How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie | Animated Book Review

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It basically talks about the model of the other person's world. That is relatable to nlp.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jazz-pizza 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

As NLP is a method to map human behaviors, every human behavior can be turned into a NLP strategy. So never ask whether XYZ is NLP, but rather check whether a NLP practitioner has already turned XYZ into a NLP strategy. If not, do it yourself!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JoostvanderLeij 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you think about NLP as a Context/Strategy/Structure-based methodology, concepts of behavior and communication can be explained in NLP terms. The more NLP you know, the more you can reverse engineer techniques of influence you find effective.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hypnaughtytist 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is one of the most important concepts you can achieve it's life-changing if you've ever thought to yourself that you're lacking communication skills pick up this book if you're looking to develop into a leadership role of any sort this book is essential it was written by Dale Carnegie in 1936 and who knew that something applicable 1936 would be so applicable in today's age the books broken down into four parts I'm going to take one concept from each part which is just a very small fraction of the book and talk about that part one is fundamental techniques and handling people Carnegie opens up the concept saying that he frequently fished and main door in the summer he says that he's personally fond of berries and cream but for some strange reason the fish like worms he went into detail saying that he doesn't bait his hook with strawberry and cream he baits it with worms because fish like worms he doesn't think about what he wants he thinks about what the fish want and really in summation he baits the hook to suit the fish if you were to be a personal trainer you're not going to look for clients and say hey I want to build a customer base as your sales pitch you're going to say hey I want to help you lose weight and I'm going to do that in a personalized manner I'm going to struggle with you I'm going to sweat with you I'm going to be there for you I'm going to fight with you and we are going to lose weight together the key to this concept is really putting yourself in another person's perspective seeing through their eyes seeing what they want and learning how to align what they want with what it is that you want sure this is going to take some creativity and aligning what you want with the receiving parties once and desires but always remember you have to construct it through their needs you have to make it an eager want for them or else it's not going to be effective because the point is is they just don't care what you want and that's the principle of arousing in the other person and eager want part two are six ways to make people like you when's the last time you asked your dentist how they started school or why they decided to be a dentist when's the last time you asked your doctor how was their upbringing what was their family like life like do you even know a millionaire you know there are millionaires around you all over the place right millions of people walk around every day thinking their life is the only movie that exists they're the star and everyone else is a co-star they're a support role they don't realize that every single other person has their own movie which they're the star - how often have you found yourself asking someone how their weekend was but you really just don't care becoming genuinely interested in someone's life isn't just about asking how their weekend was and not caring and listening to the mundane stuff they did if you become genuinely interested in their lives this will lead you through conversations like you've never had let me imagine listening to a millionaire talk about how they made their first five hundred thousand dollars were their first failure where they lost twenty thousand dollars was they are going to love talking about themselves because everyone is playing their own movie even the most mundane occupations like an accountant can have the most interesting life and you have no idea because you've never asked them you've never been genuinely interested in their lives you could come to the realization that someone saved someone's life before or someone broke a window to get a dog out of a hot car before who knows who knows what you can discover I mean the the limits are endless you'll find that after you treat everyone as if you want to genuinely know about their entire story you're going to have very deep-rooted connections and friendships that last a lifetime with them that's the concept I want you to take from that part has become genuinely interested in other people part three talks about how to win people to your way of thinking imagine you're a cashier at a grocery store and you're in the manager's office at the end of the shift your drawer is short some money and you know that you've made a mistake in handing out change throughout the day you're short $20 it's the first time you've done this before but your manager is kind of angry now your manager is going to start going into how you're responsible you were and how I mean you can just hand away money and then it's three times as much as you make an hour the manager is probably going to go into forms of punishment that you could possibly face and that how you probably won't get ours next week because you are so careless and reckless and you'll sit there and take it all because you don't know how to react well the next time you find yourself in a situation where you've made a mistake I want you to admit that you're wrong and do it emphatically Carnegie goes into detail let's say the cashier situation if the cashier was in the manager's office and before it was even mentioned the cashier starts saying I made a terrible mistake I feel so terribly I mean how could I be so reckless and careless with your money I can't believe I just handed out $20 I mean you should make me pay four times the amount back because I was so careless with your money if you want me to resign if you want me to go home right now I will I mean I just feel so terribly about it the manager is likely going to start going to bat for you saying it's not that big of a mistake I mean it's only $20 there's no reason to lose a job over it or go home I mean I don't want to lose a valuable employee and it's not like you've done it in the past it's not a regular habit so see if you make a mistake if you own the mistake and then try to create ways where you can punish yourself it'll get the other person to the point where they feel that they have to defend you so the next time you find yourself in a situation where you are wrong instead of trying to defend yourself like you naturally are inclined to do admit it quickly and emphatically part four is how to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment imagine you're a smoker and your brother your sister your best friend said that they wanted to start smoking instead of just diving in the criticism and telling them not to do it and the reasons why they shouldn't do it really what you should be doing is telling them about the mistakes you've made in how you wish you hadn't started because it's so hard to stop it's addicting and you wish you could and that you have an annoying cough when you lead in this way you dive into the realm of empathy and you really strike a chord with the other person in a way you couldn't if you didn't start that way and that's the last principle I wanted to talk about which is always talk about your own mistakes first and these are just a few of my favorite concepts in the book if you're on the fence of whether or not you should read this book it's an absolute must it'll raise your social IQ far higher than anyone you know that hasn't read it and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more achieved concepts like this and if you like this book you'll absolutely love the 48 laws of power thanks for watching you
Channel: AchievingConcepts
Views: 1,154,354
Rating: 4.8832903 out of 5
Keywords: How To Win Friends And Influence People (Book), Dale Carnegie (Author), Book Review (Award Discipline), animated book review, animated, Animation (TV Genre), Cartoon (TV Genre), Literature (Media Genre), best review
Id: 0uMZi1gc0Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2015
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