How To Use Trello - Beginners Guide - 2021 Tutorial

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if you want to know how to use trello when you're in the right place my name is sean i help businesses automate and streamline their workflows and today i'll be giving you a full beginner's guide on how to use trello i've been using trello for the past two years and it's a great tool to plan your road maps organize your teams and also note some ideas now i've left some time stamps below so you can skip ahead to the relevant parts that you need to and if you are enjoying this type of content feel free to like and subscribe so you can keep updated to my future videos about trello or other software that i'll be using in future as well so once you signed up with your email address trello is going to take you through this initial sign up process so the first part of that process is to name and create your team so i'm just going to name this team showns showns arsenal all stars and we can create our team type so i'm just going to name this one give it a small business type as well and in here is where you can include the email addresses of your team members so they can actually be included in your teams and then they can see your trello boards as well so i'm just gonna use one of my email addresses for now and we'll use this one here and then we'll hit continue and then at this point it's going to ask us if you if we want to sign up to the business class if you're just starting off i would probably recommend not going into the business class straight away essentially what it does is it gives you things like unlimited power-ups unlimited number of boards and there's a few automation tools you can use in there if you know what you're doing definitely go in and give it a try there's also a 30-day trial so you could use it and kind of see how you get on but if you're just starting out i would recommend starting with the business class getting to know it a little bit more and then you can kind of understand and all those features within the business class will make sense later on um and it's also good for very large teams as well and so if you do have a company with a very large team then you may want to consider it but for now we're going to click on this button below which is start with our business class and we've got this nice work sean's arsenal all-stars are ready for action once we've completed that process it's now going to bring us to its onboarding panel right here and this onboarding panel is really just designed to take you through the motions of how to use trello and it's really there just to try and help you to make the best out of it initially but luckily for you today you have me so we won't be needing this today and what we're gonna do instead is we're going to have a look at this menu here and we're going to click on boards right here and once we've clicked on boards it's going to take us to this new area which is your workspace and your workspace is really the area where you're going to see all your different trailer boards together so you can create multiple trailer boards and use trello boards for different uses so you might want have one for your personal goals for example you might have another one for your social media calendar or you could have another trello board for maybe your product roadmap for example at the top here we can see these templates which are being suggested to us and these templates are essentially pre-made trello boards and that you can use for any of uh your workflows or any of these uses as well so there's a project management template if you need that the cabin one a simple project mode and a remote team hub but for today we won't be we'll be looking at the templates a little bit later on in this video and for now we're going to go ahead and create our own board [Music] we'll just click on create new board right here and once we've created this new board the first thing we need to do is actually name this board so you can name it whatever you wanted for this example we're just gonna go with a kind of small business to-do list so i'm gonna name it just that so i'm gonna name it small business tasks right here and once we've named it you also have the option to pick the background image of the trello board as well so it appears very small here uh but as you can imagine when it gets blown out um it's going to look like one of these images you could pick one of these i normally prefer to pick something quite simple like a mountain background so it's not too distracting or sometimes i like to go for plain colors as well if i know it's going to be quite a busy trello board so we'll just leave that for now and and also the other thing we can also do is we can select whether it's visible to our team or not so if you wanted a private trello board maybe you were creating a trello board for something like your personal goals you could go ahead and make it private so only you can see that board if it's a team board so in this case i'm making one for this imaginary small business and i want all my employees to see it then i'll put it in there and you also have the public option as well and a good use case i've seen for the public option is when a lot of companies are creating public uh product road maps so they could to show to their customers as well so their customers can see that they're actually working on their different feature requests and it makes the customers feel like they're heard as well but you could use it for various uses today we'll just stick with the team and we'll click on create board all right and once we create the board it's going to ask us to switch through but we'll leave that for now and once created our board so now what we're looking at is our first trello board that we have created and this is a very basic complaint one but basic complaint is just what we need for now so we'll start off with what we're looking at at the top we can see this menu here this this button with the four with the grid of dots will just link you to other atlantean products so you don't need to really play with that the home button will just take you back to your workspace