I’ve got a BIG surprise for everyone!!!

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[Music] you probably know we do whatever it takes to get the job done looks like a guitar string rubber band man don't do that nothing compared to what I was just walking on even if it's not the most conventional actually we could do like a Mount Everest ladder right here days like today are for rolling with the punches unexpected ending to this day day not over yet but something completely unexpected is happening so I've been trying to keep it a secret all day no lying no I'm [Music] serious what's up guys and good morning we are ready to get to work today we made quite a bit of progress in the last video we got I don't know 60% 65% of this room drywalled uh we really just have to do a couple pieces up here at the top our little bookcase over here and then this back wall and then we're ready to move into the staircase and then eventually up to the uh the main bedroom upstairs so and then that's it and then that's it w for hanging drywall after you hang it then you're done hanging it yeah and then you have to start finishing unfortunately one step at a time who knows maybe we'll finish it maybe we won't really depends on how the weather starts turning outside because if the weather really gets good and all the snow melts and all the mud dries up we kind of need to start shifting our Focus to the deck so there is a world where maybe we have somebody come in and finish the drywall while we're finishing or while we're tearing apart the rest of the house and starting to build the deck I'm not really sure but as for today we're going to be hanging [Music] drywall it's weird that we can see in there yeah hi Leo can you wave through do you see my hand hi come in I'll be there in a minute are you changing up the design on me yeah I'm not doing shelves anymore what too much work so I don't know what type of janky cabinets we're going to build here but I'm just drywalling this and we're going to RotoZip out the openings and we'll worry about it later oh let me see it what is it a crab in a notebook a crab in a notebook [Music] woo [Music] let's see first attempt what's it going to be there dang not too [Music] shabby what did you just say what a big open space up here what just hang the TV on the corner from up there hang the TV right here yeah right it would look like a dentist's office for the have the TVs coming out of the [Music] ceilings well drywall is going so well and so fast and it's kind of cool that we're almost done with the first floor and then once we go upstairs like that's it the entire house will be dry well yeah the entire house will have drywall it's coming together but what also just so amazing I'm just so blown away by the incredible like connectivity of techn technology I'm in a Facebook group for other women all over the world who have babies due this summer um and like kind of spans like June July August is like kind of the time frame and everyone is posting updates and asking questions and being very supportive but there's lots of you know there's a huge spectrum of things happening with all these women at this point now people going into labor because they're either close to their due date or maybe a little bit early but the people that are about the same timeline of pregnancy as me about 32 33 34 weeks um a few of them have had their babies and it is so comforting to see so many of them being born without complications all of them are now surviving it's really hard earlier in pregnancy because when you go into pre-term labor you know 20 weeks you really don't know what's going to happen to the baby so it feels very reassuring to know like okay people going into labor now have good outcomes and uh it's just fun to see so many pictures of cute little babies little tiny babies being born um and just so amazing to like have that kind of solidarity and support from women all over the world where are you going do you know house A's house in GRS truck in Grayson's truck can I have a big hug yeah I get better hug and Dad wait that wasn't a big hug give give her a better hug a big hug I no I give you a hug oh wow you can give her another hug okay should we find D okay are you leaving are you leaving oh are you going on a field trip yeah are you going to be good for Jennifer yeah I'm going to miss you I love you a nice hug have so much fun say goodbye to Grayson and Brandon goodbye bye Leo all right we'll see you guys later okay thanks bye tonight is our birthing class so it's Leo's sleepover night at aaa's house so they're getting ready to hit the road they've got um couple errands that they're going to run today and we'll see them [Music] tomorrow I was out know if I let you go it'll be all right only [Music] go how confident are you that that's where the outlet is 100% how confident are you oh wow I mean with that type of confidence I'm at least a 90 90 am do I feel like an idiot I can see clear I will not hazy but it's done it looks gorgeous absolutely lovely now we're moving on to the stairway in here um if we do the stairway all the way to the ceiling it's probably going to take the rest of the day cuz it's very intense I'm not actually sure how much longer we're going to be working today because we do have a baby appointment today which I'm very excited about um but we need to you know get all showered and then drive all the way down there and it's just a whole thing so we'll see how much more we can get done before we have to call it quits for the day maybe