Meet The MOST HATED Judge On MasterChef..

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when it comes to Master Chef there's one judge who's more of a headache than a Helper and it should go without saying that I'm not talking about Ramsay you take two pieces of fish you put it over it you take the tartar sauce you put in the front do I even need to say it Joe banage an American restaurant wine maker and a big old douche now I'm not someone to hate on just anyone but this guy he deserves every bit of it this guy made bullying his passion and he made it clear each and every day he showed up on the show like this time in season 1 when he absolutely tore into Slim's dish and boy did he not mince words you need to be listening to what we're telling you about what we're producing because this is ridiculous damn that must have hurt real bad yeah this is 100% bullying no doubt about it and guess what before tossing Slim's dish into the bin he didn't even taste it but you see Joe has some superhuman Powers he didn't even have to give it a taste to make up his mind before doing this this is like a buffet gone bad a buffet gone bad but you didn't even taste anything so how could you possibly decide that I feel like he just based his judgment off of Ramsay's because prior to Joe Ramsay had given the verdict that the dish was a mess but let me be honest even if Joe sampled the dish it's not like he can provide any meaningful constructive criticism anyway contrary to what he may think he's doing on the show so I need to be critical we're searching for the best homecook in America criticizing someone's food this part and parcel for my job really now you might be wondering why exactly am I questioning him as a judge because he isn't even a trained Chef to begin with surprised well that's only the beginning but let's start here how can someone who's not even a chef really truly criticize a dash I mean I can tell if a dish is bad but I couldn't begin to put together exactly what its flavors textures Aroma and whatnot mean together as a bigger picture now just because he's a restaurant her and a wine maker that doesn't mean he can truly describe a dish like Ramsay can or any other of the chef judges that have come on the show over the years owning restaurants and actually having culinary expertise is completely different I've talked about it time and time again in some of my my other videos like this one right here for example go check it out anyway I agree that Joe was raised working in his parents Italian restaurant in Manhattan called felia that's a fact but that doesn't give him the proper experience needed to judge anyone's dish like why was this guy ever a judge on the show to begin with if anyone it should have been his mom Lydia banic in fact she did appear on the show Once in episode 9 of season 4 and her skills as a judge were everything I expected from Joe and more what I got here is a mouthful of peppers it's not harmonious get a good connection to the basics don't just fly off on the W yeah now that's what I call constructive criticism she pointed out what was off with the dish and even gave Howard a little tip for next time that's exactly what judges do or well are supposed to do but Joe he has his own way of doing things don't know what you're cooking what dish you're making with 10 minutes left you come up here and get misty-eyed with us like oh for me again I got screwed off see what I mean when homecooks start giving him the same attitude he just can't handle it it's a blow to his massive ego when someone starts making better points than him so when Howard fired back at him with the exact same amount of sassiness asking if he really wanted all 15 dishes prepared in the exact same way you won't even believe how he reacted if you're here putting your spin on everything you make because you want to show us how cutesy and intelligent and crafty you are well that's going to get you a one-way ticket back to wherever you came from the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife and he didn't stop there and then you could show your friends and the six people who told you were good howu and smart you are that was seriously harsh no doubt about it I mean if he was just dissing his own grub that'd be one thing but his comments were way out of line like seriously out of bounds it felt like a total personal slam you know what I'm saying but he just didn't quit with those snarky comments oh no he had one more up his sleeve and let me tell you it was an absolute Burn only thing worse than a cook who can't boil is a narcissist and full denial God what a jerk I mean who does he think he is throwing around words like narcissist like it's no big deal and the funny thing is if there's a narcissist in the room it's probably him right I mean they say it takes one to know one so he's practically an expert but did you notice that between all that blabbering he didn't even say one word about Howard's de F you know like his whole point of being there I mean this is the kind of behavior you'd expect from someone who's not even close to being a pro right like he's just talking for the sake of talking with no substance so yeah he might want to take a look in the mirror before calling someone out like that and this dude's terrible judgment wasn't just a one-time thing in episode 2 of season 1 it was time for the auditions and there was this girl Tamar a young home cook with some serious skills I'm talking loads of potential and there she was with all the confidence she could muster she stepped up to the challenge with her dish a beautifully plated Lobster Curry now In fairness her dish wasn't exactly on point it had its flaws no doubt about it but you know what it had that spark of potential