How to Write IELTS Task 1 Report ( band 9)

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hi welcome to right to top I'm Adam in today's video I'm going to walk you through an aisle task one report for the academic writing section we're going to look at a line graph and I'm going to walk you through the entire step from looking at the graph and picking out the important information to writing your introduction your overview statement and your two body paragraphs I'm not going to write a conclusion but I'll talk to you about that at the end when we get to it so the first thing we're going to do is interpret and plan our interpret the graph and plan our report now I've told you many times before you start writing anything you should always plan what you're going to write this is extremely important in the task 1 you cannot begin to write your report without knowing what information you're going to include what information you're going to exclude ok so let's start by first of all understanding what we're looking at we're looking at a graph that shows the movie ticket sales by genre which means the type of movie from 1980 to 2010 on the Left axis we have the ticket sales in millions and at the bottom we have the different genres corresponding to the lines in the graph so in case you can't really see it very clearly because it's a bit small there the orange line is action adventure movies the Green Line is animation movies the blue line is comedy yellow horror and gray is documentaries so those are the 5 genres we're looking at now it's very important that you understand what the task is asking you to do the task is asking you to summarize the graphs and report on the main features and make comparisons where relevant so this is the key it's a summary you're not asked to include everything and remember you have a minimum of 150 words maximum of 200 there's no real maximum but I suggest no more than 200 and this is not a lot of words ok it's actually a very short report so you have to be very careful in what you include now the reason I say don't go above 200 is because you don't actually need to you can say everything that is important to say about 175 words that's what you should be aiming for 150 you don't want to miss the minimum 200 is too much 175 perfect length now what are you looking for in these graphs you're looking for the highs you're looking for the lows you're looking for the trends or patterns and you're looking for anomalies to those trends or patterns and anomaly is something that goes against the trend that stands out ok so right away what do we notice about this graph all of these genres well four of them are going up all four started low went high only comedy films went lower they finish the period lower than they started okay so that's very important to notice another thing you want to notice is the action-adventure and animation follow a similar line both go up significantly especially after the year 2000 where they have an even steeper incline and again horror and documentaries also follow a similar line and both go up not as significantly so those are the things you want to point out and that's probably how I'm going to separate my body paragraphs means I'm going to talk about comedy probably in one paragraph and I'm going to put all four of the others in another why because comedy is going down everybody else is going up and then I'm going to put action-adventure and animation together documentaries and horror together now another thing you want to also have a bit of an idea before you get started you'll be vocabulary you're going to use so let's look at some vocabulary you don't want to use genre too many times because that's given to you so what's a synonym type movie type types of movies okay you make sure that you have a few words for going up a few words for going down so increased jumped if it's a big increase Rose rise as the case may be same four down decline fall drop decrease fall etcetera if you want to write sixteen hundred million for the ticket sales that's fine you can write sixteen hundred million or 1.6 billion writing the billion is as opposed to the million in the 1.6 again just shows vocabulary range so try to do that whenever you can make sure you get your numbers correct though 800 million is 800 million you could write zero point eight billion it's a little bit pushing it though above 1 billion switch rebound so comedies going down and then rebounds back up ok so when you have that switch in that change of direction you can call it a rebound the entire period 1980 to 2010 this is the span or the period of time we're talking about use the prepositions over in during so changes happen over a span or over a period of time something happens during that time so if it's in you're talking about one point in between the beginning and end during if you're talking about something that happens over the entire period over if it's a big jump or a big increase or a big decrease you say significance if it's not so fast steady and then you want to talk about something that's multiplying so double to triple three times quadruple four times anything above four just use the word the number and the word times five times six times 12 times and respectively by now you should all know this word you're going to use it a lot in this task two things mentioned and then two similar or two pieces of information about those two things in the same order so respectively so these are some words we're going to use so let's look at the actual task the graph below shows the number of movie tickets sold around the world each year from 1980 to 2010 ticket sales according to genre are presented in millions this is the information that's given to you summarize the information by selecting reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant again remember summarize don't give me everything give me the key things reporting the main features the things that are important not everything again is summarize and make comparisons where relevant don't compare everything if it's relevant make it a comparison if it's not don't now the key rule to task one is the three C's clear concise correct make sure it's easy to follow what you're writing make sure that it's concise don't say more than you have to make things brief make them short okay make your sentences tight with information that's why you shouldn't need more than 200 words and be very careful about this make sure your information is correct I've seen many reports where the numbers actually don't agree with the graph all you're doing when you when you make that kind of mistake what you're doing is telling the