that we looked at before the board section will essentially allow you give you a list of all the balls you created so you can jump uh between boards as you're working and then of course we have the jump too as well which will allow you to search up uh any parts of the board a particular card or you could see mentions with a certain team member like yourself as well or another one over on the right we have this plus section right here which will allow you to do things like create new boards or create a new team the i button is just going to give you information from trello such as new blog posts or new tips as well and then this bell icon is where you're going to see all of your notifications and these notifications could be when another team team member has alerted you uh about a a certain card or maybe um you or another team member has been updating cards as well you'll see the full list of what's been going on here and then just beneath that we have this switch view board menu so we'll leave that we could change the title here if we wanted again and then now finally we have our main board and with our main board as we can see right here we have these lists right here and essentially a list within trello is something that is going to help you to keep hold of all of those individual cards and those in you can think of those individual cards as the individual tasks or projects within within trello essentially so in this case we have a simple free list system we have to do so things we want that we plan on doing we have doing so things that we're currently doing and when things are done we can simply move them in there okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to create our first card so we can do that just by clicking add card right here and we're going to create a few a few tasks so the first thing as an example will be create a new logo and then i just hit enter so that's our first card created i'll create a second one uh plan social media twitter posts and then we'll have a third one uh plan next no we'll have create loads of typos create next blog article okay so we have those three cards in here um and that is that is basically how to set up a card so once we've set up the card the interesting part begins once we click on the card now we can start adding things to the card just to make it a little bit more rich so within this create a new logo card the first thing we can see is this description so you can essentially add a few more details so if i wanted to maybe add some parameters about the logo so for example the logo needs to be black and yellow with with a good font we'll just go with that so we've added some details in there um you could do it in bullet points if you wanted once you hit save then we could see the description has been added right here over on the left we have this menu that you can really use to help to utilize your card so the first is the members section and this is where you can add some of your team members into the card so as you can see i have my other account right here in your case it could be your other team member maybe a graphic designer or whatnot and you can add them here just so they are notified about this card and then they can get all of the updates that happen within this card as well the labels feature is another feature i like personally as well and it really allows you to put your cards into different categories and it helps to do this visually as well so essentially what we can do is you can use any of these colors to create a label right here just by clicking on this pencil and see the green tick is colored right there so if we when i'm just gonna name this label design and we'll hit save and now once i select this label we can see this label has been applied to this card right here and the nice thing about trello is when we exit the card we can see the label right there at a glance so that just helps to make things a little bit easier and categorize your tasks as well next we have the checklist feature right here so you can actually use this kind of breakdown your tasks even further into various actions that need to be completed for this overall thing for this overall task to be completed so in this example maybe it will be [Music] create a sketch of a logo confirm the color scheme and maybe create a svg file okay so we can see these tasks have been created here the good thing about them as well is you could check them off and you can see the percentage of the task completion and then the cool thing about trello is once you've completed all the tasks or even if you haven't you could see the checklist progress right here again at a glance and you can also see the team member as well which is nice and handy beneath that we have the due date section so it's really as simple as it sounds you can essentially just add a due date to this specific card so if in this example i just wanted to add in uh maybe we can go with april 3rd you also have the option to add in reminders as well when the deadline is coming up so this could be useful for managing your team members as well and then next we have the attachment section which is also very useful for adding in any attachments or documents that you might need to complete this particular task and i find this quite useful because it really just helps me to have everything all in one place rather than searching through emails or through slack messages as well i can just have everything laid out here so i can go away and complete my work and you can upload stuff directly from your computer or from google drive dropbox or wherever you kind of install your files and then we also have this cover section as well and the cover section is something i also really like because it kind of gives a visual element um to your cards as well so if you're like me and you're more of kind of a visual person it helps to really give some visuals to the card as well so you can kind of see how everything is looking at a glance so uh you can upload your own cover image or you can select one of the preloaded ones from unsplash right here so if for example i'll just go with this kind of space looking image right here and you could