7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey (Part 1)| Animated Book Review

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most books try to affect personality ethics which in turn attempt to alter just attitudes and behaviors this book stands out because it attempts to change character ethics which helps change perceptions and paradigms imagine yourself trying to put on a pair of tight jeans you eventually get them over your thighs and you try to zip up the zipper and you're struggling I mean you're sucking in your gut in order to try to button that button and you realize that you have gained a lot of weight imagine yourself questioning if God exists asking what happens after that imagine being told by your boss that the company's payroll can no longer support your position imagine your relationship ending with your long-term girlfriend or boyfriend these are all things that may happen to us because we're not affected that's what this book is there's seven Habits of Highly Effective People I'll go into each habit one by one explaining what it is and how to tie it into your own life the first habit we're going to discuss is being proactive I have a co-worker who is always disgruntled he talks about how terrible his life is how his neighbors hate him how his parents don't talk to him about how his brothers and sisters are better than he is how his girlfriend doesn't care what he thinks how terrible the weather is first have it talks about realizing that there are two ways to live life the first way is to live a reactive lifestyle things just seem to happen to you you have no focus on being proactive in these issues because you're too busy reacting you can either act or be acted upon and that's being proactive we all have a circle of concern in a circle of concern is everything a person is concerned about whether it be politics personal health sports teams relationships within our circles of we have a circle of influence these are things that concern us that we have some type of control over this is the circle we should be proactive in habit one talks about being proactive well this means that ken should be identifying that he has to be proactive and focus on the things he actually has an influence over instead of Ken worrying about what the weather's like outside or what his parents think about him or how successful his brothers and sisters are he should be focusing on his circle of influence the things he can change his education level his ability to produce more wealth is health his activity is depth of relationships his hobbies those are the areas of his life he should be focusing on that he should be proactive in if he's proactive within this circle of influence his circle of influence grows inside of his circle of concern and that's the first habit is to be proactive my brother works for a computer company he knows a computer inside and out he knows hardware he knows software he knows how to code many different languages and computer programming and he started at this company pretty much from the bottom he's developed his skills and he's developed his reputation within the company to the point where people respect him he's the go-to guy for tasks for projects a manager position opened up in the company and my brother had vision towards that management position that was his goal he amped up his working habits he studied coding he is more productive he helped out more but he didn't get the promotion my brother and I were talking about this and I asked him quite frankly what he had done to work towards the promotion my brother realized he did not work towards his goal of being a manager and that's what this concept is begin with the end in mind what you have to do is you have to envision your end goal before you work toward something you have to take actions towards those goals - when we start toward something we should always think of our destination first and then of how we're going to get there it's easy to cut up an activity trap to climb harder up the ladder of success one rung at a time to busy ourselves just to realize that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall imagine we applied my brother's strategy to driving to Chicago from Florida before he started the trip he never looked up a route never opened a map he never bothered to even turn on a GPS he would get in the car and he would start driving he would make great turns he would have great driving habits he would plan when he would stop for gas he'd get on the interstate he'd drive fast he'd have very good defensive driving techniques hours or days into the drive he'd pull off the interstate and realize that he's in Denver he's nowhere near Chicago the correct way to get to Chicago would be to open a map or open a GPS and type in our end destination to actually read the directions we'd have to understand which interstate we're going to get on we'd have to understand the length of the trip we'd have to understand all these things and then take actions towards driving to Chicago and if my brother were to have done that in his professional career then he would recognize that I want to be manager one day well the qualities of being a good manager are not necessarily just being a good worker I have to take leadership roles in different projects I have to get things done my brother then took those directions and apply them and he eventually got to it this is the second habit of begin with the end in mind imagine waking up a little bit late in the morning and realizing you have no time to work out you have no time to make breakfast so you grab a pop-tart and head out for work and you get to work and you sit down at your desk and then you have your to-do list from the day before you start working diligently towards your tasks for the day and your boss interrupts you you walks into the office with a stack of papers and says this is a project I need done today it's a priority for me so you begin working hour upon hour on this project and you finally get it done you deliver it to your boss and then you go back to your to-do list to find out that it's time to go home and on your way home you're too tired to even think of what to make for dinner so you stop by and get fast food you get home and you start eating your fast food and yeah click on the TV TVs entertaining to you and then you suddenly realize that it's time to go to bed you go to bed and you wake up the next morning and repeat and then you repeat it the next day then the next day this is a scenario many people find themselves struggling with and habit 3 explains a concept a lot of