming in here see this you can already see the road completely drained let me show you this see how big those holes are this is a weird dream why do they put it in this way okay the asphalt ends right here but going up to the drain right here it's dirt really soft dirt and step through the sink really deep let me go show you what this is coming out I assume it's right here is there a drain on this side too doubtful we drag along for it don't think there is ordinarily it would be parallel there's nothing there let's go see coming out of that pipes right there and they even put the rocks here because it does this so often still doing good the water is dirty because it's containing a lot of mud dirt it's not really eroding anything at this point it already moved all that you could say barely anything else built up I think these a little bit of leaves were here when I left it earlier literally the first time I've ever seen this type clog up that's good you know this road is probably covering leaves and it just dumped them all here all right maybe we can go see a train over on Bridge Street then I'll come back here on the way back because in order for me to go home I got to get up on that Highway anyways okay look at this this is what I was feeling earlier at that drain this sticky sticky muck now I was looking on satellite images and I know where this goes it goes down between these businesses maybe quarter-mile goes underneath the main road underneath an entire side street like another quarter mile to get to the Connecticut River and it dumps out everything you
Channel: post 10
Views: 10,371,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xvdsi82EW2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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