10 Best Ideas | THINK AND GROW RICH | Napoleon Hill | Book Summary

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if you interviewed 500 of the world's most successful businessmen about how they became successful then you distill that down into 13 principles what would those be this week's book review will look at some of them and Think and Grow Rich what's up guys Clark back from Clark danger calm here with another book review this week the classic by Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich over 30 million copies sold and we're gonna get into this book quite a bit I'm gonna go over 10 of the best ideas from this book and before we dive in any further this book's one of those it's a primary text almost meaning that all the other books coming out now all the other speakers all this noise in 2016 of the internet is all pulling from books and ideas like this one that we're gonna look at between this and how to win friends and influence people I mean there are so many other books that are regurgitating what that what these are saying in a different way so the books Think and Grow Rich this was published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill took him 20 years to compile he interviewed the 500 most successful businessmen of his time and distilled down everything about how they got successful down into these 13 principles that he defines as what you need to do to Think and Grow Rich if you want to get on the path to mastery success riches becoming a millionaire you can use these thirteen principles because it worked for those 500 people and it'll work for you if you apply them one last thing before we get going be sure I said it's every week you're listening for your favorite point what you agree with or disagree with and post it in the comments down below we have a discussion going on this book it's our little Oprah's Book Club down there in the comments um it's one of the most positive places on YouTube without further ado drumroll let's get into the best 10 ideas from Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich idea number one mindset think & Grow Rich kind of sounds like a bad 80s infomercial right um it's not a get-rich-quick book I promise in fact it's the opposite we went over this with Rich Dad Poor Dad again another book that sounds like an infomercial getting rich or acquiring wealth is less about the actual numbers and money in a bank account and more about the person you become along the way to acquiring that fancy way of saying look if you lock seventeen millionaires in a closet and take away all their money and let him out ten years later if there were self-made chances are they have the exact same skills the exact same mindset to acquire the million dollars again so becoming someone who values financial IQ and the mindset behind thinking and growing rich will be the way you become rich the second principle of this book and the second best idea is desire Napoleon Hill calls this a burning desire that you gotta want whatever you're going after in life bad enough to where it's almost an obsession to illustrate this let's look at a point we spoke about two videos ago on ax horn and O Cortes the story goes that when he was conquering the mayans Incans a aztecs someone he had a fleet of about you know hundred ships and the Aztecs outnumbered him a hundred to one so his men seeing this pull up on shore upon arriving to encourage his men or motivate his men he ordered them to burn the ships burn the ships behind him because he knows they're outnumbered on the battlefield and he says alright we're gonna burn our ships because the only way we either fight or we die but we are no way in hell gonna get back on those ships and retreat he burned the ships he went all in he threw it all on the table and said we're staying or fighting or dying but retreat is not an option and the story goes since they were so committed so all in despite being outnumbered a hundred and one they want Napoleon Hill says we need to have that same mentality of burning the ships of going all in on our dreams of our goals of our desires whatever we want and to be so committed that that's the only thing we ever want and we go all in on it I think that narrative exists in our success stories in our own society today I mean how many times have you heard that same narrative a struggling entrepreneur gave up everything sold everything off to pursue his dream that people thought he was crazy in and then he became successful and extremely wealthy and everyone's like oh I knew you could do it all along right how many times have you heard that story over and over and over again I was reading in a People magazine when I was waiting thinking like a doctor's office or something a little story about Steve Harvey before he became this big mainstream television host the Family Feud hosting was it Miss America pageant butchering it um he was struggling as a comic and he slept in his car he didn't have anything he would take shows on the other side of town not have enough money for a hotel room because the show barely covered his gas and food he would sleep in his car and he did that for years decades and then he finally worked his way to getting to where he is now he didn't quit he went all in on his dream and he made it happen he had the burn the ships mentality and so however we're gonna apply this it means we got to burn the ships we got to be committed to make things happen principle number three you have to have faith if we're gonna go all-in we have to have faith that's gonna work otherwise it's gonna be extremely nerve-racking to go all-in you got to be so certain that whatever you're doing if you're an entrepreneur you're doing a business you know it's gonna work and you got to keep revisiting that and a lot of people have this saying you know with faith and going for things that you that you're not all there for yet you know you're striving towards things they say fake it till you make it right have you heard that saying or just for the job you want not the job you have now the problem with that is that you'll always feel like a fraud if you're faking something so the better viewpoint of that and having faith is act as if act as if whatever you want has already happened in your mind and revisit that over and over and over again for instance with this YouTube channel you know I've dreams of being a speaker doing public speaking on stage for thousands I have dreams of having a YouTube channel that hundreds of thousands