How to use your Stream Deck for Zoom calls

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody uh i hope you're having a great week happy wednesday i just thought i'd do another live stream and chat about my favorite thing in the world which is the elgato stream deck what's an elgato stream deck well i've already done a video about the elgato stream deck link will be above uh but if you are wanting to know a little bit more about how i actually use it in my dated day-to-day process well this is the right video for you to tune in and my favorite person in the world has joined me how you doing amanda great to see you um do you have a stream deck i know that you do a lot of live streaming you do a lot of gaming hello hello great to see you guys so amanda says on my list to buy so keen to see how you use it right well i'm gonna give you all my tricks and i've got some resources to share as well so the stream deck is a product by a company called elgato now i am not sponsored by elgato but i own quite a lot of their products and i just think they're part of me i've got a bit of a tickle in my throat absolutely fantastic so the elgato stream deck is basically what i use every day to manage my productivity but it also is what i'm using to manage my live stream right now so i'm going to show you bear with me one moment so if i want to share my screen right now i am i'm using a live stream software right now instead of me having to go into the settings and everything i can literally click on a button and it will show my desktop i click that twice like a fool um yeah so this is actually my setup right now and these are all the buttons so if i want to um for example share um you know a like and subscribe which i encourage you all to do i can click on that and it will trigger an action but it's not all about live streaming every day i work as a freelance learning designer and i need to make sure that i am productive i don't want to be messing around looking for different icons to do things you know if i want to change my headphones for example from um being on to having my speakers on instead of me having to go and fumble in my settings i can do that as a click action a quick action even if i want to mute my microphone i can do that i can turn my volume up i can turn my volume down it's fantastic so this is generally how i work but day to day you know i'm in and out of zoom meetings and i really wanted to show you my process of how i manage my zoom meetings and how this really just takes my whole production to the next level you know this whole channel isn't for brand new freelancers this whole channel is helping freelancers up their game looking better online and doing better in client meetings presenting yourself in a better way [Music] oh my god we need this at work uh what's that pac-man button you want to see it okay hang on so when i click that this is my screen saver now it's not actually not moving but um it just sits and it just sits and activates a screen saver um so basically i want this all set up so when i have a meeting with a client i click one button it turns my light on it turns my virtual camera on it turns my zoom on to where it needs to be and i'm ready to go without this it takes a bit of faffing around so i wanted to show you how i've got this set up and i've even got an icon set to share with you now elgato have a number of different products let me bring up um chrome so i can share it with you i'm just going to pop this over here um elgato so they just did an actual uh launch of new products which was pretty cool one of them was a new camera um they've got a number of new um arms uh which are pretty cool now amanda knows the wave this is what she uses as her microphone they've got a wall mount light strip um but the stream deck they just launched a brand new mark ii stream deck which i know devlin peck is going to be pretty upset with because he just bought this stream deck right so um i'm going to say ye i got the wave he does have the wave um so stream deck comes in some different sizes uh there's a mini um there is well now you can get this mark ii in america it's not available yet in australia so i've got a um a small stream deck and i've just upgraded to the big one and that is what you basically um seeing here on my screen so they've got lots and lots of products and you know they are generic they are generally focused on streamers but i think anyone who just wants to tighten up their productivity can make the most out of this um so if you can also sign up and get the um a mobile version if you have a stream deck um so that will enhance um your experience you can have it on your phone um okay so i also have a key light and i have a key light air so that's pretty cool um and i also have a green screen but that's nothing to do with the stream deck so you know there's lots of things i mean i also have a multi-mount it's like i'm sponsoring elgato i'm not i just think their products are top top quality so this is the brand that i'm talking about that's and bought the stream deck and we used it for the learning conference last year and it was just absolutely fantastic and i've just enhanced it so today i want to focus on zoom i'm in and out of zoom meetings all day i mean what about you guys um you know could you see yourself using a tool like this to enhance your experience i'll show you some of the things that i'm doing just very very quickly i'll give you a quick um overview of it because the stream deck can do a lot of different things you can open up websites you can open up a application you can do multi-actions which i