How Uncle Roger Helped Destroy Jamie Oliver's Reputation

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Throughout his career Uncle Roger AKA stand  up comedian Nigel Ng has made a career out of   humiliating chefs and has had many victims…..the  first being on the 8th of July 2020, uploading   a video to his youtube channel titled “Uncle  Roger disgusted by this Egg Fried Rice Video” it was basically a video roasting the BBC’s  tutorial on how to cook egg fried rice,   the video since then has 37 million views  on youtube alone. This roasting of the   BBC’s rice led to uncle roger collabing  with the presenter, AKA Auntie Hersha…. the following month Uncle Roger honed in on his  next target, this time, celebrity chef Jamie   Oliver. Uploading a video titled “Uncle  Roger Hate Jamie Oliver Egg Fried Rice”. According to Uncle Roger he got most things wrong,  including but not limited to, using packet rice,   the rice being too wet, using no garlic,using  olive oil, using chili jam, using a frying pan   instead of a wok and just generally making  a shit egg fried rice. Causing uncle roger's   ancestors to weep….but also cry with joy because  the video got 26 million views on youtube alone. “Finally, there is someone who can  literally roast the celebrity chef.   Not just a random complaint, uncle  roger complaints were actual facts.”  This would be the first entry of a one  way mission to shame Jamie Oliver for his   cooking ability…..However Uncle Roger isn’t  the only person to have beef with Jamie….. Throughout his career Jamie’s managed to  capture the hearts of menopausing women   and become incredibly successful doing so,  those cookbooks don’t sell themselves. But   he’s also managed to acquire a huge  amount of haters. There are many   reasons that go into people hating Jamie  Oliver, but there are four big factors; The first being his war on school dinners both  in the UK and US. He was becoming incredibly   frustrated at the state of school meals and  obesity rates in children and decided to take   action, which is a fair and noble cause. However  the execution didn’t go so well, with him getting   turkey twizzlers banned in the UK, causing uproar  and breaking down in tears in America after he   showed a bunch of kids how chicken nuggets  are made and was surprised they still wanted   chicken nuggets. This event would even lead  to Jamie being mocked on a Southpark episode. The next factor was his role in the  hugely controversial sugar tax. The   Sugar tax would make soft drink companies  who make products containing more than 5%   sugar have to pay between 18p and 24p for  every liter they produce. Which saw nearly   50% of the sugar sweetened soft drinks market  reduce the level of sugar in their products.   Jamie was instrumental in getting this tax  implemented, campaigning on the streets and   talking to politicians. But the people of  Britain were furious with this decision. In   Scotland he even proposed a 2-4-1 ban on pizzas,  which some argued would only really affect the   poorest in society . It seemed like  he was on a rampage to ruin all food…. The third factor, In June 2008 Jamie launched a  restaurant chain called “Jamie’s Italian” which   at its peak had 42 restaurants in the UK and  became franchised with branches all over the   world. However in 2011, he gained controversy  due to it being revealed that the sauces used   in the restaurants were from an industrial  park almost 400 miles away. Which wouldn’t   be a problem if Jamie Oliver wasn’t such a  big advocate of cooking meals from scratch   and using local produce. Not only that, the  finances of the company were crumbling and   the food quality began rapidly declining in a lot  of the restaurants. Which ultimately led to 22 of   25 restaurants getting closed down by may 2019  and 1,000 jobs lost. Jamie’s other restaurants   and overseas locations were franchises so  they were unaffected. In March 2022 Jamie   revealed that he was pulling restaurants out  of Russia in response to the Ukraine conflict.   Uncle Roger tweeted “If he wanted to hurt Russia,  he should’ve kept his restaurants there open”. The final major factor in people  generally disliking Jamie Oliver   is because of a scandal in 2018 in which he  was accused of cultural appropriation for his   microwavable jerk rice. He labeled the product  “punchy jerk rice” but found backlash because it   literally didn’t include any of the ingredients  found in traditional Jamaican jerk marinade.   This resulted in the product getting removed from  shelves and Jamie hiring cultural appropriation   specialists to advise on future cookbooks.  