ramsy and Graham recognized that Tamar had something special going on despite her Dish's drawbacks but that wasn't the case with Joe when he tasted to the dish you won't believe how he reacted yeah that's right he just got up and walked away without even giving any feedback unlike Ramsey and Graham who at least had the courtesy to share their thoughts and when it came down to the final decision Ramsay gave her a big yes but Joe he didn't quite see it the same way and that's where things got interesting no it's not Master Chef talk about a plot twist okay so would you do the honors of telling her what Master Chef material is well I don't even think he had a clue about what was off with that dish himself plus even Graham wasn't feeling Tamar's creation and he straight up said no but at least he had the decency to lay out what didn't work for him still Ramsey knew it was the wrong move and didn't hesitate calling them out on it I think we made a mistake I think we made our first genuine mistake you see Ramsay knew he had to swing the decision in favor of getting her on the show and he went with graham for good reason he probably figured that Joe wasn't exactly the type to easily change his mind something like a guy who couldn't spot the potential in someone even if it smacked him in the face I mean why bother trying to convince someone as stubborn as him right so Ramsay played his cards wisely by going with graham who he likely believed could see the bigger picture and help sway the decision in their face anyway moving on aside from being a horrible critic Joe also dabbles in being a horrible person in general I'm talking about ableism here now I'm not the type to use that term lightly I mean calling someone that requires huge amounts of evidence but don't you worry cuz I've got it all right here in episode 16 of season 3 we were introduced to Christine a blind contestant in a challenge where they had to cook for a restaurant The Challenge was nowhere near an easy one but Christine is pulled through like a star when faced with worse right four of these in each thing yeah okay thank you like that one time during the apple pie challenge when she thought that she had ruined everything but it actually made a really amazing one she really underestimated herself there so in the kitchen while she was prepping the judges were having a discussion about Christine and where she should be put yeah they saw her among the best regardless of her disability both Ramsay and Graham thought she was capable Ram even suggested that she should be at the end of the line to give the perfect finish to the dish but Joe had a different plan I would have her at the end finishing a dish definitely coat check room no come on what the hell the coat check room why on Earth would they stick her in the coat check room she's a cook and even though she's just a home cook for now with all her experience from the show she's Chef material and that's even speaking without the benefit of hindsight cuz we know that she won the entire damn competition it was super disrespectful for Joe to suggest that someone as skilled as her should be in charge of Coach cheack even Ramsey wasn't happy with his statement but Joe had more to say she yeah this is a live kitchen Michel St restaurant she can't do it a liability no it's pretty shocking how Joe didn't even hesitate to label her as a liability which really shows just how terrible a person he is I mean seriously he didn't even hesitate before throwing down that judgment and then there was Ramsay who could believe his fellow judge had underestimated Christine just because of her disability it's a real eyeopener when you see how some people can be so quick to judge others without giving them a fair chance and it honestly makes me wonder how he runs the show at his own restaurants and again he had a ton of Humble Pie to eat when Christine won that [Applause] [Music] season I hope Joe won't ever make the mistake of underestimating anyone like that again again but I'm not confident that he learned much of anything because aside from being an ableist turns out Joe's also racist and sexist bastianich's gig on Master Chef Italia the one that just dropped on Sky Italia got folks talking big time and yeah they weren't wrong about it as part of the show bionic got a manicure and a pedicure at a beauty salon in Milan's Chinatown staffed by two Chinese woman and Jesus he simply doesn't know when to shut the hell off the conversations he tried to have were just so painful to watch right off the bat he started asking stupid questions like why not gratella like bro maybe because they're Chinese Joe not everyone is Italian but there was more to come he even tried to correct their pronunciation no s s s s the way he was acting around people that weren't like him was honestly really unsettling but that was nothing in comparison to how later this guy was asking some pretty personal questions which led to another extremely uncomfortable conversation both for those poor women and for those of us watching from home sing and there was no stopping him things only got worse from there on out especially when talking about Chinese men what the hell I mean seriously how on Earth did they Greenlight that stuff for National TV and that wacky background music when did it become a thing to turn something like that into a punchline anyway later on Joe spilled the beans that it was all planned out and he even knew the woman involved but come on can we really excuse his actions just because he admitted to to it being scripted I sure as hell can't Joe's a full-grown adult famous at that and he could have easily put his foot down and said let's change this script folks but instead he willingly took part in a degrading segment