we'll take you along on the baby appointment againu I don't believe it anyway this time I'm not an idiot so this is really like the first time that I've tried to do like a drywall takeoff normally when we did drywall without having it delivered we would just go to Home Depot load up a bunch of sheets bring it back install it go get more until we like figured out kind of how many we needed so trying to project and estimate exactly how many you need in every space not the easiest for me and that goes like you can't break any sheets or damage any sheets or have any problems like that so that part gets a little bit tricky but uh downstairs we haven't done the bathroom yet because we're waiting for the tub and that'll probably take a few sheets but we have a few sheets left over so wow you thought you were going to be short we still might be okay I still have to do the inside of the closet behind the tub and then we have to do the bathroom so I'm not 100% sure on if we have enough drywall down there or not cool but we have a ton of drywall up here okay but we also have a ton of drywall drywalling to do up here so um I think when you do takeoffs like that a lot of times people will do like 10% overage or 20% overage or something I don't know it's just uh just it's an art one of those things we're learning wait from over there it looked like you were cutting that piece out like no my pencil I don't have my glasses on feel like that would be important for you to to have on glasses yeah he's not golfing okay golf is the only criteria for glasses wearing for and driving driving and gol it's getting to where driving should be with glasses good to know when I was younger oh I need my glasses at night I'm like what the darkness makes you more blind and yeah it does it actually [Music] does hey woo [Music] oh my gosh destroyed it oh no not the wood cut the wood allly way yeah is that the bad knife no this is oh it's better than the one he cut this it doesn't look like it is all right well I didn't realize uh how soon our baby appointment was so we're done that's about all we got time for it's a short day Friday it's basically Friday it's like when you were in school and they had like a half day just feels like why did we even show up this is like the end of the day already they call them short days short days oh they're not half days anymore not half days why it's only like 2 hours shorter than a normal day oh okay okay [Music] [Music] so I don't know if you guys remember but we actually got Sunday for my grandparents and we covered their yard with like the fertilizer and did all the things that Sunday required and honestly their yard is thriving and now we have this new house we've got Sunday for this yard too and Sunday is the sponsor of today's video Sunday makes Lawn Care easy with their Custom Lawn plans that match your exact lawn maintenance needs with both liquid or granular fertilizer so I don't know if you guys deal with this but in the springtime everybody around here ends up with like dandelion coming out the Wazoo but now we have this treatment from Sunday dandelion Doom concentrate I'm going to throw this in a bag and I'm going to go out and spray it in the backyard right now we love the Simplicity and effectiveness of their plans that customize our lawn care every step of the way if you're planning on hosting barbecues or having friends over to your house or family parties or anything like that you're going to want a lawn that's looking amazing all you need is Sunday and you can do it yourself there's no harsh chemical there's zero pesticides and it's very easy to maintain my favorite part about sundae is that it's like really really futuristic you basically just give them your address they check it out from GPS and then they evaluate everything that you're going to need based on the size of your lawn and like the area that you live in so that takes all of the worry and all of the stress off of you trying to figure out what you need and trying to figure out how much you have to buy they take care of everything it's literally the best solution for lawn care and right now if you guys are interested in checking them out you can click the link in our description and you guys can actually use code Trent alley 30 for 30% off your Custom Lawn care plan I wanted to say thanks again to Sunday for sponsoring today's video I'm going to keep spreading my dandelion doom and we'll catch you guys in a [Music] few just like that we are showered changed cleaned up Brandon and Grayson took off um and we are heading into the valley to have a baby appointment which I'm very excited about because we haven't actually had an ultrasound since our 20we appointment this pregnancy is just so vastly different it's amazing to have a healthy lowrisk normal quote unquote pregnancy um so there hasn't been a need to do a lot of checkups um so we're going down and hoping that they'll pull out the ultrasound today and we can see him and see how he's doing and how he's growing but feeling good for the most part feeling excited feeling like you know we're not prepared I would say but I'm feeling more excited than anxious which is is good we're not prepared but we're prepping we're getting prepared we're Preppers and uh things are going pretty well so like allly said in you know contrast to previous pregnancy with Leo this has been an absolute breeze so it kind of feels weird cuz it's been so easy and like not scary but I think that's a good thing I got you so wake wake awake Wake Me Up Inside ni purse