How We Make JHS Pedals! (Plus Giveaways)

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[Music] speed efficiency accuracy and quality these are the tenets of the art of assembly [Music] it is a delicate dance of innovation and consistency it is the perfect storm of progress and grace it is an ever evolving journey to find life in the deadlines between every turn of a socket wrench between every hiss of melting solder there is a moment where time stands still despite the chaos of life assembly stands as a pillar of objectivity there is a musicality to assembly a rhythm a pulse input jack output jack switch and screws over and over like waves crashing upon the shore it isn't good enough to love the thing being made you must be obsessed with the things that make the things now join us today on the jhs show as we uncover the philosophy the mystery and the heart of the art of assembly welcome to the show everyone how are we doing we good wow you got a little teary-eyed yeah yeah honestly i almost cried for a second but i knew i we had to you know get the show going when i tell people what my job is they're like guitar pedals like nobody gets it yeah and i feel like for the first time in my life i've really felt seen and hurt i'm glad i'm glad i could i'm glad i could uh sum up your experience so welcome to the jhs show live we've got some wonderful guests and we are going to be talking about how we build pedals here at jhs uh we talk a lot about pedals we talk a lot about other companies where the pedals were made how other pedals were made we even made an episode all about how the company got started but where are we now yeah and what are we doing now to create these if i do say so myself pretty amazing products [Music] exactly not about the destination it's about the journey that's right yeah yeah that's kind of what i was thinking yes you get you feel me i do yeah i do it's amazing so we're gonna start our journey right now i'm just gonna introduce everybody uh this is belle bell is the production supervisor that's right and not only is she the production supervisor supervisor [Music] not only is the she oh my god hey man you got this try again not only is she the production supervisor but she's also my sister yeah yeah most people don't know me by belle most people know me by nick's sister or octavia yeah yeah belle also starred in um petals the musical as octavia yes and you did amazing by the way yep exactly um and then we've got over here at the pedal building uh station we've got driller the newest member of the team driller just started on the media team and he actually came off of the assembly line so we're like kind of this is like a revisiting your roots back to your roots kiddo that's right back two weeks ago exactly all those all that time ago two weeks ago and then we've got addison he's going to be in the comment section and also building pedals in the chat addison you have a little experience building some pedals i do yeah uh i think i have i don't know somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 under my belt yeah there's a picture here let's let's pull this picture up really quick look there's addison and his awesome wife beck and they did all of the building of the overdrive preamp the like reissue ones yeah we did the morning glories as well yeah we did some of them belle and and uh and her boyfriend did some of them as well but amazing yep so how did beck enjoy that experience she actually liked it yeah yeah yeah she really liked it she's a creative person too and so she uh she's like i enjoy sometimes just having them like a repeatable monotonous thing you know put on a book and listen to them is it like a relationship building experience yeah yeah it was great really brought you together petals are very powerful they are mysterious our marriage is stronger because of jhs thank you jhs yeah yeah that's that's amazing so yeah speaking of that meditative process we wanted to invite you along a journey to to show you exactly what that process is but before we do that i want to show you kind of where we were so that we can appreciate where we are yeah um so if we can go to the top down camera each one of our pedals has gone through multiple variations i don't need this anymore uh each petal has had like like a child stages and as you can see here i have the stages of the morning glory this is a very early model as you can see there's some 3m tape holding it down this thing still works it still still makes the morning glory sound um but then we eventually moved on to smaller case and you can see a little bit of a a better looking board got some hot glue belle how do you feel about hot glue holding a circuit board down oh does it make you cringe just a little bit um yeah it's great yeah yeah yeah i love it and then um yes around i think it was 20 later 2010 uh 2011 2012. it was a long time ago i you know my brain can only hold so much information we started getting these fancy green boards um and there's a board house in kansas city that started putting these together for us they actually would populate and by populate i mean put all the little components into the circuit board for us so by the time it got to us all we had to do was wire before that we were having to populate each board too which just added like a thousand hours to the process and bell knowing how many pedals we built today you can only imagine how much extra time it would cost to populate these boards so this is like my era of boards here where i used to work on the assembly line and also manage slash administrate the assembly line um so bell and i share this journey of production administration we share a bond yes that goes beyond the blood right um and then there here's another version this is i believe this says uh this is serial number eight so this is like the eighth version of this um type of circuit or this type of layout and then there's an