just love it's my favorite thing about the stream deck and i'm going to show you how to do that um you can use if we just go through this on the side actually i can show you there's integrations with different um products so for example i know that um amanda has the ways uh so she can integrate that in with let's just see have we got ways have i maybe not um wave have i maybe not got it installed maybe not so anyway you can integrate it with all of these different products um i in particular use ecamm live i'm using spotify youtube uh i want to integrate it in with keynote so um to start off with if we just look at the bare bones the system if you didn't have any of these other um products amanda's saying um i have the elgato key light too it's just fantastic isn't it amanda so we just look at the bare bones if you didn't have any of these products how could you basically use it well you know you can see here you can launch a website so if i just jump over here and i type in a website let's just do you know the old google okay um you can see here this is what i've just dragged over here i'm just going to type google and i can format it in different ways i'll show you about icons i've got an icon pack for you as well now if i click on this google you'll see it opens in two seconds right oh god so if you send you the mark two to review then you can keep it this is exactly right i should um well maybe they'll see this video hey um so you know website application absolutely fantastic um i've used this quite extensively for google so again um if i just look in here uh some of the things that i've done this is launching chrome right um this one here is launching my inbox now going off topic a little bit from zoom but what i will say is if you're in a bit of a nightmare situation like me and you have got multiple and i'll just open it here if you've got multiple inboxes you can see all my rubbish here um so what you can actually do is you can set it up right see this mailbox number one or if i go to a different mailbox it'll have a different number so by using this tool it will actually allow me to identify what mailbox i want to open the same goes with my google drive my calendar so inst so my step without this is opening up chrome then i have to open up gmail then i have to select the right um uh the right account that i want to view and it's a pain so now i can just click it with one click again i've got things like uh google sheets i want to make a slide i want to go to i haven't set this up but my youtube channel this again i can put shortcuts in you can see here you can actually do hotkeys and you can not only do hotkeys but you can also do hotkeys showing something is on or off so amanda's just saying i'm a big elgato nerd love the products cam link is a must let's just move this over a little bit i don't know what i've done here um cam link is a what do you say amanda is a must to er for those with dslr mirrorless cameras in which i do as well and tom says um is there lag with the video i purchased a non-elgato el cheapo but the frames like no not at all um all right so again you can see i am using a very simple hotkey um for uh doing these and this is what i'm going to show you with my zoom all right let me just open up zoom for you so i'm gonna open up a few things and i'm just gonna walk you through how i managed all of this with zoom i'm on multiple meetings all day i want things to be just nice easy um streamlined so by default this is what my um stream deck looks like when i want to use zoom i come in here i click that button which if you didn't see it was this one okay uh actually let me just turn on i've got a nifty little tool that's called pro mouse there you go that'll be much easier so if i just go here right this is what i want click on that and now um i can basically show you what i'm doing here so this is a multi-action i'm going to show you this in a second right and i've got some different functions here starting the meeting starting a new meeting okay i want to schedule a meeting i want to join i'm eating so i've thought about all the things that i need and i've basically done that from just looking at zoom so if i open up my zoom profile here pop this to one side can i make this smaller yeah okay let's just do this so i've thought about all the different things that i need we've got amanda helping me out here with questions all right amanda so um before i purchased the camlink i did buy an elgato cheapo it was super laggy also it stopped working after a few weeks yeah so the cam link is a capture card as well now i actually don't use a capture card i use um and this will be another video that i'll do talking a little bit about my setup and what i've got but i use a canon m50 camera that is um i'm using uh the canon web utility and so what that's allowing me to do is use that little bit of software the canon web utility and it's capturing um it's capturing it directly in so i actually don't use a captcha i don't use the elgato cam link um because the canon m50 isn't um it's not a clean hdmi feed anyway we're getting very techy here uh however um but the canon the the cam link is absolutely brilliant so what i did here to to to work with these um buttons is i took a little bit i took a a look at my settings right i'm just making this a little bit cleaner here and i went down to keyboard shortcuts okay so what you can basically do is take a look at all the different keyboard shortcuts that are available and you can map them in so um for uh joiner meeting if i just pull this over here you can see that this this little icon here had