select how the kind of cover is gonna look whether the text is gonna be at the bottom or part of it right here and we'll just go with that okay so i'm liking the look of that and then when we exit again so we could see this card right here um create a new logo and it really just helps to add a kind of visual element um to some of your cards i would say this is very useful again if you're a very visual learner or if you're using for the trello board for other use cases as well next we have the power up section so the power ups uh with trello is more of an advanced feature we won't be covering that in this video but essentially what it will do is it allows you to kind of use trello in uh some more boosted ways so there's things like automations um there's a few data dashboards as well that you can use um and also a few calendar um views as well which you can definitely get into um but yeah this is a great feature if you're a beginner i would probably stay away from this for now and kind of get the grips of the basics of trello and then go into that later but if you did have any questions on it feel free to comment below and i'll be happy to answer and then further down we have the butler section as well again more advanced and it's to do with automations and then beneath that we can do we have some of the basic functions as well such as moving the card so you could move so you do have the ability to move it into a different list so let's say if we did uh want to begin this create a new logo task right here you have the option to simply uh move it to a new list right here so we can put it in doing pile and once we clicked on doing when we go back it's in this doing section as well but that isn't the only way to move your card you can just simply drag and drop it as you choose to as well and once we've gone back in there you then you could do things like you can make a photocopy of it uh you could turn this card into a template so i find this is quite useful for repeatable um cards so maybe maybe something like create a blog article if this was something that i was doing every week instead of creating um a new card with the same kinds of checklists all the time i can simply make it into a template and then that will be done from that as well and from here this is essentially the basic version of a trello board in general so essentially what most people do is they will drag it across when they update it into a new stage and then once they finished with it they'll put it in this done section right here some people like to leave all of their finished tasks within this done list right here which is fine and there's nothing wrong with it if you're like me and sometimes i like for these things to disappear so you also have the option to archive it here and then it kind of just removes it visually from your list anyway but if you ever want to go back to it because it's archived you can just search and then it will bring that back up if you need to and that is your basic trello board so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to the home section and we're just gonna go through a few templates as well uh that you could potentially use for your business so the first one we'll look at is this remote team hop on right here and this is a template that's been created by the trello team and as we can see they've used theirs a little bit differently so they have the first list for their team info they have a list for their some of their current projects right here and then they also have one for the completed project so it's not too far off what we've created before and once we click in each of these you could see the description of what's going on with each card and then you can kind of make use of it from there and all of these templates we're looking at are available to you once you've signed up for trello and the second template we'll be looking at is the cavan template right here and as we can see this is designed with obviously kanban a cabin board in mind i like i really like the way they've used the first cards as with visual elements so you kind of know straight away which list is for what and it's a very nice uh visual element instead of just a black and white um card right here and then the cards beneath it are the actual tasks that we can see so we can see the backlog on the leg on the left rather we can see the design section right here we can add some to-do's if we wanted as well and also the thing i like is we also have this you could read a little bit about the template who created it and it gives you a nice description as well and then we'll just go through one more template as well so we'll go through the simple project board and the simple project board is very similar to the one we've created they've gone for a very lively background and you can really the good thing about these templates is you can really see how you can make trello your own uh one of trello's biggest strengths but also one of its weaknesses is that it's extremely flexible so you don't have to use it in the way i've seen it in the way i've used it or one of these templates you can really go ahead and make it your own so in this case they've got they've decided to make a brainstorm section right here they've got a few to-do's doing and then done and then they've got a few inspirational um covers at the top uh just to i'm assuming getting their team a little bit more excited as well all right so that brings us to the end of the trello tutorial if you did enjoy that feel free to like and subscribe and check out my other videos which can also help you to automate your business and streamline your workflow and if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments and i'll be happy to help [Music] you
Channel: Seun's Automation Tips
Views: 34,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trello tutorial, trello, trello tutorial 2021, how to use trello, trello tutorial for beginners, trello tutorial 2020, how to use trello effectively, how to use trello for daily tasks, how to use trello for business
Id: terDz5vNXP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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