updated version here and then we have the red remote version and you can see now we've graduated from instead of having to wire the switches there's an there's an entire separate board that the switch goes into and the jacks are also mounted and that switches over to some more surface mounted uh parts that one on your left with the gray wires that's kind of where i yes this is like your area that's my area yeah this is where you came in and you can see here too like we had to you can see the led right here we had to put wires on each individual led that was a pretty just you'd think it was simple but when you have a ton of pedals coming through a line it can be very taxing i will say that was the version the era i jumped in on but we did have pre-cut wire oh yes that's right when you were running things you guys were measuring out your own why yeah and to put that into context so you guys see this is we're really getting in the nitty gritty this is really nerdy but you can see how there's all of this wire in here right it's just a it's a it's a tangled mess one of the things that we developed and we i feel like i did this i don't want to pat myself on the back too much is that a thing that's you can you're allowed to do that i discovered that you really only needed certain lengths and we could get away with only having like three specific lengths of wire so eventually we bought a wire cutter that you could program to cut specific lengths so we would be like i think it was like two and a half three four or something like that and we would just specifically use those lengths and we would program the machine and it would chop up a bunch of wire and then two and a half three four four and a half that's right because i'm sure that's really important information that everybody really wanted to know but those are details that really mattered because having to cut your own wire just took time and apart first progressing this process from this to now this kind of board we had to figure out how many ways can we take these processes and make them shorter so we were like okay let's create specific cut wire lengths and we ended up actually just ordering pre-cut wire online um this is that era you can see this this black wire if you have um a morning glory that has well this might not be fully accurate uh with like black wire and it's like a if you see any that are this style of wiring and it's like black it'll most likely be some of that pre-ordered cut wire um that was it was honestly saved us so much time it was so wow excuse me uh saved us so much time it's okay this was just on this just goes on the history wall um anyway so yeah in the journey to make things faster and faster we've just continually um in uh not necessarily innovated you could say i think i would call it innovation i have a question yeah from the chat people want to know how much blood are left over in these circuits how much human human tips um i used to burn the ends of my hair soldering all the time and i would have to go home and cut my burnt ends that's amazing that that puts a whole new definition to burnt ends um i believe that i there is i think a uh warbletron i think someone has it on in our facebook there's a facebook group and they have a morable tron that has blood in it and that's mine so please don't clone me oh no because one of us only one of us can survive um so jumping forward to now this is what our boards look like uh there's literally no it's amazing like it's beautiful uh the only thing that's being soldered on here are the foot switches so um that just saves so much so much time and it's just it's it's a it makes my heart happy it's like these little things like being able to see this and know that this used to be a reality like oh my gosh this is incredible so you can kind of see the progression over time um let's pull up these pictures that i have because i've got some illustrations here here we have there we go this is josh in the pink palace and if you watched our history of jhs show like a good subscript [Music] like a good subscriber should you'll know all about the pink palace you should go watch that we will drop that link in the somewhere can someone drop that link somewhere that's available which i'm sorry the history of jhs nice yeah let's do that so this is uh where josh used to build pedals like this era of jhs um i'm gonna toggle through here this is where i first started and this is me doing a sick dunk um we did have a like proportionally half size basketball court in the back of this uh this warehouse area and you can see on the in the uh left quadrant of the photo there is a white shelf belt that is where we would store all the cases oh my god that we needed for orders how often did you break or knock things over doing sick dunks um it wasn't so much the sick dunks uh our gm steve who most of you should know if you did watch the history of jhs video he used to um man those are wild times we would have this little basketball floating around and he would literally punt the ball and it would just bounce across the room and it was just this way that we would all relieve stress and it was hyper chaotic because when you're in the flow of assembly and you're in that meditative state sometimes you need a little zap a little zap reality yeah yeah and i'll say this i would this is prison we we were all at this point we were individually pulling orders off of a wall of bins okay and each one of us were sitting down and building one thing at a time something completely different so you had nose and that's why you needed the chaos there was no assembly line here um later let's see if i can get through here i just want to let you know if i can interrupt yeah you can interrupt joshua heath scott is in the chat and he did just top chat us oh cool cool so i just want to see thank you thank you josh scott also steve says nick is lying what am i lying about about punting