thanks feel like I'm just like always nervous to get my blood pressure taken ever since having high blood pressure with Leo so whenever I like come into a doctor's office now especially being pregnant I'm always like okay take a deep breath relax don't have high blood pressure and that inevitably creates a little bit elevated higher blood pressure um so it was a little bit higher today than normal but I've actually been taking my blood pressure almost every day at home when I am fully relaxed and not under like in a doctor's office under a little bit of pressure um and all of my readings have been super normal which I'm very grateful for now is about the time in Leo's pregnancy when they started to kind of trend upward so we are keeping an eye on it but so far everything looks pretty good well guys everything looks really good it was a very positive very reassuring appointment I've been a little bit stressing because baby is still breach I mean not breach luckily he's not breach he's laying transverse which is sideways um and that's not ideal but it's okay right now for him to still be in that position none of them were worried about it we don't need to be worried about it um at the 36 week appointment we'll check and make sure he's head down and like getting ready to be birthed but for now it's like totally not a concern which is which is great because I've been worried about that everything's going according to plan and mommy and baby are healthy and daddy is happy couldn't really ask for anything more how about a chocolate milkshake you could ask for a chocolate mil okay [Music] [Music] all right we are up here ready to get back at it we are going to try and finish getting all the drywall hung in the stairwell and then we're going to start doing the drywall on the ceiling up here in the big bedroom um and then who cares about tape and finishing just paint it move right in I would love to do that maybe we'll just put trim on all the seams and just paint the whole thing one color Oak great idea I know where we could get some Oak oh also uh Grayson's truck broke down this morning so it's sitting about halfway up our Mountain so we may end up cutting off early today and going down and trying to figure out what's wrong with this truck see if we can get it running and if not we're going to get him a tow truck and get it down to a mechanic that is more knowledgeable than I they can figure it out um we're just going to strap his truck to you and let you get your workout in for the day right I bet all five of four of us couldn't even push that pig downhill that's no that that truck does not roll I guarantee it well we'll find out we're not pushing it we'll get a tow truck um anyway we're going to get to work hang and [Music] [Music] drywall and gosh darn dud on Diddly close [Music] my first wrist was hurt from pounding in the tire plug tool I like pounded it in with my palm okay and I think I like made my carpal thums swell up and your second wrist about your third wrist where's your yeah what's next Trent it's so funny we were at our child birthing class the other night and practicing counter pressure techniques and basically what your partner can do to support you giving birth um during contractions and we were doing all these different little practices um and by the end of it Trum was saying well when do the dads get a break when do the partners get a break I I'm tired I'm sore this is exhausting someone leaned over and said you know you probably shouldn't say that to your wife during labor hey Labor's hard for dads too whatever you do you should never stand on the very top of a ladder I think you're only supposed to use like the second wrong down do as you say not as you do that's right don't try what you see on this in these videos at home [Music] [Music] [Music] bro this is not stable jeez [Music] TR I said to the inspector you know there's no really easy way to get up there and like do this ceiling and do these walls and he said yeah you could just build scaffolding all through here that sounds miserable actually we could do like a Mount Everest ladder right here freaking me out [Music] man that was the hardest part or this is is the it's almost done what you want to extend yours no I don't think you need to EXT extend it okay or just get it up against the wall and then we can think about extending it a [Music] little not how ladders were designed I know it's all we got right now [Music] like a [Applause] pro that is so sketchy oh this is the safest setup we've had that's the safest it's ever been lder can't even go anywhere if you wanted to I mean you could jump over that go for a r what you get a Hopping down here right can't go up it's like against the joists there like a quarter inch right there just be careful go fast and get down does no oh I thought it did when we were look like a guitar string rubber band man don't do that nothing compared to what I was just walking on you're insane insane in the membrane [Music] all right last of the sketchy screws for now cool no casualties well I guess you still need to get down yeah I don't speak too soon stairway is proven to be a little more labor intensive than I thought it's going to take a Sal page to finish this we're not even doing the ceiling probably should have done the ceiling [Music] in the morning can't get no sleep my thoughts keep SP this whole wall was chill yeah what are you doing what are you doing like you've done this before getting better by the day Bab [Music] baby it's so funny that Frank is