people also struggle with which is time management there are four levels of time management that humans developed the first level of time management is realizing that you had a lot of things to do in a day so many things you have to do in a day that you might not be able to commit them all to memory and this is where to-do list came from we write everything down we write everything down so it's like a cognitive relief we don't have to remember them anymore but how do things get done they get done from the top of the list of the bottom of the list there's no prioritization this leads us into level two this is scheduling on calendars we write down when each item is going to get done from our to-do list when we do this we tend to stack items back-to-back and then what happens interruptions happen and that develops into the level three of time management which is kind of a daily planning based on our priorities and goals for the day we look at the to-do list each morning and schedule it all into our day it keeps us busy 1-under up ssin can derail us from multiple days we don't really have a holistic view of what we should be working on and focusing on this level three of time management is where most of us spend our lives then there's level four this is weekly planning of categorized activities that's taking every activity on your to-do list and putting it into a certain category and then planning in your week on a weekly basis these categorized activities and you categorize your to-do list based on urgency and and I want you to imagine that on a graph there are things with high importance in high urgency and then there are things with very low importance or lowers let's first focus on the things that are urgent and important these are crises or emergencies they require immediate focus too much time with these items causes us to put out fires instead of actually focusing on things that we need to be proactive with we've become very reactive instead of proactive the next quadrant are not important but urgent things this is where we spend most of our time these are interruptions in our days we think that urgent because there are other people's priorities but they're not really urgent to us this leads to a very short term focus this is your cubicle neighbor coming over and asking for help on a project this is someone from downstairs asking you to run a report it also makes you feel out of control over your time management the next quadrant are not urgent and not important things these are activities that are trivial there are a big waste of time if we focus on these activities we find ourselves getting fired from jobs and being dependent on others the last quadrant are the not urgent but important items these are the things we know we should be doing but they take the back burner these are things like our health our relationships if we add more focus here there'd be a less occurrence of emergencies but these activities are neglected because they don't feel urgent imagine applying this newfound habit in your daily routine imagine waking up to the sound of the beeping alarm clock and realizing that there are some important but not urgent things that you need to do before you go into work so you wake up out of bed and you make your coffee you drink your coffee and you get prepared to go for your morning run you strap on your shoes you run you get your heart rate up and you succeed you feel accomplished that you ran that 9-minute mile you've been working towards you get back you shower and you make yourself a well prepared breakfast you can leave for work about a half hour early and you get to work you begin to work on those things that are important but not urgent in your professional career you also begin working on the emergencies knowing that they are emergencies however there are only a few of these emergencies that you should be concerned with because you've appropriately categorized those that fall into the category of other people's emergencies and not necessarily yours so you work on these emergencies then you work on these quadrant 2 activities in your professional career you find yourself delegating those tasks that fall into the quadrant 3 and you find yourself rejecting the tasks that fall into quadrant 4 you have time in your day to take lunch and reflect on your day and your future plans for that night you decide on what you're going to eat for dinner and you get back to work you get back to work and then you realize that hey it's nearly time to go home you start closing out the tasks that you've opened for the day and you drive to the grocery store while driving to the grocery store you really start thinking about where you are in your life and how satisfied you are and where you're going with your life and how to get there you buy your groceries realizing that shopping for your food is much cheaper than buying your food through a drive-thru you reflect on your own personal finance situation and determine that you are satisfied and comfortable with where you are in your finances you get home and you turn on the news while you cook your dinner and after you're done eating you sit down and you enjoy your dinner and after dinner you pick up one of your favorite books a book that you dive into and start applying to your life to change for the better you begin reflecting on your weeks plan and tweaking those little areas that you need to tweak before bed making the conscious choice that tomorrow morning when that alarm clock beeps that you're going to be getting up and doing the same routine not only because it's what you need to do but because it is an important routine and this is the third habit is to put first things first these first three habits covered in the book which are deciding to be proactive within your circle of influence knowing where you want to be in life figuring out how to get there and working towards it and focusing on the important things first to get there this is how you become more effective as an individual and the next three habits are about being effective as a team habit number four really is about thinking win-win and having that mentality
Channel: AchievingConcepts
Views: 648,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 habits, stephen covey, highly effective people, book review, animated review, animate, animation, covey, 7 habits of highly effective people, FightMediocrity, Stephen Covey (Author), book, full audiobook, rich, money, how to, self development, audiobook
Id: qaJt6LTTcwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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