the ball i would imagine i'm absolutely not lying i could imagine that's the truth i don't know that absolutely happened all right checks out it it's 100 true josh says steve was injured it's a great chance that is true steve what did get injured playing on the half court basketball let's just go back here this is story time so we would take breaks and we would all do uh like three on three basketball and one day steve was just driving towards the hoop and he caught a fingernail right across his eyelid and he like reaches up and there's just blood everywhere and he's just like well i guess i have to go to the doctor now and it was it was kind of awesome so yeah it was amazing and you know we needed the basketball was our way around the chaos steve says i'm following a workman's comp claim for 2014. well he's he's gonna have to take that up with himself um there's me uh building some what looks like some panther cubs maybe uh there's meme oh this is actually out of slightly out of order this was my first bench uh this was behind a air conditioning unit that would drip behind my desk that i had to catch water in constantly um you can see that little washcloth that we use so that we didn't scratch the petals on the wooden surface unfortunately the legs of uh components would get lodged in there and every now and then you'd reach down to grab or to shake it out and you would get impaled by the leg of a component then we learned about mats yeah then we put a mat on your desk yeah like get splinters yeah yeah hey don't get why are you don't be so advanced on me yet um then we've got this is uh this is where we started getting serious right this is where the assembly line in its truest self was born um we moved we used to have a music store and it was kind of a short-lived thing if you're like a hardcore jhs you may person you may have actually been to the store at one point or another it was pretty cool i worked there for a hot second and then we closed it and then i went back to assembly um when we moved up here we decided to unbeknownst to anybody um and by anybody i mean josh we just decided to start doing an assembly line process uh where we would kind of tag team bins of pedals all at once because we were getting these these kinds of oh nope not these ones it would be these kinds of circuits and so we sort of developed a system me and that guy right there is nick he's another nick and him and i tag teamed uh and created a an assembly line system which is cool there this is our history wall and you can see basically every version of our petals that we've done so you can see here that like there's been a thousand different variations of each one which just goes to show how we're constantly trying to make things more and more efficient so this is the stamping desk where we would actually hand stamp these now today we have printing but back in the day we would have to stamp all of these if you go to the top down camera you can see this is sort of faded here um and we would have to hand stamp them and we don't there were i think there are probably only three people in the entire world who could do it right yes um and it was it was a very hard thing to do and so then we ended up having our cases printed so that we didn't have to rely on stamping because again this was just another thing that took a long time to do um i have i have two awesome questions yeah can i interrupt yeah okay first one is how many pedals are we currently building per day that's a good question that's a good question on average um it's anywhere between four to six hundred pedals per day okay that's crazy um so somewhere between the 2500 to 3 000 pedal per week it just depends on what we're building nice for building a ton of three series we can build like a thousand of those in a day yeah if we're building color boxes they take a bit longer that's a lot of three series yeah i actually have our numbers from oh wow years past that's amazing um here in 2017 we have a tally mark you have a 691 pedal week which is now like we can do that in a day that's crazy um 2018 we're building like 1700 pedals in a week yeah we were just like tally marking how many pedals we were building and now it's all digital spreadsheets i love seeing these like notebooks because it just takes me back when we were in josh's basement when he first moved up here we were building like i don't know like 10 pedals a week if that like and that was insane like we would literally like one for one fulfilling orders if there was a damaged case it was like we didn't have a case for the order now yeah we'll get um our cases from temple that's right yeah um and we'll just you guys are super like thorough we're very very picky about blems now i mean and we are producing in such large quantities that it's not abnormal for us to have you know decent amount of it's not like if we have one blemmed petal we're like right right right um so yeah i mean we'll get in pallets of like 2 000 petals at a time or 2000 cases at a time and you know yeah we get to be super picky about the quality and how they look and everything right which is great for you guys because you get the you get the best of the best um so let's start going through like bell can you start walking us through the process and maybe what we need to do is we need to i'm going to activate this building table over here driller why don't you start assembling some stuff okay uh just just pick simple come on boys activate we had another top chat from yeah barry morgan um he asks he asks a question is it true that there will be a three series octave hint wink wink nudge nudge i just want to acknowledge you barry we see you moving on um so we're going to have driller start building some stuff and we're going to be giving away how many four petals four petals four petals built on this live heck yeah this is very this very moment yeah vampire is sick addison's going to build some