How to Visualize THE RIGHT WAY - POWERFUL Visualization Techniques & Methods for Manifesting

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we're gonna have some fun today we're gonna talk about how do you visualize now i realized that a lot of people were commenting questions about okay what techniques do you do to visualize am i doing it right like what i just sit there and picture it it just seems really vague and ambiguous right i'm sure you can relate and when i was getting into this stuff about visualizing your dream future manifesting your dream job visualizing yourself and your identity everything was so confusing so i decided why not answer the question what the heck is visualization how do you actually do it let's break this down at a fifth grade level my level of comprehension of course i'm gonna go over three major components of this i'm gonna give you examples i'm gonna give you some big steps and tips uh stuff that will really speed this up and make visualization more effective for you so you're not just wasting your time so now you might be thinking how can we prove that visualization actually works is there any good science about it and there was there was one famous study that was published in the journal of neurophysiology researchers asked the same question you're probably thinking is visualization bs or is it a breakthrough they divided participants into three groups starting with group a they were instructed to do a one finger workout yes literally lifting one finger five times a week for an hour then there was group b who did the same one finger workout but they only visualized lifting it five times a week for one hour then there was group c the control group and you could say they didn't do anything or they literally didn't lift the finger here's where it gets crazy though by the end of four weeks group a the workout group increased their finger growth by 30 percent okay that seems logical you know hard work pays off group c the lazy people didn't have to do anything they didn't change as expected but what's shocking is that group b the woo-woo visualizers increased growth in their finger by 22 that's only an eight percent difference between mentally rehearsing or visualization that group and the actual one doing it in real life now are you starting to see the alchemy and visualization that your brain doesn't know the difference between the experience you actually have and one you vividly remember this proves that visualization can have lasting real effects on our entire physiology and life what you're trying to do with visualization is this now i wrote up here visualize and visionary i love this point because everybody that you look up to in the entire freaking world who's done something great who gets a statue named after them or their name on a library or their company or their photo and for whatever you want to quantify as material success what do we call them visionaries okay they have a vision in their head they're visualizing all the time they're obsessed with it and it comes to fruition you could say that manifest so that's all it is it's taking thoughts in your head something that does not yet exist and you're bringing it into this physical world every single thing right now this camera i'm on the phone you're watching me on the laptop you're watching me on this pen it all was created in the mind before someone got the blueprint and ordered it up from china or wherever the heck they make it right and said yeah i want 50 of those sharpies okay great and then they sent them over they had everything that's a visionary process right there so where am i going with that in your life you can do the exact same thing you are the visionary and it starts with visualization now there's one thing that will amplify visualization because i know right now you're like okay so what i just think of something i want i sit there and then i think of it and i think of it and i think of it that is not what you do there's one massive part of visualization where most people get wrong let's just say you want to manifest your dream job or you're making like a hundred grand or something that was my frame out of college i'm like if i can make six figures man like oh man i'll be living big i'll save i'll get a nice place i'll never worry when i go out to get dinner i'll pick up the checks for everyone and then you realize that a hundred grand when the government takes 30 40 of it is actually 60 and then by the time rent your bills are gone you really have the same amount you thought you would when your bills were all paid for by student loans and and parents and all that anyway rant for another time what i'm getting at here is think of the thing you want okay you want a hundred grand a year job well when you just have it how that's so dry that's like cooking up a chicken breast and you just put salt and pepper on it like that can be done well if it's cooked right but it's better once you add the seasoning to it it makes it your own seasonings are feelings okay feeling is the secret that's it if you take one thing away from this no amount of visualization is gonna matter to you if you don't feel it okay emotions that is what we'll get to in a bit this stands for right here is the e emotion in this visualization equation down there let me give you a personal story okay because let me tie in emotions to this you know you learn better through stories that's how human beings are raised you know ooga booga booga when we're all sitting around a campfire and someone's telling stories that's how myths gets passed down that's why emotions are so powerful because they're charged in stories so back when i was wanting to manifest that 100 grand right i was going to do it through youtube just graduated college was broke depressed in my mom's basement had a degree i didn't want to do anything with didn't know what the heck i was doing and so i knew i saw youtube it was popping off and i saw a lot of these channels i'm like i want to do that i you know i know if i can get an audience and serve them and you know i could somehow get a thousand people to give me a hundred dollars a year and support me and i could give them a product and that was my path to 100 grand so i wanted to visualize it because that was a visionary thing right there so there was this brilliant thing called the youtube silver play button right you've seen this and this to me represents visualization to the fullest what i did is i saw this i literally screenshotted a photo i put it on my wallpaper then i went a step further i'm like why do i want this okay it represents to me a hundred thousand people it represents people are watching my videos it represents all the above right so i went to my wall and i didn't have this yet and i literally drew with like a sharpie where this thing would go i had the photo and i drew it so every time i would sit there i got so hungry looking at that little blank hole where i was gonna hang this thing it motivated me that was a form of visualization every single day a constant reminder okay i'm visualizing it i remember how it was going to feel when youtube gets a package and you have to open it just like you know if you're waiting for something on amazon prime and you really want the thing you keep checking the delivery