HOW TO USE TRELLO | Project Management Software for Beginners (Trello Tutorial)

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how to use Trello in 2020 hey team Stewart here welcome back I hope everyone is doing well and pushing through this global pandemic now in today's tutorial we're going to show you how to use Trello now Trello is a fantastic free project management software for beginners now in this Trello tutorial we're going to show you exactly step by step how to use each feature and element within Trello we're also going to show you how to create a streamlined project workflow for you and your team a simple place to collaborate together Trello is an ideal project management software for individuals and teams looking to stay connected and productive especially during this economic crisis and lockdown now before we dive into Trello and if you're new to this channel consider subscribing and tapping the bell icon and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos designed to help your small or local business thrive online all right that covered let's head over to my computer and let's get started [Music] all right so first things first we need to jump over to Trello comm and sign up now it's free to sign up all you need to do is head over to sign up click here and here we want to create our account so what you can do is pop in your email here or come down and sign up with Google or with Microsoft so we like to keep everything in one place all our accounts and tools in one place so we're going to continue with Google so we're going to click here and here you want to choose the Google account you want to sign up with so we're going to click here and you will arrive at this page and this is the initial setup to get started with Trello so you can start collaborating with your teams and start creating your own project workflows so the first thing we want to do is type in down here the first project you want to work on so for the purpose of today's tutorial we're going to focus on a web design project so we're going to call this project web design and once you've named your first board or your first project or workflow and come down here and click OK so now that we've created our board we've named our project your board is broken down into really three elements you've got your board then you have lists and then within those less we have cards as you can see here alright so now that we've named our project we've named our board as you can see this is our board the green layout here then these elements here these three boxes are what we call less then these tabs here are edgy called cards now with Trello it's a linear format so you work from left through to right so as you can see here things to do things that maybe you need to get done within this project then what are you currently doing what's currently active or what's in progress the next two that we have done so these are projects that are already complete so this is a simple layout of a project workflow so if we come over here and rename these we're going to keep this example very streamlined so as you can see we've got tasks to do so these are tasks we need to complete within web design the next two that we have in progress so once a task is completed we can move there into in progress these jobs are currently being worked on and then we have complete so these are our three less that we're going to work with today task to do in progress and complete and remember this works in a linear format so we work from left through to right so once you have added the names of your lists then we can move on to cards so click down here and here we want to add our cards so quickly let's add our cards for our first list and as you can see we've added our card names under our first list so task to do we've got choose website colors and then homepage so constructing and designing the homepage and then the services page so these are tasks that need to be complete once you've added a few titles to your cards we can click down here now remember you can add more later on this is just to get started so you kind of understand how it all works so once you've done that click here and here you want to add details so this is just a quick overview so for example over here we've got choose website colors now we can add a description at attachments a checklist and we can add comments so over here we're gonna add a checklist item under the card titled choose website colors and as you can see we've added a checklist item called logo colors because under choose website colors we have logo colors that need to be decided and need to be created so that's a checklist under choose website colors so once you've done that you've added a name to your checklist click down here and congratulations you have just created your first Trello board now you understand the basics of lists and cards click here and we can start going through our entire dashboard and there we have it welcome to your first Trello board so we've just gone through the first initial five steps of kind of understanding how to create your board your project or workflow so now what we want to do is head over to our home page before we break down all the elements and features within the board as we can see in front of us now if we head over to our home page up in the left hand corner click here and here is our home dashboard now it's very simple very plain our very simplistic but basically what we have on the left is our boards so if we click here this is where you can see your recently viewed boards or your personal boards down here you can also create a new here now if we pop over to templates here is a chi where you can choose pre-made templates to start designing and building your board for collaboration so again you can have a look at the different featured categories business design education we've got options down here all you need to do is click on them and each one's going to pop up with a whole bunch of pre-made templates or boards that you can use to start designing now you can choose to design from scratch or you can choose these pre-made templates so again we'll pop back to templates we're not going to focus on templates now now let's head back to boards now we're not going to talk too much about templates today because we want to show you how to create your own board because once you understand all the elements and features of creating your own Trello board then you can easily use the templates available to create your own project workflow and place to collaborate so we've checked out boards then we've got the templates and down here if we click on home this is where you can see information in regards to changes that have been made on your boards that you're part of you can see information that's up-to-date what have people added in terms of comments what projects are complete what projects are still under development here you can essentially just see everything that's going on with the