i'm going to build one driller's going to build some we got more glory a mini foot a double barrel and an emperor yeah and we're going to drop a question in a little bit to get um pick some winners bell i'm going to give you the pointer of destiny yeah if you hit the arrow on that computer you can kind of go through these uh these pictures and i kind of put them in order oh look at you yeah i was really prepared so i'm going to start assembling this morning glory okay that's going to go to somebody um i feel like i need to show this driller just told me i could break this oh yeah i'm going to do mine too okay all right here goes oh that's a sound asmr very simple here we go all right here we go i'm going to um there we go excellent all right belle take it away okay so here we have trays of cases that have been prepped which means they have been cleaned and inspected for any sort of blems blemishes like bubbles in the powder coat or scratches or anything like that they get looked over and cleaned and put on these trays and then they get printed and this is them sitting on a printer getting printed we print one side at a time so the um backs of the cases are getting printed all the logos um and uh you can count and see how many that is being printed at a time i'm not gonna do it hey do we leave the locking washer on the switches we sure do nice yeah um yeah so there we go those are cases getting printed and um that's them getting printed on the faces amazing and that's i'm getting printed on the sides there you go um we can print so the three series um they're very exciting to build here because we can do so many in a day so it's very exciting for everyone because they can they've printed before i believe close to three thousand cases three series cases three thousand it's it's two two or three i'm sure tom our print tech is watching this right now being like it was it was i know it's 1567. yes because he would know the exact he wouldn't know um but shout out to tom by the way tom you've seen tom on uh i'm trying to think of oh the three series launch video um we have several employees playing guitar tom is on there and he plays the headless guitar and he plays him like he plays a lot of metal stuff he is very very talented at his job yes he also makes sure like fixes he's like he fixes everything around the building like just uh such such a swell guy he basically makes sure that we don't fall apart yeah um he's the most like detail-oriented human that you will ever meet um he's amazing you can he's pro he's on a lot of like tick-tock record times and yeah tick-tocks and stuff so yeah um here we have a bin of prepped circuits so all of our boards go through like a prep phase um so typically that's just wiring on nick showed you the switch on there we'll wire on a couple wires and put that onto the board or um there will be some standoffs um i don't think we have standoff pedals here but there will be a little bit of prep work that we'll do on circuits just to kind of eliminate more of the process from the actual building so that once they go to get assembled it's just like throw the circuit into the case put the hardware on you don't have to do the extra work it's just efficiency yeah and i think a part of that efficiency like so a part of developing these processes um processes yes processes processes that's a word if joshua was here he would scold me about my grammar but like you're doing great thanks thanks thanks so much a part of like developing assembly the assembly line is about like eliminating the amount of decisions you have to make and the amount of movements like so with every reach for a tool literally is taking up time and so if you only have to reach for one tool that saves time or finding the path of least resistance exactly and like it's the little things it's like we'll have bins of hardware so you'll have your washers and nuts and new tricks washers and jacks and like foot switch washers and then knobs and like ordering them up from left to right so that you're going like boop boop boop instead of like yeah my life is chaos yeah um so i have a question um what happens if a builder what happens if they break one of the circuits oh yeah like say one of us over here was trying to put the emperor in its case he broke the ribbon cable and the ribbon cable broke i don't know how yeah it's because ribbon cables are you gotta be you have to handle you have to handle a ribbon cable okay like a newborn baby got it okay or like a little snowflake got it um we have a lovely repairs department we have fantastic techs that that can be repaired so i should not make a big i should be yes it can be it can be repaired i actually did break it well this one's we're still going to give this away it's just going to be uh repaired first before we give it away yes our fantastic repair techs tanner jamie and dustin yes can fix that emperor for you thank goodness you know what i might even just run it over there i'm sure they will be very pleased to fix your ripping cable i've been as tube streamer in the chat said here's ten dollars adding to josh's donation so we at least have enough to cover one cup of coffee i have news for you i've been this too screamer that's not enough bro josh is into like really expensive coffee nowadays so anyways he's into that mocha frappalappa he is i had to go get hardware for my morning glory because i i realized i didn't have any i put it in the band didn't i no you didn't nope bro oh you did i'm sorry ah i'm i apologize i'm sorry i'm sorry all right let's continue with this slideshow so that people okay see how this all works this is our storage room these are boxes of circuits um we label these very cleanly and nicely we've took a while for us to find a perfect labeling system there's a couple of pedal circuits too that like have very similar letters yes which ones have like the most because you were it was like how do