and honestly knowing the women doesn't make it any less offensive but this reminds me of another controversy back in 2017 this happened at Batali in Bastian when some of the workers accused Mario Batali the co-owner of some shady stuff fast forward to 2021 bionic and Batali coughed up 600k in hush money to around 20 ex employees but it wasn't just Mario and the hot seat there was some gossip about Joe getting all sleazy with the ladies making hostesses request a table chain just to get away from him you know considering Joe's track record these rumors don't sound too crazy and if they're legit I kind of hope he winds up paying the price at some point is that wishful thinking on my part what do you think anyway to top it off it looks like he's got some issues with lgbtq plus folks too like in May that former pastry chef from babo Isaac Franco Nava sued the Restaurant Group claiming that he had to face some pretty nasty anti-gay stuff and that's not all another interesting detail is the language used in bastianich's 2012 Memoir restaurant man which disses Dutch and Australian chicks as lwh hanging fruit and advises that people hire bartenders with a nice set of tits like who even gave this dude the green light to write a memoir in the first place I threw up in my mouth reading that tiny segment of it but hey it ended up being a blessing in disguise cuz he totally put himself on blast and remember when he was going on about how Chinese guys are incompetent and all that seems like he's clueless not just about the people but their food too now let me take you back to season 1 which introduced home Cooks to the Chinese Cuisine challenge it was Tony's turn to present his dish and this is how it went it's a walk fried chicken with some stir fried broccoli what's funny here was that the guy who doesn't know about Asian Cuisine was the first one to judge the dish and his verdict well I'm sure that's self-explanatory I don't know it doesn't look like a Chinese dish to me it's like kid food now I'm not Chinese but I love me some authentic Chinese cuisine and I can vouch that the food on that plate was as real as it comes and calling it kid food just because it didn't fit some kind of standard was just plain ridiculous I mean come on Joe why don't you take a minute to actually dive into Chinese cuisine and get to know the people behind it before dropping a bunch of rude comments huh like at least Ramsay took the time to Humble himself by learning how to make dim some from the pros in order to get a handle on Chinese cuisine no matter how you slice it his judgments on M Master Chef are about as off base as they come but there was this one moment in particular where Ramsay was completely through with them I mean if dealing with the home Cooks wasn't enough poor Ramsey had to deal with this too so here's what went down there was this contestant who served up a beautiful bean stew with sausage and garlic bread sausage looks hearty and that wonderful bean stew underneath it it's got dive in all over it Ramsay loves the dish zero flaws to speak of and so did Chef Aron Sanchez to boot in fact he was over the moon with it and I love the idea of the toasted slices on the top it tells me it's going to scream of texture and dark rich flavors everything seemed to be going well for the contestant until somebody had to come and kick over the metaphorical sand castle and he guesses who yeah I disagree I think the toast cheapens the dish what's hilarious is that two professional chefs couldn't find a single flaw with the dish but a guy who never went to culinary school and never worked in a professional Kitchen in his life thought he knew best what a joke even ramsy was taken a so you don't serve garlic bread in your restaurants no there's no such thing as garlic bread in Italy you see Ramsay doesn't shy away from letting people know when they're wrong and it doesn't even matter if you're a contestant restaurant owner or even Joe bosanic himself Joe's remark was absolutely unnecessary and Ramsay didn't back away from letting him know yeah that's Ramsay for you but Joe wasn't done yet he had a little tip for the contestants if you want to do something interesting take the sausage make a pate spread the Pate on the toasted bread I'm just trying to push you to the next level push it to the next level I mean if you want to fail miserably as a chef if that's your goal then go ahead and listen to his BS but I'd suggest you listen to someone who's actually an expert in The Culinary game like ramsy or Sanchez or or Graham or even Christina toy for crying out loud I mean there's a whole list of experienced people who actually know food listen to them and maybe you'll end up going places okay rant over so what do you think about Joe is his criticism actually legit or is he just wasting everyone's time every time he opens his mouth I feel like I've made my thoughts pretty clear but go ahead and drop yours in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like subscribe and turn on my post notifications for more awesome content also don't forget to check out my latest video right here trust me it's even crazier
Channel: Film Traveler
Views: 1,179,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: when the judges get angry, masterchef angry moment, masterchef angry joe, joe bastianich, gordon ramsay, gordon ramsay angry, gordon ramsay angry in masterchef, gordon ramsay angry moment, gordon ramsay angry moments on masterchef, hell's kitchen, best moments masterchef, masterchef, masterchef usa, masterchef usa 2020, masterchef joe, masterchef angry moments, masterchef angry judges, masterchef 2023, 2023
Id: FFdjb7JgBpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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