boards that you're part of and then if we pop down here we can click create a team and this is where you can create a team to collaborate on your boards with so if we type in a team name I've just typed in our company for the team name and down here you can choose the type of team nurses so for us we're just going to go project management and down here you can type a quick description this is handy if you have a bunch of different teams at different departments working together on different project workflows so I'm going to quickly type in the team description here and that is the basic description we're going to go with then once you're happy with all that information click continue and this is where you invite people to the team that you just made so think about the team that you just made who do you want to be as part of your new team it's all you need to do is add the emails in here to invite the team members and then they can join you and collaborating with your board and working on your project so once you've added your team was here just click invite to team now because this is just a tutorial we're not actually going to create a team so we're just going to skip this for now and here we are at our team dashboard so here you can choose a template to get started with or create a template then we can click on members over here and see who's part of the team we can also invite more team members and then if we pop over to settings this is where you can change your team visibility so for example if I click Change I can choose public or private now you can go public if you like again only the members that you invited to your team can edit your board however your board is going to shut on Google so people can actually see your board it's not private people can search it online and actually see your board and view everything that's going on but they can't edit the information so I recommend keeping it as private you can also connect to slack now select is a great collaboration and communication tool if you're using it you can connect with slack here and down here is just more information in terms of upgrading to the business class plan which is a paid version of Trello which you really do not need unless you have a large team and if we come up here we can also change the profile picture but for now we'll head back to our home page and we'll hit it over to boards and dive into the board we recently created so you understand how it all works so click on your first project board that we just made earlier and welcome back to your dashboard now what we're going to do is just cover all the elements that you can see on your board so you understand how it all works so if we start on the left hand side because as you can see our project so these are our less they work in a linear format from left to right so we'll start up up here again we have the home button here if we click here you can see all the boards that you're currently working on if we come over to personal this is where we can add the team that we made earlier so if we come down here and clicks in do media so we want to make this board visible to the team that we just created or you can create a new team here so we're going to click Edit and now the team that I created earlier Cindy o media can now access this Trello board then if we pop over to team visibility again this is just you can change the visibility of your board so currently it is with the team so all members of the CIN do team can see and edit this board that's exactly what I want so I'm gonna exit out of that and if we come across here this is just your profile over here you can invite individuals to work on your board just like we did earlier you can add an email here or name if you're already connected with them or you can create a link and send that to a team member for them to access this Trello board then all you need to do is see an invitation so we'll exit out of that if we head over to the right-hand side this is the butler and it's quite good it gives you oughta mated tips to essentially help you out when you create and design your board so we'll exit out of that one then if we head over to this plus zone on the right hand side you can create a board you can create a team or you can create a business team so this is when you have the paid version so we'll exit out of that this is just all the notifications of all the activities that have been happening on your board so we'll exit out of that one so if we click on your profile here this is just basic profile information settings visibility activities cards and then if we head over to show menu this is where we can change a few important things about this page this is where we're going to start creating and customizing our Trello project board so the first thing we want to do is add a description to our board pop down here and add a quick description so that your team members understand what this board is all about and once you've added a basic description come down here and click Save then click return and pop down here and let's change the background now you can choose images by clicking photos and you can choose any of these now if we come back up here and click back now I like to choose colors because it's a lot easier to read what's happening on the Trello board especially when you start having more lists and more cards it gets quite confusing it's hard to read when you have all these different patterns in the background so I'm gonna choose a basic color I like the look of blue and then I'm gonna pop up here and click back back again and if we pop down here we can see that activities of changes made on this board so I'm gonna hit up here and click it's alright now with all those elements covered let's start working on our Trello project board so let's working on our lists and our card so you have an understanding of how you can create your own project workflow so like we mentioned before your Trello board is broken up into really five areas you've got your board here which you can see then we have less so each of these three tabs here are called less then these elements here are what we call cards now within each card if I click here these are elements that we can add to the card so in the beginning we actually added a checklist logo color so this is what we call an element within cards and you can add others here which will go through soon then we have actions or activities so actions are essentially just completing a checklist just like that or coming down here and adding a comment and these are what we call activities and those are really the five things you need to understand to really efficiently create a Trello board so you've got the board itself then you have less cards elements and then activities so now let's break down these five elements a bit more so you have an understanding how to create your workflow so we'll exit out of that again firstly we have the board here and then we have our less so we've got tasks