we differentiate between like you okay addison madison just almost died um i'm back yes there there have been a lot of uh i'm trying to think specifically they'll come to me it's okay we have to have really good abbreviations to not mix up our circuits um 3 series circuits look virtually identical right um they have a very small like color dot indicator on one of the components on the circuits that's very small and it's hard to tell what color it is sometimes so before we build we like test we take a circuit um built to the testing room and make sure we have like everything got labeled properly there's a lot of reassurance that has to happen with something like a three series um because yeah the indicators are just it do be like that three series are the most simple and complicated thing about production this is all of our prep circuits here more of that here we have somebody soldering the power on a that looks like is that a muffler i can't see from here i think it's a muffler yeah and then we've got somebody uh doing trim pots jamie's doing the trim pots on how many how many of our pedals um have switched over to the board mounted jacks like this one i have here a lot of them like most of them have and it's a super helpful part of our process to eliminate more soldering um just makes things cleaner and quicker and less less margin for error yeah and then we have knobs okay we should let's talk about putting those talk about putting knobs on petals yep so back in my day we had to use just our eyes and our hearts to put knobs on petals um what i would like to do belle yeah is i would like to put the knobs on this morning glory but with my own eyes and then i can see if i if i still got it and then you can judge me but um how do we put knobs on now i think there's a little we have this big beautiful tool um i'm gonna try to say this this is pepper's petals better setter wow i did it that's what it's called yes this company peppers petals he makes these um fantastic um setters for knobs so it basically has this you loosen this up here can you hand me oh here i'm gonna try to do this backwards um put it like this and then you level it out at the edge of the case and then these indicators here i don't know if you can see them there those white lines will show you lines are supposed to go where they should sit so that your knob has an even sweep right and that it's very it sometimes you will find yourself sitting on the assembly line just like you know it's it's just it's a little too low and then wait and then you just start to kind of lose your mind a little bit so it's it's it's nice to have a little bit of reassurance we have some fantastic builders here who are so good at knobbing pedals that they don't use this anymore but it is really great for training people for newbies or if you are having one of those days where you're just sliding into a obsessive spiral and you just need a little friend to tell you where you're how you're doing yeah that's what this is for guys yeah yeah you know all about this yeah so what my technique was always get get them on and then if you if you mirror it they should they should look totally mirrored so i've got the knobs on this i i think that they look pretty good if i do say so myself would you like to check my work with the peter piper peter piper pepper peppers peppers petals peppers petals better you guys are amazing thank you um check check my work okay okay can you do it backwards yeah i will i just gotta get it on there okay all right so this one's pretty good he's only off by like the teensiest teens wait hold on are we sure that i've it's are they all turned are they all turned right yeah i mean his black the black dot on this knob is sitting like just above the white line i mean if i hold on let me just look at this with my eyes first um okay yeah if i were to look at this with my eyes i would tell you that your volume and your your your volume is perfect okay yeah your tone is a touch too high and your drive is a touch too high do you see that let me look at this top down camera i would like in the comments everyone everyone just that i have a problem i want i want you to look i think this looks pretty perfect but here you throw this i do agree i do maybe the drive is a little high so let's see it goes like it goes like this yep okay there's that so you can see the indicators yeah it's a little high but you know i mean that's really good you haven't built pedals i haven't built pedals in a long time okay that's pretty good that's pretty good well awesome hey and you know what's amazing is that i've done i'm done with this i finished building a morning glory i just it kind of blows my mind and also makes me want to cry and throw something like how quickly i just made this um as opposed to even like i mean this is pretty quick to make two but you have to you know wire the power um this just took forever so okay let me let me give you a little do you remember how long one of those would take did you ever time yourself i did i i don't really have a place in like i don't have like a file a cabinet in my brain for like numbers so i don't remember but we used to assemble these uh we would the first part i can do top down for this i'll use the pointer of destiny so you can see there's kind of these quadrants of wires there's this side the right side the left side power and then there's this front frontal section where the led would attach and so the way that we would do these is we would have what we called pre-assembly which was your prep circuit prep yeah and a lot of times that would be either uh would be a lot of times just putting the circuit in the case because that takes a second and then once the circuit switch uh jacks were on the case including the power jack one person would wire power and this side and the next person would wire this side and add the led so like we split the soldering iron between