of people are viewing that impacts lives so every single time I'm creating these con these videos I have that grand image in my mind that I'm working towards one day great example for acting as if you want to get healthy you want to lose 20 30 40 pounds well then act as if you're that healthy person and you'll be on Pat you'll be on the path to becoming healthy ah you know what do healthy people do they wake up at 6:00 a.m. okay start doing that they drink green smoothies eat lots of vegetables okay keep doing that they exercise the the personal trainer okay do that so see how if you act as if healthy person now you're doing everything the healthy person does pretty soon over time you're gonna get the job you want not the job you have in other words act as if you're already that healthy person and everything else is gonna align with you and you eventually will become that healthy person all right principle number four I'm just gonna go over two quotes from this book that are really solid standouts the first one you are the master of your destiny you can influence direct and control your own environment you can make your life whatever you want it to be love that basically saying that at the end of the day we are in the driver's seat of our life we are response able we have the ability to respond however we choose to to life situations the second quote before success comes in any man's life he is sure to meet with much temporary defeats and perhaps some failure when defeat overtakes a man the easiest and most logical thing to do is quit that is exactly what a majority of men do more than 500 of the most successful men this country has ever told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them we're gonna keep going on this um in point number seven basically saying though that if we do want to acquire anything in life any goal achievement success we got to keep at it and you never know when it's gonna actually pay off or happen might be sooner for some people might be way later for you but we got to keep at it and the only way we're never daring tearing we're guaranteeing herself that nothing would happen is if we quit point number five specialized knowledge this is great I love this point because Napoleon Hills saying the way you can become rich is if you are have if you have specialized knowledge and this is more relevant than ever in 2016-2017 whenever you're watching this video because uh there's two kinds of knowledge there's general knowledge so kind of what we're taught in schools and then there's specialized knowledge things that you really have to be an expert or specialist in Seth Godin calls this the linchpin being someone that they can't outsource a good question for this is what what are your unique strengths what something you and only you can do in other words if we want to grow rich be a specialist it pays very well to know a lot about a little you know for instance do you want to go see a general practitioner when your right foots falling off no you want to go see a specialist and so the better people in medicine get at specializing in something that generally gent generally the higher the more money they make you know look at the highest paying surgeons they're not general I do everything surgeons they're no I do the nervous I'm a neurosurgeon I'm a brain surgeon look at some of the elite coaches out there the more and more specialized they are the more experienced they are the more expertise they have in that area the higher paid they are for it so what are you going to specialize in what do you have specialized knowledge in next step two growing rich it takes organized planning the term growing rich the infomercial term you know that can take a lifetime it really can so how do you achieve gigantic goals like working towards anything in life you set smaller goals to keep yourself motivated it's the only way to do it hands down you know you can try everything till you're blue in the face but if you say you want to run a marathon you have to be able to run three four five ten miles before you can run 26 right we know that so if you want to achieve any amount of success in life what are your two three four five six mile goals for whatever big goal you have don't just go after the twenty six point four mile goal because if you try to go for it chances are you're gonna fail and be discouraged and never want to try again organized planning is all about setting small goals hitting them and feeling motivated to continue forward many people watch this channel they've seen the traveling videos we've done on here put up and they say Clark I'd love to travel but I just it it seems like such a big goal tour it's too far off or I feel like I couldn't do it I and they have all these excuses and generally it's it's because they haven't really they're they're seeing it as this giant goal of leaving everything behind going to Southeast Asia for three six months and that in their mind is there's too big of a gap to doing that and what they're currently doing so how do we do that we set smaller goals we say hey what's the first step well it's probably saving up some money okay so start saving money boom now you're closer what's the next step you know it's probably buying a plane ticket and committing and burning the ships okay so you buy your plane ticket boom now you're that much closer what's the next step okay it's probably you know making arrangements with my job or you should probably do that before you buy the ticket you want to keep your job when you get back or having that conversation okay you boom you're that much closer see how each one of those is a goal you got saving money that's a goal buying a plane ticket that's a goal getting time off job that's a goal and those are all little check marks on a bigger list of going off and traveling but if you just said I want to go travel oh my god that's too much work I can't make that happen instead of seeing it as 10 goals you're seeing it as one goal it's way more discouraging lot of you have seen the goal-setting workshop video on this channel so I'd recommend you do that it's about 30 minutes long and if you haven't set goals before in your life I mean this is a phenomenal workshop it's on this channel just search goals or I'll link it in the description below last thing on organized planning chunking setting goals breaking them up into smaller ones my mentor told me he said Clark never leave the sight of setting a goal without doing something towards its attainment