a square and a plus now i'm going to show out show you how i made these icons as well but this one here if i just click on it [Music] it's not allowing me to click yeah okay so that one i've just mapped it in so in doing that i wanted to do a hotkey i dragged it over and to assign that i did my command and j okay and at that point i then was ready to create all my icons so the stream deck has a really funky little tool built in that i can actually create an icon um from their stream um from the actual uh product so if i just click here and create a new icon there's this key creator right and that allows me to kind of look and see is there an icon that i'm wanting right and i can just pop it in now i actually have done something a bit different and i'm going to give you an adobe xd file with all of these icons that you can play around with and manipulate and basically recreate what i've done or make make additional ones because they're they'll all be available oh no problem at all tom our pleasure so here we go we've got keyboard shortcuts that we're looking at and i've done my join meeting which is this one now starter meeting so if we just open up that um that initial uh what's this called landing page for zoom you can see here the new meeting is this orange color so again i wanted things to align up with what these icons were right so if i just go to my keyboard shortcut start a meeting right that's what this is okay so the stream deck um actually did do quite a lot of the work for me right so if i just take you i'm jumping around a little bit but hopefully this makes sense um the street the stream deck didn't have a native integration with um with zoom but if you actually click on this little stream deck store this little window opens and you can actually go to plugins and there was one that was called zoom right all you do is you click to install it and it will add this function here on the right hand side now it had a lot of the items already for example if i wanted to mute i could just drag it here and that icon is one of these uh ones that i was mentioning before which was a hotkey switch showing you when it's off showing you when it's on right but not all of the functions were there so for example the functions that i just spoke about for example a new meeting that isn't there joining a meeting that isn't there even scheduling a meeting isn't there um so i wanted to add those in so as far as if you get a stream deck you can take advantage of these ones you literally just drag them in right and the beauty of it is once you are in zoom it will automatically recognize you're in zoom and it will allow you to utilize zoom with these buttons so for example once i finish a meeting in zoom i can literally just click on this icon here and it will close the hole of zoom down but there were some things that i wanted i wanted to add functionality remember you can move this stuff around in whatever order you want etc so i wanted to add on these different ones so i added on the start meeting added on the schedule i added on join and they actually have made a big difference so again i'm just going to close this for a second so if this is me and i'm wanting to do a very quick meeting with let's say amanda i can click on this one and there you go recording in progress i knew that was gonna happen so i can basically click on that i'm gonna do the schedule one it probably looks cleaner um so there you go brings up the schedule meeting i can just create a new meeting very quickly the same as um doing a join i can literally just click in this um new meeting id so it's great uh but one of the things that i uh love the most is how it allows me to get set up in the beginning so if i just click on this very first button i've created what's called a multi-action right so if i go here to my system um sorry uh where am i i've totally lost where i'm up to oh i know when i right click a button i can create a folder right so this is going to blow your mind that's what these basically are right all of these are folders that go into things right so that's a folder there's also this multi-action and that's what this is right so if i look at my actions okay so here this is saying open zoom so if i go to system you can see i've just clicked this so i'm saying i want to open zoom open my virtual cam i want to run the scene which is me right now and i want to turn my light on does that make sense so if i was going to do this again i'm just going to delete these just show you how that can be done right so what i would do is i right click i go create multi-action you can call it something if you want so i'm just gonna go test so you can see it and i start with my actions right so it's saying okay what do you want to do first i want to open zoom so i'm going to go here to my system drag that over and i'm going to choose zoom so let's see where that would be uh undone under applications where zoom click on that open right the next one i want is to open my virtual camera okay happy days then what did i have run scene and control center okay so here i'm going to get my virtual camera and i'm going to run a scene right and the scene that i want is just me and then i want to turn my light on and because it's integrated with all elgato products all i need to do here is click on control center and i can click my light on i can choose to have it off or on so when i start my zoom meetings i click one button it turns on my zoom it turns on my virtual cam it runs the scene that i want and it also um turns on my light so in a simpler term if you're not using a virtual camera you can