multiple people so you were only ever having to focus on like the same motion over and over again because the like we were talking about earlier the amount that you could like eliminate uh like divergence eliminate divergent movements uh and streamline the faster this would go so there would be at one point i would be at the end of the assembly line just wiring leds to have enough leds ready um well it was it wasn't like you know it'd be like a couple seconds per led but you're constantly getting like people are constantly passing you stuff so you're like quickly wiring up wires to an led soldering them clipping you guys ever get like like in a healthy way like competitive where you would start like almost like racing or like seeing how fast you could do it yeah well sometimes that really what would happen back in the day would be like somebody would leave the assembly line to go to the bathroom and then you would passive aggressively do their part of the pedal and then by the time they come back you're like oh it's fine it's totally fine you were gone for like five minutes because i did all of you i did your whole part for you um so we have kind of walked through this some of the assembly process belt let's talk about our most hated our most hated petals let's do this of the past and i i want to be clear love the pedal sometimes there's processes you hate it's like um cleaning your room is not fun but it's fun to have a clean room you know this doesn't reflect on for example my pick the panther the og panther amazing uh pedal was a big deal for us i absolutely hated putting this together they're these um jacks and i i'm i'm glad you're here though because i feel like not very many people can relate a lot getting all these jacks lined up lined up properly is such a pain and there was a period of time getting it in the case i can only dude you have to you put them all in you do like two threads like a ten two threads on all of them and then you go through and you do like two more threads you have to like just straighten it all out and and there are these uh little tiny we're getting so nerdy i i hope everybody's hanging in there for this there are these two tiny little washers right here and these basically like uh uh uh keep them flush against the wall and they would fall off all the time while we were trying to put them in and there's a period of time where we got these cases and the way that they were drilled i don't know what they were doing but it was like they weren't oiling the drill bit so it was melting the metal on the inside of the case so it was like spikes so when you went to go push this in there were like like claws keeping it from going in so we had to go in and with a file and like file down the inside of the holes modding the rat was like when you had to drill the toggle nut hole because there's like on the rat there's like a plastic the covering um and the metal underneath and you would drill it in like you'd have just like metal spikes coming out yeah um so you had to like clean up all of the metal would like come out and the plastic or whatever material it is on top yeah on this guy um would like bloop out yeah it was bad and you'd have to like get it down so that when you put the toggle nut on it there's not just like metal shavings like yeah what was your what's your least favorite what was in your assembly days your least favorite the mini foot the freaking minifoot the old version mini foot so show the inside so they can yeah see so we have this tiny tiny little circuit board here that you the led is soldered into the circuit board and once you once you manage to wire the jacks and the foot switches from the board oh my gosh yeah oh it like i feel like sweaty looking like this yeah um you have to like push the board down and then hold the board with your finger and then glue the led in and hold the board while the glue dried oh my gosh if you let go all the hot glue will go through the bezel and get all over everything and the thing is if you mess this up you have to like you there's nothing you have to take everything apart to get to those pots if you wired one of these pots wrong you have to it was so bad and like i don't know if anyone watching this has ever had a hot glue burn oh my god oh yeah but it's like it just never cause you get it on this hand and then your brain goes get it off and then you go listen and it's just like guys because it's a slow burn i would rather i prefer soldering iron burns over glue burns this is something i didn't think we would get into soldering iron burns versus hot glue because they're fast you almost don't even realize it happens because it's so hot and it's just annoying afterwards while it's healing but with glue burns it just feels like it's never gonna end yeah and you just see your life flash before your eyes and you just fall into like a black hole of chaos like into a void i have a stinger for this yeah yeah the amount of burns and and scratches and stuff that you get assembling is just absurd or did you ever um putting knobs on um do you have the tool the flat head the flat head yes so when you're putting a knob on there's this tiny screw and you set it like that and then sometimes you'll slip and you stab underneath your fingernail and it's a cut that you can't do anything about it because it's hiding yeah that's terrible uh ironically the other one that was really hard to put together was the panther cub oh yes uh we have a double board here so this is the orig like og panther cub um and we had to we had to create these shields um if you have if you have one of these panther cubs gives me gives me a thumbs up in the comments um and just know that things were sacrificed for you yeah we we did it we did this for you um because we cared and we loved you these were made with love yeah pain and pain uh these if it's really hard to make top down you can see it if you look really close