How to Influence Different Types of People - Leadership Training

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[Music] hi I'm Suzanne Matson welcome to this whiteboard session on how to influence different types of people in order to look at the different types of people we have I have drawn up a matrix and we're going to go through four different types of people we're all a mix of all of them but let's see if you can spot which one is most descriptive of yourself on your left-hand side you will see that we have someone who is task oriented detail-oriented and a thinker and on your right-hand side we have someone who is much more people oriented big picture and a feeler towards the bottom of the screen we have someone who is more reserved and slow paced and at the top we have the opposite someone who's outgoing and assertive and much more fast paced that gives us these four basic types let's start with a read with the driver the drivers detail-oriented but impatient in an organization that typically your CEO types they like results and the way to influence them is by getting to the point quickly they like the detail but they don't have time for the detail which is a bit of a dichotomy so give them the executive summary and bullets and let them drive the rest let them ask into the detail tell them that you have it and you must absolutely also have it with you never say you have it without having the detail they're now moving to the yellow personality type these are expressives they're outgoing fast but they're people oriented they're feelers in an organization they're typically your salespeople and your marketing people they're like fun so how to influence them well don't send them long detailed emails because they may never check their email and certainly not read it if it's a long one what they would appreciate is that you dropped by their desk or you give them a quick phone call and when you speak to them make it a bit more fun and outgoing make them talk they like to talk ask them how they're doing how their weekend was so make it a little bit more like heart before you get down to business now let's move down and look at the green personality type these are amiable's amiable's are more reserved and slow-paced but they're still feliz these people don't like too much change they're really all about harmony they're great listeners great team players and in an organization they're typically your HR professionals or caring professionals the way to influence them is to sit down have a one-on-one conversation and ask them how they're feeling and give them time to consider their responses they do not appreciate being put on the spot remember harmony is very important to them moving to the last personality type the blue these are analytical's they're driven by compliance and by doing things right in an organization they're typically your IT professionals or your accountants and analysts they are driven by detail and they're reserved so a good way to influence them is actually through the written media through email and they do appreciate the detail so you can imagine now what happens if someone from a sales department call someone from the technical department and says can you give me a quick estimate by four o'clock now these people down here don't do quick estimates they like to do things thoroughly and properly and that takes time so such a message is going to frustrate them quite a lot so my question to you now is which personality type are you are you predominantly red yellow green or blue that's important because you will tend to communicate from your own preference but what needs to happen if you want to really influence people is you need to adapt your style to wherever your stakeholder is or the senior executive or your team member wherever that person is that you want to influence adapt your style thank you for watching please visit us again at project manager calm
Channel: ProjectManager
Views: 227,946
Rating: 4.9191775 out of 5
Keywords: leadership, project management, management, personality types, leadership training
Id: li4mCDH0eUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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