graders that you're not paying attention okay it's a silly mistake try not to make it no point losing points over that okay let's get into it okay so now all I want to do with the introduction is take the task that was given to me and paraphrase it I don't want to add any new information I don't want to get any new ideas involved I don't want to get into any of the details I'm taking the task that the IELTS test gave me and I'm just changing the words maybe changing the order depends how you want to do it the line charts presents so graph line chart same thing shows present the number of movie ticket sales ticket sold around each year so I'm going to show you the changes when they're showing you something each year they're showing you the changes around the world global sales of movie tickets 1980 to 2010 a 30 year period starting in 1980 sales are divided by film type genre and are shown in millions presented shown okay very simple I took their show I put presents I take my they're presented put show you can put other other words the grab the line chart gives the number of ticket sales etc global ticket sales now you want to have an overview statement you want to have a very general big-picture statement overall always start with overall it's easy because you're looking at the overall picture of the graph sales have increased during this span with the exception of comedy films which saw a slight decline so four of them went up one of them went down that is my general overview now because I only have one a one sentence overview I personally am going to add it to my introduction so I'm going to have my introduction paragraph with the overview I'm going to have two body paragraphs and that's it okay so let's get into our actual report okay so just to refresh our memories we're looking at all the details I'm going to talk about comedy decline I'm going to talk about action-adventure big jump going to talk about animation even bigger jump and then the bottom two horror and documentaries not as significant so here is my body the two paragraphs of the body comedy films were top sellers they were number one with just over 600 million tickets sold in 1980 and steadily fell to around 350 million by 2003 50 just over 600 because I can't see the specific number I have to be close enough if I can't see it specific but just over around approximately about etc so in 2000 roughly equal to horror film ticket sales so in 2000 comedy and horror about the same so I want to mention that that's a comparison that I'm making okay at this point 2000 the genre saw a rebound so the genre I'm talking about comedy because that's my main focus for the paragraph saw a rebound just went started going back up and finished the period with about 500 million in sales by - by 2010 remember don't put numbers without telling me what those numbers are so 600 million tickets around 350 million during the same sentence I don't need to put it the second time in the last sentence I have to refresh the readers mind 500 million what in sales by 2010 okay all four of the other genres witness and increase in sales so I'm giving you an overview of all four of the others and then I'm going to give you the details with action-adventure and animation movies showing the greatest Rises especially after 2000 so after 2000 both of them went up quite a bit action-adventure ticket sales almost quadrupled from just under 400 million to about 1.5 billion over the span of the graph while animation films which started at the same level of documentaries in 1980 twelve times going from one hundred million to 1.2 billion a lot a long sentence but I have a lot of information talking about action-adventure talking about animation I'm talking about documentaries I'm giving you key features in terms of the size of the increases of those two and I'm talking of making a comparison with documentaries animation and documentaries started the same level animation twelve times bigger documentaries not so much as the next sentence will take documentaries and horror films though tripling and nearly doubling respectively means documentaries tripling horror films doubling on nearly doubling had a less significant rise less significant relative to all the others - action-adventure and animation which had huge increases and of course comedy which had a decrease now am I going to write a conclusion here no I'm not why because I'm not making any argument a conclusion is there to reach when you've made an argument you're making an argument you're trying to convince and somebody the reader and then the conclusion should be that point where you actually say see I've convinced you you're not doing that here this is a summary you're not reaching any conclusions you have your overview statement your overall statement now if you want to you can take that overall statement and put it at the end as your conclusion do you need to write in conclusion dot no because you're not making any conclusions you're presenting a summary right so you can say overall all four had four out of five had an increase one had a decrease I prefer to put it in the beginning with my introduction okay and now there it is there's the entire report I put the overall statement with the introduction I have three paragraphs 179 words and I've answered the task and have reported on the main features I made a couple comparisons that I thought were relevant this should should get a nine anyway hopefully so and that's all there is to it okay if you want to see this graph and the report slowly and clearly you can go to right to top calm I put the link in the description box you can go see that there on my site if you have any questions please ask me here below in YouTube or go to my social pages and asking me there I hope this was helpful to you I hope you guys get a high score on your IELTS test and come back for more videos about all kinds of things to help you improve your writing help you improve your test scores etc a few against you bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 195,619
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Keywords: ielts, English writing, English, writing, task 1, language test, English test, scoring, structure,, how to write, quick tips, tenses, skills, test preparation, test tips, pass the IELTS, synonyms, ielts high score, Engvid Teacher Adam, lexical range, language skills, line graph, how to write a report, how to summarize, IELTS Academic, ielts task 1, ielts line graph, engvid adam, how to do ielts task 1, how to, paraphrasing
Id: uOagSPygM2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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