so right now if you if you just heard this organized planning a little rant um and you were thinking of something whether it be health whether it be money whether it be uh traveling a business I challenge you right now to do one thing towards that goal that's the first thing you can do to get momentum and then it gets easier and easier and easier and faster and faster what one thing can you do right now to get you closer to that goal if your goal is health and wellness could you sign up for a gym on your lunch break if you're watching it right now to save money could you go open a new account to keep 10% of everything you make in there until you know what to do to invest it okay if your goal is to have a great relationship could you send a text message to your significant other right now so what's one thing you could do right now to get on the path to whatever your big goal is step number seven to thinking and growing rich it takes persistence you know there's that saying that it took 10 years to become an overnight success Bill Gates and outliers the story of success last week we were talking about him that for 10 years he was locked up inside a cubicle grinding away talk about the level of persistence there he had nothing to show for it for 10 whole years and if he had stopped at year 9 he wouldn't have gotten any of the results he got right now but it's because he kept going and he didn't quit at years 1 2 5 7 9 he went all the way to year 10 that he got the results he took it took persistence you know one of my favorite stories is Colonel Sanders from KFC Colonel Sanders had an original recipes for chicken for his chicken fried chicken he went to all these different stores knock knock knock hey I have the best chicken in the world I don't want you to give me any money for all I want is a part of the profits if you decide to sell it and he got a hundred nose 200 nose five seven eight hundred nose all the way up until 1009 nose then on the 1,000th and tenth he got a yes so how many of us we want to quit after a hundred nose I would have five hundred I would have a thousand so he kept going he had the persistence and that's why you see KFC everywhere for all the stories floating on out there about the actor with their big break you know or the musician playing one night club and then the record agent sitting in the audience and gives them a big break now they're making millions for every one of those stories there's five six eight hundred of them that we don't talk about that involve Bill Gates sitting for ten years honing their craft or involved knocking on doors one thousand and nine times before you get a yes there's a level of persistence that's not spoken about in the mainstream and that's why a lot of people can quit because we go in there with the expectations that it's going to be that one thing that one break that one lucky ticket that makes me rich or whatever when in reality if you look at success it has to do with persistence and that's what Napoleon Hill saying and principle number seven okay principle number eight this is the concept of a mastermind the mastermind concepts a really unique one to this book that's been getting a lot of application in today's business world napoleon hill's Hillard here is basically saying you are the average of the top five people you hang around most hang around five people who are negative spend money all the time smoke cigarettes probably you're going to be more likely to smoke cigarettes spend money and be negative all the time if we want to think and grow rich we need to surround our entire life with people who are trying to do so as well and he actually recommends a thing called a mastermind where you get a group of people you know five six seven individuals three individuals however many and you sit down and you take turns either going over your goals going over what you're striving towards and the other seven or five or three however many people you have all contribute feedback back into what you should do or advice so that's a really cool way to pull experience from you know if you got four forty-year-old sitting there well you have a hundred and sixty years of wisdom right there versus just your forty years of wisdom but if you have ten people that are even twenty years old I did this in college I was in a small group of men and we would meet up once a week and hold each other accountable on on various things and there's about ten of us or so so even right there there's 200 years of wisdom in that one group that are all giving you advice obviously in person would be ideal that's the best the second best is online surround yourself with a positive community you know I'm working right now on a private mastermind sort of Facebook group for this community on YouTube so if you'd like to be a part of that let me know in the description below or you can go over and get on the mailing list it's the first link listed below for notifications of how to get on that group but the point of this is get a second opinion get a third opinion get five six as many people as you can to give that you trust to hold you accountable give you feedback and that's going to be a really fast way you can grow point number nine become board you know the title of the book is think and become rich thinking is something I've been thinking about thinking requires almost a level of boredom to get the deep dive of where we actually get get our thoughts in order it takes time to come up with good ideas it takes time to get clarity on what you should do with your life it takes time to make hard decisions and do that deep dive into what you're really here to do and the only way we do that is if we box out the time stop all the distractions turning the phone off sitting in our room maybe doing the journaling session maybe meditating maybe doing something going on a long walk box it out to where you become bored and sometimes your best insights come this way think about taking a long vacation or a trip that flights over where you staring out the window I mean it's boring it's fourteen eight hours pre Wi-Fi that's all you would do say I'll sit out the window listen to music even on a road trip as well and you get you doing this and walking away with a different level of calmness and clarity after all those trips just having that boredom time to myself you know the first hour - you're like oh my god is this thing over yeah this is terrible but once you make it past that fidgeting phase you can do the deep dive