there you can kind of see on the edges there's like a little shiny like laminate looking thing we used to have to take this metal these metal sheets and laminate uh them in uh literal through a laminator it was like this um what's it called there's like a term for it it's like anti-static yeah it's anti-static material material whatever yeah um and because these two boards would have issues like interfering with each other so we had to create this shield to protect the pedal from itself and so creating these was a whole process so we would have literally create sheets and we had a template that we had that we would cut them out and then put them in and it was this one is zip tied in for some reason i don't know yeah we use standoffs for those yeah we used like little screws and stuff um but yeah this was another one that was just a pain we also have the color box here this was a color box was another source of here belle you you hold this one the color box was another double board petal there's not much you can see from the back here yeah but inside is a is a field of broken dreams yes because the foot switch is here which means that when you put this board in there's like there's no going back and when you solder that you have the the circuit will be like this like at this angle so you're like soldering the foot switch in while the board is like no i want to go this way yeah and then the led is the same situation where that was soldered and you have to wire the power at the end you can't wire it before you screw the board in so you have to stick your soldering iron very delicately yeah in here and not melts the wires because then you have to take it all apart and change out the wires it's ridiculous this is a good time to ask the question what temperature do we run our soldering irons out here yeah someone asked in the chat do you know no not off the top of my head i remember when beck and i were building i was about 770. that sounds like something yeah that's that sounds about right we probably have a photo of it i'm sorry yeah let's pull these photos back up um so oh sorry go ahead no no no no no no you go no but it's okay i got constructed go ahead people have very strong opinions about their soldering iron temperature 7.75 triller says 70.75 yeah amazing so in this picture you can see this is uh what stage is this bo this is prepping so here it looks like he's soldering power and ground wires to a pulp and peel circuit nice and then let's go through here okay what's going on here yeah those are the foot switches so earlier on nick showed the foot switch on this morning glory so we would tape down a whole row of these because they will not hold still while you solder them and you have to very delicately put wires in each of those holes there that are at the end there's two on each you solder the wires on there and then that gets soldered onto the circuit yeah so you'll have somebody just go through and just yeah prep we have like a gigantic tub of hundreds of them that are like pre-wired and sometimes you need rats to build rats yeah you know okay i just want to talk about this so this is one of my most favorite things that has been implemented are these like mom tupperware there's there are cereal containers i love these so much um so knobs we order in these pallets of knobs do you have some right here yes don't flip it over okay do not flip it over so they come like this and to get them in you have to i'm not going to do it because i don't want to make everybody angry with me um there is they're in this little you can i'll just like there we go they come in these these little pallets and then we empty them out and you said uh what's your technique because there you can make some pretty big errors getting these into those beautiful containers yes what was your technique for doing this because i have a technique i know you're a shell down kind of person i am a plastic i like the put the plastic down so so you like to flip it the other way yeah but only when you're ready because this plastic will as soon as you flip it over that will break and knobs will spill everywhere yeah so once you get it to the to a safe comfortable location i like to flip it over and then peel the shell off and then take the corners of the plastic to funnel them in because if you have the shell down all of these are gonna like they cling to their cubby holes so you have to like you have to like tap them and like make them come out of the shell and then it's they fall they fall out easier i personally feel that i have much more control okay with the wrapper um uh how does everybody feel like they're being educated like i know that there is probably no other use for this information in anyone else's life but this is just how stuff is made hey this is how it gets done we have about 1200 people here with us and they have been the whole time they're here for it they're into it they want to know people are like telling us that they've sold their other pedals to buy jhs stuff that's amazing so i'm like come on there's so much love here that's great that's great isn't it so i'm a plastic up guy or at least i was and my i can't i won't do it but what i would do is i would i would have my my bin of whatever i was putting the knobs in i would take the plastic off and then i would create th this shape and kind of funnel them in and you're making a face at me like like this is the worst it makes me nauseous [Laughter] no because especially mini knobs they don't want to come out of the shell yeah i never had those i never had to deal with those small nubs just the regular guys like this yeah i mean whatever makes it so that you don't make a mess is the right way for you yeah i just think that um i'm right so amazing um i i someone came in here and they tapped me on the shoulder and then they like disappeared like a ghost and i'm pretty sure that it was ernie ball trivia time [Music] hey