where is it where is it where is it it was like that when they shipped this to me and finally i got the box i opened it and here we have this and then more recently got the uh the new updated version as well my point here is going deeper into your why of why you want this thing and not just the thing so people treat manifestation they treat goals they treat their life kind of like aladdin a genie in a lamp and they're just wishing for things and then they they think they want them once you have the why behind it that's the missing piece because you have what you have why you have thing you have feeling and then the how will naturally present itself to you so now you're like what the heck what what's the technique clark uh and i'll give you i just gave you one you know i view that youtube thing okay visualizing what you want something that symbolizes it you could tie that into the congratulations technique just a easy name to remember it by neville goddard's the og of it i know i'm going all over the place but let me just explain this for you and tie this into the technique so if you're taking notes you can write this down desire of thing you want that is right here okay plus emotion this is the why plus repetition equals visualization we'll get into some tips for that in a bit back to the congratulations frame think of the thing you want the desire okay next think of why you want it maybe write out 10 20 reasons of why you want it and get to the core feelings of those so for that youtube thing if it's significance okay i'll feel important i'll feel like people can congratulate me yes i know that comes from the ego yes i know it's not necessarily your higher self but it's a motivator it's a good feeling it's a good charge behind it and then revisit it every day so i had the thing i wanted i had the emotion behind it and that little frame was the repetition and then that's how it manifests in your life congratulations can also be used you flash forward to an event let's just say you want to manifest or attract a soulmate or a relationship or love into your life well what is the end result of that you know you want that strong emotional charge with them so maybe you're playing that in your mind maybe it's you on a nice date on a saturday and you're literally picturing yourself there in that moment see how much more real that becomes see how much more emotions you can get out of that see how much more clear you can visualize it in your head rather than some ambiguous stick figure in your mind of love or a relationship right flash forward to the end result of that and sit with that for a while another technique you might want to try again if you're taking notes is another one to write down for you to practice later okay so one over congratulations the second one is identity switching the 2.0 version of you now this one i love geeking out over this it's going to be in our new course we have a lot of stuff like this so there's the saying that you should act as if right you know that saying you got to act as if you are that person and then you will become that person act as if dress for the job you want not the job you have or fake it till you make it you know like that is so prevalent in multiple industries right just fake it till you make it and then eventually people make it well what's the problem there you're faking you feel fake and when you feel fake you're going to have what imposter syndrome you're not going to feel worthy you're going to feel guilty if you get something you might push it away if you feel like you're not worth the amount of money you're getting paid you'll find ways to get rid of it or spend it because you feel money is evil right or you're not supposed to have any or any of that stuff that's where limiting beliefs comes in that's where core stories comes in it's all the roots your identity identity 1.0 of you what if there was a way to be more powerful than acting as if or faking it till you make it what if you could just be as if now i was just reading this right here breaking the habit of being yourself is what joe dispenza coined be as if and in that book that's what he says that everything follows once you go after your root identity everyone's trying to go from the base up actions habits stories emotions that identity right but you got to go from the top down identity if you have a new identity and you're being as if you're going to get new emotions you're going to take new action your stories are going to change and your actions will follow it's like a domino effect okay so that is more powerful so the second technique i want to give you for visualization right here like how does that tie in so you have all the stuff that we just set up the being as if the 2.0 you literally go to your journal this is what i would recommend at the start and write down what you want your dream future life to look like you could do this five years from now it's 12 months from now whatever frame to you gets you the most inspired for me it was 12 months when i did this okay i want you to do that frame the most inspired one now when i did this the 2.0 identity shifting visualization i didn't know what i wanted like i was in gloomy seattle i was born and raised there and this was probably this time last year and i i wasn't depressed i felt that in the past but i was overthinking i was doubtful i had a lot of self-doubts beyond anything i have now i was really self-judgmental i was critical i had a lot of success externally but inside i just felt like i was dragging in my business i didn't really like the niche i was in i didn't like the content i was making it just felt like i was mailing it in i missed that spark i had at the beginning when i was going for 100k you know so fun and new and exciting and it just kind of left so i'm like maybe it's the niche maybe it's my whole location right here i was just ready for a shift and so in my mind i knew something was wrong i felt it that's what emotions are right you feel it i knew something had to change and so i'm like okay what would the 2.0 version of me do how would i behave what would i i where would i live what friends would i have what things would i do and not do and i just made a list of like 20 different things that i knew i wanted to have but i didn't have them or i knew i wanted to be i knew i was capable of but i was settling settling in seattle sleepless in seattle sequel right there and then what i did is i played this scenario i like to think of this as a movie you are the hero of your movie it's you you're the main character okay so think of your favorite movie think of the protagonist and that is you right there as you're playing this movie in your head there are scenes these might be people these might be events these might be locations your goal is to create this movie of your life how you want it to look and right now you're at that turning point okay if you know the hero's journey it's all like pretty much desire conflict resolution return or something like that right so right now you're at like the tipping point where rocky's life is like in the gutter and then you're about to start making kale smoothies blending raw eggs and training like a maniac and then getting the result which comes a little later so get really excited that you're there how