in and it's easier to tap into all what you're really here to do so becoming boards a great way you can clarify what you want to do what your goals are the easiest way to do this like to think it's not as boring as just sitting there but pick up a journal start journaling we have tons of free videos on this channel we have the ultimate guide to keeping a journal course which you can go to - my best journal com if you want to learn how to do this with workshops and it's one of the best ways you can become bored by you know forcing yourself to get clarity on these kinds of ideas alright the last thing I want to leave you with is a bit of a success story and a journal workshop - how you can apply all these different concepts and if you want to walk away from this video and do something this is a great journal workshop you can do so what we're about to do is something I have experience with read in the book did in college and a lot of you know the story but there I was I think I was nineteen eighteen or something at the time and I was just getting into kind of the 4-hour workweek entrepreneurial online making money figured out you could do it so instead of going to school one day I got into podcasting and just loved health podcasts loved it um and said once I read this that I wanted to make by the time I graduated my junior year of college I would be making $10,000 of self-generated income off of podcasting that's it I didn't know how I was gonna do that had zero experience I'd even have a microphone and I wanted to do that I set a $10,000 goal and so shortly after I started taking the next step the next step the next step and bought the gear started podcasting I was freaked out because I just spent five hundred dollars on on all this podcasting gear had no clue what I was doing and it was crazy because literally two months after I started doing it I get a call from a guy who ran a blog and they want to bring me on they hired me as an intern to do their podcast for them so right on graduation day of junior year of college I go to my PayPal I remember reading this thing that we're about to do this workshop that I used I remember reading it twice a day once in the morning once at night and I read it on graduation day and I'm tallying up all my paypal invoices and write I kid you not ten thousand and fifty two dollars was how much I made that year so what we're gonna do is the exact same workshop I used to get myself on the path to thinking and getting motivated getting into podcasting so I could do all that it's possible it really is um so here's the workshop step one right now what you need to do either in your journal on a sheet of paper pause this video and go get a journal is to fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire what is it hundred thousand dollars million dollars two million dollars what is the exact amount of desire money you desire step two determine exactly what you intend to give for this money how much work are you going to give for how much efforts are you gonna do for it what are you willing to sacrifice to get it step number three establish a definite date by which you intend to acquire this money buy so what's your what's your goal for this is it one year three years five years ten years twenty years to month so think about that for a little bit all right once you got that create a definite plan to acquire the money and take the first step immediately there you go again never never leave the sight of setting this goal without doing something towards its attainment what's the plan what are you gonna do you know for things to change you're gonna have to change the way you go about it what are you gonna do differently to make this kind of money happen you're gonna work harder you're gonna seek out coaching you're gonna save more you're gonna invest more what are you get what steps you're gonna take put the four items above into a clear concise sentence describing each part for example for example I will be making ten thousand dollars a year of self generated revenue podcasting by the time I'm out of college all right so that's step five then step six read the statement aloud twice daily once in the morning and once at night all right guys so that's it um this works you know there's something to be said about the law of attraction and kind of believing that you can but the first step to anything of thinking growing rich is the thinking part is allowing yourself permission to believe that it's possible that is it's Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill if you want to get the book link in the description below it's an affiliate link so if you click on it I get a small commission if you order from Amazon but it's the lowest possible price and it doesn't cost anything to you it so cool way you can support the show also my best journal com if you want more workshops more journal prompts how to transform your life in under four hours that's over there at my best journal com it's the membership site so proud of it of where we walk you through how to start keep and master journaling the number one thing I've done for my personal growth we've had a lot of people sign up this month and I might might might not offer that in the near future just to maintain the community we have over there on the site so it's still up right now if you want to join my best journal com okay that's it until next time be sure to thumbs up leave a comment down below next week we have David data the way of the superior man you can see I went crazy with this book one of my most gifted books ever a spiritual guide to mastering the challenges of women work and sexual desire so we're going to dive into what that's all about next week until then appreciate your comments support down below in the description I give it a thumbs up and share this with someone who would benefit from it alright until then guys stop settling start living see you next time [Music]
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 688,331
Rating: 4.8522811 out of 5
Keywords: Think and grow rich, napoleon hill, think and grow rich audiobook, napoleon hill think and grow rich, think and grow rich summary, napoleon hill (author), think and grow rich (book), think and grow rich audiobook full, think and grow rich pdf, think and grow rich audio, napoleon hill quotes, napoleon hill 17 principles of success, napoleon hill books
Id: y0PMFipaFzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2016
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