everyone welcome to ernie ball trivia time where we ask a question ernie wall gives away an entire box of strings space strings guitar strings do they make mandolin strings banjo strings i think they do i don't really know but if you get the question right you get a whole box of your choice so if everyone's ready here is your question for today in what year did leo fender stop making the original stingray bass to focus on a new g l design throw it in the comments and if you're the very first one that i see on my end you're gonna get a whole box of strings amazing yep and it looks like you guys have completed your pedals have you completed them let's get a look at these so we got a we have a driller built wow double barrel addison did you do the you did the emperor i did well ended up fixing did it get fixed dustin fixed it dustin props to dustbins i ran over there got these soldered and they gave me a definite number for what the soldering irons are at that's right it's 7.50 7.50 okay dustin's is at 761. okay i've seen some 770s or 776s but 750 that sounds pretty standard it's amazing thank you we're gonna have to pull some trivia for future things from this episode so you're gonna need to remember these numbers in these factoids that's right um i have my morning glory done uh i think that we should um throw out the question we should for winning these and we'll we'll just announce all the winners for everything at the same time in the last couple minutes here because we're going to wrap up um how many parts this is this is top level trivia how many parts are in the pack rat throw your answers down in the comments there's a there's a definitive answer to this um the packrat it's a double board as well right yeah it is um there is if you see these screws here um are attached to standoffs that attach the um front half of the board yeah so that's a part of the prep process where we'll have people go through and connect the boards together with standoffs and then in this this rotary pot rotary pots have these little pins all around them that you have to put these very very very very tiny pins into the correct spots so that it will stop and start at the right place the uh color box also has them and they are so small and so hard to find if you drop them on the floor so don't drop them on the floor driller driller knows all about this um wow well this has been amazing belle thank you for coming on thank you for enlightening us with all of your assembly knowledge um we appreciate we just want to give a big just hand hand clap to the assembly line downstairs it is because of you that this is you know without them content there's nothing to make videos about yeah you know what i mean there's no reason to do this stuff so we have an amazing team downstairs who are chugging away as we speak just literally ripping through hundreds of pedals today and it's incredible addison do we got answers we have answers we got answers i'm getting close here just just kill like a minute and a half more for me yeah i ask you about the wireless tap tempo oh yeah okay uh there was back in the day uh we got a return in and it was a tap tempo and a guy had had it for like six months and we're like what could possibly be wrong with this tap tempo and we open it up and lo and behold i had built it and when i say i had built it i mean i had put a switch in a case and some jacks in a case but i did not put any wires in it so we had uh given this very patient person a what i called uh the wireless tap tempo there's a new module so yeah definitely i've patented the technology uh don't try to steal it from me but it was a little embarrassing because i was it was one of those where they got it out and they were like there aren't any wires i was like what idiot would do that and then i was like oh it was me oh and then because we also used two initial back plates that's right right we would initial backplate so you could know who done messed up that's right yeah we used to sign all of these so if you get any that have an ndl on it or a what did you sign yours did you put your initials i probably used to do i o i o or bo nice nice we got answers we got winners we got winners all right first uh first winner we're gonna uh announces for ernie ball trivia time the question was in what year did leo fender stop making the original stingray bass to focus on a new g l design the answer was 1979 heather garland you have won so email the jhs show at and we'll get your info for a whole box of strings from ernie ball and then we have four winners we picked the first four folks that got the answer correct in the chat and we're just going to randomly assign each one of you one of these pedals that were built today those four winners are wizkid raven beers and waffles werner smith and dog hot hawk hunter dog hawk hunter that's hard to say so the question was how many parts are in the pack rat that correct answer was 261. so you four got it right again amazing wizkid raven beers and waffles werner smith dog hawk hunter that's right and hey hey hey hey what what and if you're not those people yeah don't even think about it think about it hey this has been amazing i've had a really good time talking about this um even if it's just selfishly to be able to share the assembly like lore and the journey with you um this has been really incredible so we're gonna wrap up thank you guys for watching um definitely leave a comment uh about what you thought about this if you'd like to see more about maybe some behind the scenes of how we do stuff here let us know uh that's it see ya any last words none nothing at all none left it's been a good day none last all right thanks everybody bye bye you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 54,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: 1dLH8ZaD0Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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