to do in progress and complete so for example under this list we have a card now if I click on this card we have a checklist now you can add other checklists down here for example I'll add website theme color and click Add and then I can jump out of that one out of the two checklists are complete so what I can do is I can actually move this under progress because it's in progress you know we've completed one out of the two elements so it's already been started and it's in progress and then for example if someone else clicks on this card and they complete the web theme color 100% of the checklist is complete and I can exit out of this and that individual someone in my team or myself I can move and drag that over to complete and now I have one card that is now complete so it's as easy as that all you need to do is drag and drop now you can also come across here and if I click on this list I can come down here and add a description and I've just written in the description here we need to complete the three areas to the homepage so I'm going to click Save and then over here I'm going to come down and again you can add members you can add labels so I'm going to click labels and then I can come down and click this red and eat it now I'm going to say this is urgent and then click Save and then I'm going to click on urgent and as you can see that's a label and you can add as many labels as you want here or you can pop over here and click add label so that is urgent then again we have checklist song and add three checklist here you can add a title for example checklists for completing homepage and in click add and there we have our checklist now within that checklist there are three areas to the homepage so I'm going to add them down here and I'm happy with those three elements here so remember you can add anything you like think about your project and think about how you want to break it down so this is the home page we need to complete it fast it's an urgent part of the design process we've got a description here and then these are the three checklist the three things we need to get completed in order to finish the home page checklist for completing home page then we can add a due date so for example I could go a week up from here and then down here you can add a reminder so I'm going to say two days beforehand and this reminder will be sent two days before and it will be sent to all the members and watches of this card that we're working on so I'm going to click Save and as you can see we've got the date up here if we come down we can add an attachment we can change the cover so if I click cover we can add a cover I'm going to click productivity and then click this and I'm happy with that cover again another great thing about Trello is you can make it extremely visual very appealing for individuals to engage with which just makes the project a lot more fun and more enjoyable to work on again if we come down here this is part of the paid plan and then we have moved so we can actually either drag this element over to in progress or we can click move if we click move we can choose where we want to send it to so if I click here it's going to move it to in progress or we can choose down here so I'm going to leave that as it is for now then we can copy this card we can make a template we can watch it archived and share so again if I click here let's say we have completed 67% of the home page now what I want to do is move it over to and progress so I'm going to click yeah and if I exit out of this card you can see that now this card is in progress because as you can see two out of the three Chiklis are complete this is the date here and again if you want more information you can just click on the card and here is all the information you can add a comment down here just like that and then click Save and then we have a comment so I'm going to exit out of that so as you can see if we come over here to tasks to do we've got one card or tasks that hasn't been started yet if we move over to this list here in progress we've got one card there's in progress that's nearly complete and then on this list here we've got another one card which is already complete as you can see it is complete here then we've got the label here which says urgent so as you can see it's very creative it's very colorful it's very easy to create a project workflow all you need to do is create a list then under the less you have cards then under each card you have elements like Chiklis the date comments and then with that your entire team can interact with your project they can act on each task and everyone within the team can see what has being complete they can add information and the entire team can collaborate more efficiently together with Trello now if we head back to the home page and we pop down to home this is basically your timeline to see everything that's been happening you can see important elements like the due date you can see changes that have been made or comments that people have written and you can add information for example you can reply or add an emoji to these activities here and if you want to head back to your board all you need to do is click on your board here and that is everything you need to know to really start interacting collaborating and creating your first Trello board so you can start managing your projects a lot more efficiently or create and more visual again this is going to be great when a lot of the workforce around the world is going to be based at home so give it a go take some time to go through your board your less your cards and all the different elements and activities and that way you'll start understanding how Trello works and after you've created your first board or two then you can start using the templates we talked about earlier and you can start customizing those the way that you like and that is how you use Trello and that is basically at understanding how to get started with Trello if you have any questions make sure you pop them down below and if you're interested in joining our small business community make sure you click the link in the description below this video sign up with your email and you'll receive valuable tips advice tutorials directly into your email and with that said make sure to subscribe to this channel hit the thumbs up and I will see you in the next video take care [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 206,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use trello, project management software, trello tutorial, how to use trello in 2020, free project management software, trello tutorial 2020, trello tutorial for beginners, how to use trello for project management, getting started with trello, trello, project management, trello beginner tutorial, stewart gauld, trello boards, how to use trello boards, how to use trello for beginners
Id: WlzWKP0Dp3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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