literally have it open zoom turn your light on if you had a light for example now you can also integrate the steam stream deck with things like philips hue lights so if i just go here and have a look so if i go lights philips hue okay um lifx right so this is a new one um so i use lifx products i normally have a light behind me i can add that to it and they're always adding different products to their suite which i absolutely love so these are uh so if i wanted to do lifx i just literally click install yep too impatient i go back to my stream deck and i should see lifx down here right so if i wanted to turn the device on i can click it and i i'd need to go through the whole phase of discovering the devices but it's so good now how do i make these icons well i've got a bit of a treat for you guys in adobe xd i've gone ahead and i've done it for you so i've got this really cool um [Music] thing that i'm i've shared this through okay and it's called buy me a coffee right so let me just open it for you buy me a coffee all right so if i actually go to my profile you can see that i've got these icons here available for you to download for free okay so all you need to do is click on it and uh i can't do it myself because i'm already logged in but you literally just click on that and it will give you the adobe xd file and you can start creating your own icons right so what have i done here well all of the icons that are on my stream deck i've put here and i just thought i'd integrate um the stream deck with a little bit of an adobe xd tutorial for those of you who've never used it before because i absolutely love it and i want to just quickly show you uh my workflow of how i go through creating these icons and then how i implement them in so we just bring up our uh the stream deck again okay come out of this and i go into zoom you can see that these icons here across the top are um are ones that i've um i've implemented right now the ones that are gray here are gray because they um i'm not using stream deck right now i'm sorry i'm not using zoom right now so just to show you how i created um i created this i'm going to recreate this new meeting as a default zoom icon now i want to show you my whole process here um and it's really not very difficult but when i use adobe xd um i like to use svgs which is a scalable vector graphic as you can basically take these vectors as big as you want you can see that's actually a gif okay this one is a scalable vector graphic so it's super sharp so if i take this to uh 5 000 totally sharp right so i love that so i'll generally look for icons out there that are quite similar to ones that are actually on the system so again if i just jump in and i open up my zoom the maybe are not perfect but they're very very close they're certainly ones that i can recognize just from looking at the screen and that's all it is you can make whatever kind of icons you want if you use the stream deck for actually building your icons they'll be a lot funner than my minor kind of corporate but i like things all looking quite neat but anal retentive with regards to this stuff what are you doing amanda you gotta go all right well come on back and um check it you know check out the video and uh if you guys have any questions as well if you you know if you're watching this on a rerun just put your comment um or your question in the comments below and i'll try and help you sorry to see you go amanda uh so yeah i'm just going to show you very quickly how you can do this so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new artboard now if i just click on one of these you can see i've made them huge 500x500 you don't really need that um once you've created your first board so if i i was creating my first board here i can just drag any kind of size here if i'm not happy with it i can just delete it right now if i want it 500 by 500 i've just click shift to make sure that that's um the same size but if you if you don't do that you basically make a an artboard any kind of size just going to delete that to resize it you're just going to click on it and you're going to go 500 by 500 happy days so that's it um now to change the background of this all you need to do is click on here and here you'll see on the right hand side this fill now i've already got this blue and i know that this is the zoom blue so i'm just going to take my little um color picker and i'm just going to click on blue and there you go all works done i've got that here so i'm just going to call this uh launch launch zoom all right now i've already gone and sourced this icon and i'll show you how i source icons as well but i'm gonna click on this copy now i want this to go in the middle so if i didn't click here and i just paste right command v it's going to click it's going to paste on top of where i copied the item so i'm just going to delete that i want it to go in the middle of this launch zoom so if i basically had something that was wasn't in the middle and i highlight this and i paste it well it's going to paste wherever i picked it up from here it's one of the things i love about adobe xd it doesn't move a couple of pixels it's just perfect so it's pasted where i've picked that up okay if it wasn't let's say it was down there right what's nice is it's got these little um you know it's got these little rulers that will give you an indication of where i just zoom this in so you can see it better here it's just showing you exactly where it's positioned so i'm happy with that icon and i'm happy to put it into stream deck so how do i do that all right so all i'm going to do is i'm