Frank dog I don't know why that's just his nickname and I don't know where it came from but Leica is Lea poo poo I don't know where that came from either but that's just what we call her which is kind of mean honestly but uh it's meant with lovea peee face that's what it is that's her full name put that whole thing on a dog tag and then let her run away so someone could call say I have your dog I have a Lea pooo Kaka peee face hey you I think we're in the right place keep thinking all the now oh wow Mak sure it fit want to hit it too hard I'm a rough day today like almost 5 hours of sleep last night so morale and energy are very low for me today like I said all points to signs of pregnant pregnant aging [Music] all right so I've been trying to keep it a secret all day I've been trying to surprise these guys and Ally what that I have a drywall crew coming to the house right now no to give us a quote on taping and mudding and finishing the drywall so that we can start working on the deck and and all the other stuff are you joking right now and they took the wrong way and they're stuck why are you joking right so they would like some assistance oh my gosh I don't know how I feel about this Trent this was not the plan you can see their truck right there what all right so I wanted to surprise you guys there's a drywall crew on the way here right now no that's going to take everything for usy no I'm serious and they're stuck you can see them you look up on the mountain you can see them out there there's basically a summer and a winter route they took the winter route and uh I was like are you in a two wheeel drive truck and the lady's like it's supposed to be four-wheel drive but it doesn't seem to be working so cuz that road is close we're going to go see what happens oh my God your cherry weights my dear y Brandon's even got his chains just in case unexpected endings day day's not over yet yeah okay there they are oh my goodness I almost got it oh he's got strap sorry you go the other way G sometimes the GPS will take you the other way so like probably fine yeah but this way is shorter I was wearing flipflops oh no I happen to have these in there good good Tire slowly roll backwards okay here we go Yeehaw that was easy woo it's always nice to okay perfect that was awesome good good as Leo says heaw pretty smooth nice and easy I'm glad we got them out we're going to get every everybody turned around there's a perfect pullout spot to turn around right here head back to the house and apparently get a little quote for some drywall [Music] work all right you ready yeah I'm so sorry thank you guys you guys probably didn't account for the extra time to do that so I apologize what are you doing the uh tongue yeah you can tell me if it looks bad I not be offend I'm learning yeah I was going to tape and mud it but I'll be taping and mudding until like August if I do that I've already see we just barely finished doing these highs did you hear this she said she was impressed with our drywall hanging I heard him say this is what you should have done differently just a couple things but you it looks really good actually it does look really good yeah thank you oh thank you so much for coming out here is it a boy or girl a boy boy Leo yeah that's his height getting tall he growing yeah ready all right thank you guys awesome thank you guys drive safe all right I I love these guys they're amazing they're not actually the people that come and like work and hang and finish the drywall they like kind of manage the business and then they send out their Crews they're awesome and I like dealing with them and they came last time to help us finish the drywall in the garage the garage Editions so we worked with them last year they're awesome they were giving Trent some pointers but she was really saying that your drywall looks and she was like who hung this drywall you didn't call me to come and hang the dry like no we hung this drywall she's like oh like it looks pretty good like you guys did a good job okay I like that touche Trent I'm uh I was a little bit taken back so I was like not sure about my reaction at first but this is a really good idea it's going to be beneficial in the long run yeah has been a long day I'm not even sure what has happened with Grayson's truck Brandon went down to help him try and clean the terminals and get everything ready we're going to go check on them right now we'll go check on them hopefully Grayson's truck will be making an appearance in the next video but we'll see anyway this is where we're going to let you guys go so if you guys enjoyed coming along on today's adventure make sure you show us by giving us a big thumbs up on today's video consider subscribing to our Channel if you haven't already thanks guys we love you and we'll see you guys on the next one adios [Music] laid Under The Willow Tree the last weekend of Summer the Empire at a
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 164,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, homesteading, tiny house, off grid, wild wonderful off grid, tiny house tour, life uncontained, good simple living, fabrats, let the building begin, framing our home, chainsaw demolition, winter is coming, big things are happening, DIY, fail, miami, travel vlog, renovation, we're stopping construction, we've been dreading this for months, welcome to our new living room, i've got a big surprise
Id: UcYMlK92Lqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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