do you want the second half of the movie to look get super clear on that where do you want to live who do you want to hang around how do you want to show up in conversations with people do you want to make an impact do you want to start a business do you want to make a certain amount of money do you want to get a new job do you want to attract the dream relationship and what you're going to do is try to create a scenario in your head this is the 2.0 you that's really all encompassing that you want so example for me with this 2.0 technique i would sit down i would close my eyes and i would picture myself living in scottsdale arizona hanging out with friends three times a week running a business where i didn't have to drag my feet where i wanted to make content i was so excited i could learn i had a dog my girlfriend was here it was sunny and i was pulling up to a driveway of my home in a car that i love and there was some more internal things too like feeling fulfilled not judging myself as much it's not just all superficial at the end of my meditations i would run through that visualization and i would feel how it felt to pull up in the car to step out to close the door to walk into my house that i knew i paid for to have an excited dog just come up and be oh my god there you are buddy oh my god i would literally feel that step by step and then i would just play it faster play it faster play faster play faster so pretty soon it was just like that now i'm telling you that not because that's the end-all be-all example right now i'm in scottsdale arizona i have the dream dog i got my girlfriend here i drive my car that yeah it's in the shop now with twelve thousand dollar repairs it's sunny out we're about to go out with friends tonight i have a cool circle i'm creating content and products that are gonna be super successful that i know are gonna help and change you like i'm so on fire for it and that was less than 12 months ago of having that identity flip and really visualizing it and feeling the emotions behind it and writing that down the 2.0 version of you and now i feel on purpose i feel like it's living so that's what i want you to do so those two visualization techniques right we have the congratulations one then we also have the 2.0 u hopefully those are clear enough for you to at least walk away and try those now i know what you're thinking you're like clark okay well i want to try them but how do i know i'm doing them right i want to visualize the right way the most effective way so i'm not wasting my time glad you asked keep watching first question is how long should you do this for how long should you visualize how long is too much how long is not enough if you want a non-cop out answer i'd say five to ten minutes when you're first starting and then if it feels good keep going i say sit there for around five minutes and do this but again the quality is more important than the quantity you can visualize for an hour and it's not gonna be effective if you don't feel it not to sound like a broken record there is a cheat though to make this more effective do you want to cheat all right so i like to visualize at the end of a meditation session i normally try to meditate every day for 20 minutes nothing too fancy just sitting there observing thoughts listening to music doing breath work at the end of my meditative state i noticed that my brain waves start to slow and that's the secret where you can really start feeling you start rewiring your subconscious mind when your brain waves go from like being hyper aware just like stressed out kind of neurotic to just chilling out taking a few breaths and getting to that state now a cheat is you can visualize before you go to bed or first thing when you wake up if you wake up super early it's even more effective like we're talking 4 a.m to 5 a.m because your brain waves are in line with your circadian rhythms throughout the day your sleep wake cycles right when you're more relaxed obviously you're asleep right and so that's when you can tap into your subconscious mind and when it becomes more dominant so before you go to bed first thing when you wake up or at the end of a meditative state when you get your brain in those lower uh waveforms i've found most effective bonus tip it can be a little ambiguous to visualize right i know like you're creating something from nothing it's where do i even start it's overwhelming so most people don't what i would do is go to your journal we have so many journal videos on this channel and i would literally try one of these visualization techniques in a written form okay not just sit there with your thoughts because your mind's gonna go everywhere like a the buddhist call a drunk monkey swinging from branches that's how your mind behaves love that image that's what your mind's gonna do so when you have a journal and a pen to paper i found you're so much more focused and it's easy to walk yourself through then once you kind of have your movie script right you can play it in your head over and over again so that's a hack if you're having trouble visualizing or doing any technique and your mind just goes crazy and you have resistance you're like ah screw this thing and then you just hear about it on youtube videos and you feel guilty for not trying it it's okay don't beat yourself up just try the journaling first and then use that to visualize once you have a little script the last tip would be to try a vision board if you're wanting something with that identity 2.0 method right there i'll link down our vision board video i think it's one of the best ones on here i'm not telling you to go to magazines and clip out you know things and words and stuff although if you want to no judgement do whatever works for you but this is the only vision board method i found where i didn't like feel corny when i was doing it and uh yeah it's just fun you just go to google and you create like a pdf digital vision board i think it's really badass so i'll link that down below it's a lot of fun and it's a full video free on youtube for you go watch that now i'll see you in that video and hopefully this answers a lot of questions about visualization if you have more feel free to post them down below i tried to make this as beginner friendly and thrown some tips for you intermediate and advanced people as well this is what's been working for me again being as if remembering your future becoming the visionary putting emotions behind it knowing that your want plus emotion plus repetition equals your visualization thanks so much for watching see in the next video till then stop settling start living start visualizing see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 34,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to visualize, how to visualize effectively, how to visualize your dreams into reality, how to visualize what you want, how to visualize to manifest, law of attraction visualization, how to visualize anything, visualization meditation, how to visualize to get what you want, how to visualize to achieve your goals faster, visualization technique, powerful visualization, visualization techniques, manifestation visualization
Id: 9JsbUAPau04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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