just going to highlight launch zoom go to file go to export selected and here i've got an option to put this um in a variety of formats i'm just wanting png but you can do it as an svg pdf or jpeg all right i want it as a p p png and i'm just going to click export and i'm just going to put it on my desktop with my other rubbish all right so let's just open the stream deck again and here i'm just wanting to put it on this test so i highlight this and here if you can see i can actually open the file right or i could just drag it in i'm just going to do it this way since i'm streaming here we go click on there and that's it so i might say well i really don't want it to say test so you can hide the title if you didn't want to you can also align it to the bottom to the top you can choose what kind of font you want even though you don't have a great amount of options right anyway i choose to just turn it off it looks much better and there you go i've got a multi-action here that i can use for zoom so if you decide you want to get a stream deck there's a number of steps that you're going to take to use zoom remember there's already an integration that you can download from the plugins okay so all you need to do is go to plugins go to zoom install it okay come back here and you will open a new folder okay again you probably want a good icon from that well in my pack you've got that so you'll set from file there you go if you click in there you've got a brand new folder that you can come here and start dragging these in and put them in whatever order you want to do okay you then remember you've got this access to shortcuts so if there's some of these that you want to utilize all you're going to do is come on come on over to the system okay and you can do a hotkey so click on the hotkey drag it on and basically click to assign so this one we're just going to do a new join right and you will apply the appropriate icon so for join which one was it this one you're gonna highlight this go to file export selected create your icon export and then you're going to apply that icon just a little trick before i wrap up because i know i've kind of been going on for a while and i hope this has been useful for you i want to start showing you some of the different tools that i'm using in my everyday work they certainly help me with my productivity um i ca um ico moon is one that's very good i actually don't need to download it so i got some of the icons from here so if i just click on ico moon you can see that i've actually got a few of these icons here that are highlighted already so there are some free oops libraries that you can basically um so this font awesome i just added it was totally free and in doing so it meant that let me go back it meant that it added into this system and so anyone that i was wanting to use so for example this camera let's say i wanted to use this i can click on generate svg and more and i click on the camera i can download the svg i'm just going to put it on to my desktop and here in adobe xd let's say i just wanted to make one here that said camera even though there isn't a function that's okay just gonna delete this one here i don't even need to recolor it i just need to go to my desktop get my camera drag it in and because i'm like everything uniformed i've been making these about 350. they have to be absolutely perfect so this one has a height of 350. this one's has a width of 350. so i'm going to make this a width of 350 and i'm just going to click on this little lock so it's not um so it's basically resizing it accurately because this is an svg i'm able to go to fill change it to white and pop that right there and there you go i've got a camera icon so i'll wrap this up with you guys i hope this has been useful i'm going to show you a little bit um some more tutorials in the near future on how i use uh these different uh tools to to do my work uh to keep me productive to look you know pretty good in front of the camera with my clients and so i'm going to do as many tutorials if you jump to buy me a kath ellis you can basically download that whole icon pack for free i'm gonna do some more tutorials in the near future i recently set up my um system with loom because i use loom all the time let me just quickly show you okay so i did an icon pack for loom as well and i made these icons so i'll do a tutorial on that and share my icons as well and hopefully these will be tools that you guys are using every day in your work and they might just add a few minutes to your workflow so i certainly hope so um i'm gonna wrap up uh i hope that you enjoyed this video i hope it was useful if you have any questions drop them in the link below if you've got any requests you want me to show you some more stuff put it out there i'm happy to do so anyway thank you so much for tuning in it's been a pleasure and i'm gonna turn that link off and wrap up have an awesome wednesday uh take care [Music] you
Channel: Cath Ellis
Views: 553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck for zoom, stream deck tutorial, stream deck with zoom, elgato stream deck, stream deck, stream deck setup, elgato stream deck setup, stream deck setup mac, zoom shortcuts, how to use zoom shortcuts, elgato, how to setup streamdeck with zoom, zoom with streamdeck, zoom, zoom video conferencing tutorial, zoom live streaming, live streaming setup, ecamm zoom, zoom with ecamm, ecamm live, best livestream software for mac, ecamm live for mac, zoom icons, download
Id: 8greZy47y_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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