This happens all the time in the cooking world,   a chef will take a cuisine from around the  world and add their own whacky spin on it   and just call it experimentation and include  it in their 5 minute meal cook books. For   example both Jamie and Gordon Ramsay angered  spanish people by putting curitzo in paella. After Uncle Roger roasted Jamie’s egg fried rice  to pieces, he set his sights on Gordon Ramsay by   analyzing and reacting to his Indonesian  inspired fried rice. However unlike Jamie,   Gordon was actually very good at making fried  rice and was given compliments from Nigel…. One commenter underneath the video stated…. “People underestimate Gordon. They don’t realize   that he traveled the world to master his craft. He  learned about cuisine around the world”. Another   unknown commenter stated “Happy you approve roger” But in the same breath, Gordon isn’t immune   to getting the asian cuisine completely  wrong, during an episode of his tv show,   gordon showed a head chef at a top thai  restaurant in London, his version of pad thai…. On the 31st of January 2021 Uncle Roger would  deliver his next analysis of Jamie Oliver’s asian   cooking, this time seeming like he had learnt from  his mistakes using actual rice instead of packet   rice but still mostly fucking up the sauce for  the fish. Despite Uncle Rogers reviews getting   hundreds of millions of views across platforms  Jamie still didn’t acknowledge Uncle Roger…. This would lead to an uncle roger roasting  for the third time, this time watching him   make ramen. As predicted, the methods,  technique and some of the ingredients   were just plain wrong, most notably using  soba noodles when claiming to make ramen. “As a Japanese my soul is crushed.  He unnecessarily killed the miso,   leaves pork belly unflavoured, puts on  raw bean sprouts, uses soba noodles and   says it’s ramen. Jamie Oliver, you need  to come to Japan and eat REAL ramen.” Over the next 2 years Uncle Roger  cemented Jamie as his arch nemesis   by creating five more roasting videos,  critiquing his green and red thai currys,   butter chicken and even being held  hostage to review his Indonesian salad. During this period Uncle Roger met Gordon  Ramsay in real life for the first time… In the caption of the video Uncle Roger stated  that they bitched about Jamie Oliver for 15   minutes when meeting. Which kinda makes  sense, you see Gordon and Jamie Oliver   have had a complex relationship for over  a decade, publicly trading barbs at each   other. In 2015 while opening a restaurant in  Hong Kong Ramsay stated “At least I’m here,   I came to my opening right? If you’re  going to open a restaurant in Hong Kong,   at least turn up.” Jamie defends not turning  up to restaurant openings as he doesn’t like   to take the attention away from staff. In 2017  Ramsay criticized Jamie's promotion of healthy   eating stating “It;s all very well to spout off  now about sugar tax and supermarkets. None of   that was spoken about when he was label-slapping  with Sainsbury’s for ten years. And no disrespect,   but we’re chefs, not politicians. When you breathe  that stuff down the public's throat and say “I’m   leaving if we have Brexit, then I’m sorry, the  door stands open. Stand for what you say. Sadly,   the only time he opens his mouth is  when he’s got something to promote.”  Despite this the two supposedly squashed the beef  in 2019 when Gordon appeared on the Jonathan Ross   show and talked about the fall of Jamie’s  restaurant empire, offering his sympathies. Jamie has been targeted throughout Uncle  Rogers catalog of videos however in January   2024 Uncle roger took things to the next  level uploaded a video reacting to Jamie   Oliver’s lamb curry song with world famous  music producer benny blanco. The Lamb curry   song AKA Give it to me hot was a lyrical  version of a recipe that just sounded like   a white guy with pukka shells heard reggae  music once and tried to make a song. It was   written to be part of Jamie’s live cooking  shows, where essentially he would cook the   dish as the song lyrics were playing.  It’s all quite perplexing really, one,   the fact that at one point in time people would  pay money to watch this, two, he made a reggae   song and three he made a reggae song for a lamb  curry that isn’t even a Jamaican lamb curry… The following week Uncle Roger created a  Jamie Oliver diss track with the help of   Benny blanco with all proceeds going to  the food charity that Jamie works with… To this day Jamie has never acknowledged uncle  roger, which is fine obviously, not everyone has   to be involved in internet theatrics but it does  unfortunately lead people to believe that he’s   taking it personally or doesn’t see the funny  side to it maybe. Which again doesn’t help his   public persona to people outside of unseasoned  food lovers and menopausing women category…. Thank you so much for watching this video, I  really do appreciate it, make sure to follow   all of my socials @phatmemer, like, subscribe  and comment below what you wanna see next……
Channel: Phat Memer
Views: 1,655,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uncle roger, nigel ng, nigel ng comedy, jamie oliver, gordon ramsay, jamies italian, nigel ng uncle roger, mr nigel ng, the naked chef, nigel ng rice, uncle roger rice, uncle roger egg fried rice, jamie oliver egg fried rice, uncle roger jamie oliver, uncle roger gordon ramsay, jamies italian restaurant, victims of uncle roger, gordon ramsay jamie oliver, jamie oliver chicken nuggets, nigel ng comedian, phat memer, phat, gordon ramsay pad thai
Id: cmueq5XJlbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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